Saptank trials viability?

Would an argonian saptank build be viable for all endgame pve group content such as trials and vet dungs?
Breton Sorcerer
XBONE EU: Watsonatorr

Best Answer

  • Autolycus
    Snootking wrote: »
    @Silver_Strider but am I likely to encounter most people not wanting a saptank in their trials group? This is the main reason that puts me off

    If you let the ignorance of others stop you from being a good tank, then you never will be one. It's like quitting before you even try. All classes are on a level playing field for trials tanking in today's ESO. Every trials tank utilizes the same buffs and debuffs, and uses the same gear in most cases. There are definitely nuances for each class that change the way certain buffs are accessed or maintained, but the fundamentals of tanking do not change with class. On occasion, there will be a need for a specific type of tank for a specific boss during a specific mechanic. These are outlier scenarios to the overall concept of trials tanking; they are the exception to the norm. There are plenty of examples of tanks of every class completing content that has stereotypically always been "best completed by a DK." The underlying theme here is that hear-say means nothing in ESO. What matters is the player behind the character, not the class.
    Edited by Autolycus on October 31, 2016 3:15PM
    Answer ✓
  • Autolycus

    Edited by Autolycus on October 28, 2016 2:09PM
  • Silver_Strider
    It's viable
    I do it all the time with my Argonian Sap Tank, or at least I used to prior to my Trial Guild becoming so stiff in their requirements for Trials that it became suffocating and I left out of disgust.
    Argonian forever
  • Snootking
    @Silver_Strider but am I likely to encounter most people not wanting a saptank in their trials group? This is the main reason that puts me off
    Breton Sorcerer
    XBONE EU: Watsonatorr
  • WuffyCerulei
    My friend has a saptank who's tanked for my trial runs before. All he really needed at times was a shard thrown his way.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • code65536
    I have a friend who, as a nightblade, has tanked everything, including vMoL, so yes, it's definitely viable.

    That said,
    • Dungeon and trials tanking are two very different things. A nightblade saptank in a dungeon is a beast and really showcases the unique strengths of nightblade tanking. I personally think that nightblades are the best dungeon tanks, even better than DKs. Trials tanking, on the other hand, has very different requirements, and a nightblade tank in a trial will lose a lot of its unique flavor and advantage.
    • The requirements of trials tanking are such that DKs do have an advantage over nightblades. Played correctly, a nightblade will do just fine as a trials tank, but it is more difficult and requires more careful play.
    • You might face some discrimination, and you might come across people who are less likely to give you a chance because you're a nightblade. That said, most people don't care as long as you can deliver results.
    Edited by code65536 on October 26, 2016 3:55PM
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • Autolycus
    code65536 wrote: »
    I have a friend who has tanked everything, including vMoL, so yes, it's definitely viable.

    That said,
    • Dungeon and trials tanking are two very different things. A nightblade saptank in a dungeon is a beast and really showcases the unique strengths of nightblade tanking. I personally think that nightblades are the best dungeon tanks, even better than DKs. Trials tanking, on the other hand, has very different requirements, and a nightblade tank in a trial will lose a lot of its unique flavor and advantage.
    • The requirements of trials tanking is such that DKs have an advantage over nightblades. Played correctly, a nightblade will do just fine as a trials tank, but it is more difficult and requires more careful play.
    • You might face some discrimination, and you might come across people who are less likely to give you a chance because you're a nightblade. That said, most people don't care as long as you can deliver results.

    This is the second time I've seen you make claims like this, and I strongly disagree. I would like for you to provide some specific examples to support this claim, else I deem it misinformation. Perhaps some personal experience has led you to believe DKs are inherently better?
    Edited by Autolycus on October 26, 2016 4:36PM
  • Snootking
    Thanks for your replies guys.

    @Autolycus it's not that I would let the ignorance of others stop me but rather that I get limited time to play and can't be ***ed with wasting that time trying to find a group that will give me a chance. But as long as most groups in reality give you a chance to prove yourself before dismissal (which by much of what I've seen posted previously they don't) then it's all good.
    Breton Sorcerer
    XBONE EU: Watsonatorr
  • Silver_Strider
    Not really.
    While DK tanks offer some helpful tools for Trials, such as Talons and Chains, NB tanks make up for that by having more damage, off healing and Ultimate Regen, making them useful in different ways than DK tanks.

    Generally, it all about your set up and how well you can maintain yourself in a Trial setting that really matters. If you can handle your resources while providing all the usual group buffs (Warhorn, etc.) then most people won't really care that you're a NB. I actually had both a DK tank and a NB tank and my old Trial Guild preferred my NB tank as everything would just die that much quicker in Trials due to greater Warhorn up time, my off heals taking some pressure off the Healers, freeing them up to DPS more often, and my own damage being that much better than my DKs and since everything was dying faster, the missed utility from my DK tank weren't really missed at all.
    Argonian forever
  • Autolycus
    Snootking wrote: »
    Thanks for your replies guys.

    @Autolycus it's not that I would let the ignorance of others stop me but rather that I get limited time to play and can't be ***ed with wasting that time trying to find a group that will give me a chance. But as long as most groups in reality give you a chance to prove yourself before dismissal (which by much of what I've seen posted previously they don't) then it's all good.

    I completely understand where you're coming from. It's been some time since I had someone "talk smack" or otherwise show their disapproval at having a NB tank for no good reason. It's one thing to make a mistake and have someone blame your class for that, but it's another entirely to join a group and get voted out right away for being a NB.

    If you are confident in your build and your experience, that confidence will be reciprocated by your team. Of course, it takes time (if you are new to NB tanking) to learn the finer points of the class, and to become experienced in all content. But that doesn't inherently make you incapable of doing it. The same is true for all classes, even as a dps or healer. In my experience, people who would condone that behavior are likely prone to making fatal mistakes themselves. I don't want to over-generalize, but generally those people are those that lack experience and gear.
  • code65536
    Autolycus wrote: »

    This is the second time I've seen you make claims like this, and I strongly disagree. I would like for you to provide some specific examples to support this claim, else I deem it misinformation. Perhaps some personal experience has led you to believe DKs are inherently better?

    I thought I did clarify it the last time we discussed this. Anyway...
    1. In regards to my first point, the unique advantage of the nightblade tank is that it has great damage potential and self-healing from that damage. In a dungeon, it means a lot of off-DPS and off-healing from a tank who rarely needs healer support and who can carry, as a tank, groups with bad DPS. And it's why I prefer nightblade tanks over DK tanks in a dungeon (esp. now that we have Swarm Mother). In a trial, neither of these advantages are important because the damage contribution of the tank in a 12-man group is negligible. Furthermore, the kind of build that you use in a trial (more survival/support and not the kind of hybrid/dps build that many saptanks use in dungeons) isn't the kind of build that showcases the nightblade's unique advantage. This is not to say that a nightblade isn't good in a trial--what this is saying is that the nightblade's main advantages over a DK in a dungeon don't apply to trials.
    2. In regards to my second point, my stance has always been that well-played nightblades are viable in trials, and nothing that I said in my post contradicts that stance. But they do require a higher level of skill to play correctly. Do you dispute this? As a DK, you can literally tape down that RMB. Need stamina? Block-cast your Igneous. Block-cast your War Horn and get oodles of resources back. What does a nightblade have for resource management? We have Siphoning Attacks, which is very powerful. But it requires a light attack to proc. Which means dropping block. Which means timing that drop so that you don't get whacked at a bad time. Now, if you're a seasoned tank who knows all the boss fights, all the tells, that's not a problem--you don't have to permablock, you can light-attack to proc SA, and you end up having resource management that's arguably even better than a DK's. But I am under no delusion that this is easy for a new tank who has a lot of other things on their plate that they need to focus on, or for people who latency/framerate issues. Similarly, a lot of tanks are given the recommendation of placing everything important on one bar to minimize the vulnerability frames from bar swaps because it makes things easier. Can you configure your bars such that you need frequent bar swaps? Sure. Can you drop block to proc SA? Sure. But these things open up potential points of player error and thus require a higher level of skill. That doesn't mean that nightblades are not viable (a claim that I have never made), but it does mean that they are harder to play because there are more things that a nightblade has to juggle.
    Edited by code65536 on October 26, 2016 4:45PM
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • Snootking
    Thanks for all your answers I will definitely be making a saptank in the near future now.
    I am generally quite capable once I'm used to a build and playstyle and if the playstyle is too simple and not challenging then I get bored so a NB tank sounds perfect for me!
    Breton Sorcerer
    XBONE EU: Watsonatorr
  • Autolycus
    code65536 wrote: »

    I thought I did clarify it the last we discussed this. Anyway...
    1. In regards to my first point, the unique advantage of the nightblade tank is that it has great damage potential and self-healing from that damage. In a dungeon, it means a lot of off-DPS and off-healing from a tank who rarely needs healer support and who can carry, as a tank, groups with bad DPS. In a trial, neither of these advantages are important because the damage contribution of the tank in a 12-man group is negligible. Furthermore, the kind of build that you use in a trial (more survival/support and not the kind of hybrid/dps build that many saptanks use in dungeons) isn't the kind of build that showcases the nightblade's unique advantage. This is not to say that a nightblade isn't good in a trial--what this is saying is that the nightblade's main advantages over a DK in a dungeon don't apply to trials.
    2. In regards to my second point, my stance has always been that well-played nightblades are viable in trials, and nothing that I said in my post contradicts that stance. But they do require a higher level of skill to play correctly. Do you dispute this? As a DK, you can literally tape down that RMB. Need stamina? Block-cast your Igneous. Block-cast your War Horn and get oodles of resources back. What does a nightblade have for resource management? We have Siphoning Attacks, which is very powerful. But it requires a light attack to proc. Which means dropping block. Which means timing that drop so that you don't get whacked at a bad time. Now, if you're a seasoned tank who knows all the boss fights, all the tells, that's not a problem--you don't have to permablock, you can light-attack to proc SA, and you end up having resource management that's arguably even better than a DK's. But I am under no delusion that this is easy for a new tank who has a lot of other things on their plate that they need to focus on, or for people who latency/framerate issues. Similarly, a lot of tanks are given the recommendation of placing everything important on one bar to minimize the vulnerability frames from bar swaps because it makes things easier. Can you configure your bars such that you need frequent bar swaps? Sure. Can you drop block to proc SA? Sure. But these things open up potential points of player error and thus require a higher level of skill. That doesn't mean that nightblades are not viable (a claim that I have never made), but it does mean that they are harder to play because there are more things that a nightblade has to juggle.

    Thanks for clarifying. I would argue that the main advantage of a NB tank, regardless of content, is sustain potential, not damage/healing potential. The sustain advantage that NBs have doesn't go away by stepping into trials... that is simply the nature of the class. Once one learns to play as a NB tank, has refined one's build to its optimal potential, and learned mechanics (which is something all players, regardless of role, must do), it doesn't matter which content is in question.

    You are absolutely correct in saying that playing a NB tank is more difficult, particularly for the risk taken to light attack or bar swap. Is that a disadvantage? Again, the nature of the build doesn't change. I guess we can call it a disadvantage, but frankly I think that verbiage implies a negative connotation that leads people to believe they are somehow less qualified - and that is misinformation. A NB can tape their RMB down too, if that's how he/she wants to build.

    All I wanted was specific information. I apologize if it came off the wrong way... I may be reading too much into the tone of your post, but it appears I may have offended you. I've seen and read a great deal of your posts and I know you to be knowledgeable and capable as a player; I can simply tell from your tone and content that you've been around the block. You've provided a great deal of insight for many people, myself included. I take back the "strongly disagree" comment I made in the last post; that was rude and uncalled for.

    The main reason I asked you to provide specifics is for the benefit of the OP. Just as you mentioned that playing a NB tank may be relatively difficult for someone new to tanking (or new to the class), playing up a DK (or any class for that matter) as "better" acts as a deterrent to players wanting to fill those shoes. A good tank is a good tank... it doesn't matter what content. Either one builds properly and knows their class and mechanics well, or they need to practice and adjust their gear/skills/etc. The fundamentals of tanking don't change with class.
    Edited by Autolycus on October 26, 2016 5:07PM
  • code65536
    Autolycus wrote: »

    Thanks for clarifying. I would argue that the main advantage of a NB tank, regardless of content, is sustain potential, not damage/healing potential. The sustain advantage that NBs have doesn't go away by stepping into trials... that is simply the nature of the class. Once one learns to play as a NB tank, has refined one's build to its optimal potential, and learned mechanics (which is something all players, regardless of role, must do), it doesn't matter which content is in question.

    You are absolutely correct in saying that playing a NB tank is more difficult, particularly for the risk taken to light attack or bar swap. Is that a disadvantage? Again, the nature of the build doesn't change. I guess we can call it a disadvantage, but frankly I think that verbiage implies a negative connotation that leads people to believe they are somehow less qualified - and that is misinformation. A NB can tape their RMB down too, if that's how he/she wants to build.

    All I wanted was specific information. I apologize if it came off the wrong way... I may be reading too much into the tone of your post, but it appears I may have offended you. I've seen and read a great deal of your posts and I know you to be knowledgeable and capable as a player; I can simply tell from your tone and content that you've been around the block. You've provided a great deal of insight for many people, myself included. I take back the "strongly disagree" comment I made in the last post; that was rude and uncalled for.

    The main reason I asked you to provide specifics is for the benefit of the OP. Just as you mentioned that playing a NB tank may be relatively difficult for someone new to tanking (or new to the class), playing up a DK (or any class for that matter) as "better" acts as a deterrent to players wanting to fill those shoes. A good tank is a good tank... it doesn't matter what content. Either one builds properly and knows their class and mechanics well, or they need to practice and adjust their gear/skills/etc. The fundamentals of tanking don't change with class.

    I think we're agreement here. :) And perhaps I should not have used the word "advantage" for DK tanks and should've used something more specific, like "easier learning curve".
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • kylewwefan
    Snootking wrote: »
    Would an argonian saptank build be viable for all endgame pve group content such as trials and vet dungs?

    Yes. Completely viable to tank. Also, Argonian NiteBlade is fun to play. Use plenty of pot.
  • actosh
    I tank in vet trials with my stam based knightblade and i enjoy it more than i did with my dk meta tank ^^.

    The Build is still a work in progress and the only meta stuff he wears is alkosh, because i try to do something different that is still fun for me while benefiting the group.

    What i do enjoy the most is the feeling of a higher skillcap. ONce u learned the attack patterns of bosses(learned them on my dk since i used to hit up that sunderflane debuff whenever i could with a heavy.

    I also put my bloodspawn stuff into the bank because my ult gen is high enough even without tavas and bs.

    The fight im most interested in is vAA with the axes on the last boss.

    The trials grp im in was kinda sceptical when i put my dk aside and joined with my nb but since i get my job done they r ok with it. They call me most of the time cheaterblade cuz ultgen is so over the top that they just cant believe it ^^.

    STill need a new Master Sword -.-
  • Moltyr
    Snootking wrote: »
    Would an argonian saptank build be viable for all endgame pve group content such as trials and vet dungs?

    I'm not saying it can't be done, it most certainly can - and has - been accomplished. However, DK's are just better at tanking...period (assuming it's not a 'L2P' issue). So when it comes to doing vet trials (HM or not) and especially vMoL (at a competitive level), all other tanks are second best. However, if you're just doing pledges or basic trials and have a great understanding of tanking; you should be just fine. Just know, that if you want to get into top tier end game (at least for now), you will be laughed at if you bring anything other than a DK tank.
  • susmitds
    Moltyr wrote: »

    I'm not saying it can't be done, it most certainly can - and has - been accomplished. However, DK's are just better at tanking...period (assuming it's not a 'L2P' issue). So when it comes to doing vet trials (HM or not) and especially vMoL (at a competitive level), all other tanks are second best. However, if you're just doing pledges or basic trials and have a great understanding of tanking; you should be just fine. Just know, that if you want to get into top tier end game (at least for now), you will be laughed at if you bring anything other than a DK tank.

    You are very wrong. DK tanks are not best. If you count dungeons, NB tanks are better in every regard. For trials, NB tanks have a much higher ultimate generation and most of enemies are not chain-able in the first place. Yes, DK tanks are easier and have relatively higher survivability but NB tanks, while much harder to play, make up for it with increased group support.
  • Autolycus
    Moltyr wrote: »

    I'm not saying it can't be done, it most certainly can - and has - been accomplished. However, DK's are just better at tanking...period (assuming it's not a 'L2P' issue). So when it comes to doing vet trials (HM or not) and especially vMoL (at a competitive level), all other tanks are second best. However, if you're just doing pledges or basic trials and have a great understanding of tanking; you should be just fine. Just know, that if you want to get into top tier end game (at least for now), you will be laughed at if you bring anything other than a DK tank.

    Yeah... this is wrong on many levels. Bad advice, inaccurate. Please stop spreading misinformation.
  • Natas013
    I long ago turned my stam DK tank to dps, back before stam DK was op, and turned my imperial stam blade into a saptank. I know the race may not be optimal, but the extra health helped a lot when I was learning the fights. Another thing that helped while learning the fights was immovable brute and armor master set. I don't run either any more as neither is needed.

    On a side note, magblade can heal trials too, provided your tank can sustain himself (and stays on your path) and you spec cp right for it.
    Edited by Natas013 on October 31, 2016 3:05PM
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • fred4
    code65536 wrote: »
    As a DK, you can literally tape down that RMB. Need stamina? Block-cast your Igneous. Block-cast your War Horn and get oodles of resources back. What does a nightblade have for resource management? We have Siphoning Attacks, which is very powerful. But it requires a light attack to proc. Which means dropping block.
    Perhaps you can clarify this passage for me. I rarely play trials and haven't done any veteran ones. I do however play dungeons, occasionally soloing the easier ones. In my limited experience I don't find your statement to be true. For starters Siphoning Attacks proc not just from light attacks, but also (for a percentage) from Siphoning skills. They proc frequently, if you are surrounded by a mob and just block-cast Sap Essence. If the mob is large enough my survivability goes up, because I don't need to drop block at all while casting Sap. Against single targets (bosses) I cast Bolstering Darkness (60% damage reduction) when I run out of stam, then regenerate it from Siphoning Attacks + light attacks. This works rather well.

    On the other hand I have only begun tanking with my stam DK and I definitely DO NOT find the resource management easier than on my magblade. The stamina return from Igneous Shield is puny and I can only cast it a few times. Ultimates aren't up frequently enough that they would surpass the NB resource regen.

    So I'm guessing there are specific things about your build that shift this balance. The things I can think of are:

    (1) High stamina pool, because the DK Helping Hands passive returns a percentage of your max stam. However this conflicts with tanks having to invest in health.

    (2) Black Rose, to return more resources. However, I haven't seen that mentioned as a tanking set. It's not available with Sturdy trait.

    (3) Sets / practices that increase Ultimate generation, such as Bloodspawn, Tava's, Low Slash, Decisive trait. Which ones?

    (4) Extensive use of block cost reduction. All Sturdy traits, Shield play jewelry enchants. How far do you need to push this aspect? As my DK is a multi-purpose character, I never fully maxed out this aspect yet.
    Edited by fred4 on October 31, 2016 4:59PM
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • WalksonGraves
    I'm an argonian nb tank.

    I run 3x shield play and 100 cp in block cost reduction, you want to maximize your ability to block since it's crucial for boss mechanics.

    Invigorating Drain has the highest ult generation of anything in the game. 15/3sec.
    Vampire's also get 30% dr below 50% hp.
  • acw37162
    Sap tanks in Dungeons are awesome.

    Tone of vesiyility and a very unique active play style. The way Night Blane tanks convert magical to stamina is though siphoning strikes so you will be constantly light attack - skill - bash weaving to regen stam.
    Moltyr wrote: »

    I'm not saying it can't be done, it most certainly can - and has - been accomplished. However, DK's are just better at tanking...period (assuming it's not a 'L2P' issue). So when it comes to doing vet trials (HM or not) and especially vMoL (at a competitive level), all other tanks are second best. However, if you're just doing pledges or basic trials and have a great understanding of tanking; you should be just fine. Just know, that if you want to get into top tier end game (at least for now), you will be laughed at if you bring anything other than a DK tank.

    @Autolycus is right above, you have a rather significant bias in class choice for tanking and pushing that bias on others is exceptionally wrong and borederline tragic

  • susmitds
    I'm an argonian nb tank.

    I run 3x shield play and 100 cp in block cost reduction, you want to maximize your ability to block since it's crucial for boss mechanics.

    Invigorating Drain has the highest ult generation of anything in the game. 15/3sec.
    Vampire's also get 30% dr below 50% hp.

    Invigorating Drain sucks on any tank except Blazing Shield Templars.
  • WalksonGraves
    susmitds wrote: »

    Invigorating Drain sucks on any tank except Blazing Shield Templars.

    Right because having twice as much ult generation as any other source is something to ignore.

    Blazing shield is almost identical to bone shield and has zero to do with drain other than hp scaling which isn't templar only.
    Edited by WalksonGraves on November 1, 2016 12:22AM
  • Autolycus

    Right because having twice as much ult generation as any other source is something to ignore.

    Blazing shield is almost identical to bone shield and has zero to do with drain other than hp scaling which isn't templar only.

    OMG again with this nonsense. I have yet to see a single person who agrees with you. You lack experience and your advice is bad. Quit spreading misinformation. I fail to see why you think every thread on these forums needs to be littered with your permadrain nonsense. Some people want good tanking advice, not the crap you tout around and claim is best with no actual experience or data to back it up.
    Edited by Autolycus on November 1, 2016 3:22PM
  • WalksonGraves
    Autolycus wrote: »

    OMG again with this nonsense. I have yet to see a single person who agrees with you. You lack experience and your advice is bad. Quit spreading misinformation. I fail to see why you think every thread on these forums needs to be littered with your permadrain nonsense. Some people want good tanking advice, not the crap you tout around and claim is best with no actual experience or data to back it up.

    Lol like your nonsense about the shield? Here's an idea, just because you lack the intellectual capacity to understand when some numbers are higher than others but you can't simultaneously say Ult generation is all important and the best source of ult is meaningless. Btw people did agree with me, it just took a while before anyone other than you and your trolls responded.

    Stop trying to act like you know anything, adults are talking.

    How about you post your ult gen, mine is 300 a minute. Please brag about how you have less than half my ult gen.
    Edited by WalksonGraves on November 1, 2016 3:47PM
  • Autolycus

    Lol like your nonsense about the shield? Here's an idea, just because you lack the intellectual capacity to understand when some numbers are higher than others but you can't simultaneously say Ult generation is all important and the best source of ult is meaningless. Btw people did agree with me, it just took a while before anyone other than you and your trolls responded.

    Stop trying to act like you know anything, adults are talking.

    How about you post your ult gen, mine is 300 a minute. Please brag about how you have less than half my ult gen.

    Actually I generate 465 (typo) 365 ult per minute without Invigorating Drain, and I provide a plethora of buffs to my group in addition to that. I could bump this up even more if I used synergies more often (but I leave these to the player with Alkosh), and even further still if I added in a third set that generates ultimate, or could use a set that reduces ult cost.

    You simply don't have the experience and knowledge you think you do. Until you start actually doing content and learning about group play, about what it takes to beat content in this game, you have no grounds to justify your claims of BiS builds.

    And nobody agreed with you. The only people who didn't argue with you were those that recognize all you would do is argue. The best you got was "hey man, if you have fun with it then whatever." That's not agreement; that's recognizing a waste of time and moving on. The "trolls" you constantly insult on your threads are well-known and respected tanks in the ESO community. The sad part is that most of them tried to help you until you started insulting them.
    Edited by Autolycus on November 1, 2016 6:05PM
  • WalksonGraves
    Autolycus wrote: »

    Actually I generate 465 ult per minute without Invigorating Drain, and I provide a plethora of buffs to my group in addition to that. I could bump this up even more if I used synergies more often (but I leave these to the player with Alkosh), and even further still if I added in a third set that generates ultimate, or could use a set that reduces ult cost.

    You simply don't have the experience and knowledge you think you do. Until you start actually doing content and learning about group play, about what it takes to beat content in this game, you have no grounds to justify your claims of BiS builds.

    Prove it. Even with every possible ult skill on both bars you could not get those numbers in game. Maybe in your fantasy worlds where everything has 100% proc and all moves are instant.

    You honestly think anything generates more than an argonian nb you need to lay off the skooma.

    For someone who never backs up any of your claims you sure like to run your mouth. Post a video of you getting 2 horns a min while tanking a boss. We both know you can't.
    Edited by WalksonGraves on November 1, 2016 5:26PM
  • Autolycus
    No that was a typo, it's supposed to say 365 ult/min, not 465. I can get it up to 425/min with additional synergies and adding a third ulti-gen set.

    I'm not going to waste my time proving anything to you; besides you could easily prove it yourself by running the numbers. I've done plenty to prove my own credibility by actually completing content. Plus anyone with any semblance of tanking experience or knowledge can gather as much from having a conversation with me, much like those other "trolls" you insulted.
    Edited by Autolycus on November 1, 2016 5:34PM
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