Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Icereach PC NA (Mulaamnir/Kyne/BWB NA PC - Final)

  • Sungod

    So to recap. In response to "Few new players want to be in Kyne because they get farmed" you say "Nu uh, there are barely any new players in Kyne!"

    Are you missing the like, one foot wide foot path between these two points of logic or is this your moment of "I WON THE ARGUMENT!" triumph.

    Perhaps that bit is antecedal of me as well. My bad. We don't know the numbers of new vs "experienced" players in any server. To make the assumption that Kyne has a greater fraction of new players vs other campaigns cannot be verified.

    Datthaw wrote: »
    casparian wrote: »
    Sungod you are vastly, vastly overestimating the importance of gear in general, and in particular the importance of gear from difficult dungeons. Very few actually good PVP items come from difficult PVE content, the only real exception being a couple items from vDSA.


    I'm not sure I am vastly overestimating the importance of gear. I feel like it can, and does.

    Datthaw wrote: »
    As I said everything else is just excuses. I mean you literally like

    "I'm at a disadvantage because other people play the game and get gear, and I'm stuck rerolling kyne and afraid to move on"

    That's you

    I never said I was afraid, or at a disadvantage. Nor am I stuck in Kyne. I just prefer it.

  • Sungod
    I've rolled around Kyne in both green gear out-leveled by 10 levels and purple gear with gold weapons crafted every 2-4 levels, and gear quality and level absolutely make a massive difference. I just recently tried playing in Kyne with gold weapons for the first time, and I couldn't believe how big the difference was between even purple and gold quality gear. I'm generally fine with perpetually re-rolling in Kyne, but to say that gear level or quality doesn't make that big of a difference seems disingenuous at best.

    Im not saying gear level or quality dosent make a difference. In fact I acknowledge that it can. What Im saying is that difference is not as big as the difference gear and quality can be in Vivec or Sotha. I mean, I havent even mentioned that fact that you can wear monster sets in Vivec, Sotha and Shor. Are people saying that some monsters sets dont give a huge advantage?
  • Alchimiste1
    the thing is going from a purple 2h to a gold 2h in kyne gives an extra 500 weapon damage ...if you dual wield its probably like 600. There is no monster set that gives you a permanent 600 weapon damage. On top that some of the best monster sets are easy to obtain even for new players(troll king, bs, shadowrend). I do believe its much easier for new players to get a monster set than to get the funds to gold out some weapons every 2 levels.

    Kyne in unquestionably the campaign in which gear quality difference makes the biggest impact.

  • Alchimiste1
    when I first started playing the game I remember there were people in kyne that would absolutely murder me and to tell the truth is was a bit disheartening at times. I do feel like the people who bring up re rollers might have had similar experiences. kyne is suppose to be the new player campaign is all.

    On a side note, If you really want to help players in kyne get better for when they move on I think having some friendly spars (dont kill them right away, give them time to react ,to learn what skills do what, what skills need to be roll dodged etc) is a better thing to do than to give then gear and siege
  • MajBludd
    The other thing that escalated kynes demise was the power creep.
    If zos would make battles spirit auto level any gear to green quality it would help the new players coming in.

    As far as farming dungeon sets and overland sets, not much you can do there.

    @Sungod isn't the one to take the brunt of the accusations but we all are. We all did it, to what extent I don't know.

    I still blame the big guilds for not being responsible enough to understand that their actions have caused a lot of damage to kyne. Think of IOTE, when they rolled into kyne that was the beginning of the end.

    Just because you can field several raids does not mean it's necessary other than to stroke your ego because you can.

  • Adenoma
    I don’t mind Re-rollers. I used to be one. I don’t think the current batch of Re-rollers is very strong. I don’t really know of anyone that could beat a lot of the old guard in duels or pull off the 1vX of ye olde past that’s in the campaign. It’s their prerogative.

    Anyone who says that the gear playing field is level is fooling themselves. If you don’t have purple gear at level, shoot me a message @calcalcal and I’ll make you some whenever I login next. I’ll make you a full set with purple enchants. Likely, it’ll be a while.
  • ColoursYouHave
    I’m down to help players both new and old who can’t afford decent gear as well. Feel free to message @ColoursYouHave and I’ll hook you up with some purple gear too. I’m about two weeks away from having 9 traits researched on everything, and I log in somewhat regularly for dailies.
  • Stridig
    A little closer to 500 at least
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • gabriebe
    I know from firsthand experience, the current population stays in this campaign because it's comfortable, because their friends are there and because it's also probably the only campaigns where even the most unskilled people can make a big impact if they can sufficiently band together.

    The rerollers in Kyne who spend days farming dawnbreakers will tell you they play there because it's lag-free, there are no proc set, the small scale is better or puzzingly because they don't have the time to gear for vet. It's all horseshit. They're also not automatically bad players who would get annihilated in vet. But at the heart of it is the desire to be demonstrably better than anyone else on the map, and Kyne is 100% the easiest campaign on which to find as little competition as possible. I don't personnally find it very appealing to have to devote that much time and ressources to achieve at most 25 levels of peak efficiency and beat opponents in part because they lack the abilities to counter my playstyle.

    People who get better in Kyne only get better in Kyne. The sooner people understand that, the sooner they'll actually figure out this game has a lot more to offer. I

    Edited by gabriebe on March 22, 2019 10:06AM
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • vamp_emily
    Only reason why I played in Kyne was it was fun. I don't think the game has much more to offer in the other campaigns except for lag.

    I don't play much in Kyne but I do every now and then. I actually showed someone around Kyne the other day. Showed him the basics like where everything is, and then we took a resource and then helped take Warden back. He didn't cry when a NB sliced him up and before I left him alone he said, "That was fun".

    If there was more pop on each side i would play there but I get bored very quick.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • anamenobodyelsehas
  • Enkil
    gabriebe wrote: »
    I know from firsthand experience, the current population stays in this campaign because it's comfortable, because their friends are there and because it's also probably the only campaigns where even the most unskilled people can make a big impact if they can sufficiently band together.

    The rerollers in Kyne who spend days farming dawnbreakers will tell you they play there because it's lag-free, there are no proc set, the small scale is better or puzzingly because they don't have the time to gear for vet. It's all horseshit. They're also not automatically bad players who would get annihilated in vet. But at the heart of it is the desire to be demonstrably better than anyone else on the map, and Kyne is 100% the easiest campaign on which to find as little competition as possible. I don't personnally find it very appealing to have to devote that much time and ressources to achieve at most 25 levels of peak efficiency and beat opponents in part because they lack the abilities to counter my playstyle.

    I agree with these sentiments and I’m very glad to see Gabe stating it. The problem of the lack of steady stream of new players is on the playerbase for annihiliating and farming them relentlesssy on Kyne to be sure. But the dev’s have been even more brutal to new players by making emp and scroll possession affect combat (esp crit which hits newbs the hardest), but also developing to favor zerging, all the while neglecting to offer even basic PvP (impen) gear sets to newbs as they level Pvp ranks and quests, nor implement auto-levelling of that gear.

    People have played the game for years now and many have gotten better since their BWB days, but instead of actively recruiting and helping the new players, many that didn’t move on to vet instead twinkled out their alts and rerolls. Perhaps most never considered what that might bring about long term, especially with entire guilds doing it. Granted, it has often been to fight other twinks and rerolls on the enemy side, but that’s like 2 major/pro teams taking over a little league field and telling the kids (it’s meant for) that they no longer have a playing field on which to learn and grow and discarding and shunning them altogether along with their future potential.

    Those years have yielded the intro campaign (Kyne) we have now; which is largely dead or dying, boring, grossly unbalanced, mostly PvDoor, and very hostile and off-putting to unskilled/undergeared newer players.

    Once one knows how, and has the resources to twink our their toons, they sorta have an obligation to help others (friend or foe), learn and improve, to justifiably keep playing on Kyne and still save face. Anyone that doesn’t help and mentor newbs, zergs them down, yet still stays on Kyne rerolling ad nauseum will be looked upon (appropriately and deservingly so) as exploiting newbs/undergeared and hurting the potential longevity of the PvP game. It’s up to each player whether or not to wear such a badge of dishonor.

    This is all painfully obvious and easy for anyone to see. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Reroll as much as you want but please don’t keep doing it just to serve your own, or your guilds’ selfish desires to satisfy need for easy AP, easy kills, laugh-worthy streaming, or whatever else it is that might be motivating you.

    It’s not beyond hope, however. More new people will be coming for Elsweyr, so hopefully some people will try to be more mindful (maybe at least equally helpful as they are harmful) to the health of Kyne and the PVP side of the game. I’m not sure if the playerbase is up to the task, or even cares enough to patch it up. It’s clear we all must like playing here so can we not at least try to improve the trajectory from declining to improving, and make the best of it while the Kyne campaign is still open and running...

    Edited by Enkil on March 23, 2019 8:28AM
  • Datthaw
    Kyne and Sotha need to merge
  • MajBludd
    Kill all cyro servers except 2, Cp and no cp. Then make a free for all server with a smaller map and different objectives.
  • ShenaniganSquad
    Datthaw wrote: »
    Im curious as to why people keep harping on about re-rollers, why does it matter to you? Its obvious you (all the re-roller moaners) do not play in kyne any more and have moved on, so why are you still looking back at your time under 50 and complaining about it? .. sounds like salt to me, and salt usually comes from someone feeling they were unfairly beaten. Are you harbouring feelings of hurt and frustration? I just dont get it.. if you dont play there, why on earth do you give any f**ks at all? What is your pay off for continually bringing it up? What is the agenda behind constantly making people who re-roll out to be less than you because you play vet?... Im being serious here... whats the reason for constantly dogging on re-rollers when you dont play kyne or in some cases on this thread, dont even play eso at all any more

    Not dogging on re rollers it's just don't try and *** former rerollers about why you do it, and make up stuff like gear disadvantage. You're not fooling anyone.

    Well i dont use gear for my reasoning... my issue has and always will be my ping and fps.. most of TVO know if they cc me im done, my lag stops me being able to do anything, i just lie there and die...and thats in kyne... its worse in vet.. i will try to video it for you and upload it so you can see how bad the lag is .. its not an excuse, its legit..
  • Dojohoda
    Datthaw wrote: »
    Im curious as to why people keep harping on about re-rollers, why does it matter to you? Its obvious you (all the re-roller moaners) do not play in kyne any more and have moved on, so why are you still looking back at your time under 50 and complaining about it? .. sounds like salt to me, and salt usually comes from someone feeling they were unfairly beaten. Are you harbouring feelings of hurt and frustration? I just dont get it.. if you dont play there, why on earth do you give any f**ks at all? What is your pay off for continually bringing it up? What is the agenda behind constantly making people who re-roll out to be less than you because you play vet?... Im being serious here... whats the reason for constantly dogging on re-rollers when you dont play kyne or in some cases on this thread, dont even play eso at all any more

    Not dogging on re rollers it's just don't try and *** former rerollers about why you do it, and make up stuff like gear disadvantage. You're not fooling anyone.

    Well i dont use gear for my reasoning... my issue has and always will be my ping and fps.. most of TVO know if they cc me im done, my lag stops me being able to do anything, i just lie there and die...and thats in kyne... its worse in vet.. i will try to video it for you and upload it so you can see how bad the lag is .. its not an excuse, its legit..

    I don't play in kyne as much as I used to, but I have played enough to see you lag. When I see it, your toon standing still in battle, not moving at all.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Fur_like_snow
    Honest question. Why would you play a game with ping that high? With so many options on the market why stick with ESO when the performance is so consistently awful?
  • Datthaw
    Honestly if you lag that much in non vet what does it matter what the lag is in vet.

    As I said, excuses
  • MajBludd
    I have a nb and a dk I'm bring up thru kyne. I have no clue why anybody, who wants to have pvp, still plays in kyne.

    It is nothing but pvdoor. One faction logs off when they get resistance, then the next faction pvdoors. Rinse and repeat.
  • vamp_emily
    Kyne is still fun.

    I was logging into different characters the other day looking to see how much AP I had and ended up logging into kyne and noticed DC had 1 keep to emp.

    I stayed and helped AD until most the players logged off, the fights were fun. We had enough players on AD/DC to have some really good fights.

    I was shocked last week I seen AD/DC/EP all have 2 bars at one point during the evening.

    Edited by vamp_emily on March 27, 2019 1:00PM

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Sungod
    Kyne has been a blast recently. Good amount of players at north American prime time.
    For some reason @Conquistidor1 was back in kyne last night with AA. Brought a fair number of folks with him and tried to be a bully. Got smashed hard. Good fights all around.

  • ShenaniganSquad
    Whoooo... alliance lock AND emp only once per campaign........... yay!
  • Krec
    Datthaw wrote: »
    Honestly if you lag that much in non vet what does it matter what the lag is in vet.

    As I said, excuses

    the OP mentioned lag was bad in Kyne and worse in vet. Why go to something that is even worse? Also if you play Sotha why do you even care what goes on in Kyne?
  • Sungod
    Krec wrote: »
    Datthaw wrote: »
    Honestly if you lag that much in non vet what does it matter what the lag is in vet.

    As I said, excuses

    the OP mentioned lag was bad in Kyne and worse in vet. Why go to something that is even worse? Also if you play Sotha why do you even care what goes on in Kyne?

  • Datthaw
    Krec wrote: »
    Datthaw wrote: »
    Honestly if you lag that much in non vet what does it matter what the lag is in vet.

    As I said, excuses

    the OP mentioned lag was bad in Kyne and worse in vet. Why go to something that is even worse? Also if you play Sotha why do you even care what goes on in Kyne?

    If you lag so badly that 1 cc ends you, then it doesn't matter where you pvp. I don't care what goes on in kyne anymore, but I see people afraid to move on and making excuses I gotta call them out.
  • Datthaw
    I get why yall are still there, big fish small pond...makes you feel important..... "helping new players".... which is a joke more new players go straight vet because rerollers....

    It's honestly a broken record meme
  • vamp_emily
    I don't think anyone is afraid to play in vet. I re-roll and almost level 40 AW on one character. I think some fail to understand why people tend to do the things they do. Awhile back I played in Vivec with someone that re-rolls in Kyne. They lagged every time there was a fight. It sounded very painful. I re-roll because I find Kyne fun at times. When there is no action I will go find fun in another campaign or PvE.

    I personally don't like killing noobs but I'm there to help the alliance win. If a noob is trying to attack one of our keeps then they will get slaughtered. If some cancer re-roller does the same thing, I will try my best to do the same or ask others to help.

    I like the fact that players do re-roll it helps the population. Most fights I'm in are not me vs a noob. It is more like me vs a group or group vs group.

    Yesterday someone came to Vivec talking about how No-CP is so much fun and kept trying to get players to move over. Not sure why players just can't let people play the way they want. It seems that If people play in Kyne they are scared to play vet, and if they play in vivec they are scared to play in No-CP campaigns. Sounds like fake news to me.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Enkil
    The current setup is every campaign being a total Free-For-All unrestricted clusterF with many players seemingly unable or unwilling to control or police their own behavior. The upcoming Cyro changes and locks are a great step in the right direction. Once there are active campaigns that can each be a more fitting home for newbs, FFA players, and faction loyalists alike, it'll make more sense to discuss letting people play how and where they want.

    Edited by Enkil on March 30, 2019 5:35AM
  • ShenaniganSquad
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I get why yall are still there, big fish small pond...makes you feel important..... "helping new players".... which is a joke more new players go straight vet because rerollers....

    It's honestly a broken record meme

    wow, your brain must hurt a lot having so much access to everyone else's thoughts and feelings... I hope you are taking care of yourself, thats a big load to carry
  • Datthaw
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I get why yall are still there, big fish small pond...makes you feel important..... "helping new players".... which is a joke more new players go straight vet because rerollers....

    It's honestly a broken record meme

    wow, your brain must hurt a lot having so much access to everyone else's thoughts and feelings... I hope you are taking care of yourself, thats a big load to carry

    Youre only lying to yourself
This discussion has been closed.