Hello all
What with all the crap I and many others have had to put up with this week, I have decided to do a clean install of the client on my iMac. Having completed this and being able to get back into the game with all my original addons, I am now trying remove the superfluous folders that I appear to have a few copies/backups of.
The ones I am interested in are the in documents folder, basically my addons. I have a "live" a "live_archive" a "livebak" and a "livexxx" Now I know i can kill off the last 2 as those are backups I made. I am also assuming i can kill off the live_archive as well? Leaving me with just "live" can anyone confirm?
Secondly, the game play files.....
- I originally installed in applications/games/ESO/ now i have 2 directories in there, "The Elder Scrolls Online" and "The Elder Scrolls Online UE"
- The clean install I left to go in the default location /application/Zenimax Online/
Again I am assuming I kill the original install off without affecting the new one? Again can anyone confirm?
I do not want to have to go through the install process again, though I am going to have to with my Macbook Pro tonight.
Would appreciate anyone chiming in who has a working copy of the latest patched game and can list the working directories they are using,
Many thanks