I got the memento, and this will probably lead to griefing even months from now. I doubt everyone will mudball responsibly.There's the consumable mudballs and a mudball memento that gives you infinite mudballs you can equip.
I had no idea I could mudball Queen Ariana until I mistakenly smacked her with one, right in the face. I should have been executed on the spot but only paid a little bounty.
The Queen was my favorite to Mudball, as she looked the haughtiest, and Raz probably hid a smirk.I had no idea I could mudball Queen Ariana until I mistakenly smacked her with one, right in the face. I should have been executed on the spot but only paid a little bounty.
The [hardly a] Queen Ayrenn deserves that mudball, and much more. Go throw more at her.