NightbladeMechanics wrote: »I think making the battlegrounds XvXvX is a genius move.
Fights between two teams devolve into the two sides posturing against each other across an open field until one side lines up a one shot on an enemy member.
If one team swings back to use terrain or draw the enemy team into close quarters or something, the other team just backs up into the open and says "no, you come to us or we won't fight."
In an XvXvX scenario, one team can dip out of the engagement to break away from the second, but then the third has an opening to engage on the second. The second group will want to pursue the first to finish someone off before turning to defend against the third. Or, more importantly, the second will withdraw in a different direction to avoid being caught between the first and third groups, and then any group that does find themselves caught between the other two will find themselves promptly collapsed on. Terrain and mobility will become more useful, as will sharp maneuvers.
TLDR: XvX mimics dueling mechanics on a slightly larger scale -- i.e. line of sight and terrain lose their importance and inhibit the fight because groups can sit in a field and just say nope. XvXvX mechanics will more closely mimic open world encounters where groups can maneuver to draw the other two groups into fighting each other in order to dip out of the fight and reposition themselves.
I'm excited for this.
I like the concept but i don't think it's gonna be anything other than Templars and tanks guarding eachother.