Item Set Browser - The superior alternative to Item Set Collections for referencing item sets

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What's New: Support for Item Set Collections

New in Item Set Browser 3 is support for the new Item Set Collections system. First, a column has been added to display the current reconstruction cost of each collectible item set. Second, the item tooltip that is displayed when hovering over an item set will now detail which specific pieces of the set have been collected.

The goal is for Item Set Browser to offer a more useful alternative to the base game's UI, which is clumsy to navigate and lacking in information density and clarity. All this is combined with Item Set Browser's existing features, such as a more robust search feature that lets players search by set bonuses.

Item Set Browser vs. the in-game Item Set Collections
  • Item Set Browser is easier, faster, and far more efficient to navigate, without the need to click through categories and zone selections.
  • Item Set Browser makes it easier to see your overall collection progress with the new completion rate column in the main display. You can even sort by this column, to see which sets are "almost done", for example.
  • For each individual set, Item Set Browser offers a clearer view of what you have and what you're missing.
    • The default UI uses ambiguous icons. Is that staff a fire staff or a frost staff? Is that sword-like object a 1H sword or a 2H sword? You can't tell with the default UI unless you hover over the item and examine them individually. Item Set Browser, in contrast, uses text. It might not be sexy, but it conveys the necessary information quickly, precisely, and efficiently.
    • The default UI grays out uncollected items. The contrast is poor and it's harder to tell at a quick glance what is and isn't collected. Instead of improving the contrast (e.g., by using a colored background for collected items, as many people suggested during PTS), ZOS instead just sorts collected items to the front, which just results in inconsistent ordering. In contrast (pun intended), Item Set Browser uses clearly contrasting colors of red and green to produce a visual distinction that users can parse quicker and more efficiently.
  • Item Set Browser still offers the same advanced search features that it has always had for the past four years, such as the ability to find sets by searching set bonuses.

This useful information extends beyond Item Set Browser's UI, however, and will appear in item tooltips throughout the game. Too much information overload? Don't worry! This feature can be disabled via Item Set Browser's addon settings panel.


What is Item Set Browser and what does it do?

Item Set Browser lets you browse and view all of the game's available item sets in-game. With One Tamriel's massive overhaul of itemization, it's difficult to keep track of what each item set does and where it can be acquired. This addon is designed to help you with that.
  1. All of item sets obtainable in One Tamriel, including the arena weapons, are listed and browsable.
  2. Hover over a set with your mouse to see the in-game tooltip for a sample item of that set.
  3. Click on a set to link into chat a sample item of that set.
  4. You can sort by name, type, and source of the item.
  5. You can filter by the general source type—e.g., overland, PvP, dungeons, etc. (Example 1, 2)
  6. There is also a text search to filter by the name, type, and/or source. This can be used in conjunction with the sort and source filters help you find what you want. (Example 1, 2)

Where do I get this addon?

You can download this addon from

How do I use this addon?


The easiest way to open Item Set Browser is to bind a shortcut key, via the game's "Keybindings" setting panel under "Controls" (1). There, you will find, under the "User Interface" category, a keybind option for Item Set Browser (2). Bind it to a key, and you can then use that key to open and dismiss Item Set Browser. (Alternatively, you can type "/itembrowser" into chat to manually open Item Set Browser.)

Once opened, you can view a set simply by hovering your mouse over it. Clicking on a set will post a link to chat. You can sort by name, type, or source by clicking on the appropriate header. You can use the drop-down box to filter by the general source type. And finally, you can also use the text search filter to narrow things down. For example, if you type "cyro heavy" into the search filter, it will display the heavy armor sets that can be acquired from Cyrodiil.

Searching by set bonuses

To search for sets by their set bonuses, click the dropdown arrow to change the search mode to "Search by set bonuses".
  1. You do not need to fully spell things out. You can search for "Weapon Critical" by simply typing "weap crit". (However, spelling out more of the term can help with disambiguation; for example, "mag" will match "magicka", but it will also match "damage", whereas "magi" will only match "magicka".)
  2. You can search for multiple bonuses, if they are separated by either a comma (",") or a plus sign ("+"). For example, a search for "mag rec, spell dam, max mag" will match all sets that have magicka recovery, spell damage, and max magicka. As another example, a search for "weap crit + max health" will show all the sets that have both weapon critical and maximum health bonuses.
  3. Alternatively, you can exclude a set bonus by using the minus sign ("-"). So if you change "weap crit + max health" into "weapon crit - max health", then you will be shown a list of all the sets that grant weapon critical without any maximum health bonuses.
  4. The search will match even if there are intervening terms, and it also follows the ordering. For example, a search for "spell damage" will match bonuses that say "Spell and Weapon Damage" (the "and Weapon" does not disqualify the match), but it will not match "damage from enemy spells" (since "damage" in this case comes before "spell" instead of after).
Edited by code65536 on November 25, 2020 4:20PM
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