Hello there, ZOS.
I will be keeping this short and concise enough given that I'm quite sure you read more than your fair share of threads, complaints and feedback already.
This topic is with regard to the new animations of the Restoration Staff added in Update 6. First off, let me just say that I am absolutely in-love with it as it gives us that 'sage healer' look with the staff touching ground like a cane. Moreover, it allows us - in some way - to mimic the stance of The Prophet whenever he wields his staff during our encounters with him in the Main Story quests.
Now, I do understand that it has been barely a month since Update 6 was released but I would simply like to get some feedback on the following:
- Though I understand that it is imperative that wielding a staff in battle should look the part, how game-breaking would it be to have walking animations that are similar to The Prophet's wherein he uses the stave as a walking stick while wielding it?
In part to the first question: If such animations
cannot replace the current ones given that players give the current ones favorable feedback, is there a way to incorporate the animations in (spoilers because spoilers)
While we're on the subject: (Spoilers due to... well, spoilers pertaining to the Main Story)
At any rate, that is all. Any feedback by the ZOS Team on this matter would be greatly and wholly appreciated.
Thank you,
The Bastion