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Why are people rude to healers?

Why are people always rude? We can not heal 24/7. We have cooldowns. Also, if you run all the way across the map, we can't use all of our skills. Also, try to keep enemies off of us.

  • Milvan
    People are usually rudes on pugs. Try to get yourself some comrades that worthy dieing for. Otherwise just ignore it.
    “Kings of the land and the sky we are; proud gryphons.” Stalker stands, the epitome of pride. Naked and muscular, his wings widen and his feet dig in as if he alone holds down the earth and supports the heavens, keeping the two ever separate.”
    Gryphons guild - @Milvan,
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    I know it has been posted here before, but ill just leave this here...
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on August 9, 2016 5:14PM
  • altemriel
    because some people are just immature, screw them ;)
  • Mush55
    Never rude to healers unless they have a 2 handed sword or bow equipped in there heavy armour.
  • radiostar
    They don't realize how much Z has nerfed healing. Add to that the above faux pas, it's the pits at times.
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Shad0wfire99
    People always blame the healer. It's rarely justified, since the healer has no say in whether or not someone just stands in red for an entire fight. But mostly, people on the internet are rude just for the sake of being rude. Being a healer just makes the target bigger for those people.

    XBox NA
  • Humatiel
    Very rarely am I ever rude to a healer unless he is both clueless and arrogant, new is new and I'll happily run with an ass who can complete content but not both.

    If I may point out, if you go into a dungeon with no resource management or execute you've now become a healbot and are going to get a lot of flak for it. Just something to keep in mind.
    Edited by Humatiel on August 9, 2016 5:09PM
    VMA | vHRC-HM | vAA-HM | vSO-HM | vMOL-HM
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  • Nestor
    Being rude to a Healer is like being Rude to your Waiter/Waitress. Whatever you get, your not going to want it.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Luigi_Vampa
    Because people.

    PC/EU DC
  • Van_0S
    Mush55 wrote: »
    Never rude to healers unless they have a 2 handed sword or bow equipped in there heavy armour.

    True. :D
  • Pandorii
    Being a healer is incredibly difficult work. With self-heals and shields, I don't think it should be any healer's job to keep a party member alive, with some exceptions in certain boss fights that have healing intensive mechanics. It should be seen as a support/luxury. DPS are too quick to throw their burden onto the healer, expecting heals when they stand in red or ignore shielding themselves.

    That said, the last thing people should be to healers is rude. They should be incredibly grateful for somebody willing to do the altruistic task of healing.

    Reminds me a lot of crafting in this game.
    Edited by Pandorii on August 9, 2016 5:15PM
  • MikuHagane
    If people are ever rude to me, I will just stop healing them. :)
  • Luigi_Vampa
    Pandorii wrote: »
    Being a healer is incredibly difficult work. With self-heals and shields, I don't think it should be any healer's job to keep a party member alive, with some exceptions in certain boss fights that have healing intensive mechanics. It should be seen as a support/luxury. DPS are too quick to throw their burden onto the healer, expecting heals when they stand in red or ignore shielding themselves.

    That said, the last thing people should be to healers is rude. They should be incredibly grateful for somebody willing to do the altruistic task of healing.

    Reminds me a lot of crafting in this game.

    For pugs maybe. In organized group your healer should have that responsibility. Tank could have a way to heal just in case, but dps shouldn't waste time and resources on self healing. Unless necessary for mechanics. They shouldn't take extra damage and should watch where they stand but you want those guys to do as much dps as possible as that is the meta of ESO dungeons.
    PC/EU DC
  • Son-of-the-Desert
    No one's ever been rude to my healer, there were times that the whole group did many times over and never did anyone blame me for that. What server are you playing on?
    Edited by Son-of-the-Desert on August 9, 2016 5:19PM
    Main Characterr:
    Tiberius Scrofal : Imperial Templar Healer
    Shard: PC EU DC
  • Lumenn
    The rude ones fail to(or just don't want to) realize healing is a two party system and they play a part too. They have to help keep mobs off the healer, avoid the red, stand in range, etc. Your experienced players will know their role(or at least be willing to learn). The others just think "cool healer bot! *** taaaaank!" If you're gonna PUG just keep a list of the *** type and avoid.
  • MikuHagane
    No one's ever been rude to my healer, there were times that the whole group did many times over and never did anyone blame me for that. What server are you playing on?

    NA on Xbox

  • Acharnor
    Jerks gotta be jerks I guess. And sometimes people are just having a bad day. I have had almost all positive experiences with healing but some stand out as not so good.

    This dude was ordering me about as well as everyone else and he was downright mean/rude to another player. I called him on his sh!t and told him I was fine with feedback but not the orders and to back off the other guy. I thought he would leave group but he didn't and we all stuck it out through a painful run. He apologised at the end - a recent breakup. Oi.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • AugustoCP
    Because they don't want to be healed.

    I'm happy to comply.
  • Pandorii
    @Typhoios I see where you are coming from. I've had this view as well, but there's also an alternative, I think.

    In most cases, what makes a good healer makes a good DPS (high spell damage and high max magicka) - in this game in the now. So most healers can actually double as DPS. If the DPS self-health and especially shield up, the healer can focus on helping with the DPS and saving those heals for ohh *** moments. It turns the responsibility on the DPS rather than it being on the healer (as you mentioned). What responsibility do DPS have in your perspective?

    I'd be curious to do an analysis of resource cost when comparing the cost of resources DPS would spend playing defensively versus the additional damage that the group would acquire from the healer contributing DPS.

    Of course, this model would not work in the harder content.

    I think the interesting thing to note though is that like you, many people feel that healers have a 'responsibility.' That's what makes healing so difficult. That's what makes being healer deserving of gratitude. =D
  • waterfairy
    I don't expect a healer to be my shield and savior, I try my best to keep myself alive but when a healer saves me in a pinch I'm grateful.
  • raasdal
    Because you are all soft milkdrinkers, winking around your feeble wand.
    PC - EU
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  • Necrelios
    I have come across a few rude people. In my experience, rude people are generally rude to everyone not just healers. It's just what they do. So I ignore them, because that is something I can do all day long with little effort :p .
    Edited by Necrelios on August 9, 2016 5:38PM
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  • Garldeen
    As someone who is learning to heal still, i find it funny when all three other players run off in different directions and then blame me for the group dying. Either that or they start the fight before i even catch up with them due to looting bodies. You want me to keep you alive? Then stand near to me.
    Edited by Garldeen on August 9, 2016 5:40PM
  • Kartalin
    I generally have had good success as a templar healer finding successful groups through zone chat and the *gasp* group finder. During vICP pledge a couple days ago though we wiped a couple times on the first boss due to the tank's inability to keep aggro and what seemed to be a significant lack of mitigation. Also worth noting that our "tank" had queued as all three roles.
    • PC/NA
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    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • wayfarerx
    The healer is the easiest one to blame if you make a mistake since the healer is the last line of defense against such mistakes. Good healers cover up lots of screw-ups on the part of tanks and DPS (that is kinda our job). Ever see your health take a big hit and suddenly bounce back up or get a fat shield? That was your healer saving your a**. But the second that a healer misses one of those emergency heals the more narcissistic players try to cover up their original mistake by pointing out the fact that the healer did not.

    I don't mind the healer hate too much. If the hater can drag themselves though the dungeon and get it done then we go our separate ways, the end. If not then I leave the jerks in the dungeon to fend for themselves. However nothing pisses me off more than PUGs screaming "SHARDS!" over and over again in chat at my nightblade :neutral:
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • Luigi_Vampa
    Pandorii wrote: »
    @Typhoios I see where you are coming from. I've had this view as well, but there's also an alternative, I think.

    In most cases, what makes a good healer makes a good DPS (high spell damage and high max magicka) - in this game in the now. So most healers can actually double as DPS. If the DPS self-health and especially shield up, the healer can focus on helping with the DPS and saving those heals for ohh *** moments. It turns the responsibility on the DPS rather than it being on the healer (as you mentioned). What responsibility do DPS have in your perspective?

    I'd be curious to do an analysis of resource cost when comparing the cost of resources DPS would spend playing defensively versus the additional damage that the group would acquire from the healer contributing DPS.

    Of course, this model would not work in the harder content.

    I think the interesting thing to note though is that like you, many people feel that healers have a 'responsibility.' That's what makes healing so difficult. That's what makes being healer deserving of gratitude. =D

    Yeah, healer should dps as well. But healers aren't usually running dps gear, or have dps champion point spread. Any good dd will out dps a healer. Most of these dungeons can be done with healers throwing out some hots and maybe a big heal if someone takes a big hit.

    In my opinion a healers priority is to increase group dps. The order should be.

    1. No one dies.
    2. Buff group.
    3. Debuff boss
    4. DPS

    DPS have the responsibilty to kill things fast. Postion themselves so they are easily healed and buffed, and know mechanics of the fights to avoid damge, know when to block, dodge and synergize.

    DPS do better and perform their rotations better when they don't have to worry about healing themselves. Flawless rotations lead to fast clears. Fast clears lead to little healing needed. Little healing needed leads to less stressed healers. It works better for everyone.

    In pugs I bring self heals as I don't trust pug healers. In guild groups I have no worries.
    PC/EU DC
  • vamp_emily
    OP come join my guild 'Friendly Dungeon Runners' if you are on PC/NA/all factions welcome (link to recruiting page is in my signature). The guild is very small but we already have one Master Dungeon Runner that knows all the mechanics.

    When I do group dungeons I just want to have fun and be competitive without someone belittling everyone, which seems to be the case most times.

    I remember I healed the very first group dungeon, and one of the players acted like I was in a vet dungeon. I said something like "Hello, we are only level 10". It turned bad very quick and we left.

    Only thing I can suggest, keep track of those players you like playing with in dungeons, and add them to your friends list. One day you will have an awesome group.

    Edited by vamp_emily on August 9, 2016 6:07PM

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Totalitarian
    Hm...been a very long time since someone's been rude to me while I heal.

    Probably because I'm slamming down those mobs as quickly as the DPSers can, while keeping them alive.

    I do make mistakes, and I own up to them when I make them. If someone is rude to you, and they stood in red/didn't block, let them know that. The group is going to think that person is the idiot. Don't take the blame for something that you didn't do.

    But if your ally runs around for 3 seconds with almost no health, that's your problem (unless they're purposely out of range, but even then you better be running for them)
    PC NA CP 531+
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    Read their adventures!
    The Celestial Lady
  • MikuHagane
    I am so making a dual wield templar and just self healing. Solo time!
  • Acharnor
    Healing is funny - sometimes I am hardly needed and do as much DPS as possible and then when I am not expecting it the group is dying like tissues trying to block a fire hose. One of the new dungeons really reminded me what it is like to have to be healing pretty regular. It made for a very fun and challenging run.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
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