Looking for guild for a newer player

Soul Shriven
Hey i just started playing a couple of days ago. Im looking for a larger guild that doesnt have a bunch of requirements like ur in college. i have a lvl 20 sorc and 16 nightblade. I havent touched pvp yet but have done alot of dungeons. Im in the Aldmeri Dominion if that matters, i have a mic and play pretty much ever night
  • Cyrus_Fyre_ESO
    we are a growing guild. still small now but growing. post yourbgt and ill invite ya
    Argonian Shadowscale Nightblade and Elder Mistwalker
  • ComboBreaker88
    We are Brotherhood of Merchants Currently 350+ members. We are a helpful guild that offers many opportunities to be involved. From end game Trails, dungeons to PvP. We also offer members a place to sell their items and get the money that they deserve. If you are an active player and wish to join a growing community, this is the place for you.

    Our Facebook:

    Brotherhood of Merchants

    The roster fills up quickly. We also run in-game raffles and lotteries. We need capable members who wish to be part of more than just a game to help make our guild stand above the rest.

    We also offer:

    1) Weekly Trials and VDSA runs.
    2) Daily Undaunted Runs
    3) Monthly Group Skyshard Hunting.
    4) 9 Traits Crafters with all styles.
    5) An organized roster and ranking system for tracking members progress in the guild.
    6) Daily Group Bosses in Wrothgar.
    7) Help with character creation and min/maxing builds.
    8) Discount items for guild members.
    9) An active chatroom
    10) Daily groups for all play styles.


    1) We are currently looking for Cp 250+ players.

    2) Try and maintain 30/30 items listed in guild store as often as possible, as it helps our Guild stand out.

    3) Stay active. - if you are going on vacation or going away for a few weeks, let us know so we can hold your account.

    4) Give 5k each week. - We put an exceptional amount of time and energy into organizing events within our guild and this helps us maintain the high level of activity our members have come to expect.

    5) Read our MOTD. It is updated daily and has all the information on groups and guild activities. Member notes also reflect basic information. Such as, join date, total donations and when your next donation is required to bring you up to date!

    6) Join our group on LINE to better stay in contact with us. Add ComboBreaker88 if you wish to join our family.

    Thank you for your time and we hope to see you in-game soon!

    If you are interested in joining message, ComboBreaker88 in-game, on Xbox live, Join our Facebook group, add me on LINE (phone app)
  • Fidget
    The Oblivion Horror’s [XB][NA][AD] is looking for new members to swell our ranks. We are an adult only guild [18+] with active & casual players [PvE/PvP]. We understand people have things like 'lives' and 'real world commitments', so we're open to all levels of activity. We support each other when help is needed & someone is always online. There are no guild fees required.

    If you want to join us, please message "xxxMADONExxx" in-game for an invite
    "If you got lock problems...I feel bad for you son...I got 99 picks, but I just need one."
  • Marginis
    My guild Magicka is an RP guild with very little as far as requirements - that is to say, don't be a jerk and you're in. Link Here if you want more details, and my gamertag is "Senpai Fluffy" if you have room for another guild and want an invite.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • Ammogirl1119
  • Asteriah
    You should join us at Revolution of Gamming (RoG)! We're more than just an in game guild, we're a full fledged gaming community with our own website, forums, rank structure, and more! Check us out at www.rogcommunity.com and sign up! We're currently trying to start a brigade for ESO, so feel free to post on the interest list sign up thread! I can also invite you to our in game guild :) let me know if you have any questions! My gamertag is RoG Asteria SG.
    XBL: RoG Asteria SG
    Revolution of Gaming, Section General
  • Daishin15
    My GT is Daishin15 and I run Fairy Tail Guild and all Are welcomed to join
    Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Laila821
  • KATObloodpaw
    Cjewell91 wrote: »
    Hey i just started playing a couple of days ago. Im looking for a larger guild that doesnt have a bunch of requirements like ur in college. i have a lvl 20 sorc and 16 nightblade. I havent touched pvp yet but have done alot of dungeons. Im in the Aldmeri Dominion if that matters, i have a mic and play pretty much ever night

    You forgot to leave your gamertag so that we could invite you. If you'd like to check us out here's a link to our guild thread.


    Edited by KATObloodpaw on January 12, 2017 8:22PM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Uriel_Nocturne

    My Guild, The Nightshade Consortium would love to have you. We're open to Casual, Solo, or Grouping up. What ever fits your schedule. We have very few requirements, but we're there for when you want to Group, and we won't hassle you if you want to go Solo/Lone Wolf.

    The link is to our recruitment thread on these Forums. Read over it, and if you like what you read, I'd be more than happy to send you an invite. :)

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Abunai_808
    Cjewell91 wrote: »
    Hey i just started playing a couple of days ago. Im looking for a larger guild that doesnt have a bunch of requirements like ur in college. i have a lvl 20 sorc and 16 nightblade. I havent touched pvp yet but have done alot of dungeons. Im in the Aldmeri Dominion if that matters, i have a mic and play pretty much ever night

    Howzit going.


    This is our Ohana information. Let me know if this would fit what you are looking for in a guild.
    Da Melting Pot [DmP]
    FFXIV Midgardsormr

    Hawaiian Kanak Attack [HKA]
    FFXI Lakshmi
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