I got whispered and spamd swear words from mudballing someone at the dye station.
Guess it shows you covered in mud at the dye station. Kind of a over sight by zos on that one. Lol
Waffennacht wrote: »The tooltip implies it disorients enemies...
Lol PvP mudball perma lock
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »I hit the same NPC 10 times in a row. No bounty, task complete.
Also, does this work in PVP? Even if it means certain death if I can I'm totally going to throw them on The Allessia Bridge.
SolarCat02 wrote: »
I am guessing no, at least for the bottomless bag, since momentos are disabled in Cyrodiil. I have not tested myself. Although... Maybe the consumable version would work?
I am curious if it works in dungeons. I know momentos work in dungeons. (Cue hysterical laughter remembering a guildmate raging his potions kept making him freeze and would not restore his stamina, while I watched his character proudly displaying the flaming Orsinium momento repeatedly while the rest of us fought Valkyn Skoria).
... Can I pelt bosses with mud balls?
I got whispered and spamd swear words from mudballing someone at the dye station.
Guess it shows you covered in mud at the dye station. Kind of a over sight by zos on that one. Lol
I was actually hoping that it works as the description says and they don't nerf it due to complainers. Saving mine for when I see macro/botters just spamming light attacks over and over in one spot.
I got whispered and spamd swear words from mudballing someone at the dye station.
Guess it shows you covered in mud at the dye station. Kind of a over sight by zos on that one. Lol
I got whispered and spamd swear words from mudballing someone at the dye station.
Guess it shows you covered in mud at the dye station. Kind of a over sight by zos on that one. Lol
SolarCat02 wrote: »
I am guessing no, at least for the bottomless bag, since momentos are disabled in Cyrodiil. I have not tested myself. Although... Maybe the consumable version would work?
I am curious if it works in dungeons. I know momentos work in dungeons. (Cue hysterical laughter remembering a guildmate raging his potions kept making him freeze and would not restore his stamina, while I watched his character proudly displaying the flaming Orsinium momento repeatedly while the rest of us fought Valkyn Skoria).
... Can I pelt bosses with mud balls?
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »I hit the same NPC 10 times in a row. No bounty, task complete.
Also, does this work in PVP? Even if it means certain death if I can I'm totally going to throw them on The Allessia Bridge.
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
Also spamming AoEs messes with lighting while in a dye station, though not as bad as mud balls on thier long cool down. It can be trolly and annoying ass *** when people keep doing it after you ask them to stop. One of those things that is funny at first, but becomes rude fast when it is overdone.
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »I hit the same NPC 10 times in a row. No bounty, task complete.
Also, does this work in PVP? Even if it means certain death if I can I'm totally going to throw them on The Allessia Bridge.
I love mudballing people. Any AD or EP in my sights is far game along with anyone from pvp I recognize or guildmates . So pretty much anyoneIf you get upset over getting hit with a mudball maybe you should listen to the dialogue in the quest, take it to heart and get over yourself.
I had a few people challenge me to do duels for mudballing them, which I took in good spirit.lordrichter wrote: »Most times, mudballing can be ignored. Random mudballs will go away in a few seconds. I can see where this can be a problem, and abused, if the target is at a dye station, is participating in a roleplay event, or if it is used repeatedly on the same target.
I got whispered and spamd swear words from mudballing someone at the dye station.
Guess it shows you covered in mud at the dye station. Kind of a over sight by zos on that one. Lol
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »I laugh every time I get pelted by one
I had a few people challenge me to do duels for mudballing them, which I took in good spirit.
But last night a trio in Wayrest spent over 45+ minutes mudballing people at the dye station, and outright said they were trying to troll people into preventing them from dyeing... and were outright mocking them. I reported them. Mudballing is one thing, and even mudballing somebody at a dye station is one thing, but to systematically sit there for 45+ minutes with the intention on stopping players from using dye stations and mocking them in chat... eh, that's another.
It's not a huge deal, but it's annoying. It was sort of the in-game eqv. of somebody going "Don't like it? Go to another zone. In the mean time, quit hitting yourself... quit hitting yourself... quit hitting yourself..."
And that's just not green.
I got whispered and spamd swear words from mudballing someone at the dye station.
Guess it shows you covered in mud at the dye station. Kind of a over sight by zos on that one. Lol