SolarCat02 wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!
For some odd reason you cannot edit your own first post in a thread. ESO has so many bugs they're infecting the forum now
You can, actually. Click the gear in the top right corner of the post.
Fallen_Ray wrote: »If you're on PS4, NA add Fallen_Ray-, You won't be getting kicked from my groups, no matter what lvl you are or how you play. If you need tips I'll help you out
SolarCat02 wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!
For some odd reason you cannot edit your own first post in a thread. ESO has so many bugs they're infecting the forum now
You can, actually. Click the gear in the top right corner of the post.
I can't do that on my own first post in a thread, only later posts I make in a thread.
Peekachu99 wrote: »P.S. I echo that the debuff timer shouldn't apply if you're kicked. No idea why that is still a thing.
alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!
For some odd reason you cannot edit your own first post in a thread. ESO has so many bugs they're infecting the forum now
You can just reverse this by saying: If you lack the knowledge/dps/cp/gear/whatever to complete a task don´t queue up for it in hope to get dragged along by other players. You can get a starter guild for learning mechanics and having build tips etc pp.
Both statements are equally wrong or right.
If a player gets kicked the majority of the grp wants him or her gone. That´s not a "some elitists" issue.
I see your point but I do not believe both views are the same. To suggest that a low level player shouldn't queue for vet dungeons, I believe, is somewhat more of an extreme view than to suggest that if you use group finder then you should accept that it may give you low level players. Also, I think its more reasonable to say that if you don't like the pug you got, then YOU leave. You used group finder, you rolled your dice and them's the chances But to kick a player for being low level is obviously very hurtful as evidenced in the OP's comments.
Yes I agree that some dungeons are not possible with low level players and I have been stuck for 2hrs in a dungeon that should have only taken 20mins, but I accept that low level players should be allowed to run them so that they can improve.
On the days when I really don't want to run with inexperienced players then I don't use the group finder. Or if I use group finder and think its not going to work out... I leave!
And no, I don't think you can learn it all by reading tactics online etc. Sometimes the only way to improve is to run the vet dungeons, get wiped , learn the tactics, and improve. I think by saying players shouldn't queue for vet content is denying them a part of the game which they paid for and have every right to expect to be able to attempt.
I'd say people who fall into those categories shouldn't be expecting to get to do the dungeon the way they want if they're using the group finder. If just getting it done fast is the most important thing to you - to the point that you'll kick low CP players instantly without even trying the dungeon, then you should just be grouping with friends and guildies. If you're not prepared to at least try to run a dungeon with whoever you randomly get grouped with, then you shouldn't be using the group finder. And just to be clear, when I say "you" I'm not referring to you @Osteos, I'm speaking in general terms.I can see both sides. Some just want to get it done. They don't want to train people or spend hours in a dungeon. I don't think that makes them elitist or bad people. Maybe they don't have a lot of time to play. Maybe they don't like dungeons and just want keys for gear. It doesn't really matter. Using group finder doesn't have a requirement that you have to suffer through a bad group for using it. I will admit cp level is a poor indication of skill.
Nah, if you don't use the group finder often because you prefer to group with friends/guildies that doesn't make you an elitist meanie. The people who use group finder and automatically kick people below a certain amount of CPs: those are the elitist meanies. And in my experience the people who are most adamant about not wanting people who aren't at cap (or close to it) are the people who are most in need of other people to carry them.I don't use group finder often. Call me an elitist meanie if you will
lol that's, um, an interesting DPS rotation...My last experience 3 of my guild were on and we needed a dps. Used group finder and off we went. It didn't take long to notice that the dps used heavy lightning staff attacks until the health was low and then crit rushed.. backed up a few feet crit rush.. back up crit rush. Thankfully my friends are both excellent players so it wasn't an issue just amusing. Picking up 2 dps like that would make for a terrible experience.
Which is totally fair. I don't object to people kicking someone from a group after they've started doing a dungeon and it's become clear that the person either can't or won't do their role. It's people who kick before the dungeon even starts who are the problem.That being said I have never kicked anyone from a group. I do expect you to know your class and play it well though.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Two vet, two public. I know that I'm low, but CP123ish isn't THAT low and shouldn't warrant the ol' boot out the door, especially for a public dungeon. It wouldn't grind my gears as much if the queue time wasn't 1+ hours and then pegged with the 15 minute penalty just to rub salt in the wound.
Whyyyy do you do that?! WHY!!!!!!! If you're one of those people who do that, I hope your plunder skulls are full of Sweet Sanguine Apples recipes.
It really sucked and my frustration forced me to do something I dislike doing... turning off the console and participating in real world activities. *shudders*
Two vet, two public. I know that I'm low, but CP123ish isn't THAT low and shouldn't warrant the ol' boot out the door, especially for a public dungeon. It wouldn't grind my gears as much if the queue time wasn't 1+ hours and then pegged with the 15 minute penalty just to rub salt in the wound.
Whyyyy do you do that?! WHY!!!!!!! If you're one of those people who do that, I hope your plunder skulls are full of Sweet Sanguine Apples recipes.
It really sucked and my frustration forced me to do something I dislike doing... turning off the console and participating in real world activities. *shudders*
Two vet, two public. I know that I'm low, but CP123ish isn't THAT low and shouldn't warrant the ol' boot out the door, especially for a public dungeon. It wouldn't grind my gears as much if the queue time wasn't 1+ hours and then pegged with the 15 minute penalty just to rub salt in the wound.
Whyyyy do you do that?! WHY!!!!!!! If you're one of those people who do that, I hope your plunder skulls are full of Sweet Sanguine Apples recipes.
It really sucked and my frustration forced me to do something I dislike doing... turning off the console and participating in real world activities. *shudders*
SteveCampsOut wrote: »Peekachu99 wrote: »P.S. I echo that the debuff timer shouldn't apply if you're kicked. No idea why that is still a thing.
The Debuff timer was implemented at the elitist whiner's request because people would join group and leave within 10 seconds of seeing group makeup. Now they're whining because they got what they wanted. You just can't fix stupid.
Aye story of my queue, I've given up on vet as I'm booted straight away for being cp 175 "/
I don't think this will resolve the issue of people getting kicked, the underlying problem is that some people want to be carried through anything or cannot adapt to situations that are not ideal. That is something what needs resolving or being handled. I'm sorry OP but take your 15 minute loss and leave groups where they start moaning about your CP, those people are not worth your time. You will find people that have the patience to help you through soon!LadyLethalla wrote: »The PUG I got last night, there was a CP30 who barely participated in the fight... I think he was the healer. Not sure. At any rate, he hung back far enough that his health bar was dim, and only came to the last boss when two of us were dead. Then he died as well. Glad to say the tank prevailed. But... there was never a vote to kick even though this guy was as useless as an ashtray on a motorbike.
I do wish they would implement some kind of tiered grouping mechanic for lowbies. I'd love my low level toons to participate in the group finder with other lowbies since I know they'd get kicked by the higher level players.
SteveCampsOut wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!alephthiago wrote: »Dude is so bad that its being kicked from PUBLIC dungeons lol
I'm blaming that typo on the lack of edit feature. Boourns!
For some odd reason you cannot edit your own first post in a thread. ESO has so many bugs they're infecting the forum now
You can edit your first post, just look for the friggin gear icon! On the first post it's close to the thread title instead of the upper right corner where it is on every other post. It's there, it's just in a stupidly not obvious location. Blame THAT on the bad programming they use here.
GeneralPardon wrote: »I don't think this will resolve the issue of people getting kicked, the underlying problem is that some people want to be carried through anything or cannot adapt to situations that are not ideal. That is something what needs resolving or being handled. I'm sorry OP but take your 15 minute loss and leave groups where they start moaning about your CP, those people are not worth your time. You will find people that have the patience to help you through soon!LadyLethalla wrote: »The PUG I got last night, there was a CP30 who barely participated in the fight... I think he was the healer. Not sure. At any rate, he hung back far enough that his health bar was dim, and only came to the last boss when two of us were dead. Then he died as well. Glad to say the tank prevailed. But... there was never a vote to kick even though this guy was as useless as an ashtray on a motorbike.
I do wish they would implement some kind of tiered grouping mechanic for lowbies. I'd love my low level toons to participate in the group finder with other lowbies since I know they'd get kicked by the higher level players.
Fallen_Ray wrote: »If you're on PS4, NA add Fallen_Ray-, You won't be getting kicked from my groups, no matter what lvl you are or how you play. If you need tips I'll help you out
And if you are on PC, NA, message/add Minno. I'll do the same.
My only requirement is that you try and listen.