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ZOS you should do this experiment for one quarter - make all BOP and BOE fully tradable and sellable

The title pretty much says it, I am not the only one, who does not like the BOE (bound on equip) and BOP (bound on pick up) system of many item sets in the game. It creates unneeded exclusivity and harms the economy of the game in my opinion.

I think you should make an experiment - for at least one quarter ZOS, for this limited time of this experiment, drop all BOP and BOE restrictions and make all the items in the game fully tradable and sellable. I bet it would totally boost the economy and improve the player experience of many many players. Definitely it would not harm anything. But to the contrary - it would make more people happy than unhappy. Maybe it would even attract many more players to the game!

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert
  • Bandit1215
    Other than DLC items like vMA gear...
    CP 561
    • vSO HM - Completed
    • vAA - Completed
    • vHRC - Completed

    People should play content and earn rewards! Why should some "players" who has lots of gold simply be able to get these items without even playing the content?

    I completely disagree with you, sorry.
    Edited by KICHZY on September 5, 2016 7:43PM
  • Mashille

    If someone was so lazy why would they have so much gold?

    People have to work to get Gold too.
    House Baratheon: 'Ours Is The Fury'
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Everyone is sitting at computer chair pushing buttons . The word lazy should be excluded from everyone's vocabulary in this game .
    Mashille wrote: »

    If someone was so lazy why would they have so much gold?

    People have to work to get Gold too.

    You can earn plenty of gold with minimum effort. My main point I'm trying to make is why should people who haven't completed said challenges etc be able to have access to these sets because they have gold to buy them...You play, You win and you get rewarded.

    It shouldn't be "well I've loads of gold I've accumulated over the years and I don't need to participate in these challenges because I can just buy them" It's lazy!
  • Milvan
    Mashille wrote: »

    If someone was so lazy why would they have so much gold?

    People have to work to get Gold too.

    How naive...

    You know that you can easily buy gold online don't you?
    “Kings of the land and the sky we are; proud gryphons.” Stalker stands, the epitome of pride. Naked and muscular, his wings widen and his feet dig in as if he alone holds down the earth and supports the heavens, keeping the two ever separate.”
    Gryphons guild - @Milvan,
    Milvan wrote: »
    Mashille wrote: »

    If someone was so lazy why would they have so much gold?

    People have to work to get Gold too.

    How naive...

    You know that you can easily buy gold online don't you?

    You're calling me naive...You do know this was discussed the other day as it was one of the questions asked at PaxWest? It's not happening!
    Edited by KICHZY on September 5, 2016 5:37PM
  • altemriel
    Milvan wrote: »
    Mashille wrote: »

    If someone was so lazy why would they have so much gold?

    People have to work to get Gold too.

    How naive...

    You know that you can easily buy gold online don't you?

    well people who buy gold online are the most laziest in my opinion and should go to walk to the forest, instead of playing this game :smiley:
  • nimander99
    KICHZY wrote: »
    People should play content and earn rewards! Why should some lazy mofo's who has lots of gold simply be able to get these items without even playing the content?

    I completely disagree with you, sorry.

    You've bought into the Illuminati Conspiracy my friend. The slave looks at his chains and says "Jewelry" ;)

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Rage_Killin
    I agree. Not every item should be tradeable though (vma, undaunted helms). Items tht people already have bound should stay that way but new items spawned into the game should be fully tradeable.
  • altemriel
    there is no point in saying "you have to earn the reward to get some item"it requires similar effort to get gold to buy those overpriced items now...

  • altemriel
    I agree. Not every item should be tradeable though (vma, undaunted helms). Items tht people already have bound should stay that way but new items spawned into the game should be fully tradeable.

    I agree with you
  • BruhItsOver9000
    Everyone is sitting at computer chair pushing buttons . The word lazy should be excluded from everyone's vocabulary in this game .

    Savage lol, take this w.

  • altemriel
    I do not want to base my argument on that, that I am a casual player, not a hard core player, so I probably never going to be able to farm a vet Trial or do all the VET dungeons....

    but yes, it is true :(

    so why not give us casual players a chance to buy these items?

  • Cazzy
    Everyone is sitting at computer chair pushing buttons . The word lazy should be excluded from everyone's vocabulary in this game .


    Edited by Cazzy on September 5, 2016 7:26PM
  • Wolfenbelle
    KICHZY wrote: »
    People should play content and earn rewards! Why should some lazy mofo's who has lots of gold simply be able to get these items without even playing the content?

    I completely disagree with you, sorry.

    Can't you disagree without saying "lazy mofo's" to make a sweeping generalization and offend everyone who doesn't play like you do? There are many reasons why different people play different content, ranging from personal preferences to real life time constraints to discomfort with group experiences, etc. All of those reasons are just as legitimate as your reasons for playing (farming) the same content over and over to obtain whatever gear you're after.

    Bind on pickup and bind on equip do not have to be eliminated from the game, but there are far too many items that are BOP and BOE, and that definitely hurts the game's economy. As I mentioned on another thread, after 2 1/2 years in the game, I'm just now closing in on my first million gold banked/saved. There are two reasons for this: (1) it's easier than ever to earn gold, and (2) there isn't much to spend it on.

  • Ankael07
    Everyone is sitting at computer chair pushing buttons . The word lazy should be excluded from everyone's vocabulary in this game .

    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • alexkdd99
    KICHZY wrote: »
    Mashille wrote: »

    If someone was so lazy why would they have so much gold?

    People have to work to get Gold too.

    You can earn plenty of gold with minimum effort. My main point I'm trying to make is why should people who haven't completed said challenges etc be able to have access to these sets because they have gold to buy them...You play, You win and you get rewarded.

    It shouldn't be "well I've loads of gold I've accumulated over the years and I don't need to participate in these challenges because I can just buy them" It's lazy!

    You keep saying it is lazy to buy thing with gold. But you have no idea how long each person has spent to obtain that gold.
    They could haze easily spent double the amount of time getting the gold that you spent getting that certain item.

    I will just exclude the fact you are calling people lazy for how they choose to play a video game just because it is not how you choose to play it, oh yeah and it is a video game.
  • AGrz5585
    I could a agree to make all gear BoE for a quarter... Only if everything else becomes bound (tempers, kuta, mats, etc)
  • altemriel
    alexkdd99 wrote: »
    KICHZY wrote: »
    Mashille wrote: »

    If someone was so lazy why would they have so much gold?

    People have to work to get Gold too.

    You can earn plenty of gold with minimum effort. My main point I'm trying to make is why should people who haven't completed said challenges etc be able to have access to these sets because they have gold to buy them...You play, You win and you get rewarded.

    It shouldn't be "well I've loads of gold I've accumulated over the years and I don't need to participate in these challenges because I can just buy them" It's lazy!

    You keep saying it is lazy to buy thing with gold. But you have no idea how long each person has spent to obtain that gold.
    They could haze easily spent double the amount of time getting the gold that you spent getting that certain item.

    I will just exclude the fact you are calling people lazy for how they choose to play a video game just because it is not how you choose to play it, oh yeah and it is a video game.

    yes, not everyone has the time to play as hardcore players do, so for someone like me, who plays only few times a week for few hours, to get 60K or 100K gold takes a really long time and usually I end spending that gold on food or other stuff that I need, so I play the game now more than a year and my max amount of gold that I had was maybe 70K, only once, usually I am around 40K to 10K, so if all the BOE and BOP items were tradable and sellable, it would still require very much effort for me to get the gold to be able to buy them....

    and for me to be able to run trials or vet dungeons or vMOL many times, to do like 50 or 100 runs to be able to get the gear I need, would take a life time....

    I hear you saying as a reply to this "if you do not want to invest time and effort to the game, you should not be able to get the elite gear", but come on, it is just a game, why should we exclude casual players from the content the hard core players are able to get? you still would kill me in PVP in 2 seconds, if you hard core PVPers would meet me, even if I would have the best sets on in gold improvements, so what is the deal??!
    Edited by altemriel on September 5, 2016 7:54PM
    Ones entitled to an opinion...

    I still stand by my decision to keep BOE/BOP within the game, If a person cannot obtain something in-game @Wolfenbelle because of time restrictions then that is on them. You don't purchase a game and expect an option to unlock everything from the get go because "you haven't got as much time to play as others do"!

    The same should imply here, If me or any other group spend our time completing VMA/Vet Trials/Dungeons why should you feel entitled to the reward for not even participating? again this is my opinion, (sorry for using lazy mofo's).

    All I can suggest as a possible alternative is that with the new Craglorn supporting solo play somehow incorporate single player rewards so the more casual players have an option to obtain good items.
    Edited by KICHZY on September 5, 2016 8:01PM
  • altemriel
    AGrz5585 wrote: »
    I could a agree to make all gear BoE for a quarter... Only if everything else becomes bound (tempers, kuta, mats, etc)

    LOL, that would be the same in the end effect... :smiley:
  • Voxicity
    Absolutely not.
  • altemriel
    KICHZY wrote: »
    Ones entitled to an opinion...

    I still stand by my decision to keep BOE/BOP within the game, If a person cannot obtain something in-game @Wolfenbelle because of time restrictions then that is on them. You don't purchase a game and expect an option to unlock everything from the get go because "you haven't got as much time to play as others do"!

    The same should imply here, If me or any other group spend our time completing Vet Trials/Dungeons why should you feel entitled to the reward for not even participating? again this is my opinion, (sorry for using lazy mofo's).

    All I can suggest as a possible alternative is that with the new Craglorn supporting solo play somehow incorporate single player rewards so the more casual players have an option to obtain good items.

    I somehow understand your point, and it seems to me, that this is a somehow similar topic to the threads longer time ago, asking "Why should PVEers not get access to PVP skill lines?", where I strongly replied, no - you do not play PVP - you do not get the PVP skills!
    So technically the same should apply here, you do not play as a hardcore player, you should not be able to get the end game gear!

    But there is the one major difference, I am a total noob in PVP, but I was still easily able to unclock Rapid Maneuver and Vigor, but in this case for a casual player, to get lets say 100K or 200k gold (for which these end game sets would be sold in guild stores, I guess) requires maybe the same effort and time invested, as for a hard core players to run trials or vet dungeons more times!!

    so please give us casual players some love ZOS and make this experiment happen - only for one quarter - let`s see what it will do!!!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert
    Edited by altemriel on September 5, 2016 8:05PM
  • altemriel
    KaiVox22 wrote: »
    Absolutely not.

    and your argument for that please?
  • binho
    Going back to OP, totally agree!
    People should be able to buy/sell stuff!
  • altemriel
    and appart from the hard core players` rewards perspective, how super much it would boost the economy, if we would be able to sell all the items from the game??!!

    I bet really super-much!!
  • ajwest927
    Yes make it happen ZOS
    altemriel wrote: »
    KICHZY wrote: »
    Ones entitled to an opinion...

    I still stand by my decision to keep BOE/BOP within the game, If a person cannot obtain something in-game @Wolfenbelle because of time restrictions then that is on them. You don't purchase a game and expect an option to unlock everything from the get go because "you haven't got as much time to play as others do"!

    The same should imply here, If me or any other group spend our time completing Vet Trials/Dungeons why should you feel entitled to the reward for not even participating? again this is my opinion, (sorry for using lazy mofo's).

    All I can suggest as a possible alternative is that with the new Craglorn supporting solo play somehow incorporate single player rewards so the more casual players have an option to obtain good items.

    I somehow understand your point, and it seems to me, that this is a somehow similar topic to the threads longer time ago, asking "Why should PVEers not get access to PVP skill lines?", where I strongly replied, no - you do not play PVP - you do not get the PVP skills!
    So technically the same should apply here, you do not play as a hardcore player, you should not be able to get the end game gear!
    but there is the one difference, that for a casual player, to get lets say 100K or 200k gold (for which these end game sets would be sold in guild stores, I guess) requires maybe the same effort and time invested, as for a hard core players to run trials or vet dungeons more times!!

    so please give us casual players some love ZOS and make this experiment happen - only for one quarter - let`s see what it will do!!!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert

    I hope this answers you question @altemriel, I watched PaxWest yesterday and what you are asking has been answered by Rich and Mike so look at the video below starting at 02:09:12 and you'll get your answer dude.

    Video Link

    and no I did not scout out some random video you can actually see me agreeing with them at 02:10:26

    Edited by KICHZY on September 5, 2016 8:47PM
  • KingYogi415
    No, they need to stop taking a hammer to the meta people enjoy and leave things as they are.

    These huge meta shift's push away long time players and ruin the game.
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