Is The Player Base Really This Split?

So I'm in Auridon, and heading toward the stable to do my mount upgrade for the day. And I get invited to join a group from a random. I accept, and get asked if I'll help with Veteran Imperial City Prison. I say that I'll help, but this was prior to looking at the group composition (mind you I'm on my StamDK). And then the dialogue occurs that is just flat-out disturbing.

The host then says how he needed a group of people to help him beat it, as a month-old pledge he had which he wanted completion for. And how he was thankful that the 3 of us agreed to help. 1 of the other damage dealers then proceeded to ask why the host wanted to do VICP, as that was the second hardest content in ESO to date. With Veteran City of Ash 2 being the absolute hardest dungeon in the game. I thought they were joking, and asked them to quit trolling. And was immediately snapped on by the DPS who made this claim stating how only a handful of people have beaten it. Confused, I go and check the levels and see that I'm the highest CP person in the group (561), with the others having: 77, 112, and 12...

I then ask them why they were aware of the group composition, and was then told how the pros do dungeons with all damage dealers and how healers aren't really needed nowadays for any content. Nor tanks. And how VICP and VCoA2 were DPS races. After hearing that, I say that I'm going to drop group and proceeded with telling the people in that group, "Good luck."

WTF? Why? Just... Why? Where are these players coming from that think like this? I don't understand. I really don't. Granted I hardly group-up with people I don't know to begin with, but figured since it's a Saturday afternoon I'd be polite. And try to help some random get some stuff done, being as I'm a max-CP rank StamDK DPS in BIS gear. But, no way was going to even try to be bothered with that. All 4 of us were damage dealers (I used DW and bow), 2 of the damage dealers used double bows, and the last DPS had DW swords and greatsword. :s

Now I understand the complaint threads I see everywhere about 'casuals' who don't understand the game. I'm far from an elitist, and have tons of posts of defending the casual player-base, but no. Just... No. It's as though ESO is split into those who what to do, and those who are clueless and refuse to accept knowledge on what is correct. Basically intentional ignorance and incompetence. I'm all for helping those who make an effort to get better and learn new things, but those who refuse and spew out incorrect information as though it's fact? And refuse to overlook their logic, with solid data and information? No way.

And thus, it makes sense as to why there are so little Maelstrom clears on normal difficult. And why there's even less an amount of people who've beaten veteran Maelstrom, even though the content has been out for months. . .
Edited by Ch4mpTW on January 28, 2017 8:13PM
  • DigitalShibby
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    healers aren't really needed nowadays for any content.

  • Cadbury
    Heh I've had conversations like that in other MMOs, so I don't think it's unique to ESO. Best just to remove yourself from situations like that.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Because the Pros said BRUH . The PROS SAID .

  • Tandor
    There's a reason people don't do PUGs any more, and there's a reason people solo. Too much hassle to do otherwise these days - as well of course as there being a lot less tolerance for those who don't fully understand what they are doing.
  • tinythinker
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Heh I've had conversations like that in other MMOs, so I don't think it's unique to ESO. Best just to remove yourself from situations like that.

    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

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    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • X3ina
    But, but, but ... its true lol vCoA 2 hm doesn't require a healer and even tank in the group
    SW GoH > ESO
  • Cadbury
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Heh I've had conversations like that in other MMOs, so I don't think it's unique to ESO. Best just to remove yourself from situations like that.


    Yup that's the game I thought of when typing that.

    God, I cringe everytime I see a MNK fail rotations or BLK spam ice :'(
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • DigitalShibby
    X3ina wrote: »
    But, but, but ... its true lol vCoA 2 hm doesn't require a healer and even tank in the group

    sure it can be done, but brotato chip said "healers aren't really needed nowadays for any content" and that is laughable.
  • tinythinker
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Heh I've had conversations like that in other MMOs, so I don't think it's unique to ESO. Best just to remove yourself from situations like that.


    Yup that's the game I thought of when typing that.

    God, I cringe everytime I see a MNK fail rotations or BLK spam ice :'(

    Or better yet fire, ice, fire, ice, fire, ice... :blush:
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Doctordarkspawn
    People keep shouting it at other players, and eventually others come to believe them.

    When I tried to force myself to play DPS I got told repeatedly when trying to find support rolls that I didn't need them, to the point of people going out of their way to prevent me to group with tanks, insult me, and rally Zone against me because 'tanks arrent needed'

    This philosophy hurts everyone, seting the bar so high only 1% of the people will complete, and it's whats killing the game. This 'elite or dont play' mentality perpetuated by both the elites and the newbies who want to attain that.

    As to how large this portion is, it's definately big enough to where it's hurting the game, and that's too much IMO.

    TLDR: If you can do it without a tank, fine. That does not mean every group wont need a tank and it's misinformation when you shout it into zone based on your own experience.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on January 28, 2017 8:47PM
  • KochDerDamonen
    tch, lots of dps out there would rather get into a quick group with more dps players than wait on available tank/heals.

    'course. a lot of folks out there would rather chance wiping over and over cause none of them can carry themselves than have a run that goes slightly slower than having 4x dps too :p
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • Ch4mpTW
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?
  • Osteos
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    WTF? Why? Just... Why? Where are these players coming from that think like this? I don't understand. I really don't.

    They come up with it from these forums All the nonsense epeen rubbish that people post daily. That is where they get it from.

    NA PC
    Former Vehemence Member
    Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault
  • NewBlacksmurf
    That's actually a norm rather than rare for manually formed groups.

    Personally I get guild group invites all the time and it's typically 4 dps and each has maybe 1 heal but yeah that's how it's done.

    Because I can use the undaunted taunt ranged as steam or magic that's how ppl role and I have to admit. I've been in some weird groups but the min/max type make Vet stuff look too easy

    Mind that these are 561's so being at 561 I get odd invites but who am I to say it's odd if it's easier that way.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    I am sorry this confused me ...
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    You have a restoration staff set to your back bar to support yourself based on your experiences and needs for your build understandable and good that you did something positive to make it work in group then you did a 180 and said that healers should have elemental drain up...why is it ok for you to decide what abilities a player should have and get upset when someone tells you what weapons you should use?
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • Ch4mpTW
    I am sorry this confused me ...
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    You have a restoration staff set to your back bar to support yourself based on your experiences and needs for your build understandable and good that you did something positive to make it work in group then you did a 180 and said that healers should have elemental drain up...why is it ok for you to decide what abilities a player should have and get upset when someone tells you what weapons you should use?

    Hm? You're mistaken. I slotted the restoration staff, after I noticed that there was no Elemental Drains being applied. And after multiple people complained about their resource issues (myself included). What made it right per say what I did? It made it right as a healer has FAR MORE on the line than a DPS. A tank and a healer are the stars of any group content. Trial or dungeon. More so the healer, because they make sure you stay in peak performance. If your healer dies, then things tend to get sloppy. Unless you can somehow pull off a recovery in an organized and timely fashion. Make sense?

    So in knowing that as a healer what your job is, and how crucial you are to the group — you should know that something as critical as Elemental Drain should be active at all times. Right or wrong? Therefore adjustments like what I did would never even have to take place, let alone be up for a topic of debate.

    But even then, where did it become bad per say for a DPS to run Destro/Resto if magicka-oriented? WHY is it mandatory to run Destro/Destro or DW/Destro, considering the amount of strain it puts on resources? It goes back to another topic and thread of how people have rings twisted in believing that as a DPS, you shouldn't use a restoration staff (if magicka-based).
    Edited by Ch4mpTW on January 28, 2017 9:54PM
  • DM_ESO
    Was the leader of this group named Groo?
  • dday3six
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    I am sorry this confused me ...
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    You have a restoration staff set to your back bar to support yourself based on your experiences and needs for your build understandable and good that you did something positive to make it work in group then you did a 180 and said that healers should have elemental drain up...why is it ok for you to decide what abilities a player should have and get upset when someone tells you what weapons you should use?

    Hm? You're mistaken. I slotted the restoration staff, after I noticed that there was no Elemental Drains being applied. And after multiple people complained about their resource issues (myself included). What made it right per say what I did? It made it right as a healer has FAR MORE on the line than a DPS. A tank and a healer are the stars of any group content. Trial or dungeon. More so the healer, because they make sure you stay in peak performance. If your healer dies, then things tend to get sloppy. Unless you can somehow pull off a recovery in an organized and timely fashion. Make sense?

    So in knowing that as a healer what your job is, and how crucial you are to the group — you should know that something as critical as Elemental Drain should be active at all times. Right or wrong? Therefore adjustments like what I did would never even have to take place, let alone be up for a topic of debate.

    But even then, where did it become bad per say for a DPS to run Destro/Resto if magicka-oriented? WHY is it mandatory to run Destro/Destro or DW/Destro, considering the amount of strain it puts on resources? It goes back to another topic and thread of how people have rings twisted in believing that as a DPS, you shouldn't use a restoration staff (if magicka-based).

    Why do you need Resto for Elemental Drain, it's a Destro skill? You talking about Siphon Spirit?
  • Ch4mpTW
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    I am sorry this confused me ...
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    You have a restoration staff set to your back bar to support yourself based on your experiences and needs for your build understandable and good that you did something positive to make it work in group then you did a 180 and said that healers should have elemental drain up...why is it ok for you to decide what abilities a player should have and get upset when someone tells you what weapons you should use?

    Hm? You're mistaken. I slotted the restoration staff, after I noticed that there was no Elemental Drains being applied. And after multiple people complained about their resource issues (myself included). What made it right per say what I did? It made it right as a healer has FAR MORE on the line than a DPS. A tank and a healer are the stars of any group content. Trial or dungeon. More so the healer, because they make sure you stay in peak performance. If your healer dies, then things tend to get sloppy. Unless you can somehow pull off a recovery in an organized and timely fashion. Make sense?

    So in knowing that as a healer what your job is, and how crucial you are to the group — you should know that something as critical as Elemental Drain should be active at all times. Right or wrong? Therefore adjustments like what I did would never even have to take place, let alone be up for a topic of debate.

    But even then, where did it become bad per say for a DPS to run Destro/Resto if magicka-oriented? WHY is it mandatory to run Destro/Destro or DW/Destro, considering the amount of strain it puts on resources? It goes back to another topic and thread of how people have rings twisted in believing that as a DPS, you shouldn't use a restoration staff (if magicka-based).

    Why do you need Resto for Elemental Drain, it's a Destro skill? You talking about Siphon Spirit?

    I didn't use the resto for Elemental Drain. Lol. I used the resto, because of the amount of magicka I get back with heavy attacks from it and also the passive ability from it being a precise Maelstrom's Restoration Staff (Regeneration restores 481 Magicka to you when it critically heals a target. Can occur once every 4 seconds. Adds 688 Spell Critical).

    Running Destro/Resto is easier on resources as a magicka DPS, than Destro/Destro, or DW/Destro. Even more so if Elemental Drain (a Destruction Staff skill) is applied in targets.
  • dday3six
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    I am sorry this confused me ...
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    You have a restoration staff set to your back bar to support yourself based on your experiences and needs for your build understandable and good that you did something positive to make it work in group then you did a 180 and said that healers should have elemental drain up...why is it ok for you to decide what abilities a player should have and get upset when someone tells you what weapons you should use?

    Hm? You're mistaken. I slotted the restoration staff, after I noticed that there was no Elemental Drains being applied. And after multiple people complained about their resource issues (myself included). What made it right per say what I did? It made it right as a healer has FAR MORE on the line than a DPS. A tank and a healer are the stars of any group content. Trial or dungeon. More so the healer, because they make sure you stay in peak performance. If your healer dies, then things tend to get sloppy. Unless you can somehow pull off a recovery in an organized and timely fashion. Make sense?

    So in knowing that as a healer what your job is, and how crucial you are to the group — you should know that something as critical as Elemental Drain should be active at all times. Right or wrong? Therefore adjustments like what I did would never even have to take place, let alone be up for a topic of debate.

    But even then, where did it become bad per say for a DPS to run Destro/Resto if magicka-oriented? WHY is it mandatory to run Destro/Destro or DW/Destro, considering the amount of strain it puts on resources? It goes back to another topic and thread of how people have rings twisted in believing that as a DPS, you shouldn't use a restoration staff (if magicka-based).

    Why do you need Resto for Elemental Drain, it's a Destro skill? You talking about Siphon Spirit?

    I didn't use the resto for Elemental Drain. Lol. I used the resto, because of the amount of magicka I get back with heavy attacks from it and also the passive ability from it being a precise Maelstrom's Restoration Staff (Regeneration restores 481 Magicka to you when it critically heals a target. Can occur once every 4 seconds. Adds 688 Spell Critical).

    Running Destro/Resto is easier on resources as a magicka DPS, than Destro/Destro, or DW/Destro. Even more so if Elemental Drain (a Destruction Staff skill) is applied in targets.

    Sounds rather selfish. You could simply use Ele Drain in the slot you put Regen and did something for whole team. Who you said were all having sustain ussues. Without SPC which I wager you didn't swap to, Regen does little in the scheme of things for anyone but you. Using pots, even the cheap-o looted ones, Ele Drain and weaving in HA into your rotation would have done a better job.

    If you wonder why people don't like Destro/Resto on Magicka DPS it's because they know the run-around nature of it. Time spent on Resto HA is a noticeable DPS lost, as is weaving with Resto. So while you might gain sustain, you've traded DPS for it which results in longer fights, and that creates more sustain issues.
  • Ch4mpTW
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    I am sorry this confused me ...
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    You have a restoration staff set to your back bar to support yourself based on your experiences and needs for your build understandable and good that you did something positive to make it work in group then you did a 180 and said that healers should have elemental drain up...why is it ok for you to decide what abilities a player should have and get upset when someone tells you what weapons you should use?

    Hm? You're mistaken. I slotted the restoration staff, after I noticed that there was no Elemental Drains being applied. And after multiple people complained about their resource issues (myself included). What made it right per say what I did? It made it right as a healer has FAR MORE on the line than a DPS. A tank and a healer are the stars of any group content. Trial or dungeon. More so the healer, because they make sure you stay in peak performance. If your healer dies, then things tend to get sloppy. Unless you can somehow pull off a recovery in an organized and timely fashion. Make sense?

    So in knowing that as a healer what your job is, and how crucial you are to the group — you should know that something as critical as Elemental Drain should be active at all times. Right or wrong? Therefore adjustments like what I did would never even have to take place, let alone be up for a topic of debate.

    But even then, where did it become bad per say for a DPS to run Destro/Resto if magicka-oriented? WHY is it mandatory to run Destro/Destro or DW/Destro, considering the amount of strain it puts on resources? It goes back to another topic and thread of how people have rings twisted in believing that as a DPS, you shouldn't use a restoration staff (if magicka-based).

    Why do you need Resto for Elemental Drain, it's a Destro skill? You talking about Siphon Spirit?

    I didn't use the resto for Elemental Drain. Lol. I used the resto, because of the amount of magicka I get back with heavy attacks from it and also the passive ability from it being a precise Maelstrom's Restoration Staff (Regeneration restores 481 Magicka to you when it critically heals a target. Can occur once every 4 seconds. Adds 688 Spell Critical).

    Running Destro/Resto is easier on resources as a magicka DPS, than Destro/Destro, or DW/Destro. Even more so if Elemental Drain (a Destruction Staff skill) is applied in targets.

    Sounds rather selfish. You could simply use Ele Drain in the slot you put Regen and did something for whole team. Who you said were all having sustain ussues. Without SPC which I wager you didn't swap to, Regen does little in the scheme of things for anyone but you. Using pots, even the cheap-o looted ones, Ele Drain and weaving in HA into your rotation would have done a better job.

    If you wonder why people don't like Destro/Resto on Magicka DPS it's because they know the run-around nature of it. Time spent on Resto HA is a noticeable DPS lost, as is weaving with Resto. So while you might gain sustain, you've traded DPS for it which results in longer fights, and that creates more sustain issues.

    ... It's rather selfish of me? It's not my job to apply Elemental Drain. It's the healer's job. It would be my job if I were solo'ing, but was I solo'ing? No.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Im am efort to make this game appeal and easy for everyone. it is now a game for no one
  • dday3six
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    I am sorry this confused me ...
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    You have a restoration staff set to your back bar to support yourself based on your experiences and needs for your build understandable and good that you did something positive to make it work in group then you did a 180 and said that healers should have elemental drain up...why is it ok for you to decide what abilities a player should have and get upset when someone tells you what weapons you should use?

    Hm? You're mistaken. I slotted the restoration staff, after I noticed that there was no Elemental Drains being applied. And after multiple people complained about their resource issues (myself included). What made it right per say what I did? It made it right as a healer has FAR MORE on the line than a DPS. A tank and a healer are the stars of any group content. Trial or dungeon. More so the healer, because they make sure you stay in peak performance. If your healer dies, then things tend to get sloppy. Unless you can somehow pull off a recovery in an organized and timely fashion. Make sense?

    So in knowing that as a healer what your job is, and how crucial you are to the group — you should know that something as critical as Elemental Drain should be active at all times. Right or wrong? Therefore adjustments like what I did would never even have to take place, let alone be up for a topic of debate.

    But even then, where did it become bad per say for a DPS to run Destro/Resto if magicka-oriented? WHY is it mandatory to run Destro/Destro or DW/Destro, considering the amount of strain it puts on resources? It goes back to another topic and thread of how people have rings twisted in believing that as a DPS, you shouldn't use a restoration staff (if magicka-based).

    Why do you need Resto for Elemental Drain, it's a Destro skill? You talking about Siphon Spirit?

    I didn't use the resto for Elemental Drain. Lol. I used the resto, because of the amount of magicka I get back with heavy attacks from it and also the passive ability from it being a precise Maelstrom's Restoration Staff (Regeneration restores 481 Magicka to you when it critically heals a target. Can occur once every 4 seconds. Adds 688 Spell Critical).

    Running Destro/Resto is easier on resources as a magicka DPS, than Destro/Destro, or DW/Destro. Even more so if Elemental Drain (a Destruction Staff skill) is applied in targets.

    Sounds rather selfish. You could simply use Ele Drain in the slot you put Regen and did something for whole team. Who you said were all having sustain ussues. Without SPC which I wager you didn't swap to, Regen does little in the scheme of things for anyone but you. Using pots, even the cheap-o looted ones, Ele Drain and weaving in HA into your rotation would have done a better job.

    If you wonder why people don't like Destro/Resto on Magicka DPS it's because they know the run-around nature of it. Time spent on Resto HA is a noticeable DPS lost, as is weaving with Resto. So while you might gain sustain, you've traded DPS for it which results in longer fights, and that creates more sustain issues.

    ... It's rather selfish of me? It's not my job to apply Elemental Drain. It's the healer's job. It would be my job if I were solo'ing, but was I solo'ing? No.

    If you are in a group, and you choose to help yourself rather than helping the whole of group collectively, that is selfish. You slotting Ele Drain would have not only helped the group as a whole, but also been better on the stand point of DPS output.

    It's very common for Magicka DPS to run Ele Drain if the Healer is not or one is not present. Clearly this is a foreign concept to you, but that does mean it's a rule that Healers must use Elemental Drain.
  • Cadbury
    Im am efort to make this game appeal and easy for everyone. it is now a game for no one

    That's the double-edged sword called Accessibility.

    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • visionality
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Just had another moment of some BS occurring not too long after writing this. Was informed how a MagDK DPS isn't supposed to use a restoration staff on their backbar, and how it automatically equates to horrible overall group DPS. This time from a guild member. WTF? Keep in mind that I did this, due to healers not keeping Elemental Drain up as they should. As well as MagDK's having issues with sustain. So now it's either double Destro/Destro or you're auto-noob and completely wrong in your setup. What?

    hm ... I'm a bit hard-pressed to see how the lack of ele-drain would force you into using a resto staff. A destro staff to cast it yourself, I would immediately understand, but resto...?
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    But even then, where did it become bad per say for a DPS to run Destro/Resto if magicka-oriented? WHY is it mandatory to run Destro/Destro or DW/Destro, considering the amount of strain it puts on resources? It goes back to another topic and thread of how people have rings twisted in believing that as a DPS, you shouldn't use a restoration staff (if magicka-based).

    People think you shouldn't use a restostaff as magica DD because with another destro staff or DW on your second bar, you can slot additional dps skills. And if you are in a good group, your healer is taking care of your health and regeneration. So you would have that resto staff slotted to either never use it or to use it for something you already get.
    Edited by visionality on January 28, 2017 11:07PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Im am efort to make this game appeal and easy for everyone. it is now a game for no one

    That's the double-edged sword called Accessibility.

    it was accessible before there were 2 dungeons people struggled with , hist dungeons. normal trials were farmed openly in chat with no restrictions on skill. One tamriel and the removal of any type of build other then DPs for 95 % of the group content made the game dumb. Accessibility was there , continuing to make good content was not. it was easier to prey on the barbie doll player and much more appealing to make money of gambling crates rather then make quality content.
  • ArchMikem
    When I tried to force myself to play DPS I got told repeatedly when trying to find support rolls that I didn't need them, to the point of people going out of their way to prevent me to group with tanks, insult me, and rally Zone against me because 'tanks aren't needed'

    Hah, yeah Tanks are DEFINITELY needed, they're the ones that make the Dungeons go so much more smoothly, when they're actually drawing Aggro that is. Tanks and Healers both are necessary. Healer keeps the Tank alive, Tank keeps the Boss busy, which leaves the DPS free and dandy to wail on the Boss without worry.

    If I knew how to build and play a Tank effectively I'd become one for Undaunted runs. The Game needs a lot more of them in the Finder so the DPS don't have to wait so long for groups.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Cadbury

    Cadbury wrote: »
    Im am efort to make this game appeal and easy for everyone. it is now a game for no one

    That's the double-edged sword called Accessibility.

    it was accessible before there were 2 dungeons people struggled with , hist dungeons. normal trials were farmed openly in chat with no restrictions on skill. One tamriel and the removal of any type of build other then DPs for 95 % of the group content made the game dumb. Accessibility was there , continuing to make good content was not. it was easier to prey on the barbie doll player and much more appealing to make money of gambling crates rather then make quality content.

    My point is that in the eyes of many modern game devs, it is better to tone down trouble areas and homogenize content. All in the name of "accessibility" to a wider audience.

    Not disagreeing with you, btw
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    healers aren't really needed nowadays for any content.


    So he basically claims he can solo anything in game without one healing skill?
  • MasterSpatula
    I have no words for your particular anecdote, but I will say this:

    When I'm on this forum or just sort of lurk-reading /guild from my guildies, most of whom run Vet dungeons and Trials all the time, I feel like I must be in the bottom 10% as far as skill and actually understanding how the game works.

    Then I go out in open world and run into people having trouble with 3-mob spawns or delve bosses, or I try to PUG Craglorn dailies, and suddenly I feel like I must be in the top 10% for skill and knowing how the game works.

    By that, I suppose I'm saying that skill and knowledge level are all over the place in this game, and if you don't mix it up a little, you could be in for quite a shock when you encounter people outside your normal circle.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
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