Being so tanky that you seems to be immune to any dmg isnt a problem, tank should be tanky, problem is that you can do this forever especialy stamDKs with their ulti synergies.
DPS vs Tank shouldnt be an infinite battle. But in current state it looks like that:
Tank takes very low dmg, so he can heal up easy and can sustain ad infinitum. Deals lower dmg.
DPS can do some more dmg than tank, but due to his low resistances and hp it seems that tank has better dps. DPS can heal from 30% hp to 100% in one skill cast due to high resource pools. He needs to be very cautious as he can get killed very easy especialy by gankers and proc sets.
Its not as simple as just nerfing blessed because its just one of the conditions when talking about tank vs dps fights. We all have access to heals, nerfing blessed wont hurt tanks as much as DPSs will. Why? Tanks take less dmg, most of them have access to major mending, bonuses to healing taken and recieved, blessed is just an fraction of total heal buffs for them while 10% from blessed is in many cases only heal buff for DPSes. Im not saying its a bad idea, but it can have worse results than intentions.
In general playing DPS requires more skill, it bases more on active defence than passive mitigation, one mistake can lead you to death while at the same time you make no real threat to tanks as you cant kill them as fast.
So you've never ran into healing springs ?
Isellskooma wrote: »I'm looking for a 2vX partner that runs Fassalas. I really prefer a DK with reverb, 100 into reduce healing, and place a meatbag everytime I fight people.
I wouldn't honestly say springs is overpowered, I would say BoL is. the burst heal is far more significant than it is on springs. Okay sure springs hits more people etc, but bol spam is much worse as the animation cancel on top of the animation speed + actually hit of bol itself on the player using it is much faster and heals way more.
The biggest problems with healing I see atm is remembrance mostly because of the damage reduction(which will be even more ridiculous with warden when it shows up) and BoL.
thats just me though, you'll probably disagree based on your post.
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »
There's nothing more to say really. Healing got a ton of counters outside of CP, whereas e.g. dodge-rolling got 0 cp-counters.
Also, if you think tanks are an issue in PvP, think about why people built tanky in the first place. To counter all the people running around in double-procsets & stacking weapon damage. You can't blame tanks for being tanky, when that's the only means of countering the perma-dodgerolling double-procset-stacking players.
+ If someone's too tanky so you can't kill them(which makes sense.. i mean, you don't go full tank-mode in reactives + malubeth, expecting to be killed by one single person. When people build like this they can't kill you anyway). If I run into a 60k HP tank in Cyrodiil, take it as a mobile ultimate generator & just move on.
Another "Nerf PvP but primarily hit PvE" thread. I would like it to see how you beat really hard PvE content with tanks and healers who have been deprived of Blessed. And the DDs are usually the ones that croak
Kush, there's literally no point in coming to the Fourms, 97% of people don't know what balance is. All you're gunna get is like dumb 200cps who bought the game yesterday telling you, you're bad, etc.Since I see many do not agree with me I have proposed something else ? Why not just make befoul more viable in the champion tree ? I come to these forums to make solutions not to tell people they don't know what they're talking about because I feel my build will be nerfed
Joy_Division wrote: »Another DPS player complaining about healing ... but doesn't have a problem with dodging or shielding or other means that players can be invincible that has nothing to do with the champion tree. Wait, check that, dodging does ...and where exactly in the champion tree is my counter to tumbling? Oh yeah, there isn't any.
So let me get this straight, these builds in your own words aren't even focused on DPS, meaning they can't kill you ... which is OK, but they fact you can;t kill them either somehow is a problem. Mmmmm, ok, I totally get what you want. The DPS should be able to kill the tank by herself even though the tank can't do any damage to to do the same to the DPS.
You don;t like people healing? Run a disease enchant on your weapon, use reverberating bash, pick an armor set that has a healing debuff component like Fasalla's Guile, use ultimates like Incapacitating Strike, group with a templar friend whose Dark Flares heal debuff cannot be dodged, tell PUGs to run a meatbag catapult, etc. And guess what, pretty much all of these stack! Healing has counters upon counters outside the champion system, it's just that people have to do the unthinkable and build for something aside from moar DPS. So they don't want to do that.
Instead they come on to these forums and petition ZoS to nerf stuff they simply can't burst down through pure damage.
Since I see many do not agree with me I have proposed something else ? Why not just make befoul more viable in the champion tree ? I come to these forums to make solutions not to tell people they don't know what they're talking about because I feel my build will be nerfed
Joy_Division wrote: »
The thing is we aren't dumb, we aren't noobs, and we aren't just concerned about our own builds.
I don't think you have given enough thought to identifying what you perceive as a problem and I think your proposed solution is overly narrow.
There is more to "invincible builds" than healing. Period. Yet that is the only thing you want to nerf. How in the world is that balanced? In your mind, a templar who casts a 10K breath of life is a cancer, yet the sorcerer who casts a 10K shield is somehow fine. No, sorry. You're oversimplifying. Especially since the game already provides many counters to that templar who casts a 10K breath of life and hardly any for the sorcerer who casts a 10K shield.
You just come across as one of those many many potatoes I see in cyrodiil who spam DPS skills at well known tanks and continue spamming away when it is apparent they aren't dying anytime soon - or are even a threat to your health bar.
There is already a counter in the game to these builds and it has nothing to do with the champion system: use your brain. Walk away from the perma-blocking DK or the reactive Healbot Templar and actually target other players capable of scratching your health bar.
Because most players are DPS and feel entitled to be able to kill stuff - easily apparently - even though damage being out of control, that is not somehow a "cancer" but the ability to mitigate or survive through that damage is. Not too much a bias is there? I run into those "invincible" builds every night I play and I do not have a problem at all with them, even though I am utterly incapable of killing them. I simply move on to what i deem more pressing targets. It's fine. I can't kill them and they can't kill me.
Pretty much this ^^Joy_Division wrote: »There is more to "invincible builds" than healing. Period.
And this ^^Joy_Division wrote: »In your mind, a templar who casts a 10K breath of life is a cancer, yet the sorcerer who casts a 10K shield is somehow fine.
Another "Nerf PvP but primarily hit PvE" thread. I would like it to see how you beat really hard PvE content with tanks and healers who have been deprived of Blessed. And the DDs are usually the ones that croak
Joy_Division wrote: »
The thing is we aren't dumb, we aren't noobs, and we aren't just concerned about our own builds.
I don't think you have given enough thought to identifying what you perceive as a problem and I think your proposed solution is overly narrow.
There is more to "invincible builds" than healing. Period. Yet that is the only thing you want to nerf. How in the world is that balanced? In your mind, a templar who casts a 10K breath of life is a cancer, yet the sorcerer who casts a 10K shield is somehow fine. No, sorry. You're oversimplifying. Especially since the game already provides many counters to that templar who casts a 10K breath of life and hardly any for the sorcerer who casts a 10K shield.
You just come across as one of those many many potatoes I see in cyrodiil who spam DPS skills at well known tanks and continue spamming away when it is apparent they aren't dying anytime soon - or are even a threat to your health bar.
There is already a counter in the game to these builds and it has nothing to do with the champion system: use your brain. Walk away from the perma-blocking DK or the reactive Healbot Templar and actually target other players capable of scratching your health bar.
Because most players are DPS and feel entitled to be able to kill stuff - easily apparently - even though damage being out of control, that is not somehow a "cancer" but the ability to mitigate or survive through that damage is. Not too much a bias is there? I run into those "invincible" builds every night I play and I do not have a problem at all with them, even though I am utterly incapable of killing them. I simply move on to what i deem more pressing targets. It's fine. I can't kill them and they can't kill me.
LeifErickson wrote: »
I think his point is that you use to be able to kill anyone in this game solo. Now a solo player can run into a ton of builds that he can never kill by himself. And whether or not you think that's better or worse or balanced, it doesn't change the fact that it's too easy. It's actually *** how easy it is to tank and heal in this game. I have literally taken full fear ccs with 6 people on me and lived through it on a tanky build I use to play. I even purposely took a meteor to the face along with the attacks of all the other people around me because I knew I would be fine.
A pve player at capped cp can come into pvp having never done it before and literally never die. By that I mean it takes no skill. I see more and more scrubs every day that I use to destroy but now they are literally unlikable 1v1. It is just too easy. In order to survive against another player(s), it should be because you are better than them.
cschwingeb14_ESO wrote: »PvP healing wouldn't receive so many Nerf attacks if there was any real counter to healing build. Don't talk to me about Defile. I used to run Fasallas and reverb bash with 40 cp points in extra heal debuffing. Fasallas is unreliable against a healer.
Heal debuffs and buffs do not stack the way you think they do. I have not tested it out completely, but some heal buffs seem to be additive with heal debuffs. IE, cancel each other out
On top of that, heal debuffs are relatively hard to access, and the main healing class can remove both heal debuffs and resource poisons with one cheap ritual.
Yes - but then the issue is in general, not only with healing per say, as he pointed out.
You said it yourself - you were full fear CC'd (hence not in a position to spam BoL or whatever).
Don't get me wrong - I too think healing is over the top in certain situations, but many things are, not just BoL like some people make it sound - vigor on a stamDK, shield stacking with high mitigation on shields, blocking.
The issue comes in with how do you nerf one thing for one spec and not just completely nerf another class - like medium armor stamNB heals, for example.
AKA - you can't just flat out blanket nerf.
@Lord_MK Are you Morning Kush?
Personally I don't agree with removing blessed. Maybe cutting it down to 15% instead of completely removing it. As a stamnb without major mending we need as many healing buffs we can stack.
LeifErickson wrote: »
I think his point is that you use to be able to kill anyone in this game solo. Now a solo player can run into a ton of builds that he can never kill by himself. And whether or not you think that's better or worse or balanced, it doesn't change the fact that it's too easy. It's actually *** how easy it is to tank and heal in this game. I have literally taken full fear ccs with 6 people on me and lived through it on a tanky build I use to play. I even purposely took a meteor to the face along with the attacks of all the other people around me because I knew I would be fine.
A pve player at capped cp can come into pvp having never done it before and literally never die. By that I mean it takes no skill. I see more and more scrubs every day that I use to destroy but now they are literally unlikable 1v1. It is just too easy. In order to survive against another player(s), it should be because you are better than them.
Packed up?LeifErickson wrote: »
Did I just get razzle dazzled?
Tearing up your siege lol. Anyway.Sure you can ignore that unkillable guy, until he's standing on a flag, or tearing up your siege. The fact is he shouldn't exist. I'm not saying "OMG DPS should be able to one shot everyone DUHHHH." I'm saying 30 minute 1v1 fights with no winner suck. I've had no less than three this week. Maybe we should be able to settle it in ten minutes or so?
The problem is block, shield stacking, and too much healing. The fixes are simple, but the forum warriors won't ever accept it. Everyone thinks that OTHER guy's only defense needs a nerf. They all do.
Metemsycosis wrote: »It's a 3v1
Blessed, elfborn, quick recovery