Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Eye of the Storm is beyond OP (maybe even broken) when used by an EMP.

  • Jaronking
    KisoValley wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    Works fine imo. Aslong as proc sets are around, the only viable magicka counter to them should be around.

    So basically your saying if one person uses performance enhancing drugs.. its okay to use a different kind of performance enhancing drug when both should be banned (in eso's case balanced).. logic.

    AzuraKin wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    The problem was doubling the dps before it hit live while being unblockable. Whoever though that was a good idea should be fired.

    not another misinformed person. an ultimate is an ultimate because if you are a *** to stand in it, you will die. and the damage isnt op, its in line with what it should be for 250 ult.

    but since everyone wants to complain how about we do this.

    we cut the damage per tick by 50% but increase time it is up to 20s?

    You realize when it was first released it was 50% less damage with a 10 second duration (12 with lightning).

    Then everyone complained so they doubled the damage and halfed the duration but also added 2 seconds which increased its overall dps by 20%.

    I am not misinformed. It also deals fire damage which is another 25% damage which makes it over the top. Its 125% better then bat swarm in terms of dps against a vampire (which most everyone is in cyrodill).

    Smh... you think this ulty is balanced... get outta town. Your misinformed and have no clue what balance looks like. Keep using the destro ulty and telling kids you kill to Lp2 against an unblockable pbaoe with the largest radius in game for an ulty..... dont even mention you can move out of the aoe when you can spam gap closers or root spam.

    L2p my ***. This ulty needs its old damage model. 250 ult means nothing when you kill everyone in your path basically refreshing its cooldown.

    also you dont balance something because 90% of the people choose to be an optional part of the game that makes them take more fire damage. you being a vampire is a choice. therefore the extra damage you take is a choice you made to take. dont want to take the extra fire damage? drop vampirism, or put fire resist enchants on your jewelry and race change to dunmer.

    Thats not the point. The point was it was still a viable ulty with the pts damage model becauae it still dealt 25% more damage to vamps with double the duration compared to batswarm.

    They over buffed the ultimate and now vampires are walking piles of dust because of terrible desicions. Stating you should drop vamp doesnt justify the damage of EotS in its current form.

    Anyone defending EotS has no right discussing balance. Im not overexaggerating either. EotS is on the same level of proc sets. Both are out of control.

    This kind of thing happend to proxi det when it got a rework and vicious death was released. People like you defending it but it was clearly overperforming and needed tweaks. The same will be done to EotS. Its just careless of zos to let their player base deal with broken balance for months at a time until they are fixed.

    Alucardo wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    The problem was doubling the dps before it hit live while being unblockable. Whoever though that was a good idea should be fired.

    not another misinformed person. an ultimate is an ultimate because if you are a *** to stand in it, you will die. and the damage isnt op, its in line with what it should be for 250 ult.

    but since everyone wants to complain how about we do this.

    we cut the damage per tick by 50% but increase time it is up to 20s?

    You realize when it was first released it was 50% less damage with a 10 second duration (12 with lightning).

    Then everyone complained so they doubled the damage and halfed the duration but also added 2 seconds which increased its overall dps by 20%.

    I am not misinformed. It also deals fire damage which is another 25% damage which makes it over the top. Its 125% better then bat swarm in terms of dps against a vampire (which most everyone is in ceyodill).

    Smh... you think this ulty is balanced... get outta town. Your misinformed and have no clue what balance looks like. Keep using the destro ulty and telling kids you kill to Lp2 against an unblockable pbaoe with the largest radius in game for an ulty..... dont even mention you can move out of the aoe when you can spam gap closers or root spam.

    L2p my ***. This ulty needs its old damage model.

    not true, it was a 5s duration. they buffed it to 7s and maybe buffed the damage per tick by maybe 20%.

    It was 10 seconds on pts befor it went live.... they didnt maybe buff its damage by 20% they did. It went from 10/12 seconds with the same damage as batswarm to double the damage and 7/9 second duration. Those 2 extra seconds they added equals out to 20% more dps overall compared to what it was in pts.

    Seriously, don't even bother. It's not worth your time..

    I know. Its just people like this are what ruin this game. They have no clue how to balance a game for a competitive envoirment.

    If anyone played Heros of the Storm, its like when people tryed to justify Mi-Ling when she was first released, people thought soloing all 5 heros in a moba was balanced...

    dude i dont *** care if it melts vampires BECAUSE VAMPIRISM IS A CHOICE YOU MADE TO BE KNOWING YOU HAVE A SUSCEPTABILITY TO FIRE. if you dont like dying to fire as a vampire drop the *** vampirism. if you wanna keep it, THEN BECOME A DARK ELF (2000 ISH FIRE RESIST) AND SOME FIRE RESIST ENCHANTS ON YOUR JEWELRY. in fact that used to be standard for vampires in pvp. if you were a vampire you ran fire enchants in pvp. you think vampires are melty now, they are hell of a lot stronger then they were originally even against fire. it used to be if you were a vampire, you would find it nearly impossible to run vcoa (now vcoa2).

    You completely avoided the fact that it doesnt matter if your vampire or not. The damage model punishes all be because it was over-buffed. Just vampires are at the mercy of bad balance because this ulty deals fire. Were at 1.6 camo hunter punishment with EotS right now.

    You could be dunmer with 3 resist fire glyphs and that still wont matter. Even against none vamps its overpowered..

    Exactly what I'm saying. I'm seeing very few threads on the bigger problem, proc sets, yet a lot of threads on the problem of a 250 costing ultimate. Until proc sets get nerfed, destro ult should stay as it is.
    You can't balance a game by saying this is broken so we should keep this broken ability to deal with this broken mess.If we do that nothing will every be fixed.Look at page 2-3 of here and you would see countless threads about proc sets.
  • Adenoma
    I had a lot of fun on my recent magsorc emp using eye of the storm. I pushed out on my last emp keep defense solo at Ash (weird last keep for an AD emp) and literally got 60 KB between 4 back-to-back EotS. It was just streak --> pulsar --> shield --> streak, etc. etc.
  • Hammy01
    Just a thought... but has anyone tried using the Support Ult - Barrier to help temper the damage from Eye of Death (flame, storm or whatever)... just curious if this Ult would be worth using?

  • Shey
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    The problem was doubling the dps before it hit live while being unblockable. Whoever though that was a good idea should be fired.

    not another misinformed person. an ultimate is an ultimate because if you are a *** to stand in it, you will die. and the damage isnt op, its in line with what it should be for 250 ult.

    but since everyone wants to complain how about we do this.

    we cut the damage per tick by 50% but increase time it is up to 20s?

    You realize when it was first released it was 50% less damage with a 10 second duration (12 with lightning).

    Then everyone complained so they doubled the damage and halfed the duration but also added 2 seconds which increased its overall dps by 20%.

    I am not misinformed. It also deals fire damage which is another 25% damage which makes it over the top. Its 125% better then bat swarm in terms of dps against a vampire (which most everyone is in cyrodill).

    Smh... you think this ulty is balanced... get outta town. Your misinformed and have no clue what balance looks like. Keep using the destro ulty and telling kids you kill to Lp2 against an unblockable pbaoe with the largest radius in game for an ulty..... dont even mention you can move out of the aoe when you can spam gap closers or root spam.

    L2p my ***. This ulty needs its old damage model. 250 ult means nothing when you kill everyone in your path basically refreshing its cooldown.

    also you dont balance something because 90% of the people choose to be an optional part of the game that makes them take more fire damage. you being a vampire is a choice. therefore the extra damage you take is a choice you made to take. dont want to take the extra fire damage? drop vampirism, or put fire resist enchants on your jewelry and race change to dunmer.

    Also I think EotS should actually do double the damage in half the time - just double the ult cost and its fair.

    I wouldnt angre this forum user. You cant have a debate with someone who cant accept the fact something is unbalanced.

    Lol just lol.

    magica has become a tool to defeat stamina once every 2minute and stamina calls it unbalanced. Hahaha
  • Jaronking
    Shey wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    The problem was doubling the dps before it hit live while being unblockable. Whoever though that was a good idea should be fired.

    not another misinformed person. an ultimate is an ultimate because if you are a *** to stand in it, you will die. and the damage isnt op, its in line with what it should be for 250 ult.

    but since everyone wants to complain how about we do this.

    we cut the damage per tick by 50% but increase time it is up to 20s?

    You realize when it was first released it was 50% less damage with a 10 second duration (12 with lightning).

    Then everyone complained so they doubled the damage and halfed the duration but also added 2 seconds which increased its overall dps by 20%.

    I am not misinformed. It also deals fire damage which is another 25% damage which makes it over the top. Its 125% better then bat swarm in terms of dps against a vampire (which most everyone is in cyrodill).

    Smh... you think this ulty is balanced... get outta town. Your misinformed and have no clue what balance looks like. Keep using the destro ulty and telling kids you kill to Lp2 against an unblockable pbaoe with the largest radius in game for an ulty..... dont even mention you can move out of the aoe when you can spam gap closers or root spam.

    L2p my ***. This ulty needs its old damage model. 250 ult means nothing when you kill everyone in your path basically refreshing its cooldown.

    also you dont balance something because 90% of the people choose to be an optional part of the game that makes them take more fire damage. you being a vampire is a choice. therefore the extra damage you take is a choice you made to take. dont want to take the extra fire damage? drop vampirism, or put fire resist enchants on your jewelry and race change to dunmer.

    Also I think EotS should actually do double the damage in half the time - just double the ult cost and its fair.

    I wouldnt angre this forum user. You cant have a debate with someone who cant accept the fact something is unbalanced.

    Lol just lol.

    magica has become a tool to defeat stamina once every 2minute and stamina calls it unbalanced. Hahaha
    Come on dude its not up every 2 minutes with combat frenzy I can have one back up right after the first ends.Not to mention the Damage is ridiculous even on stam I can back bar the destro ultimate run my regular Stam set up and pop that kill 5-6 people and have Dawnbreaker back up to kill even more people.The ultimate is broken.
  • Greenwood1900
    Remove EMP system.
    Ormesson Stamina NB 2H-Bow
  • Chrlynsch
    Straps fasala's on a BS temp and wades into the storm :)
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Sureshawt
    EOTS got buff based on player feedback on PTS.

    This is a perfect example of why ZoS should be very cautious when taking player input in terms of balance and really look at objective data before making these kinds of decisions.

    Most players are inherently biased towards their class/playstyle etc. and not always what is best for the game.
  • ComboBreaker88
    Edited by ComboBreaker88 on December 10, 2016 3:46PM
  • Jaronking
    I killed a few Emperors before does that make me Overpowered @ComboBreaker88 ?
  • pjwb16_ESO
    Please stop writing emp in capslock... makes me wanna throw EMP grenades everywhere
    ~ here since Beta

    My Youtube Channel:

    EU Server PC @Elendiel
    Fyrusha - NB AD
    Auri-ele - Sorc AD
    Watch me Nae Nae - Magicka DK AD
    Watch me Whip - Magicka DK DC
    Schnuggii - Bubble Templar AD
  • psychotic13
    I'm on Xbox EU and have also the witnessed the red emp destroying herds of people with it
  • ComboBreaker88
    Jaronking wrote: »
    I killed a few Emperors before does that make me Overpowered @ComboBreaker88 ?

    We both known that isn't true..
    You never killed me, so no.
  • Jaronking
    Jaronking wrote: »
    I killed a few Emperors before does that make me Overpowered @ComboBreaker88 ?

    We both known that isn't true..
    You never killed me, so no.
    Well its kind of hard to kill a emp with 100k health.It just be a 5 hour long fight.
  • Izaki
    Personally for my magicka sorc Shooting Star is still the best ultimate in the game. Plus I don't like using cheese (maybe as a french person I should?)
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • ComboBreaker88
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Jaronking wrote: »
    I killed a few Emperors before does that make me Overpowered @ComboBreaker88 ?

    We both known that isn't true..
    You never killed me, so no.
    Well its kind of hard to kill a emp with 100k health.It just be a 5 hour long fight.

    I was wiping zergs. Entire zergs head on. Not this hide behind a keep wall and charge up a broken ultimate *** stuff. I would stroll right out front and walk right through them and there wasn't a thing they could do about it. Lol
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • OdinForge
    For 250 ultimate the stationary morph should be a pretty strong ability, as you can simply walk out of it. But it can be dropped on a breach or flag during long fights.

    The EoTS morph should be redesigned to a cheaper single target option, to add some options for people wanting a good and cheaper ultimate out of the destro staff. But how the EoTS morph works now is just stupid.
    The Age of Wrobel.
  • Dasovaruilos
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Make sure to make it more visible! It gets old having to shout "it ours", "it is not ours" every single time there is a destro ulti on the field in PvP...
  • Hammy01
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.


    For the record there is no need to gut the Ultimate.. we just need to be given a reliable way to counter it!
  • timidobserver
    Sureshawt wrote: »
    EOTS got buff based on player feedback on PTS.

    This is a perfect example of why ZoS should be very cautious when taking player input in terms of balance and really look at objective data before making these kinds of decisions.

    Most players are inherently biased towards their class/playstyle etc. and not always what is best for the game.

    It needed that buff for PvE. Not so much for PvP.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.

    When is this re-balance update? I'd like to know when i can resume playing ESO again because pvp is just terrible with all these procs sets, eots trains and root spamming dks/sorcs.

    Sureshawt wrote: »
    EOTS got buff based on player feedback on PTS.

    This is a perfect example of why ZoS should be very cautious when taking player input in terms of balance and really look at objective data before making these kinds of decisions.

    Most players are inherently biased towards their class/playstyle etc. and not always what is best for the game.

    It needed that buff for PvE. Not so much for PvP.

    That buff has basically ruined pvp. It just had to be better then Meteor....

    In pvp, Meteor is so counterable that the full damage potenail is never utalized.. but with EotS.... no comment. Im happy to see zos stating they will tweak it.
    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on December 12, 2016 4:30PM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Rainingblood
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.

    It would help if it consistently conned red on the ground under it. Probably 80% of the times I die from it, I don't know what hit me until I see the death recap. And no, it's not lag.

    The other 20% of time is split between being at full stam in an unbreakable fear as it wrecks me, and me just being out of resources and no escape.
    Phoebe Anderson
  • DHale
    Balancing a game around an emperor and their abilities is laughable. I have been hit by an EMP on siege when that was a thing for 60k. I thought... ok I need to be sure to stay away from that.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • asneakybanana
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.

    When is this re-balance update? I'd like to know when i can resume playing ESO again because pvp is just terrible with all these procs sets, eots trains and root spamming dks/sorcs.

    Sureshawt wrote: »
    EOTS got buff based on player feedback on PTS.

    This is a perfect example of why ZoS should be very cautious when taking player input in terms of balance and really look at objective data before making these kinds of decisions.

    Most players are inherently biased towards their class/playstyle etc. and not always what is best for the game.

    It needed that buff for PvE. Not so much for PvP.

    That buff has basically ruined pvp. It just had to be better then Meteor....

    In pvp, Meteor is so counterable that the full damage potenail is never utalized.. but with EotS.... no comment. Im happy to see zos stating they will tweak it.

    All that needs to be done to fix it is double duration and halve the damage per tick. It's still the same amount of overall dmg so will perform the same in pve but it doesn't have the insanely op burst that it currently has in pvp. Leave the fact that it is unblockable as it is one of the fee things that can reliably kill cancer tanks.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Rainingblood
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.

    It would help if it consistently conned red on the ground under it. Probably 80% of the times I die from it, I don't know what hit me until I see the death recap. And no, it's not lag.

    The other 20% of time is split between being at full stam in an unbreakable fear as it wrecks me, and me just being out of resources and no escape.

    Well it looks like they fixed this part according to the patch notes that just went up...
    Phoebe Anderson
  • Rainingblood
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.

    When is this re-balance update? I'd like to know when i can resume playing ESO again because pvp is just terrible with all these procs sets, eots trains and root spamming dks/sorcs.

    Sureshawt wrote: »
    EOTS got buff based on player feedback on PTS.

    This is a perfect example of why ZoS should be very cautious when taking player input in terms of balance and really look at objective data before making these kinds of decisions.

    Most players are inherently biased towards their class/playstyle etc. and not always what is best for the game.

    It needed that buff for PvE. Not so much for PvP.

    That buff has basically ruined pvp. It just had to be better then Meteor....

    In pvp, Meteor is so counterable that the full damage potenail is never utalized.. but with EotS.... no comment. Im happy to see zos stating they will tweak it.

    All that needs to be done to fix it is double duration and halve the damage per tick. It's still the same amount of overall dmg so will perform the same in pve but it doesn't have the insanely op burst that it currently has in pvp. Leave the fact that it is unblockable as it is one of the fee things that can reliably kill cancer tanks.

    Yeah it's sad that one tick of it is as good as one hit of my whip :(
    Phoebe Anderson
  • olsborg
    Not nessesarily a nerf, but it sure does need an active counter.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • SanTii.92
    Sureshawt wrote: »
    EOTS got buff based on player feedback on PTS.

    This is a perfect example of why ZoS should be very cautious when taking player input in terms of balance and really look at objective data before making these kinds of decisions.

    Most players are inherently biased towards their class/playstyle etc. and not always what is best for the game.

    It needed that buff for PvE. Not so much for PvP.

    no one said that at that time.
    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
    the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

    Arg | Pc Na | Factionless Mag Warden.
  • Artemiisia
    Eye of the Storm is intended to be a pretty strong ability. That said, we are taking a look at adjusting the damage as part of our re-balance in the upcoming update.

    so again the pvp'ers win
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