Ep1kMalware wrote: »
dps isn't out of control, there used to be a day when you'd be called an idiot for running in groups with 15k health, as adds would 1 shot you/take much longer to kill. DPS hasn't gotten out of control the game has just gotten rediculously easier. they keep turning those 20k hits from adds down to like 6k and mass reducing hp on everything. Fights are no longer fun because people no longer interrupt channels and instead wait until aoes are on them rather than wait foe them to be telled and move. these same people refuse to use comms with their group amd demand everything be easier.
This isn't rocket science, most fights are pillowfights in pve now. It's not the min-maxer's fault adds in nso have ~2million health and only do 500 damage, that supports low health high damage playstyle, when they did it the other way around people like the op freaked *** and called for nerfs.
I'm all up for using caps to help balance out pvp, but keep your crap ideas away from pve. How can anyone so selfishly suggest it? I get it, you've clearlt never ran vet trials (thank god) but yoj can't ask for generalized nerfs.
generalizing buffs/nerfs are what keeps screwing this game up. nerf pvp so people stop getting 1 shotted to dumb *** (or t=start banning people who cry because they can't get e,porer by themselves in heavy armour, 8k ,ax stamina, spamming snipe)
if you want long fights with lots of mecha ics then go trials, because that's what it's all about. Then you'll see why your mediocre dps gets you kicked from group when you can't kill ,anticora before enrage.
dps isn't sucking, players are sucking.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »
DK stam builds with vMA weapons are topping at 45k. Other classes do not. As a NB without vMA weapons with a perfect group and high uptime I can manage 18k. Maybe 20k if the stars align. With an average group its more like 16k. So I guess the dungeons arent for me then.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »So nowadays it's mostly DPS this, DPS that, and as a result everyone invests as much as they can into DPS to get it as high as possible. Well what if there was a limit to how much damage you could do in a single hit? Would that be more beneficial across the board or would it bring more problems? Feel free to discuss.
By the way, this cap would apply to heals too.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Which is exactly why a damage cap would have people thinking outside the hitbox.
that is a link of stam NB in trials hitting 49k, granted its with vma weapons but asking for 26k lower dps then he is pulling without isnt out of the park for content that is geared toward just these types of players.
What are some examples of these games with damage caps, and how is ESO so closely mimicking the combat mechanics of these games that you think the addition a cap on damage per hit would be able to be seemlessy adopted by ESO?
People tend to be drawn toward the direct of what works. Optimizing is a large part of gaming. A damage cap will not change that. Players will simply shift toward another trend, and you'll be right back here decrying a lack of diversity.
Every role, class and individual player sets their HP at a level they feel most comfortable with. Not everyone goes 64 in their primary damage resource. Nevertheless why is it a bad thing if they do? It's a very common modus operandi to stack primary stats in RPG's of both the single and multiplayer variety. Because it very often the case that it's more effective to focus on one or a limited number areas, than it is to be spread thinly across multiple.
Diversity for the sake of diversity is a double edged sword when it comes to varity of choice playstyles in gaming. You'll find often times variety is merely a reskin masquerading as difference. That, or a stock of filler which lacks functional efficacy and is propped up by the few choices that actually perform well.
I like how you quote another person and then call that PROOF... that's not proof, that's just another OPINION. Furthermore, CASUAL PLAYERS tend to usually prefer DPS and not other roles, because other roles require more time investment and dedication. I played DCUO for over two years and that was always the complaint, that virtually no one wanted to run roles as most players preferred to run DPS... so even content that required roles was difficult to group for because most players were DPS; so in the end they tended to make content viable for more DPS and didn't require roles.
Also, how many here miss soft caps? Hate to tell you but many players here don't even remember soft caps... including console players. So it's tough to miss something we never experienced. Furthermore, FORCING diversity is never a good thing and I've never seen good results come from it. Like I said, most players want to DPS, and as Matt Firor has stated this game is more 'casual based' and therefore trying to force players to 'diversify' would not be good for the casual player base.
instead of capping damage they could, you know, do some reasearch on the skills cost and the effects the skills. Like if you want range to be a better option, increase the cost of gap closers by double. Or a small HOT cost way less then a direct heal. Add some much needed damage midigation ( you should never be able to have 100% penetration unless speced 100 CP or using an ult. It's just dumb) LA 15.6k armor med 20.8 etc.
Besides that you can easily pull over 20k in a group of idiots as long as the boss is aggro'd, I have to ask: Your point being? Oh right, there isn't one.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »So nowadays it's mostly DPS this, DPS that, and as a result everyone invests as much as they can into DPS to get it as high as possible. Well what if there was a limit to how much damage you could do in a single hit? Would that be more beneficial across the board or would it bring more problems? Feel free to discuss.
By the way, this cap would apply to heals too.
Besides that you can easily pull over 20k in a group of idiots as long as the boss is aggro'd, I have to ask: Your point being? Oh right, there isn't one.