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Are craftable sets done for now that One Tamriel is there

Got the feeling that the findable sets are so much better than those who are crafted.
So it seems like a waste for me to even bother crafting.
Of course there are exceptions like Twice Born Star or Eternal Hunt and so on.
Please exclude those in the choice below.
Edited by TheDarkRuler on October 16, 2016 7:32AM

Are craftable sets done for now that One Tamriel is there 123 votes

Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
Gilvothdodgehopper_ESOHumble48xaraanKelzanastoob16_ESOLissiexxSirCriticaloddaviChickensteinTheDarkRulerkixsaxAshtariszZzleepyheadFarorinolsborgHaxnschwammerVyle_BytetimidobserverMinalan 54 votes
Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
rowdy45_ESOwayfarerxMojmirSigtricskyprowerb14_ESOIruil_ESOixiethomas1970b16_ESOmokshaiheledironjarrandub17_ESOAlinielstarlizard70ub17_ESOSynfaerElsonsolonewolf26bellanca6561nDagoth_RacFrozenAnimalCogo 69 votes
  • Integral1900
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    Never ever through I would go along with that statement but yes. I'm stubborn enough to keep using crafted sets because I hate the whole grab bag look you get from using all dropped sets and I've never thought much of the costumes.

    I love the feeling of crafting up end game gear but now I do it knowing that it will never be as good as the dropped stuff. At least they could give us nine trait crafters who shovelled all that time and effort some reward like being able to change the look of our gear. Even if we can't do it for other players because of bind on pickup. They did it with imperial so why not do it with dropped sets?
  • Mojmir
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    twice born star is still arguably best in slot, night mothers gaze also one of the better go to sets. Julianos also a top contender if you can't craft TBS. I think crafting needs something to make it a priority though,jewel crafting for example.
  • AntMan100673
    This poll makes no sense.

    You're basically asking 'apart from the sets that it's worth crafting is it worth crafting any sets?' logically the only answer can be that craftable sets are worthless because any set you consider worthwhile is an exception. You might as well ask 'excluding tails do coins have heads on every side?'

    Now if you look at the popular builds that are considered effective they'll be far more variety in the dropped sets compared to the craftable sets. They'll also be far more builds with all dropped pieces compared to all craftable pieces (excluding jewellery as they're not craftable so every build includes dropped pieces in those slots). I think some craftable sets could do with a tweak so there's more variety in what craftable sets get used.
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
  • Cogo
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.

    Crafting sets are very good.
    Kinda odd poll since you craft the trait, style, part, armor type to design your build.
    Or do you like crit resist on PvE gear and TRAINING on pvp stuff? :-p

    The most important part is the look.....
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
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    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • MilwaukeeScott
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    Jewelry for all dropped sets makes this so.

    All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....
  • code65536
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Of course there are exceptions like Twice Born Star or Eternal Hunt and so on.
    Please exclude those in the choice below.

    That's ridiculous. Why not exclude all the useless dropped sets, too? Undaunted Unweaver? Light Speaker? Ice Furnace? I can go on and on. Most sets in this game are useless, and that applies to both crafted and non-crafted.
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  • Ashtaris
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    I'm not so sure that crafted sets are now BiS. Most of the current crafted sets have been around for quite sometime and things have changed considerably over the last couple of years. Now with all the new gear sets where people are just beginning to explore their potential, we may find that many of the crafted sets are now obsolete. If that's the case, then I would say ZOS needs to re-evaluate some of the current sets and perhaps make some updates or new crafting stations.
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    I'm not so sure that crafted sets are now BiS. Most of the current crafted sets have been around for quite sometime and things have changed considerably over the last couple of years. Now with all the new gear sets where people are just beginning to explore their potential, we may find that many of the crafted sets are now obsolete. If that's the case, then I would say ZOS needs to re-evaluate some of the current sets and perhaps make some updates or new crafting stations.

    While developing tyhru levels, crafted sets now a filler rather than focus in no small part because of the drops being found scaling over and over.

    For end-game, of course with jewels for every drop now you can see the build here or there with two crafted swap-out sets but mostly you will likely see plenty more cases of "all drop sets" than you see "all craft sets."

    There is a huge divergence between equipment crafting and consumable crafting in this regard.
    Nobody will seriously try and run with all or even some drop-consumables. however, now, almost everyone will run with at least some drop-sets if not all drop-sets. it was likel that before as well, but more egregious now.

    So crafted equip is not "done" or "useless" but it is now IMO less often the centerpiece and more often the extra.

    That is speaking from a tactical and even strategic perspective - for those where looks matter AND they find now sutiable alternatives - crafted rules the cosmetic front.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Zypheran
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    There's no middle ground in your poll options. Crafted sets aren't worthless but yes they have been negatively impacted.
    I think its more that 1T has undermined master crafting as a skill. There was a time when the advantages of crafted sets made it worth the MONTHS and MONTHS taken to get 9 traits in all items. Especially given that almost all other skills can be grinded and fast levelled in a few days! But now that you have so many really good sets that can be quickly farmed, it devalues the benefits from spending so much time levelling craft skills.
    Imo, give master crafters the ability to change style & trait on any item where you have learned 9 traits.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • Elsonso
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    They still have value, it is just that crafting is not nearly as important or valuable as it used to be.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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  • Talyena
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    A handful of sets are still useful in the end game.

    But it is time for them to review and update crafted sets now that dropped sets are much improved.
  • Preyfar
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    Crafted sets are still good, but there's definitely a disparity now among many of the sets that render a great many less than useful. Hist Bark is a lackluster set, especially after the changes a year ago to regeneration while blocking. It just doesn't hold up now. Oblivion's Foe is... well, terrible. Spectre's Eye is... okayish. Even Night's Silence doesn't quite hold up anymore.

    That's not to say these sets are terrible, just that they're mostly lackluster, especially when so many of the new sets are as strong as they are.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Most sets, crafted or uncrafted are pretty useless. However there are a few crafted sets, hundings, julianos, twice born, etc, that still work very well in combination with some dropped sets. I do believe crafted sets do need some kind of boost to help them compete with dropped sets. Adding jewelry to the crafted sets would be a great improvement.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • kylewwefan
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Most people I know running drop sets are far less than optimal pieces. Prosperous, training, well fitted etc. Though it is a short list of crafted gear most find useful. The crafting community may be a bit too willing to make these desirable sets for people even it takes months on end to craft them. TBS
  • Cherryblossom
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Got the feeling that the findable sets are so much better than those who are crafted.
    So it seems like a waste for me to even bother crafting.
    Of course there are exceptions like Twice Born Star or Eternal Hunt and so on.
    Please exclude those in the choice below.

    you answer your own question in the statement above.

    If there are still sets people are going to use, then it's already answered the question!

    Most builds use one crafted, plus one looted set. What has changed.
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Got the feeling that the findable sets are so much better than those who are crafted.
    So it seems like a waste for me to even bother crafting.
    Of course there are exceptions like Twice Born Star or Eternal Hunt and so on.
    Please exclude those in the choice below.

    you answer your own question in the statement above.

    If there are still sets people are going to use, then it's already answered the question!

    Most builds use one crafted, plus one looted set. What has changed.

    In just tend days, just the time spent specifically on getting drops vs time crafted.
    In just ten days, the number and scale of drop sets at top-tier (or any tier) with jewels and weapons included.

    For i think the first time since i started crafting, i have a character in ALL DROPS - two 5pc and a 2pc helm-shld. The ten pc were gathered in the last ten days. As time goes on, they will get better as the few with mediocre traits get fixed.

    equip crafting is not useless, but has taken a serious hit and to my mind the still use both types what has changed perspective is just as off as the crafting useless now is.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • oddavi
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    they should use this opportunity to turn two of the three same crafted set station, into a new set ,since we can now go anywhere at any time it wouldnt cause much problems
  • Synfaer
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Try finding a set weapon with the traits you like and you'll realize that crafting is still needed. It is falling behind in terms of power compared to the new looted sets, but it is still viable for most content.
    To put it in perspective, i spent 14 hours over 3 days killing the same 3 bosses in Malab Tor in the hope of getting a sharpened inferno staff...I did not even see 1 destruction staff drop, but I did get 4 resto staves, yay!

    It was not fun...i started drooling on my keyboard...and I will not go back there again.

    And this next comment is for ZOS; It made me think, WTF am I playing this for, because it sure is not fun atm.

  • Lumenn
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    OT drops for me tomorrow so I can't say I have any "hands on" experience but I don't think it will be useless. Crafting has taken a HIT, but it still isn't useless(you even mentioned some sets in the opening post). I never thought the months and months was ideal but /shrug it's Zos game so I have to play by their rules(my characters are completionists in everything in other games, and my opinion zos ruins my type of gameplay for alts with time limits on traits and horse training. But that's another thread)

    There will still be uses for crafting, for looks and desired traits if nothing else.
  • Elsonso
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Lumenn wrote: »
    OT drops for me tomorrow so I can't say I have any "hands on" experience but I don't think it will be useless. Crafting has taken a HIT, but it still isn't useless(you even mentioned some sets in the opening post). I never thought the months and months was ideal but /shrug it's Zos game so I have to play by their rules(my characters are completionists in everything in other games, and my opinion zos ruins my type of gameplay for alts with time limits on traits and horse training. But that's another thread)

    There will still be uses for crafting, for looks and desired traits if nothing else.

    The hit on crafting really started with Thieves Guild, was further hurt in Dark Brotherhood, and One Tamriel just continues the trend. Honestly, the ball started rolling with Orsinium, but it was not yet established as a path.

    This is why I think that Crafting is not among the things that ZOS creative direction thinks will be a primary activity in the game. This is also why I think that all future changes to Crafting will follow this trend. They have been on this path for a year now and, from my perspective, it will only get worse. If I retain an interest in crafting.

    The game does belong to ZOS, and ZOS gets to make the decisions. That is why people like Rich Lambert get the special pair of shorts embossed with the ZOS logo. :smile: I apparently do not see eye to eye with him on a number of subjects. With his Oblivion background, I thought he would be a good fit in the job. My feeling is that he is going to pull so much soul from the game that it will simply dry up and blow away. There are only so many quests, so many farmed sets, that people will tolerate before they see that the game is getting more shallow. I don't see housing making the game less shallow, but I reserve final judgement until I see more about it.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • bellanca6561n
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    This always happens because online games must have a casino in order to extend the value of game content.

    Dropped items + random interval reward schedules = a reason to do the same thing ad nauseum and believe you're being entertained.

    This genre of online multiplayer game - not this specific example - has never been about meaningful non-combat roles anyway. It's a graphical DikuMUD, not a MUSH.

    For crafting to have ongoing meaning you need a more detailed system allowing crafters to determine values beyond the set bonus, (e.g. resists). Or the ability to create their own bonus attributes. Give them a five pound bag and have the clever ones try to shove ten pounds of stuff into it ;)

  • Nestor
    They both have a place. I can see me with a mix of Crafted and Dropped sets. For one, no Dropped set is better than Julianos for a Caster. Now, we just have sweet 5 piece sets to couple with it. I can see a Julianos/Necropetence set being a nice combo to use in two 5 Piece.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Nestor wrote: »
    They both have a place. I can see me with a mix of Crafted and Dropped sets. For one, no Dropped set is better than Julianos for a Caster. Now, we just have sweet 5 piece sets to couple with it. I can see a Julianos/Necropetence set being a nice combo to use in two 5 Piece.

    Funny I can see spinner or sorrow with necropotence being as good or better, esp if adding in a proc 2pc shldr helm.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • threefarms
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
  • olsborg
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    Mojmir wrote: »
    twice born star is still arguably best in slot, night mothers gaze also one of the better go to sets. Julianos also a top contender if you can't craft TBS. I think crafting needs something to make it a priority though,jewel crafting for example.

    If you count how many craftable sets there are, and how many of those sets are usable or even GiS (Good in slot) maybe 15-20% of those sets are worth anything.

    TBS is a good set, yes, but that doesnt mean that generally craftable sets is in a good place atm, on the contrary.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Doomslinger781
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless

    Crafted sets are mostly outclassed and obsolete, ruining our ability to control the way we look if we want to be competent during endgame. Ofc you can shell out some bucks for a premade costume, but imo it won't look near as cool or unique as something you crafted with all those motifs you grinded for and/or paid real money for. Unfortunately, two crucial systems - crafting and rewards - are in terrible conflict.

    For me, Crafted - vs - Dropped breaks down like this:

    Months of diligence, dedication, and planning - vs - Grinding and RNG
    Looking the way you want - vs - Performing well

    Feels bad man
    Edited by Doomslinger781 on October 21, 2016 10:49PM
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  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Disagree, Craftable Sets still have a value.
    Overall, crafted sets are lackluster except for a few really good ones. Julia is, TBS, night mothers gaze, and tavas favor are stellar in their own ways. Honorable mention to eternal hunt and seducer for PvP. Outside these sets, crafted sets are not very good.

    Jewelry crafting would add more flexibility to builds and give more value to crafting. As would transmogrification.
  •  Panda_iMunch
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    Crafting still has some value, but that is only with 4 sets and upgrading gear. Other than that, there is very little to do with it. Housing may add something to it, but what it really needs is some freaking options. I've been rocking the same crafted sets on all my leveling guys since early launch.
    Yeetus that fetus

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  • timidobserver
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    I agree and they need to do something about it.

    I'll put it in ZOS language, which equates to how they can make money from it: Every time you try to sell a stupidly expensive crown store exclusive motif, add at least 2 new crafted sets that are actually competitive. By competitive, I mean not like the Restributor set that you introduced a few patches ago. The lack of a reason to craft anything new is why you didn't sell me the Grim Harlequin Motif(you could have made money but you didn't.)

    Bonus points: Add some way to apply new styles to already existing items. This would make crown store motifs even more attractive. If I could morph my current gold gear into Grim Harlequin right now I would login and buy the motif.
    Edited by timidobserver on October 23, 2016 4:50AM
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  • xaraan
    Agree, One Tamriel made Craftable Sets worthless
    I picked that I agree, but I think the way it's stated is an exaggeration. They aren't completely worthless as there are still a few outstanding crafted sets Twice-born, Seducer and a few others still stand out.

    BUT, with how many matts you have to use just to craft a max piece of gear vs using a drop, drops can appear as more appealing even when all things are equal. They really need to change that 100+ mat use requirement now that they have all the cp160 good set drops in the game first of all.
    -- @xaraan --
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