Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v2.5.3

Community Manager
The Elder Scrolls Online v2.5.3 is an incremental patch on the PTS that continues to address issues in the latest DLC game pack, Shadows of the Hist. We also have several fixes and improvements involving gameplay, itemization, Trials, UI, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 570MB.

When you close the PTS client, you'll receive an error message stating "ESO has stopped responding."

  • DLC Game Packs
    • Dark Brotherhood
    • Shadows of the Hist
  • Base Game Patch
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Books that were previously undiscoverable after their respective quests were completed now have a copy in the world.
      • The Letter from Kireth can be found behind the house at the Anvil stables, atop a crate.
      • The List of Recipients will now be available near the farmhouse where a certain quest event takes place.
      • Naryu's Note and Reman's Note will now be visible post-quest where they were located all along.

    Quests & Zones
    • NPCs that are naturally hostile will now properly drop normal loot rather than pre-laundered stealable items.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Art & Animation
    • Fixed various texture and clipping issues with armor, hair, and adornments.

    Dungeons & Group Content
    • Cradle of Shadows
      • The door after Dranos Velador will now always open after he is defeated.
      • Shadow Fangs will now always emerge from stealth when you activate the Atronach Light synergy in the room just before Velidreth.
      • Shadow Fangs will no longer cast Teleport Strike immediately after being revealed, either by the Atronach Light synergy or a player stealth removal.
      • Fixed an issue with Altar of Adoration targeting incorrect monsters with the “For Our Lady” buff.
      • Marrow Fiends will no longer immediately recast Divide and Conquer if interrupted while trying to cast that ability.
      • Shadow Warriors will no longer immediately recast Eclipsing Assault if interrupted while trying to cast that ability.
      • Jumping over an armed Spike Trap will now trigger the trap.
      • The following changes specifically affect the boss Velidreth:
        • Velidreth will no longer summon two Spiderkith towards the end of the encounter when casting Devour.
        • Velidreth will now pull player characters into the combat area much quicker.
        • Velidreth will now devour a target and cast Diseased Spores sooner, and banish player characters less often.
        • Velidreth will no longer target player characters returning from the catacombs with her Shadow Sense ability.
        • Velidreth will no longer reset when player characters are banished or returning from the catacombs.
        • Velidreth's Devotion and Alter of Adoration now provide a small heal with each "For Our Lady" projectile that affects an ally.
      • The following changes have been made to the Hard Mode difficulty in Veteran Mode:
        • Increased Velidreth's health total.
        • Velidreth will summon more Diseased Spores.
        • After the group is banished to the catacombs, only one door will be open on each side (this previously was the default behavior in Veteran Mode, but now only occurs with Hard Mode enabled).
        • Being hit by Shadow Spine is immediately fatal (this previously was the default behavior in Veteran Mode, but now only occurs with Hard Mode enabled).
      • The following has changed in Veteran Mode:
        • After the group is banished to the catacombs, one door on each side will be closed while the remaining doors will remain open.
        • Decreased the damage from Shadow Spine.
        • Shadow Spine now applies Impaled, a removable damage over time debuff.
        • Shadow Spine now applies the Sickening Poison debuff.
    • Ruins of Mazzatun
      • The mudcrabs that appear in the hallways where the Swamp Spice is located no longer respawn.
      • The Monstrous Blitz ability is now spelled correctly.
      • You will now have a visible effect when targeted by Monstrous Blitz (we mean it this time).

    Exploration & Itemization
    • The "Ruins of Mazzatun Challenger" and "Cradle of Shadows Challenger" achievements now have unique skin rewards.
      • Ruins of Mazzatun awards the "Amber Plasm Skin Daub" skin.
      • Cradle of Shadows awards the "Spiderkith" skin.
    • Renamed the “More Like Mazzatomb” achievement to “Mazzatun Massacre”.
    • Renamed the “Waltz on Through” achievement to “Venomous Evasion”.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Art & Animation
    • Fixed an issue that would cause certain mask textures to appear black on medium, low, or minimum graphics settings.

    • Fixed the audio for Flurry, and for some animations that were previously missing them.

    Combat & Gameplay
    • Fixed an issue that was causing a delay in ability effects and animations when using poisons.
    • Fixed an issue where poison procs were preventing some ability’s secondary effects from activating.
    • The visual effects from the Block ability no longer display when you are in first-person mode.
    • Fixed an issue where the visual effects of certain Area of Effect attacks (ex: Negate Magic, Volley) would be placed on the caster instead of the area where they were cast.

    • Shadow
      • Shadow Cloak: Fixed an issue where the invisibility from this ability and its morphs was being broken by certain abilities including Volatile Armor, Scourge Harvester, and Vicecanon of Venom.
        • Note: Other cases of Shadow Cloak’s invisibility being broken are still being investigated.

    • Fighters Guild
      • Silver Bolts: Fixed an issue where Rank III of this ability was causing targets to display a knockdown animation and visually slide across the ground.

    Crafting & Economy
    • The Improvement interface at crafting stations will no longer appear blank.
    • Unearthed two Furrier Traps at the Reaper’s March Clothier Survey site, which were previously buried out of sight.

    Crown Store & ESO Plus
    Dye Stamps
    • Adjusted the names of a number of dye stamps.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the Long Elven Braid hair style to be selected by non-Khajiit characters, even though it would not appear correctly on anyone other than a Khajiit.

    Style Parlor
    • The tooltips displayed when changing your appearance will now more accurately display why a race button is disabled.

    Dungeons & Group Content
    • Hel Ra Citadel
      • Yokeda Rok'dun and/or Yokeda Kai will now enrage if either one claims victory over the player characters currently fighting them.
    • Veteran Aetherian Archive
      • Reduced the health of the Mage, but increased the health for Hard Mode.
    • Veteran Hel Ra Citadel
      • Yokeda Rok'dun and/or Yokeda Kai will now enrage if either one claims victory over the player characters currently fighting them.
      • Reduced the health of the Warrior, but increased the health for Hard Mode.
    • Veteran Sanctum Ophidia
      • Increased health of the Serpent for Hard Mode.

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Nirnroot can now be found in Cyrodiil!
    • Fixed a small number of cases where Redguard and Orcish weapons and armor found sitting around in the world were more valuable than intended.
    • Fixed an issue where Veteran Hel Ra Citadel would drop jewelry from sets intended for Aetherian Archive.

    Item Sets
    • Coat of the Red Mountain: This item set’s 3-piece bonus now grants Max Stamina instead of Spell Damage.
    • Varen’s Wall: This item set’s bonus damage proc now only applies to direct damage Area of Effect attacks.
    • Vicecanon of Venom: Fixed an issue where this item set could proc from its own damage.
    • Widowmaker: Fixed an issue where this item set’s 4-piece bonus was granting more Maximum Stamina than intended.

    • Fixed an issue that was allowing Mementos to be on cooldown for much longer than intended. If you could not use your Mementos previously, this fix will clear those cooldowns and allow you to use them once again.
    • Fixed an issue where some Mementos would display the incorrect cooldown.

    • Fixed an issue where having a large number of items in your inventory, Craft Bag, and bank could cause your game to crash.

    • Fixed an issue where gaining Experience from multiple sources in a short amount of time would display the Experience amount in a non-abbreviated format.
    • Removed the character icon next to character names.
    • Fixed an issue where browsing from the Notification menu to the Collectible menu would display the tabs of the last screen that had been shown.
    • Fixed an issue where your character’s settings would be lost after using a Name Change token.  

    Crafting & Dyes
    • Fixed an issue where improving an item at a crafting station would display a blank tooltip for the improved item. 
    • Fixed an issue at the Dye Station where the filters would not work properly when switching between the Keyboard and Gamepad UI.

    Gamepad Mode
    • Fixed an issue where the Provisioner UI would occasionally not update your inventory quantities after crafting a food or drink.
    • Looting over 10 million of a currency or item will now properly display in the loot stream.  
    • Fixed an issue where the Claim Keep screen could appear unresponsive when ownership of the Keep had recently been released. 
    • Fixed an issue where the Crown Store would stay open when attempting to log out to character select.
    • Fixed an issue where some text on the ESO Plus page could get truncated.
    • Fixed an issue at the Dye Station where the dye list could overlap with the filters.
    • Updated the background images for Cradle of Shadows, Ruins of Mazzatun, and Dark Brotherhood to properly display in the Collections and Dungeon Finder menus.

    • Equipping a bind-on-pickup tradeable item will now display a confirmation dialog, warning you that the item will no longer be tradeable if you equip it.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • rhapsodious
    • Renamed the “More Like Mazzatomb” achievement to “Mazzatun Massacre”.

    Aww, I liked this one. Too silly? ):

  • Tdroid
    Aww, no updated racials this time around?

    Ugh, might as well stop hoping for balanced racials...
  • Lord_Eomer
    The patch have no change to racial passives, I believe developers already have decided for each race and it's useless to expect any change.

    Not sure if developers considers any feedback from forum. Bit disappointed and lost faith on developers.
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on July 18, 2016 4:05PM
  • Lennz
    no khajits max stamina?
  • Minalan
    Still no fix to Malubeth? Seriously?!
  • Elsonso
    Minalan wrote: »
    Still no fix to Malubeth? Seriously?!

    ... or gap closer exploits
    ... or Cyrodiil lag

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Lord_Eomer
    Minalan wrote: »
    Still no fix to Malubeth? Seriously?!

    ... or gap closer exploits
    ... or Cyrodiil lag

    Gap closing need priority fix..
  • Lord_Eomer
    Shadow Cloak: Fixed an issue where the invisibility from this ability and its morphs was being broken by certain abilities including Volatile Armor, Scourge Harvester, and Vicecanon of Venom.
    Note: Other cases of Shadow Cloak’s invisibility being broken are still being investigated.
    Check also invisibility issue for proxy detonation..
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on July 18, 2016 4:36PM
  • Vythri
    All working as intended.
  • zerosingularity
    Any chance the values on Master weapons are being looked at? With the addition of Maelstrom weapons, improved normal enchants and more, the values for most (not all) of these weapons are fairly weak.

    Kaineth - Stamina Nightblade (Weakest Player Ever!)
    Elena Stormwood - Magicka Sorcerer (vMA no Death 12/21/15 Score 401148)
    Sheila Feyrondas - Magicka Dragonknight Tank (Frost staves are gonna be fun!)

    *Disclaimer* I fail at emotional communication, so assume what I say is NOT meant to be offensive.
  • Kendaric

    Combat & Gameplay
    • The visual effects from the Block ability no longer display when you are in first-person mode.

    Are you seriously forcing us to play in first person mode, just to get rid of the fugly block Vfx? Why can't we get a toggle to disable it, along with the Vfx for dodge and various buffs, in third person mode?

      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Grao
      Yay, another patch with no mention to class balance! Is @Wrobel out in vacations or did he really just give up?
    • Personofsecrets
      Still no Orc buffs...
    • IcyDeadPeople
      Minalan wrote: »
      Still no fix to Malubeth? Seriously?!

      Malubeth was fixed in patch 2.4.8 about a month ago. It no longer double dips in the critical strike modifier.
      Exploration & Itemization
      Item Sets
      Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was incorrectly double-dipping in the Critical Strike Chance modifier, and gaining double the benefit.

      If you feel it's still too strong, that's another matter, but at this point it's not bugged and working as intended.
    • rhapsodious
      This is pretty clearly not a class balance update. If there's anything it'll probably be in Q4.
      Edited by rhapsodious on July 18, 2016 4:33PM
    • Silver_Strider
      Please, give Argonians 6% magic next patch.
      Argonian forever
    • Vythri
      This is pretty clearly not a class balance update. If there's anything it'll probably be in Q4.

      No, but it was supposed to be a racial balance update. Why do they even bother making feedback threads?
    • Lord_Eomer
      Vythri wrote: »
      This is pretty clearly not a class balance update. If there's anything it'll probably be in Q4.

      No, but it was supposed to be a racial balance update. Why do they even bother making feedback threads?

      Yea it was suppose to racial balance update, lot of players are looking forward to it and still hoping.

      @ZOS do not screw players feedback.
      Edited by Lord_Eomer on July 18, 2016 4:50PM
    • Praeficere
      Please change the name back to “More Like Mazzatomb”
      Though the shadow has moved not,
      A thousand miles I’ve passed –
      Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

      Are you Resolute?
      PC EU Progression Guild
    • Synozeer
      Minalan wrote: »
      Still no fix to Malubeth? Seriously?!

      Malubeth was fixed in patch 2.4.8 about a month ago. It no longer double dips in the critical strike modifier.
      Exploration & Itemization
      Item Sets
      Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was incorrectly double-dipping in the Critical Strike Chance modifier, and gaining double the benefit.

      If you feel it's still too strong, that's another matter, but at this point it's not bugged and working as intended.

      It's still bugged. People (including myself) have posted several videos showing it bugging out since the patch.
      Watch my PvP Videos on YouTube

      Azoi - Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant - NA Server - 1st DC NA Grand Overlord
      Hzarn - Templar - Daggerfall Covenant - NA Server - Grand Overlord
      ...and many more.
    • BenevolentBowd
      Exploration & Itemization
      Nirnroot can now be found in Cyrodiil!

      Did you mean Nirncrux? I thought I found some Nirnroot in Cyrodiil before.
      Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
      Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
      ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
    • rhapsodious
      Vythri wrote: »
      This is pretty clearly not a class balance update. If there's anything it'll probably be in Q4.

      No, but it was supposed to be a racial balance update. Why do they even bother making feedback threads?

      Yea it was suppose to racial balance update thread, lot of players are looking forward to it and still hoping.

      I get that. Just kind of... confused? Perplexed? that people are mad about stuff that they never claimed to be adjusting this update. "Oh here's your new dungeons and aesthetic updates btw we fixed all the lag in Cyrodiil!" We can only dream.

      I think they did a fine job of responding to Argonian, Bosmer and Khajiit passives (speaking as an Argonian stamblade, who wasn't going to respec anyway, but is fine with the tweak). Nords and Orcs should get a bit more love, and I hope they are just figuring out what they want to do for the next patch. All you can do is keep at it, I guess. \: Not that that's the optimal thing here.
      Praeficere wrote: »
      Please change the name back to “More Like Mazzatomb”

      If we can have "Easy as Pie" I want a silly name for this achievement. I can totally imagine an Undaunted person saying that, so c'mon!
    • IcyDeadPeople
      Synozeer wrote: »
      Minalan wrote: »
      Still no fix to Malubeth? Seriously?!

      Malubeth was fixed in patch 2.4.8 about a month ago. It no longer double dips in the critical strike modifier.
      Exploration & Itemization
      Item Sets
      Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was incorrectly double-dipping in the Critical Strike Chance modifier, and gaining double the benefit.

      If you feel it's still too strong, that's another matter, but at this point it's not bugged and working as intended.

      It's still bugged. People (including myself) have posted several videos showing it bugging out since the patch.

      Can you post a link to your video?
    • TheHsN
      OMG it is insulting to your players...

      YOU NEVER LISTENED our feedbacks??? i really cant believe this... why you are making threads for FEEDBACKS from US....

      Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
      Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
      Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
      Magicka Templar - PvE
      Stamina Templar - PvP
      Magicka DK - PvE
      Stamina DK - PvE
    • Elsonso
      Vythri wrote: »
      This is pretty clearly not a class balance update. If there's anything it'll probably be in Q4.

      No, but it was supposed to be a racial balance update. Why do they even bother making feedback threads?

      Mainly so that they can collect feedback from players. That does not imply that they are going to agree with, or follow, that feedback. They can make their own decisions, and sometimes players will disagree.

      I know they make decisions that I disagree with, sometimes strongly. That is out of my hands. My decision is whether I want to stick around to see what other decisions I am not going to like. I certainly have no control over their decisions, no matter how aggressive I am.

      Edited by Elsonso on July 18, 2016 5:00PM
      ESO Plus: No
      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • Toc de Malsvi
      Toc de Malsvi
      Coat of the Red Mountain: This item set’s 3-piece bonus now grants Max Stamina instead of Spell Damage.


      So it is neat that there is recognition that some of these item sets seem out of whack. It is equally encouraging that steps are being taken to try and balance them out. It seems though that there is some great disconnect somewhere.

      Let us compare the Coat of the Red Mountain set to a very similar Viper's Sting set:

      Two set bonus':
      CRM: 129 Weapon damage
      VS: 688 Weapon Critical

      Three set bonus':
      CRM: 967 Max Stamina
      VS: 967 Max Stamina

      Four set bonus':
      CRM: 688 Weapon Critical
      VS: 688 Weapon Critical

      At this point there are the same basic fundamental trade offs characteristic of all different sets, the value's are roughly equal within the ranges predicated by similar sets of equal level/CP scaling.

      Five set bonus':

      CRM: Weapon attacks have a 10% chance to cause 8000 flame damage

      VS: Melee attacks deal 8311 poison damage. This effect can occur every 4 seconds.

      The imbalance is huge and blatant, even given that someone could achieve 10 weapon attacks within 4 seconds to be able to almost guarantee a proc from CRM, the damage dealt is Flame which will not scale with any stamina CP. Even then though it is only a chance, where as the viper's sting set not only is poison and thus scales with stamina CP allotment but also is guaranteed to proc from melee attacks every 4 seconds.

      What is left is that CRM is only an option for ranged builds who cannot benefit from VS because of the melee requirement. Even then CRM is an incredibly poor option as the proc chance is so low as to offer very little benefit over other 5 set options.
      Edited by Toc de Malsvi on July 18, 2016 5:03PM
      Legendary Archer of Valenwood
      Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
      Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
      Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
      Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
      Templar's are evil..
    • Minalan
      Minalan wrote: »
      Still no fix to Malubeth? Seriously?!

      Malubeth was fixed in patch 2.4.8 about a month ago. It no longer double dips in the critical strike modifier.
      Exploration & Itemization
      Item Sets
      Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was incorrectly double-dipping in the Critical Strike Chance modifier, and gaining double the benefit.

      If you feel it's still too strong, that's another matter, but at this point it's not bugged and working as intended.

      It's still bugged. It shouldn't be giving 12-15K proc heals every second.

      Seriously, it's that bad. It needs to be fixed.
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