Being a healer is incredibly difficult work. With self-heals and shields, I don't think it should be any healer's job to keep a party member alive, with some exceptions in certain boss fights that have healing intensive mechanics. It should be seen as a support/luxury. DPS are too quick to throw their burden onto the healer, expecting heals when they stand in red or ignore shielding themselves.
That said, the last thing people should be to healers is rude. They should be incredibly grateful for somebody willing to do the altruistic task of healing.
Reminds me a lot of crafting in this game.
Son-of-the-Desert wrote: »No one's ever been rude to my healer, there were times that the whole group did many times over and never did anyone blame me for that. What server are you playing on?
@Typhoios I see where you are coming from. I've had this view as well, but there's also an alternative, I think.
In most cases, what makes a good healer makes a good DPS (high spell damage and high max magicka) - in this game in the now. So most healers can actually double as DPS. If the DPS self-health and especially shield up, the healer can focus on helping with the DPS and saving those heals for ohh *** moments. It turns the responsibility on the DPS rather than it being on the healer (as you mentioned). What responsibility do DPS have in your perspective?
I'd be curious to do an analysis of resource cost when comparing the cost of resources DPS would spend playing defensively versus the additional damage that the group would acquire from the healer contributing DPS.
Of course, this model would not work in the harder content.
I think the interesting thing to note though is that like you, many people feel that healers have a 'responsibility.' That's what makes healing so difficult. That's what makes being healer deserving of gratitude. =D