With those new spell damage enchants, maelstrom staff is only marginally betterMy last 3 weapons (2 from leaderboards);
Infused resto, which gives a little bit more magicka restored, and a little bit more crit, but no reduction on cooldown.
Charged 2h, which does nothing at all. Well, I guess if I used venomous claw the enemy is twice as lightly to get poisoned. Yay!
Powered 1h, for that extra 70 points of healing if I use bloodthirst. Fine, it'd apply for vigor too, but no one can seriously say that this is a desirable combination.
I can't see a reason to run vMA anymore, especially when ZOS made Sharpened far superior everything else (in 90% of situations), making it the only desirable dps trait. It's one thing to dilute the pool with useless traits when you increase the rate of acquirement (with undaunted keys I'm guessing to the tune of 200%, with wgt/icp, probably 1000% percent) It's another thing when only one of said item drops, 50% of the time, after an hour and a half (for plebs like me, anyway.)
At least my winterborn ring was healthy, not robust.
SienneYviete wrote: »This is exactly the reason I have given up on running this trash rng upon rng upon rng just for worthless gear, it's just not worth wasting your play time on it.
Damn, that's really messed up. And as someone previously said, you can't even deconstruct it for gold improvements. Lmao.
Also, don't feel too bad OP. I have never heard of a Succession or Winterborn piece of jewelry dropping in arcane, or any piece of jewelry (Maelstrom oriented) dropping in the proper trait. I personally refuse to believe that they actually exist, save for healthy Glory Set pieces. Which I know for a fact exist (I have numerous rings and necklaces of the set with healthy).
If you re-enchant a Maelstrom Destro with Spell Damagae, do you retain the lower bit of the staff, the 183 IIRC spell damage it comes with? If so it would probably be more desirable to just slap a spell damage enchant on a Maelstrom Inferno Staff and be done with it. Probably test it with a spare staff tomorrow, since they absolutely screwed everyone out of Ninglanel, can at least manage a simple test like this in Craglorn or somewhere.
If you re-enchant a Maelstrom Destro with Spell Damagae, do you retain the lower bit of the staff, the 183 IIRC spell damage it comes with? If so it would probably be more desirable to just slap a spell damage enchant on a Maelstrom Inferno Staff and be done with it. Probably test it with a spare staff tomorrow, since they absolutely screwed everyone out of Ninglanel, can at least manage a simple test like this in Craglorn or somewhere.
If you re-enchant a Maelstrom Destro with Spell Damagae, do you retain the lower bit of the staff, the 183 IIRC spell damage it comes with? If so it would probably be more desirable to just slap a spell damage enchant on a Maelstrom Inferno Staff and be done with it. Probably test it with a spare staff tomorrow, since they absolutely screwed everyone out of Ninglanel, can at least manage a simple test like this in Craglorn or somewhere.
Why would you re-enchant a Maelstrom Inferno Staff, when the option of removing said enchantment isn't there? Not to mention the enchantment that comes on it is superb.
FriedEggSandwich wrote: »@Nifty2g
If you re-enchant a Maelstrom Destro with Spell Damagae, do you retain the lower bit of the staff, the 183 IIRC spell damage it comes with? If so it would probably be more desirable to just slap a spell damage enchant on a Maelstrom Inferno Staff and be done with it. Probably test it with a spare staff tomorrow, since they absolutely screwed everyone out of Ninglanel, can at least manage a simple test like this in Craglorn or somewhere.
I tried re-enchanting a maelstrom resto staff on pts to see what would happen and it completely replaces the enchantment. Unless you're using poisons or WoE in pvp then maelstrom inferno staff is no longer worth using. Which is fine by me cos I now have the freedom to try different traits without needing to farm vMA. But on the other hand zos just neutered their flagship staff.