redspecter23 wrote: »
Couldn't have said it any better.
imnotanother wrote: »I don't see the point in gimping players.
There should never for any reason be a hard damage cap. Plenty of games have diminishing returns, but ESO moved away from that.
The problem is that there isn't any compelling thing to do besides DPS. There are zero specializations outside of the holy trinity... DPS, tanky, healer. Buffs and debuffs are all generalized. Snares and roots are common side effects on other skills, and players can get themselves out of them anyway. Combat in ESO is basically just add HP or remove HP.
Until they add some effects that give a strategic advantage over pure damage, the game is just who can get the biggest numbers without dying first.
Smasherx74 wrote: »The damage cap would have to consider what the highest possible damage you can do in game is. Which to my knowledge is having major buff, enemy being debuffed, and at like 1% then hitting a finisher at the best possible time.
I've hit 33k with a steel nado before. But I don't think realistically a damage cap will ever make any sense. There are lucky situations where you can hit extraordinarily hard but it's not game breaking.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Which is exactly why a damage cap would have people thinking outside the hitbox.
No, it wouldn't. You'd hit the damage cap and then stack defense and you'd still have everyone doing the same thing, but taking longer to die.
So your answer to ZoS designing a game that they immediately broke is to limit players themselves.
We've got players hitting ~50k dps in proper environments so even if we were to "limit dps" it would still be in the 30-40k range, hell the two new 4man dungeons coming out require 25k+ dps per DD to finish. As most players will never hit that this argument is relatively moot.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
And why exactly do they require that much dps to finish? Is it to finish in a given time period or is it because of something else?
Each of the dungeons has a "dps race" or the environment itself will kill the team.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Which is why Tanks need an AoE taunt and healers are so necessary.
This conversation is about a dps ceiling, trying to force correlative perspectives is a whole different matter.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Indeed it is, but there are so many things that could come about from less DPS running rampant. That actually includes increased difficulty, among other things.
Spindleclutch - 7k dps per DD to complete Bloodspawn
ICP - 15k dps per DD to complete Warrior/Zerker/Necro/templar
vMoL - 20k dps per DD to complete first boss
Cradle of Shadows (new 4man) - 25k dps per DD to complete dps checks.
ZoS has made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of stopping the dps progression as they have been designing content for it since the games release. While I might agree that tanks/healers tend to get second priority (to a good DD), thats just how this game is.
Spindleclutch - 7k dps per DD to complete Bloodspawn
ICP - 15k dps per DD to complete Warrior/Zerker/Necro/templar
vMoL - 20k dps per DD to complete first boss
Cradle of Shadows (new 4man) - 25k dps per DD to complete dps checks.
ZoS has made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of stopping the dps progression as they have been designing content for it since the games release. While I might agree that tanks/healers tend to get second priority (to a good DD), thats just how this game is.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
I believe that is because people constantly pursue higher DPS, then claim everything is too easy. They might lower that if things changed.
These forums are full of petitions of hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of players wanting X change that ZoS has flat out ignored, until you can provide reasonable proof that ZoS is interested in lowering dps checks on content already released your idea is not only impractical but its functionally impossible.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »
25k per DD? So stam builds without vMA weapons need not apply?
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Which would prompt people to make tanks for PvP because right now they are not viable.
You say that like it would be promoting diversity, but it would not... There would just be a magic point where you are done upping DPS and start upping defense. Everyone that hit the damage cap regularly would follow that pattern.
It's a sloppy band aid fix that won't really solve anything. As long as combat is just +/- HP DPS will be the better option. Fixing that requires either adding new skills or changing existing ones to neutralize portions of DPS so that strategy becomes just as important as DPS.
I agree that there is a problem but I disagree with your solution.