Maelstrom Runs Orsinium Event
Run #1
- Battle Axe (Powered)
- Battle Axe (Decisive)
Run #2
- Mace (Precise) / (Nirnhoned)
- Sword (Precise) / (Divines)
Run #3
- Sword (Charged) / (Impenetrable)
- Restoration Staff (Decisive)
Run #4
- Dagger (Defending)
- Bow (Charged)
Run #5
- Battle Axe (Decisive)
- Restoration Staff (Infused)
Run #6
- Maul (Charged)
- Restoration Staff (Decisive)
Do you notice anything wrong here for something that is supposed to be 'random'...? Yeah, not very random. Is it? And for those who defend this pos RNG system and would call me a liar, I've screen shot every single chest I've received so far. You can't possibly defend this crap. And no chart missing date and time stamps looking like it was made via MS Paint can make me think otherwise.
A quick question to a developer who says that it's just "bad luck". How is it possibly random to receive within. 6 runs multiple duplicates of the SAME item, while never once seeing a single item of any trait? Keep in mind, there are people who've for months experienced this (I myself am included in this as I've never seen a lightning staff of any kind in the final chest). So please, do explain that for me. As those drops I listed above are statistically unlikely and should NOT be occurring within a truly random system. And then repeats of the same trait of said item in such a small amount of runs? Lmao. You've got to be joking.
Oh, and 1 more thing. Let's view these drops from a different point of view. Shall we? Let us say that this wasn't the Orsinium Event. And that those would've been drops in sequence per run. Within 12 runs to get that's many duplicates? Really now? Can you explain to me how the RNG isn't flawed? Because I'm just waiting to see the defense for ZOS people are going to come up with.