Dungeon sets wearable via Archievments, instead of BoP all Dungeon sets

ZOS wants that the player "plays" the content instead of buy the sets from specific dungeon and never be inside. So they take all to BoP. But this hits ALL players, who have not enough time to farm in dungeons.... The casuals will outfarmed. This is a big problem of the BoP system.

I have one idea to avoid that problem: ALL dungeon sets are BoE, BUT the dungeon sets should be only wearable via Archievments from the dungeon. Like the coloring system. So if you want a set, you need to go inside the dungeon and get the archievment. Now you can buy it and wear or farm it. The player did the content and is not need to farm. It is much more freedom in this system instead of BoP. Call it "BoA" (Bind on Archievment).

PS: For example set xy is only wearable if you have cp160 AND the archievment of killing boss xy. The set xy is BoE. You can buy it, but you cannot wear it if you not have the archievment of boss kill. So you must clear one times the content to wear the set.

@Wrobel pls take a look
Edited by Taonnor on September 3, 2016 11:29PM

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Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
Thao Annare, Nightblade
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