So with the fact that most wikis are out of date in this regard I wanted to go through everything and make sure I got them all. This was done mostly for myself but I thought it would be nice to post it here and keep it updated and in case I missed something people would be able to help me out. I hope people will find this a useful tool when they make their character builds and when they want to maximize their groups utility. So without further ado here is a full list of all the possible ways of getting all the buffs and debuffs in the game (Numbers are assuming cp160).
Major Resolve (Increase physical resistance by 5280)
- Sorcerer Storm Calling Ability: Lightning Form+Morphs
- Heavy Armor Ability: Immovable+Morphs
- Mages Guild Ability: Balance (Morph of Equilibrium)
- Templar Restoring Light Ability: Rune Focus+Morphs
- Nightblade Shadow Passive: Shadow Barrier
- Dragonknight Draconic Power Ability: Spiked Armor+Morphs
- Warden Winter's Embrace Ability: Frost Cloak+Morphs
- Alchemy Potion: Increase Armor (Beetle Scuttle, Imp Stool, Mountain Flower, Mudcrab Chitin)
- Armor Set: Mighty Chudan (Loot)
Minor Resolve (Increase physical resistance by 1320)
- Sorcerer Daedric Summoning Ability: Bound Aegis (Morph of Bound Armor)
- Assault Ultimate: Sturdy Horn (Morph of War Horn)
- One Hand and Shield Ability: Ransack (Morph of Puncture)
- Restoration Staff Ultimate: Life Giver (Morph of Panacea)
- Restoration Staff Ability: Blessing of Protection+Morphs
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Mirage (Morph of Blur)
- Dragonknight Earthen Heart Ability: Stone Giant (Morph of Stone Fist)
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Armor (Beetle Scuttle, Imp Stool, Mountain Flower, Mudcrab Chitin)
Major Ward (Increase spell resistance by 5280)
- Sorcerer Storm Calling Ability: Lightning Form+Morphs
- Heavy Armor Ability: Immovable+Morphs
- Mages Guild Ability: Balance (Morph of Equilibrium)
- Templar Restoring Light Ability: Rune Focus+Morphs
- Nightblade Shadow Passive: Shadow Barrier
- Dragonknight Draconic Power Ability: Spiked Armor+Morphs
- Warden Winter's Embrace Ability: Frost Cloak+Morphs
- Alchemy Potion: Increase Spell Resist (Bugloss, White Cap, Mudcrab Chitin)
- Armor Set: Mighty Chudan (Loot)
Minor Ward (Increase spell resistance by 1320)
- Sorcerer Daedric Summoning Ability: Bound Aegis (Morph of Bound Armor)
- Assault Ultimate: Sturdy Horn (Morph of War Horn)
- Restoration Staff Ability: Blessing of Protection+Morphs
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Mirage (Morph of Blur)
- Dragonknight Draconic Power Ability: Reflective Plate (Morph of Reflective Scales)
- Dragonknight Earthen Heart Ability: Stone Giant (Morph of Stone Fist)
- Restoration Staff Ultimate: Life Giver (Morph of Panacea)
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Spell Resist (Bugloss, White Cap, Mudcrab Chitin)
Major Fortitude (Increase health recovery by 20%)
- Dragonknight Draconic Power Ability: Dragon Blood+Morphs
- Alchemy Potion: Restore Health (Blue Entoloma, Bugloss, Butterfly Wing, Columbine, Lumious Russula, Mountain Flower, Water Hyacinth)
Minor Fortitude (Increase health recovery by 10%)
- Templar Restorning Light Ability: Restoring Aura+Morphs
Major Endurance (Increase stamina recovery by 20%)
- Dual Wield Ability: Whirling Blades (Morph of Whirlwind)
- Dragonknight Draconic Power Ability: Green Dragon Blood (Morph of Dragon Blood)
- Warden Animal Companion Ability: Falcon's Swiftness+Morphs
- Alchemy Potion: Restore Stamina (Blessed Thistle, Columbine, Dragonthorn, Mountain Flower)
Minor Endurance (Increase stamina recovery by 10%)
- Fighters Guild Ability: Circle of Protection+Morphs
- Templar Restorning Light Ability: Restoring Aura+Morphs
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Relentless Focus (Morph of Grim Focus)
- Warden Green Balance Ability: Enchanted Growth (Morph of Fungal Growth)
Major Intellect (Increase magica recovery by 20%)
- Alchemy Potion: Restore Magicka (Bugloss, Columbine, Corn Flower, Lady's Smock)
Minor Intellect (Increase magica recovery by 10%)
- Sorcerer Daedric Summoning Ability: Empowered Ward (Morph of Conjured Ward)
- Templar Restorning Light Ability: Restoring Aura+Morphs
- Warden Green Balance Ability: Enchanted Growth (Morph of Fungal Growth)
Major Sorcery (Increase spell damage by 20%)
- Sorcerer Storm Calling Ability: Power Surge (Morph of Surge)
- Mages Guild Ability: Entropy+Morphs
- Nightblade Siphoning Ability: Sap Essence (Morph of Drain Power)
- Dragonknight Earthen Heart Ability: Molten Weapons+Morphs
- Warden Animal Companions Ability: Betty Netch+Morphs
- Alchemy Potion: Increase Spell Power (Cornflower, Lady's Smock, Violet Coprinus)
- Armor Set: Rattlecage (Loot)
Minor Sorcery (Increase spell damage by 10%)
- Templar Dawn's Wrath Passive: Illuminate
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Spell Power (Cornflower, Lady's Smock, Violet Coprinus)
Major Prophecy (Increase Spell Critical by 2191)
- Mages Guild Ability: Magelight+Morphs
- Templar Dawn's Wrath Ability: Sun Fire+Morphs
- Dragonknight Ardent Flame Ability: Inferno+Morphs
- Warden Green Balance Ability:Lotus Blossom (Morph of Lotus Flower)
- Alchemy Potion: Spell Crit (Water Hyacinth, Lady's Smock, Namira's Rot)
- Armor Set: Treasure Hunter (Loot)
Minor Prophecy (Increase Spell Critical by 1320)
- Sorcerer Dark Magic Passive: Exploitation
- Alchemy Poison: Spell Crit (Water Hyacinth, Lady's Smock, Namira's Rot)
Major Brutality (Increase weapon damage by 20%)
- Sorcerer Storm Calling Ability: Surge+Morphs
- Two Handed Ability: Momentum+Morphs
- Dual Wield Ability: Hidden Blade+Morphs
- Nightblade Siphoning Ability: Drain Power+Morphs
- Dragonknight Earthen Heart Ability: Igneous Weapons (Morph of Molten Weapons)
- Warden Animal Companions Ability: Bull Netch (Morph of Betty Netch)
- Alchemy Potion: Increase Weapon Power (Blessed Thistle, Stinkhorn, Dragonthorn)
- Armor Set: Dreugh King Slayer (Loot)
- Werewolf Ability: Rousing Roar (Morph of Roar)
Minor Brutality (Increase weapon damage by 10%)
- Dragonknight Earthen Heart Passive: Mountain's Blessing
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Weapon Power (Blessed Thistle, Stinkhorn, Dragonthorn)
Major Savagery (Increase Weapon Critical by 2191)
- Fighters Guild Ability: Expert Hunter+Morphs
- Templar Aedric Spear Ability: Biting Jabs (Morph of Puncturing Strikes)
- Dragonknight Ardent Flame Ability: Flames of Oblivion (Morph of Inferno)
- Warden Green Balance Ability: Green Lotus (Morph of Lotus Flower)
- Alchemy Potion: Weapon Crit (Dragonthorn, Wormwood, Water Hyacinth)
- Armor Set: Toothrow (Loot)
Minor Savagery (Increase Weapon Critical by 1320)
- Nightblade Assassination Passive: Hemorrhage
- Alchemy Poison: Weapon Crit (Dragonthorn, Wormwood, Water Hyacinth)
Major Berserk (Increase Damage by 25%)
- Sorcerer Daedric Summoning Ultimate: Summon Storm Atronach+Morphs
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Reaper's Mark (Morph of Mark Target)
- Armor Set: Sithi's Touch (Loot)
- Armor Set: Heem-Ja's Retribution (Loot)
Minor Berserk (Increase Damage by 8%)
- Fighters Guild Ability: Camouflaged Hunter (Morph of Expert Hunter)
- Restoration Staff Ability: Combat Prayer (Morph of Blessing of Proctection)
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Grim Focus+Morphs
- Warden Animal Companions Ability: Bird of Prey (Morph of Falcon's Swiftness)
- Restoration Staff Ultimate: Life Giver (Morph of Panacea, NOTE: Only if Blessing of Protection is morphed to Combat Prayer)
- Armor Set: Slimecraw (Loot)
Major Force (Increase Critical Damage by 15%)
- Assault Ability: Aggresive Horn (Morph of War Horn)
[*] Restoration Staff Ultimate: Light's Champion (Morph of Panacea)
Minor Force (Increase Critical Damage by 10%)
- Fighters Guild Ability: Trap Beast+Morphs
- Support Ability: Stalwart Guard (Morph of Guard)
- Psijic Order ability: Accelerate+Morphs
- Armor Set: Twilight's Remedy (Loot)
- Armor Set: Medusa (Loot)
- Armor Set: Gryphon's Ferocity (Loot)
Major Vitality (Increase healing taken by 30%)
- Undaunted Ability: Bone Surge (Morph of Bone Shield)
- Nightblade Siphoning Ultimate: Soul Siphon (Morph of Soul Shred)
- Sorcerer Dark Magic Ability: Restraining Prison (Morph of Encase)
- Alchemy Potion: Vitality (Beetle Scuttle, Butterfly Wing, Fleshy Larva, Torchbug Thorax)
- Armor Set: Scourge Harvester (Loot)
- Armor Set: Daedric Trickery Set (Crafted)
- Weapon Set: Mender's Ward (Loot)
- Armor Set: Jailer's Tenacity (Loot)
Minor Vitality (Increase healing taken by 8%)
- Support Ability: Mystic Guard (Morph of Guard)
- Dragonknight Draconic Power Ability: Green Dragon Blood (Morph of Dragon Blood)
- Armor Set: Order of Diagna (Loot)
- Armor Set: Naga Shaman (Crafted)
Major Mending (Increase healing done by 25%)
- Restoration Staff Passive: Essence Drain
- Warden Green Balance Passive: Accelerated Growth
- Dragonknight Earthen Heart Ability: Obsidian Shield+Morphs
- Armor Set: Daedric Trickery Set (Crafted)
- Armor Set: Wisdom of Vanus (Loot)
Minor Mending (Increase healing done by 8%)
- Templar Restoring Light Passive: Sacred Ground
- Nightblade Siphoning Ability: Healthy Offering (Morph of Malevolent Offering)
- Armor Set: Healers Habit (Loot)
- Armor Set: Naga Shaman (Crafted)
Major Protection (Reduce damage taken by 30%)
- Nightblade Shadow Ultimate: Consuming Darkness+Morphs
- Warden Winter's Embrace Ultimate: Sleet Storm+Morphs
- Restoration Staff Ultimate: Light's Champion (Morph of Panacea)
- Templar Aedric Spear Ultimate: Empowering Sweep (Morph of Radial Sweep)
- Psijic Order Passive: Deliberation
- Armor Set: Pirate Skeleton (Loot)
- Armor Set: Coward's Gear (Loot)
- Armor Set: Daedric Trickery Set (Crafted)
- Armor Set: Ironblood (Loot)
[*] Armor Set: Steadfast Hero (Loot)
[*] Weapon Set: Spectral Cloak (Loot)
Minor Protection (Reduce damage taken by 8%)
- Fighters Guild Ability: Circle of Protection+Morphs
- Templar Aedric Spear Passive: Spear Wall
- Nightblade Shadow Ability: Dark Cloak (Morph of Shadow Cloak)
- Warden Winter's Embrace Ability: Ice Fortress (Morph of Frost Cloak)
- Psijic Order Ultimate: Temporal Guard (Morph of Undo)
- Alchemy Potion/Poison: Protection (Nightshade, Mudcrab Chitin, Beetle Scuttle)
- Armor Set: Vampire Cloak (Loot)
- Armor Set: Indomitable Fury (Loot)
Major Evasion (Reducing AoE Damage taken by 25%)
- Medium Armor Ability: Evasion+Morphs
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Blur+Morphs
- Dual Wield Ability: Blade Cloak+Morphs
- Armor Set: Hist Bark (Crafted)
- Armor Set: Spectre's Eye (Crafted)
- Armor Set: Gossamer (Loot)
- Armor Set: Adept Rider (Crafted)
- Armor Set: Grace of Gloom (Loot)
Minor Evasion (Reduces AoE damage taken by 10%)
- Warden Animal Companions Ability: Deceptive Predator (Morph of Falcon's Swiftness)
Major Expedition (Increase Movement speed by 30%)
- Sorcerer Storm Calling Ability: Boundless Storm (Morph of Lightning Form)
- Dark Brotherhood Passive: Padomaic Sprint
- Assault Ability: Rapid Maneuver+Morphs
- Dual Wield Ability: Quick Cloak (Morph of Blade Cloak)
- Bow Passive. Hasty Retreat
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Double Take (Morph of Blur)
- Nightblade Shadow Ability: Path of Darkness+Morphs
- Nightblade Siphoning Ability: Cripple+Morphs
- Dragonknight Ardent Flame Ability: Fiery Grip+Morphs
- Warden Animal Companions Ability: Falcon's Swiftness+Morphs
- Warden Winter's Embrace Ability: Frozen Retreat (Morph of Frozen Gate)
- Vampire Ability: Elusive Mist (Morph of Mist Form)
- Psijic Order Ability: Accelerate+Morphs
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Speed (Scrib Jelly, Namira's Rot, Blessed Thistle)
- Armor Set: Dreugh King Slayer (Loot)
- Armor Set: Vicious Serpent (Loot)
- Armor Set: Quick Serpent (Loot)
- Armor Set: Skooma Smuggler (Loot)
- Armor Set: Coward's Gear (Loot)
- Armor Set: Daedric Trickery Set (Crafted)
Minor Expedition (Increase Movement speed by 10%)
- Sorcerer Storm Calling Ability: Hurricane (Morph of Lightning Form)
- Templar Restoring Light Ability: Hasty Prayer (Morph of Healing Ritual)
- Assault Ability: Charging Maneuver (Morph of Rapid Maneuver)
- Vampire Ability: Accelerating Drain (Morph of Drain Essence)
- Armor Set: Jailbreaker (Loot)
- Armor Set: Gryphon's Ferocity (Loot)
Major Gallop (Increases Mounted Speed by 30%)
- Assault Ability: Rapid Maneuver+Morphs
Minor Gallop (Not in the game)
Major Heroism (Grant 18 Ultimate over 8seconds)
- Champion Point Passive: Last Stand (The Ritual 120p)
- Warden Winter's Embrace Ability: Shimmering Shield (Morph of Crystallized Shield)
- Armor Set: Daedric Trickery Set (Crafted)
- Armor Set: Hanu's Compassion (Loot)
Minor Heroism (Grant 1 Ultimate every 1.5s for 9s )
- Two Handed Ability: Carve (Morph of Cleave )
- One Hand and Shield Ability: Heroic Slash (Morph of Low Slash)
- Armor Set: Shalk Exoskeleton (Loot)
- Armor Set: Champion of the Hist (Loot)
- Armor Set: Indomitable Fury (Loot)
Major Slayer (Increase damage dealt in Dungeons and Trials by 15%)
- Armor Set: Master Architect (Loot)
- Armor Set: War Machine (Loot)
Minor Slayer (Increase damage dealt in Dungeons and Trials by 5%)
- Armor Set: Vicious Serpent (Loot)
- Armor Set: Infallible Mage (Loot)
- Armor Set: Moondancer (Loot)
- Armor Set: Roar of Alkosh (Loot)
- Armor Set: Master Architect (Loot)
- Armor Set: War Machine (Loot)
- Armor Set: Mantle of Siroria (Loot)
- Armor Set: Arms of Relequen (Loot)
Major Aegis (Decrease Damage taken in dungeons and trials by 15%)
- Armor Set: Automated Defense (Loot)
- Armor Set: Inventor's Guard (Loot)
Minor Aegis (Decrease Damage taken in dungeons and trials by 5%)
- Armor Set: Twilight's Remedy (Loot)
- Armor Set: Lunar Bastion (Loot)
- Armor Set: Eternal Warrior (Loot)
- Armor Set: Automated Defense (Loot)
- Armor Set: Inventor's Guard (Loot)
- Armor Set: Vestment of Olorime (Loot)
- Armor Set: Aegis of Galenwe (Loot)
Major Lifesteal (Not in the game)
Minor Lifesteal (Heals you and allies by 500 when damaging target, max every 1s per player (Can be buffed by Healing Done/Received))
- Undaunted Ability: Blood Alter+Morphs
- Restoration Staff Ability: Force Siphon
- Warden Green Balance Ability: Leeching Vines (Morph of Living Vines)
Major Toughness (Not in the game)
Minor Toughness (Increase Max Health by 10%)
- Warden Green Balance Passive: Maturation
- Armor Set: Warrior-Poet(Loot)
Major Courage (Increase Weapon and Spell Power by 258)
- Armor Set: Spell Power Cure (Loot)
- Armor Set: Vestment of Olorime (Loot)
Minor Courage (Not in the game)
Empower (Increases the damage of your next Light Attack by 40%)
- Mages Guild Passive: Might of the Guild
- Two Handed Ability: Wrecking Blow (Morph of Uppercut)
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Ambush (Morph of Teleport Strike)
- Dragonknight Ardent Flame Ability: Empowering Chains (Morph of Fiery Grip)
- Templar Dawn's Wrath Ability: Solar Flare+Morphs
Major Fracture (Decrease physical resistance by 5280)
- One Hand and Shield Ability: Puncture+Morhps
- Nightblade Assassination Ability:Mark Target+Morphs
- Nightblade Shadow Ability: Surprise Attack (Morph of Veiled Strike)
- Dragonknight Ardent Flame Ability: Noxious Breath (Morph of Fiery Breath)
- Warden Animal Companion Ability: Subterranean Assault (Morph of Scorch)
- Werewolf Ability: Deafening Roar
- Armor Set: Night Mother's Gaze (Crafted)
Minor Fracture (Decrease physical resistance by 1320)
- Bow Ability: Focused Aim (Morph of Snipe)
- Templar Dawn's Wrath Ability: Power of the Light (Morph of Backlash)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Lower Armor (Dragonthorn, Stinkhorn, Torchbug Thorax)
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Armor (Beetle Scuttle, Imp Stool, Mountain Flower, Mudcrab Chitin)
- Armor Set: Hand of Mephala (Loot)
- Armor Set: Sunderflame (Loot)
Major Breach (Decrease spell resistance by 5280)
- One Hand and Shield Ability: Pierce Armor (Morph of Puncture)
- Destruction Staff Ability: Weakness to Elements+Morphs
- Nightblade Assassination Ability: Mark Target+Morphs
- Warden Animal Companion Ability: Deep Fissure (Morph of Scorch)
Minor Breach (Decrease spell resistance by 1320)
- Templar Dawn's Wrath Ability: Power of the Light (Morph of Backlash)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Lower Spell Resist (Beetle Scuttle, Lady's Smock, Violet Coprinus)
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Spell Resist (Bugloss, White Cap, Mudcrab Chitin)
[*] Armor Set: Sunderflame (Loot)
Major Defile (Decrease Healing taken and Health Recovery by 30%)
- One Hand and Shield Ability: Reverberating Bash (Morph of Power Bash)
- Bow Ability: Lethal Arrow (Morph of Snipe)
- Nightblade Assassination Ultimate: Death Stroke+Morphs
- Dragonknight Ardent Flame Ultimate: Dragonknight Standard+Morphs
- Templar Dawn's Wrath Ability: Dark Flare (Morph of Solar Flare)
- Warden Green Balance Ability: Corrupting Pollen (Morph of Healing Seed)
- Werewolf Ability: Claws of Anguish (Morph of Infectious Claws)
- Secondary Damage Type Effect: Disease
- Armor Set: Durok's Bane (Loot)
- Armor Set: Ward of Cyrodiil (Loot)
Minor Defile (Decrease Healing taken and Health Recovery by 15%)
- Alchemy Poison: Vitality (Beetle Scuttle, Butterfly Wing, Fleshy Larva, Torchbug Thorax)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Defile (Spider Eggs, Nightshade, Mudcrab Chitin)
- Armor Set: Fasalla's Guile (Loot)
- Armor Set: Pirate Skeleton (Loot, on self)
- Armor Set: Thurvokun (Loot)
Major Maim (Decrease damage done by 30%)
- Templar Dawn's Wrath Ultimate: Nova+Morphs
- Warden Winter's Embrace Ability: Frozen Device (Morph of Frozen Gate)
- Armor Set: Vykosa (Loot)
Minor Maim (Decrease damage done by 15%)
- One Hand and Shield Ability: Low Slash+Morphs
- Nightblade Shadow Ability: Mass Hysteria (Morph of Aspect of Terror)
- Nightblade Shadow Ability: Summon Shade+Morphs
- Dragonknight Draconic Power Ability: Choking Talons (Morph of Dark Talons)
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Weapon Power (Blessed Thistle, Stinkhorn, Dragonthorn)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Lower Weapon Power (Imp Stool, Luminous Russula, Mountain Flower)
- Secondary Damage Type Effect: Frost
- Armor Set: Knightmare (Loot)
- Armor Set: Shadowrend (Loot)
- Armor Set: Wizard's Riposte (Loot)
- Armor Set: Thurvokun (Loot)
Major Mangle (Not in the game)
Minor Mangle (Reduces Max health by 10%)
- Destruction Staff Ability: Pulsar (Morph of Impulse)
Major Cowardice (Not in the game)
Minor Cowardice (Increases Ultimate cost by 60%)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Lower Spell Power (White Cap, Bugloss, Blue Entoloma)
- Alchemy Poison: Increase Spell Power (Cornflower, Lady's Smock, Violet Coprinus)
Major Enervation (Not in the game)
Minor Evervation (Reduces Critical damage done by 12%)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Lower Weapon Crit (Torchbug Thorax, Nirnroot, Imp Stool)
- Alchemy Poison: Weapon Crit (Dragonthorn, Wormwood, Water Hyacinth)
Major Uncertainty (Not in the game)
Minor Uncertainty (Reduce Critical chance by 657)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Lower Spell Crit (Butterfly wing, Nirnroot)
- Alchemy Poison: Spell Crit (Water Hyacinth, Lady's Smock, Namira's Rot)
Major Vulerability (Not in the game)
Minor Vulerability (Increase damage taken by 8%)
- Alchemy Poison/Potion: Vulnerability (Scrib Jelly, Fleshy Larva)
- Alchemy Poison: Protection (Nightshade, Mudcrab Chitin, Beetle Scuttle)
- Armor Set: Infallible Mage (Loot)
- Armor Set: Wise Mage (Loot)
- Armor Set: Noble's Conquest (Crafted)
- Secondary Damage Type Effect: Shock
Major Magickasteal (Not in the game)
Minor Magickasteal (Damaging the target returns 300magicka, max every 1s)
- Templar Restoring Light Ability: Radiant Aura (Morph of Restoring Aura)
- Restoration Staff Ability: Siphon Spirit (Morph of Force Siphon)
- Destruction Staff Ability: Elemental Drain (Morph of Weakness to Elements)
- Restoring Light Ability: Restoring Aura