I recently started having major lag issues with ESO. My ping won't sit still. It will be fine, then jump to 450, or even sometimes 1000s+. I thought it was my guest WiFi network hogging my bandwidth, since I let my neighbors use it. I turned it off and there was no improvement. I thought my QoS features were not working, so I bit the bullet on a long-overdue router upgrade and bought a Nighthawk x6 router. No improvement. Maybe it was Netlimiter? Nope. Link aggregation? Nope. Nothing was solving it.
I tried pinging my router for an hour and it never went over 1 ms. That tells me there is no problem on my PC, my switch, my router, or any wiring between them. I then tried pinging various websites such as google and steam and had similar success, with pings from 20 to 50. That tells me my modem and service speed are not to blame. Speedtest has consistently shown roughly 120 down and 12 up with 13 ms ping to a nearby city.
The only issue is ESO. I'm curious if this is happening to everyone or if there is something going on between my ISP (TWC / Charter) and the ESO servers. I need to know if I should give them a call.
Oh, and I almost forgot, this is happening at two locations. My home and another place about 20 minutes away. They are using different networking hardware and configurations but the same ISP.
Edited by jrgray93 on April 4, 2017 6:16PM EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job