Hi bugbusters!
First: Thank you very much for this new section.
I play on PC EU, 64 bit client.
As I and
others before me (maybe this bug dates back to
July 2014?) have already stated, Healing Ward is often not working, especially in PvP.
I have documented the issue in
this thread, but will summarize findings and discussion in this post.
First, as I understand the mechanic, Healing Ward is meant to be applied to the ally with the lowest health in the area. Including yourself, as always. It heals for a certain amount when casted, shields the ally (yourself) for a certain amount of points depending on the remaining health and heals for the remaining shield strength after the ward expires.
Second, I use several combat UI plugins. The bug is not related to them or a specific display issue of any plugin but happens on vanilla UI as well. I cannot properly showcase the bug without plugins. So I will briefly explain how the plugins I use work:
The bug:
Sometimes, frequently during times of high ping rate and/or low fps, the initial healing from Healing Ward fires, but after the shield expires, I am not healed for the remaining shield strength but for a symbolical number like "2" or "3". Like a dud heal.
I made a screenshot after a fight that shows the initial healing from healing ward ("Grand Healing") and the so called "dud" heal afterwards:
I showcased the issue in two videos, the first one showing only the "dud" heal out of combat. Though I first cast healing ward at full health, the video shows at about 1:30 that this issue is also encountered when health has dropped below 100%.
I recorded another three examples of the dud heal during real fights, took me a while to get unambiguous footage though the bug happens all the time.
As I and others have already said in comments to my first thread in the general section, this is a major issue as healing ward is one of the main heals in the game.