Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Vet Maw of Lorkhaj - Broken on Xbox One AGAIN!!!!!

  • BWatch
    We ran Maw tonight but we had 6 or 7 DC on first add pull, 4 on first boss, a couple of 2nd add pull and 2 on rakkhat, including main tank who had the pad buff so that was an automatic wipe.
    Did hardmode AA afterwards and had DCs as well.
    Edited by TARAFRAKA on February 23, 2017 3:42AM
  • a_Beautiful_Mind2
    Completed vMOL vet tonight with several DC's on add pull before first boss (5), on first boss (4), add pulls leading up to second boss (4), last boss (2). Dromathra was in there tonight from 8pm-920pm.

    GT: JessicaRae88
    Xbox One
    Character: Healer Banrion (Templar Healer, High Elf)
    ~Healers Matter Too~
    Completed vMOL vet tonight with several DC's on add pull before first boss (5), on first boss (4), add pulls leading up to second boss (4), last boss (2). Dromathra was in there tonight from 8pm-920pm.

    GT: JessicaRae88
    Xbox One
    Character: Healer Banrion (Templar Healer, High Elf)

    Jess, we did good tonight despite the DCs though.
  • Orbital
    I see Na server has been taken down for maintenance But not EU server ??
    Regardless I hope his is fixed for you Na. In the meantime I'll be waiting for EU (see you in June Rakkhat)
    Edited by Orbital on February 23, 2017 11:01AM
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • DPShiro

    It's game breaking for the Trials community and we can't play the content that we are interested in. So many players are not even logging in since the update.

    I have sent tickets/reports about this, atm the game is completely unplayable!

    This really needs a hot fix/emergency maintenance or simply roll back the servers to before update.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Tostiee
    Orbital wrote: »
    Tostiee wrote: »
    Hel Ra is broken aswell on the second boss like before with the day/night cicle and on top of that HM AA is broken now aswell. On hard mode AA at burn phase Atro's etc keep spawning and meteors keep dropping..

    I've heard about this in AA apparently the axes magically de-aggro also. this is game breaking for me and a lot of my friends,
    one has already quit :( trials/leader boards are the only reason we play this game.

    Yeah its just stupid, this is why we need a PTS on console. We probably have to get used to this for another 3 months like before..
    Xbox One EU
    CP 1000+
    vAA HM - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS +2 Immortal Redeemer - vCR +3 - vDSA - vBRP - vMA
    High Elf Sorcerer AD (DD)
    Breton Templar AD (Healer main)
    Redguard Templar AD (PvP)
    Breton Nightblade AD (DD)
    Redguard Dragonknight AD (Tank)
    Redguard Templar EP (PvP)
    Breton Warden EP (Healer)
    Dark Elf Dragonknight DC (PvP)
  • DPShiro
    Can we get any input / ETA on a fix?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_RichLambert

    Half my guild is not even logging in anymore since we can't play Trials!
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Jsmalls

    That's because there are no real incentives to raid... Not really done for profit, raid gear is really only useful for raids... And takes an extreme amount of group coordination with no real reward. I stopped running raids when everything became group bound.
    Edited by Jsmalls on February 23, 2017 11:23AM
    Jsmalls wrote: »

    That's because there are no real incentives to raid... Not really done for profit, raid gear is really only useful for raids... And takes an extreme amount of group coordination with no real reward. I stopped running raids when everything became group bound.

    Yea i know. I literally do it for the thrill but i did take a break back when they made gear BOP.
  • Orbital
    Jsmalls wrote: »

    That's because there are no real incentives to raid... Not really done for profit, raid gear is really only useful for raids... And takes an extreme amount of group coordination with no real reward. I stopped running raids when everything became group bound.

    High scores and BiS gear is incentive, not to mention literally millions in gold through plunder
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • DRXHarbinger
    Orbital wrote: »
    Jsmalls wrote: »

    That's because there are no real incentives to raid... Not really done for profit, raid gear is really only useful for raids... And takes an extreme amount of group coordination with no real reward. I stopped running raids when everything became group bound.

    High scores and BiS gear is incentive, not to mention literally millions in gold through plunder

    How are you making millions?

    @ZOS_Finn please can the changes to the lighting be rolled back. Our pauper spec machines can't handle it. The game does look a lot better granted but please.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Orbital
    Orbital wrote: »
    Jsmalls wrote: »

    That's because there are no real incentives to raid... Not really done for profit, raid gear is really only useful for raids... And takes an extreme amount of group coordination with no real reward. I stopped running raids when everything became group bound.

    High scores and BiS gear is incentive, not to mention literally millions in gold through plunder

    How are you making millions?

    @ZOS_Finn please can the changes to the lighting be rolled back. Our pauper spec machines can't handle it. The game does look a lot better granted but please.

    save up plunder and sell.. rocket science i know
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • Orbital
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Can we get any input / ETA on a fix?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_RichLambert

    Half my guild is not even logging in anymore since we can't play Trials!

    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • Beware13
    @ZOS_Finn Thanks for responding quickly! Let us know if you need anymore info!
    [XB1][NA] 805 CP - 8 Max toons
    [PC][NA] 351 CP - 4 Max toons

    vMA Flawless • vMoL • vDSA • vAA HM • vHRC HM • vSO HM
  • DPShiro
    Any progress on this?
    I know we are severel who have sent detailed reports.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Vuzion
    Beware13 wrote: »
    @ZOS_Finn Thanks for responding quickly! Let us know if you need anymore info!

    I sent him a PM with a BUNCH of info, I hope he gets around to reading it. The game is so boring without raiding. :'(
  • Orbital
    not letting this die,
    any news yet?
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • SneaK
    Guys, they solved the problem, that's why they're taking champ points out of PvP next week.

    -ends sarcasm-

    FIX THE SERVERS, this isn't restricted to any portion of Tamriel, the whole entire game is broke af on Xbox.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
  • Vezuls
    @ZOS_Finn Any idea what the problem is? Competitive trial raids are dead on xbox because of this bug, and even running trials is kinda dead because of the DC's and lag spikes..

    The last thing we want is to have to wait an extended period of time to play the content that we love....
  • Orbital
    Vezuls wrote: »
    @ZOS_Finn Any idea what the problem is? Competitive trial raids are dead on xbox because of this bug, and even running trials is kinda dead because of the DC's and lag spikes..

    The last thing we want is to have to wait an extended period of time to play the content that we love....

    i have a feeling were going to be waiting until June
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • Attackopsn
    Finally got my guild back into vmol today, 11 crashes before first boss. PS4 NA.
    Edited by Attackopsn on February 24, 2017 5:14AM
    ign: ATTACKO
    PS4 NA
    First NA Completion of VMoL Hard Mode

  • Vezuls
    Can any other Playstation players confirm that they have the bug as well?
  • DPShiro
    Can we please get some feedback when a fix is coming???

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_Finn

    Our Trial guild can't play the game at all! In fact we haven't been able to do a single trial since the update due to all these bugs.
    If this had been happening to houses, PVP or role players this would have been hot fixed the same day!!

    Are you trying to push away the end game community even more?

    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Orbital
    PS4 also? thats just WONDERFUL.
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • Izaki
    No fix even with yesterday's downtime on XB EU? Well... I just hope that it gets sorted for next week...
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Vuzion
    Come on Zenimax... do something
  • jkolb2030
    Yup, entire 12man group DC'd about 3-4 times each before the first boss.. All at different times, some before the first boss door, some during the first boss fight, and some right after boss died and we were in the chest room..

    Then random DC's here and there all the way up until the twins boss.

    MoL is horribly broken right now, not even enjoyable to run on normal with new guild members.
  • DjMuscleboy02
    Unless we come up with a really elaborate back story as to how this bug is ruining our roleplaying experience, I don't see this issue being resolved anytime soon.
    Brodor - PC NA - ESO's only pure bodybuilding guild
    Hodor, but stronger
  • Lexxypwns
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Thanks for the reports guys. For those that experienced a disconnect, would you please PM me your character ID, platform and time the disconnect occurred?


    hope that helps ;)
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