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Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
  • geonsocal
    had a great time playing my now level 11 character in I still remember the first time I went to IC a year or so ago...I had a level 35 NB - i couldn't kill anything there...

    just a little update on the campaign - it looks like EP has a decent lead in the campaign, around 32k points, DC at 28k and AD at about 27k, the campaign ends in 3 days...

    my goal each campaign is to get all the characters up to the tier 3 reward mark (100k AP)...I'll usually receive about 90k coin at the end and get 10 purple items (which I can usually get about another 10 to 20k for)...

    staying geared up can be very expensive :)
    Edited by geonsocal on October 7, 2016 5:53PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    stayed home for a mental health day :#

    for me rest consists of doing a little gardening and playing a bunch of eso...

    on again w/ my new stam DK imp...just got OlNineToes our current EP 7 characters, only my 2nd emp killing...

    seen OlNineToes a few times, tough character and always out and about...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Hooyah!!! finally got vigor...took just a little less than 100k AP and a week in cyro...started level 10 and got it at level 18...

    I've read some feedback from primarily pve players saying that the grind to vigor was a little too excessive - yeah, I can kinda see that...

    nice little bit of irony - i'm a dk, so I've been healng myself pretty much the whole time with obsidian shard...just as I received vigor I also got dragon blood, yeah could've used that about 8 levels ago..

    unless you're healer or willing to carry a resto staff you really need vigor for healing yourself and for group heals...

    back in the day when it took forever to reach assault 5, i used a resto staff for about 10 levels...had to put down my NB's bow for it - i still got hard feelings about that...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 9, 2016 1:18AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    had a chance to bring my level 17 dk imp in to IC...this was before vigor/green blood so I was a little nervous...turns out the npc's couldn't really hurt me...

    went to my favorite spot in eso - the arena district...

    on ps4/na (azura's star then scourge campaign) the arena district was a bit of a precursor to one tamriel in that there's a lot of cross faction play going, for a lot of the time there isn't really a "war" going on gets weird at times :)

    so, yesterday while out in cyro I got t-bagged a couple of big deal - i try to catch their names and then if I run across them later (of interesting note - i noticed that most t-baggers rez really really fast), I'll say hello - or laugh, it seems I'm somewhat addicted to "guffaw"...but, for the most part, I don't ever really get upset's pretty casual fun for me...

    for whatever reason IC can be a whole nother story at I bring my DC imp into the arena district...just so happens when I step out on to the platform, there's a fight below me - well, that's why I carry a bow...took a few shots and helped finish off a AD player...

    I go to hang out by the small square area outside the arena itself and close to the sewer...nobody really wants to duel with me - they don't know me and I'm a low level player...finally got to roll around with a level 24 - we couldn't really damage one another, and neither of us was really trying...

    went over to do the door beneath the EP platform and had it down to the harvester and ogrim, suddenly I'm fighting some AD guy...he beats me, i rez on the platform to go back to get the door, saw a couple more DC players and I'm thinking cool - we got this...we'll, the AD guy kills me again and the DC players start t-bagging me...

    I'm not proud to say - but, I lost it a little bit...I couldn't kill my own guys at the moment, but, I remembered I had another higher level character (47 now, orc stamplar - i'm looking forward to putting on cp160 gear, not looking forward to losing my combat scaling bonuses), loaded him up, looked around for awhile for my friend, found kill him, tried to kill him again as a ww - to his credit he had about 100 less cp points than me, I'm at 370, he killed me...

    loaded my main character breton NB, found him, killed him dawned on me somewhere around the time I fought him as a ww that he was the same guy I had "ganked" when I first showed up...oh well...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 10, 2016 6:35PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    the demise of the mag sorc in pvp has been greatly a chance to duel my (cp370) level 50, stamblade and level 47 stamplar) schooled a few times by a cp 342 mag sorc, nebula, speed can definitely kill...hmmmm, need to figure out what to use for snares with those two characters...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 9, 2016 3:36AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    If memory serves me right...this current campaign period should have come to an end by now (can't remember if it ends at noon e.s.t. or noon p.s.t)...

    no big mystery whom won this campaign...EP had around a 5k lead when I logged off last night...the race for 2nd and 3rd was a little closer with around a 600 or so point difference in DC'S favor...

    I've been in Scourge for about 4 or 5 months now and so far it's been all'll be interesting to see if EP continues their dominance into the next campaign...

    was able to get 6 characters to tier 3 rewards (ugh, was short 25k AP on the 7th) I should receive around 97k coin and 10 purple items...

    with the arrival of one tamriel there's a good chance I'll be spending a lot less time in cyro and IC the next month or so - i need to get out there and take my characters to go pick up skyshards, close dolmens, defeat world bosses and go dig up stuff, from the dozens of treasure maps I have saved up...

    fortunately I'm in an absolute fantastic trading guild (back alley trading in Wayrest, Atin sells her booty off 24/7 - just a guess, but to me one of the very best trading guilds on any platfrom/server) so, I'm looking forward to picking up a lot of dropped sets and making some decent coin off of them...

    for those of you whom followed this thread - many thanks...I was curious to see if I could do this...sorry for all the random tangents - for some strange reason - it all connects in my mind :)

    happy gaming trails everyone...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 10, 2016 7:51PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Had a chance to play a little last night - I've read a bunch about folks accumulating 500k to a million AP in a day, I have no idea how they do it - my hat's off to them would seem the most I can average is around 10k per hour - which is okay with me...

    when I logged off there were already some folks creeping over 400k AP (the new campaign started yesterday)

    saw that AD had taken the early lead in the campaign (considering they've taken 3rd most of the time I've been in Scourge- it'd be nice to see them ahead for awhile)...

    wanted to play my magsorc whom just so happens to be AD, so, I jumped on the bandwagon...

    spent some time defending blue road and alessia...I gotta be honest, the whole time I was using my cold fire from the inner keep and watching EP flow through the breaches - from the seige perspective, all I could think about was how much it looked like we were getting attacked by a swarm (?) of fire - that's some astute analysis you won't see anywhere else :)

    oh yeah, read somewhere that the best way to get AP was working a couple of flaming oils over the front door (provided the enemy cooperates and stands around the front door, which they normally do)...worked like a charm...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    top score 2 days in - 1.2 million for someone named santos in DC...AD is ahead by a couple of hundred, DC, then EP...

    most interesting thing I saw tonight was an EP group (looked like they may have had all 24) working at the alessia mine...they kept up a nice mix between turtling inside the tower, firing off some seige, setting up camp and then bursting out, grabbing the flag and wiping everyone (AD) outside (myself included :# )...

    best fight was at roebuck - all 3 sides participated - the side door came down, some EP poured in (I had my fire ballista set up by the other door firing in the hole), somehow we managed to hold out, found out after a while that it was a bunch of DC that came to our "rescue", they ended up killing off most of the EP attacking - of course they started seiging us as soon as we cleared the keep and got the outer wall back up...

    those fights involving all 3 alliances are almost always the most fun and surprising - even the ones at the bridge :o ...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • dotme
    geonsocal wrote: »
    top score 2 days in - 1.2 million for someone named santos in DC...
    I ran solo a lot yesterday and unfortunately I made some deposits to that total last night myself. Every time I encountered the top DC player (and his small group) I got my derriere handed to me within seconds. I think he/she has a Sorc build. Nicely done... If I see them again tonight, I think I'll just run the other way lol.

  • geonsocal
    this particular post is under construction - i'm waiting on one of my "smart" buddies at work to show me how to embed a video...hmmmmm, if i was smart i'd probably be actually working instead of trying to figure this out...

    well, my smart buddy never stopped by my office - however, once again the forum came through - just googled the question and lo and behold the answer was right here in the forums...basically you need to paste the url into the body and not use any of those tools over the message...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 12, 2016 6:11PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah baby - we are back in bizzness...

    I ran solo a lot yesterday and unfortunately I made some deposits to that total last night myself. Every time I encountered the top DC player (and his small group) I got my derriere handed to me within seconds. I think he/she has a Sorc build. Nicely done... If I see them again tonight, I think I'll just run the other way lol.

    @dotme - beware the white rabbit :#
    Edited by geonsocal on October 12, 2016 6:12PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    was rolling with a group of about 6 or 7 AD around cropsford and drakelowe -- ran into a group of 3 EP players...they totally wiped us - a few times...I'm not so sure we could have even beaten one of those players by themselves...

    I feel pretty confident in siege and open world Zerg v Zerg combat...when the numbers start dropping and it's just a few versus a few (which happens a lot in IC), you can really see the differences and skills and builds...

    definitely can be humbling at times when someone else's health bar doesn't blink and yours starts hovering around 30%...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    dotme wrote: »
    I ran solo a lot yesterday and unfortunately I made some deposits to that total last night myself. Every time I encountered the top DC player (and his small group) I got my derriere handed to me within seconds. I think he/she has a Sorc build. Nicely done... If I see them again tonight, I think I'll just run the other way lol.

    It's always best to avoid him and other players like him unless you're running a group that's highly experienced. I tangled with him before when he was running a group of 2 a couple of months ago. He would 1VX and his group mate would come up and 1-2 shot you from behind. I feel for the trick once, then came back, killed her and he proceeded to run off quickly.

    I've started running a StamSorc with negate on my back bar, it's scary to go up against my Sorc since she was solely responsible for Negating a farming group of 20 reds in Nikel on Monday. They dropped down from the 2nd story with Proxy up, I negated the floor they are dropping onto and my group+ randoms killed them all. They VERY quickly and came back from a Forward Camp and wiped us as we were repairing. That was also my fault we wiped since I had negate ready but didn't react in time.

    Sorc is good stuff right now if you're running some kind of Ult Battery build.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on October 13, 2016 2:28PM
  • PhxOldGamer68
    It's good to see all campaigns have changed in population the past couple of weeks.

    I play in all campaigns in different factions and glad to see the farming servers are no longer controlled by the usual factions anymore.

    So when Scourge has a wait, I go to the other campaigns and play the other factions. Sure, there's a lot more inexperienced players, but that makes it fun as well.

    What I find interesting is that although the farming faction still has the highest population, they are not the campaign leader. That tells me a lot are in the sewers.
    Edited by PhxOldGamer68 on October 13, 2016 5:32PM
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    It's good to see all campaigns have changed in population the past couple of weeks.

    What I find interesting is that although the farming faction still has the highest population, they are not the campaign leader. That tells me a lot are in the sewers.

    I've kinda noticed a shift in player populations in Scourge the last month or so...I wonder if it's a function of DC players/guilds leaving the campaign or more EP players/guilds joint the campaign...

    that's cool you feel comfortable switching to different campaigns to avoid some of the lengthy queue times...hmmmm, my queue wait for coming in on DC has definitely gone down - it used to average around 60 or so, but, now it's only around 5 to 10...

    I think I may just be hardwired for routine, which is why I just stick to scourge, plus, I'm not sure if you can accumulate "emperorship/end of campaign rewards" AP while guesting???

    last night AD was still in front...if i was a betting man (which I'm not, one of the few vices I've managed to avoid :) ) - i would say EP will have the lead by next Monday...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 13, 2016 8:21PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    @Takes-No-Prisoner ...everytime I read about you using negate it just makes me smile :) ...

    reading about it on the forums it gets totally pooped on - but, sounds to me like you're absolutely rocking it...

    I'm using summon greater atronoch and overload for my ultimates...the atronoch works great for me - love dropping it when I'm standing on the stairs inside the inne keep or outpost and the enemy is trying to come in the side them something else to target but me and does a little damage also...

    rarely use overload at all anymore - people have to basically be standing still for it to hit, most folks know better than to stand still in cyro...

    can't wait to get a hold of the new destro ultimate when 1T hits...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    PC players have been saying the Destro Ult is a little under whelming. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. But I have dabbled with One Tamriel on PC. And PvE feels really amazing right now. I wouldn't be surprised if Scourge went 0 bars for a couple of days. I know for a fact PC players were not Pvping after One Tamriel dropped. Their 30-day campaign, True Flame, had 1 bar AD and 0 bars EP / DC when it came out.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on October 14, 2016 1:42PM
  • geonsocal
    had a chance to jump in to cyro for a little bit (ugh, life has been keeping me from my game :# - thankfully, all good stuff )...

    we'll, it looks like I was dead wrong about AD losing steam and EP taking the lead by this Monday - AD is up about 900 on DC, with EP trailing in last...

    it's nice to see though that everyone currently has their scrolls...

    it was a little challenging playing this morning with a 5 year old hanging on my neck (he wanted to play "his" game - Disney ifinity) up a little early to get some game time in with the god kids visiting - kids have some kind of crazy sixth sense though, shortly after i started playing - he was up and asking me what i was doing...

    it's funny, anytime I died all he would say is - "Wow, you really die a lot, huh - can we play my game now?" :) ...nothing like being mocked live and in person for dieing in cyro...

    finally got the 20% AP boost by going in to a cyro delve and killing the didn't take very long to get (was actually looking for the essence of death, didn't get it though) - i might map out some good/quick delves close to each alliance base (did kingscrest cavern close by kingscrest keep)...

    it's weird - that witches xp boost has a 2 hr timer limit on it in the character screen...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 16, 2016 6:59PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    got on for awhile last night...AD still had the lead by a couple of hundred points, it looks though like DC is picking up steam again...

    where in the heck did all the EP players go? I looked over all the different campaign pops, but, it appears like there's a whole big group (guild?) of EP missing...

    lost a cold fire ballista due to lag the other night (my own fault for not rebooting my router and ps4 as soon as i noticed some serious lag), I have a couple of players camping the dolmens in cyro until I pick up some more cold's out good cuz, I'm also picking up plunder skulls - wondering though now with 1T if I'll still be able to solo the dolmens in cyro when I get home..,

    top players from each alliance were sitting with about 3.6 million each in AP - wow, now that's some serious playing :#

    there's a lot I'm looking forward to checking out in 1T - i gotta be honest, I can't wait to go to one of the towers at a resource and "look" at the door that's no longer there...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 18, 2016 8:48PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    at the moment - it is a very blue map indeed...

    looking over the populations throughout each campaign - cyro is a ghost town at the moment...

    ugh, finished about 8 dolmens the last two days and no cold fires...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Curragraigue
    Too much plunder skull farming going on
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • PhxOldGamer68
    I believe more and more players are playing in all factions, which is why I think EP has disappeared lately in all campaigns.

    Here's the odd thing.

    Thornblade - entered with 2 bars EP and no bars AD or DC. Yet AD owned the map and had a group of strong players defending Arrius.

    Haderus - AD looked pop locked, but DC owned most of the map. DC kept farming Faregyl mine. AD players would swarm and die in the tower. Rinse and repeat.

    Skull of Corruption - DC had 2 bars, but AD owned most of the map. Kept getting pushed back at Warden and Rayles.

    Scourge still has the most consistent action.

    My assumption is most players are in the sewers since these are considered their faction's farming server.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    @PhxOldGamer68 ...great post, really appreciate it...

    I'm wondering if things have gotten back to "normal" yet for the pc players...or, if going forward we can expect reduced pops for cyro...

    maybe they can cut out one or two of the 7 day campaigns and azura's star (what an odd decision that was - take the most populous campaign and totally empty it out - why?)...I know that would irritate some folks - but, not much point to pvping by yourself...

    edit: if don't really remember how many campaigns we started out with - it seemed like a that zos has good data on the pvp pop, maybe another change might be needed as a result of 1T...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 20, 2016 12:49AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    wow...gotta preface this post: Do not name and shame - just describe the behavior...

    was playin a low level DC character and just letting them "hang out" at chalman while i was finishin up for the was mostly a blue map...gotta love scourge - at around 7pst there were 3 bars of DC & EP and one bar of AD (2 bars of AD were in haderus)...

    basically though- back to bizzness as usual in scourge...

    it was after 11pm pst...i watched in disbelief as a DC player named coke surfer took the scroll of altadoon from Chalman keep and ran it all the way to black boot...

    it was weird - as soon as i saw them looking south on the chalman keep wall, instead of west, I had a good idea that was what they were going to do...

    no judgement on the behavior - no "naming or shaming", just describing a series of events...

    again, watched a DC player named coke surfer take a yellow scroll from a DC keep and deliver it to an AD controlled black boot...

    truth is - i only have cp390 characters, and, say what you will, but, I have little doubt our white lines buddy there can play his cp561 toon...fortunately though, I have characters in each alliance - i'll figure out a way to say hi down the road...

    Please, I know how reading this may have made some of you feel - i know how it made me feel, and, I'm pretty fired up right now, refrain from naming and shaming - i don't want to lose this particular post or that name ...

    I understand this isn't a very popular thread - but, for the folks whom do play in scourge and do stop by here from time to time - I'd like for them to know what happened...
    Edited by geonsocal on October 21, 2016 7:38AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    friday night and EP is large in "in charge"...playin DC and it feels like there's three to four different groups of EP running around attacking everywhere- nice work >:)

    they just snatched a yellow scroll at Warden and our ni-mohk...definitely a boss move...

    in a bit of irony - ran into the player that did what they did yesterday (redistributed our scroll to another alliance)...amazingly enough they were back on their DC toon...irony being we were stuck in a situation where the two of us were fighting against some EP players...

    not really a coincidence though - i was chasing them trying to think of a way to do damage :D ...oh well, no need to give away scrolls tonight - EP is taking them...

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Yung_deezy818
    geonsocal wrote: »
    wow...gotta preface this post: Do not name and shame - just describe the behavior...

    was playin a low level DC character and just letting them "hang out" at chalman while i was finishin up for the was mostly a blue map...gotta love scourge - at around 7pst there were 3 bars of DC & EP and one bar of AD (2 bars of AD were in haderus)...

    basically though- back to bizzness as usual in scourge...

    it was after 11pm pst...i watched in disbelief as a DC player named coke surfer took the scroll of altadoon from Chalman keep and ran it all the way to black boot...

    it was weird - as soon as i saw them looking south on the chalman keep wall, instead of west, I had a good idea that was what they were going to do...

    no judgement on the behavior - no "naming or shaming", just describing a series of events...

    again, watched a DC player named coke surfer take a yellow scroll from a DC keep and deliver it to an AD controlled black boot...

    truth is - i only have cp390 characters, and, say what you will, but, I have little doubt our white lines buddy there can play his cp561 toon...fortunately though, I have characters in each alliance - i'll figure out a way to say hi down the road...

    Please, I know how reading this may have made some of you feel - i know how it made me feel, and, I'm pretty fired up right now, refrain from naming and shaming - i don't want to lose this particular post or that name ...

    I understand this isn't a very popular thread - but, for the folks whom do play in scourge and do stop by here from time to time - I'd like for them to know what happened...
    Fellow AD player PS4 here. Mainly man a mag Templar tank healer and a mag dk dps/ group utility. I hate when players do what you described above. Though only choosing to put input in this one. The player you said has switched to AD and claims AD is his alliance now. Many players don't believe him and a lot of people been bashing him in zone as he was a primary DC player before. I view he did this to prove his side with AD now. Though still not right, but everyone in AD zone chat has been bashing him. Some stick up and I've ran with him and only see him trying to help out. As said above if they are playing on this camp and decided to play for us now why not. It's a diff story if they are hopping and playing both sides all camp though. However still not happy to hear this was done to prove aligence

  • geonsocal
    @Yung_deezy818 ...good looking out with the info - appreciate it...

    yeah, personally I was over it the next day (okay, maybe the day after that >:) ) the end of the day - it's just a game; and, people are people and do all kinds of different things for different reasons...I try to stay out of the whole judging other folks business - i'm human, so, it's hard sometimes...

    I caught some of the convo via zone chat on DC and heard 'ol white lines getting roasted...a whole lot of shade was getting thrown around...

    even though there's a bunch of fairly mature (age wise anyways) players out there in cyro - it still can have that high school cafeteria vibe at times...

    I play all 3 alliances in scourge with a bunch of different characters, so - i make sure to play things straight and not get to personal when it comes to competing/playing...

    you come across my body laid out somewhere, make sure to say hi :p
    Edited by geonsocal on October 23, 2016 10:33AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Yung_deezy818
    geonsocal wrote: »

    you come across my body laid out somewhere, make sure to say hi :p
    Always love to do a good sweeping emote after. Gotta sweep up the guts of a player after slaying them on the battlefield
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    I was with CokeSurfer last night and he mentioned doing that. I didn't get on his case for doing something like that, nor do I know the guy that well. But it's also not my place to judge his actions. If he wants to pull those stunts to make people angry its all on him. He's a big boy, if he decides to pull those stunts and gets chewed out in PMs I'm sure he already deals with it on a day to day basis.

    He mentioned his reasons for moving to AD was for friends. I can appreciate that. He was also trying to help AD however he could. Time will tell where everyone's intentions lie. So far, he's trying to help. Not gonna judge someone for lending a hand when AD barely has any bars due to One Tamriel coming out. We need all the help we can get.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on October 24, 2016 8:42PM
  • geonsocal
    @Takes-No-Prisoner ...I really like the fact that you and @Yung_deezy818 have "kinda" spoke up for dude...i think that's pretty cool on ya'lls be honest though - it tells me more positives about the two of you than anything else...

    turns out snow flakes is actually in one of my main guilds - AD based Back Alley Trading, before I blocked him, also saw some pretty crude/sexist comments on zone chat...for myself I try to focus more on the good folks and enjoying them than giving too much thought to the sketchy ones (interesting situation nonetheless)...

    whoa, it looks like DC has a death grip on this campaign...

    I know it's been said 1,000 times, but, sure wished AD would focus more on roebuck than blue road, and, EP on chalman...

    I see there are usually one or two bars of AD in haderus - but, I have no clue where in the heck all the EP players went to this campaign...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
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