[Bug Report] Graphical Glitches (Player Characters and NPCs)

Hi there. It's come to my attention that in my personal client (as some other players attest to rarely seeing these problems), I've been experiencing the following glitches in a persistent manner:


So far, the glitches go away after doing a certain action, entering different lighting, equipping different gear, etc. But the fact that it's persistent when I game is a concern for me. Some people have noted that my graphics card is dying, but I highly doubt that.

I'd just like to know if any other players out there experience it too, and if there is a possible fix to it. I've tried repairing short of reinstalling the game, but I'm reluctant to go that extra mile as reinstalling ESO takes extremely long on my pittance of an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Any feedback or possible fixes is appreciated.

Thank you very much.
Edited by TheBastion on August 23, 2016 10:32AM
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