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Help me defeat The Drome of Toxic Shock

  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    @Destruent the more you know! :smiley:
  • Acharnor
    The thread lives - So I made it to the boss of Seht's Balcony fairly easily. After many different goes at the arena I discovered for me walking backards on the outside of the arena and prioritizing keeping a sheild up helped me get there and just kinda pew pewing the mobs as I could. Got to the boss and wore one down till it powered down and another came and eventually I had three. I coud not stay alive then. I did see Deltia suggest when the second one spawns not to focus on it and wait for the other one to come back up that way the third does not spawn. Sound good?

    Your continued thoughts and advice are greatly appreciated by this hopeless Templar.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Shader_Shibes
    Nidro wrote: »
    Good luck on round 5 where you'll meet Runa.


    This a *** lot. Bane of my life that *** round, if it weren't for that, i'd have flawless on all my chars :/
    Edited by Shader_Shibes on September 12, 2016 8:43PM
  • ValkynSketha
    I recommend for your first time to go with stamsorc, really easy mode, crazy damage with crazy heals, or magNB.
  • Acharnor
    Too Late - I'm a Templar and my Sorc is a full on Magic man! LOL
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    I focus on each one as it pops up. They go into their shield based on how much damage they've taken. Not being a top 1% player, my goal is to keep only one up at a time, so I'll focus on whatever one is at lower health to get him to sit back down. Oh, and their shields hurt, so stay out of them!

    Stage 2 is a heal check so I recommend keeping harness magicka on your front bar. Keeping that up sweeps should keep you healed.
  • Asmael
    For the second round, stay on the inner circle and move clock wise. The spinning blades will slowly catch up on you, at which point you just dodge roll thru them and go clock-wise again.

    Get a ranged attack, harness magicka, Regeneration and elemental drain, keep turning around and using Force Pulse / reflective light / whatever doesn't slow you down. It's a pretty long fight if you can't burst down the first centurion straight away, so take your time with it.
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
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  • Acharnor
    Thanks for the tips - hoping to give it a go tonight! I have no hatred for these robots like I did for Maxus . . . yet!
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Acharnor
    Hooray - I did it with little trouble tonight. Skirted around in the middle and focused one down at a time. Well onto the Lamias. I'll let you know how it goes! Thanks for all the help.
    Edited by Acharnor on September 13, 2016 11:14PM
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Acharnor
    Well holy guacamole - the Drome of Toxic Shock is kicking my ass. So many mobs all hitting you at once. It took me forever last night just to get to the second stage. Looking for your collective wisdom once more - desperately need some tips. And that bloody Queen throwing lightning and poison at you is a real pisser. I have never taken so much damage in my life. My poor toon is dead before he hits the ground.

    Again I am a magicka based templar. All points in Magicka. I tend to use Julianos and Seducer (all light and gold) but have tried dual wield Torug's swords as well as Storm Knight set.

    Edited by Acharnor on September 15, 2016 11:17AM
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Drome is all about target prioritization. You need to focus on the ranged lamias first. Memorizing their spawn locations definitely helps. Also, take out the stranglers as soon as they pop up. They put a massive a snare on you that will cause you to get caught up in there queens lightning attacks.

    Oh, and stay out of the water :)
  • Acharnor
    I was so overwhelmed I had no idea what was slowing me down - thanks. Everyone mentions memorizing spawn locations - I seem to be pretty bad at this. I get spun around in there and lose all track of things but will make the lamias a priority.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Reorx_Holybeard
    That was a tough one for me as well for a while:
    • Front bar Harness Magicka and use it whenever your health gets to 50-60% (or sooner if you need it). Once you get better at vMA you can back bar, assuming you are quick with bar swaps, it but helps so much at first to keep it on your main bar.
    • While fighting rotate the camera so you can see the entire field and spot when the stranglers spawn. I use either RD or Sun Fire to kill them quickly.
    • Throwing a Spear Shard just as something spawns plus one Sweep and RD usually kills that thing very quickly without it having a chance to attack you. That just leaves 2 other spawns to deal with.
    • When things spawn in go on the far side of the island so you don't get all 3 attacking you from range at once. It only buys you a second or 3 but every little bit helps.
    • Try to keep Channeled Focus and Regeneration (Rapid preferred) up at all times. Recast just before things spawn in at the start of a round. As you get better you probably won't need Regeneration all the time but as you starting it is a great help to keep you healed when you aren't Sweeping.
    • Sweeps, sweeps and more sweeps. The more mobs you hit at the same time the better. If you are in you Channeled Focus or Purifying Ritual AoE then you get Major Mending which increases your self-healing even more.

    Reorx Holybeard -- NA/PC
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  • Acharnor
    Thank you Reorx! Great stuff here.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Aeaeren
    Acharnor wrote: »
    (update - I have defeated Seht's Balcony and am now overwhelmed by Lamias)

    I hate this ***! I finally decided to give Vet Maelstrom a go after reading about other's success and I just can't get past him. I am hoping for some tips and maybe a better idea of his mechanics. I get him about halfway down and often tend to die when I get stuck in the defiled grave, surrounded by angry Maxus clones and the swirling whirling exploding orb of death. I have been playing around with skills based on some information I have found online to get a better Magicka sustain but here I am.

    I am a Magicka Templar with all gold light armour gear (5 Julianos and 3 Seducer) and use a Resto staff on one bar and Destro on the other. Have the max CPs available and I think 46 points in Magicka the rest in Health.

    I feel like I should be able to get him - death always comes all at once!!!


    The key I found is MOVEMENT. Make sure the Stranglers are DEAD and if you have any skills that increase your movement speed USE them. I streak/Lightning form with my Socr and use Deadly Cloak with my DK
  • Caipiroska
    This is a hard stage, i really hate it because the damage u take is huge.
    The key is moving all the time. Spear shard everything and then sweeps.

    One thing u r gonna need for all the maelstrom is RADIANT GLORY. If u are using the other morph then change it. Radiant glory is really important for all the bosses.

    In every round leave the shield sigil for the last part of it and finish the minibosses with it .
    With shield sigil + radiant glory (once they have less than 50% hp) you can kill it ignoring the adds .

    The final boss start moving around her and using sweeps so u dont get caught in her scream. Try to spear some adds as well, and if u see a strangler stop the sweeps to kill it.
    Once she is like 60% go to the axe and defense sigils and pick them up. hit her a little bit more and start finishing her with radiant glory , ignore the adds there. With the heal of radiant glory + the shield sigil you will be ok

    btw can u tell me your max magicka/spell damage and mag recovery (after u eat food)

    Edited by Caipiroska on September 15, 2016 4:07PM
  • Acharnor
    Cool - I do have radiant glory! I will report vack later on the stats as I am at work at the moment. Thanks for the advice. I am pretty bad at using sigils. I will have to restart the round so will really focus on using them with that firast mini boss.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Acharnor

    So my Magicka is at 29753, regen at 1628 and spell power is 2300 after eating Orzorgas red frothgar. If I tinker and add a Molag Kena shoulder my Spell power is 2577 and regen is 1533.
    Edited by Acharnor on September 16, 2016 11:59AM
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Acharnor
    Well I can make it to the queen now and manage her till the adds come. I try to deal with them and she wrecks me! Trying to keep my distance from her! They must come when she hits a certain health point or something - no idea??
    Edited by Acharnor on September 16, 2016 2:06PM
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Caipiroska
    Acharnor wrote: »
    Well I can make it to the queen now and manage her till the adds come. I try to deal with them and she wrecks me! Trying to keep my distance from her! They must come when she hits a certain health point or something - no idea??

    mm idk about that, i hit her until 60%, then axe and shield sigil and i finish her ignoring the adds .

    But kill them if the queen is 60% + .

    my bars are:
    destro/dual : sweeps, shards, radiant, BOL, vampire's bane
    resto: mutagen, spell shield of light artmor (don't remember the name), channeled focus, BOL, toppling charge.

    Remember to move all the time m it's just 40% and then with the sigils it's easy
  • Caipiroska
    Acharnor wrote: »

    So my Magicka is at 29753, regen at 1628 and spell power is 2300 after eating Orzorgas red frothgar. If I tinker and add a Molag Kena shoulder my Spell power is 2577 and regen is 1533.

    I think you need more magicka or more spell power.

    Try to get skoria and find the way to increase max magicka or spell power keeping a good mana regen.

    I have like 35k magicka and 1200 mag reg, My spell power is like 2300/2400 . But I've done the maelstrom with orzorgas red frothgar (30k magicka and like 1600 mag reg) and i didn't have a problem (i had like 200 more spell power because i had willpower with spell damage instead of mag recovery) .

  • Acharnor
    Thanks for all the thoughts you have offered on this. I will mess about a bit more based on this. As for magiacka I have all stats in magic, magic glyphs on armour too. Don't know if I should try a different food maybe? More focus on magic than health. Worth a try. Have thought about twice born star so I could add the magic bonus Mundas-I'll report back later!
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • kadar
    I don't even want to give it a try anymore.
    I have done Veteran Maelstrom only two times by now.
    It was a horror experience, the reward was crap and i spent around 80 soul gems and 5000 gold for repairs.
    It really is a pity the gear u need for having optimized builds (see Maelstrom Overpowered Effect weapons) is bound on pickup and isn't on sale. I really would spend 500k for a maelstrom weapon but i don't like this "Play or don't be competitive to others".
    Just release at the wayshrine and ride back! No need for soul gems and it takes the same amount of time. :)

    vMA got significantly easier for me after my first few completions, hopefully you'll have the same experience.
  • Caipiroska
    I don't even want to give it a try anymore.
    I have done Veteran Maelstrom only two times by now.
    It was a horror experience, the reward was crap and i spent around 80 soul gems and 5000 gold for repairs.
    It really is a pity the gear u need for having optimized builds (see Maelstrom Overpowered Effect weapons) is bound on pickup and isn't on sale. I really would spend 500k for a maelstrom weapon but i don't like this "Play or don't be competitive to others".
    Just release at the wayshrine and ride back! No need for soul gems and it takes the same amount of time. :)

    vMA got significantly easier for me after my first few completions, hopefully you'll have the same experience.

    each time gets easier, i've done it like 10 times and it takes me 1 hour and 20 min now to finish it. (or at least that was the last score doing it all at once)

    I remember the first time i've spent like 3 hours only in the last stage...
  • Aeaeren
    Acharnor wrote: »
    Thanks for all the thoughts you have offered on this. I will mess about a bit more based on this. As for magiacka I have all stats in magic, magic glyphs on armour too. Don't know if I should try a different food maybe? More focus on magic than health. Worth a try. Have thought about twice born star so I could add the magic bonus Mundas-I'll report back later!

    Just keep at it eventually you will find something that works for you and bam on to the next round with new headaches. Archers and mages MUST DIE QUICK in the rink!
  • Caipiroska
    Acharnor wrote: »
    Thanks for all the thoughts you have offered on this. I will mess about a bit more based on this. As for magiacka I have all stats in magic, magic glyphs on armour too. Don't know if I should try a different food maybe? More focus on magic than health. Worth a try. Have thought about twice born star so I could add the magic bonus Mundas-I'll report back later!

    could u finish it ?
  • Acharnor
    NO, sadly not yet. I have tried a lot of recommendations, gear set ups, CP changes etc. In this round I just cant manage to do it. I think I have to accept my limitations, sadly. I am thinking of trying with my Sorc but so far he seems unable to generate more DPS than my Templar I have been playing. Maybe I just lack the twitch muscles of the more competitve players who eat this place for lunch.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Caipiroska
    Acharnor wrote: »
    NO, sadly not yet. I have tried a lot of recommendations, gear set ups, CP changes etc. In this round I just cant manage to do it. I think I have to accept my limitations, sadly. I am thinking of trying with my Sorc but so far he seems unable to generate more DPS than my Templar I have been playing. Maybe I just lack the twitch muscles of the more competitve players who eat this place for lunch.

    Don't give up, i often die more in the 2nd stage boss than the third.

    U have already beaten 2nd stage so u can beat the snake too.
    It takes practice and patience. Next stage is easier so don't worry about it.

    But it's true when they say that u need high dps, try to get the highest possible (30k mana, 2500 spell damage and 50-55 crit chance should be ok..) . I have actually finished the arena in 1:22 hs yesterday with 30k mana and 23xx spell damage.
  • Acharnor
    Much appreciation for the encouragement - I hate to give up on stuff. I will post back here at some point about my progress.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Aeaeren
    Acharnor wrote: »
    Much appreciation for the encouragement - I hate to give up on stuff. I will post back here at some point about my progress.

    I take breaks to keep from breaking things. Currently I am stuck on the Spider round with that big 2 handed Captain mini boss. I so want to take that 2 hander and stick it.....
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