been reading a bunch about improved cyrodiil/pvp performance on the PC...
game keeps getting harder to log on and stay on....find myself mostly just conversing in zone chat...but ad zone chat is pretty lame in gh tbh.....feels like I need something drastic to happen to bring back the fun the game once provided for me.....or I just give all my gold and mats to some lucky rando and move on? or just give up on pvp and grind out more master anglers....decisions decisions lol
It really is pretty nice. Still some lag and what not but no where near as
Yeah. Yesterday was the first day in 2 weeks that I logged on.
I'm a pretty heavy PvP player, our guild is PvP oriented even but the last week or so, I've just been grinding out PvE things, doing quests, farming for achievements and cosmetic items because of how atrocious the PvP performance has been lately. Oddly enough, I'm finding my love for the PvE side of ESO again which is nice, lol
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
@xFocused Going for the true endgame of titles? the op-iest of the og-iest of titles? The one that strikes the most fear and garners the most respect? I am of course talking about Master Angler
Lol I actually never fish in this game and I've been playing since release. Guess I need to give it a go
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
Peacatcher wrote: »I would definitely encourage people on both servers to give the 'other' server a try. Seen quite a few EU players on NA this campaign already. Interesting to see people tend to stick to the same alliance on both servers.
NA has been lots of fun this month with all 3 alliances playing for the scoreboard. We don't really get that on EU, usually one team runs away with the lead after the first week.
I don't think anyone's going to catch DC on NA before the campaign ends, but I know reds are still trying