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How do you kill this stinking Primate Artorius!?!?

Soul Shriven
He snares me somehow, despite all my anti-snare stuff, then kills me because I can't break free no matter what I try. Anyone able to explain what I need to do?

Edited to remove masked profanity
Edited by ZOS_DaryaK on July 17, 2016 2:41PM
  • Abeille
    Don't waste stamina, so you can break free when he snares you.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Ep1kMalware
    if all else fails start heavy attacking at 30% stamina.
  • Acrolas
    You put him in a zoo and then shoot him.


    What, too soon?
    signing off
  • peniku8
    Acrolas wrote: »
    You put him in a zoo and then shoot him.


    What, too soon?

    Ohh, triggered! :D
    Leader of the Akatosh Imperium, Guildmaster of

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    PC EU
    Flawless Conqueror - Ophidian Overlord - Boethia's Scythe, I want an achievement for having 500k dps!
  • Haenk
    I currently am stuck at this fight as well.
    Can't break free, even with full stamina, pets keep on fighting, but will eventually die.
    Everything is frozen (multiple times during the fight, actually) and even a hundred Ultimate-shots didn't kill him (brought him down to almost zero health though).

    Not sure if I'm too weak for this fight, there is a simple mechanism or if this a game breaking bug.
  • Troneon
    Play a magicka templar and laugh at him...I joke I joke....

    I will be doing this quest today so will tell you all how I owned him first try :D
    Edited by Troneon on June 11, 2016 7:35AM
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • Khenarthi
    In my magblade, I broke free whenever I could, healed myself, and kept fighting. Dodgerolling out of red on floor helps. Also, make sure you have enough health to survive while being rooted.
  • Haenk
    Khenarthi wrote: »
    In my magblade, I broke free whenever I could, healed myself, and kept fighting. Dodgerolling out of red on floor helps. Also, make sure you have enough health to survive while being rooted.

    Well, I couldn't break free at all, full health and stamina. Using staff and pets, I keep good distance, so red floor is not an issue. Once he freezes time, I'm pretty much dead - since I can't do anything. Breaking free, dodge rolling, potions, spells, nothing works.
  • Ruben
    I don't remember him even being hard... why does it matter if he snares you when he doesn't even move? Stay by his side stabbing him.
    DK Stamina DPS
    DK Magicka DPS
    DK Tank
    Templar Healer
    Sorcerer Stamina DPS
    Nightblade Magicka DPS
    Nightblade Stamina DPS
  • Haenk
    Ruben wrote: »
    I don't remember him even being hard... why does it matter if he snares you when he doesn't even move? Stay by his side stabbing him.

    Well, he "freezes time", i.e. the whole fight / party cannot move or fight or do *something*. Except for pets, which will keep on fighting until they die. And except for Artorius, who will jump right next to you and keeps on fighting *you*. Without any way to react or to fight back. The freeze lasts for quite a long time (15 sec, 30 sec?).
  • Teridaxus
    Only because the circle on the ground is not red, don't stand in it.
    The yellow is evil!
  • Martinus72
    Are there still any challenging quests left yet? I'm quite shocked and actually glad if that's the case because I'm mind numbed while levelling my DK alt and just steam rolling over everything including world bosses, not even mentioning solo quests.
    I do remember exactly same quests and bosses 2 years ago when they were fun and challenging, actually demanding some tactic and thinking and it makes me sad - why o why everything in every MMORPG has to be dumbed down to the ground to please the public...
  • Runs
    Haenk wrote: »
    Ruben wrote: »
    I don't remember him even being hard... why does it matter if he snares you when he doesn't even move? Stay by his side stabbing him.

    Well, he "freezes time", i.e. the whole fight / party cannot move or fight or do *something*. Except for pets, which will keep on fighting until they die. And except for Artorius, who will jump right next to you and keeps on fighting *you*. Without any way to react or to fight back. The freeze lasts for quite a long time (15 sec, 30 sec?).

    That sounds like a completely different fight than the one I had.

    He freezes time, I break free then me and him fight a bit and he jumps back throws on a shield and I'm back to heavy attacking the adds, to save resources for him, while the other members fight them. Rinse and repeated till he died. At least that's how I remember it.
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • Taisynn
    I just did this quest and honestly, it took me a while with my Stamina-Bow Nightblade. I used draining shot on the extra enemies for healing; then I would use poison injection and Lethal Aim. I used alchemy made potions which increased my weapon crit, health, and stamina at the same time. And I used Hindering Poisons; mine just happens to immobilize him and drain health while siphoning it to me. Very helpful.

    This still took me 3 times; I died a few times and had to start over. Luckily, I succeeded. But barely.

    I highly reccomend an execute... Because you'll need it.

    Remember to right click then left click to break free when he freezes you. It DOES work.
    Edited by Taisynn on June 11, 2016 9:46AM
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url="]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
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  • ESO_Maya
    hi everyone :)

    I had to take 2 guildees with me, one of them was a Sorc w/ pet. Your helpers only need access to the db dlc to go in, don't have to be on quest or anything. 2 of us were frozen at any one time, and the pet never seemed to be frozen. Good luck!
  • GreenhaloX
    Oh great.. just when you wouldn't think there would be anything more harder than Maelstrom for those of us with lower CP, now there is this crazy fight to look forward to.
  • ADarklore
    Strange, I just found a YouTube video of this quest and the player was only CP 212 and plays Sorcerer and does it fairly easily- even with what I would call a 'lack of skill'... they don't seem to know what a DoT is and instead kept using heavy attacks and pets to do damage while only occasionally dropping a DoT. Honestly, if this player can get through it like this, can't imagine anyone else would have problems. The video showed him being able to break out of CC as soon as they were frozen, so I'm not sure why it was not working in your case OP, as clearly it shows being able to use the 'break free' to get out of the CC. Did you run out of Stamina prior to being CC'd?
    Edited by ADarklore on June 11, 2016 12:43PM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • opaj
    I also wasn't able to consistently break free of the time freeze, but he starts giving a speech ("I am the master of time" or somesuch) just before doing it, so it gave me enough time to throw up a Harness Magicka. I'm playing kind of a weird build right now -- magblade with 5 medium Pelinal's to pump up spell damage and sneak-ability at the cost of magicka sustain -- so it was a struggle to have enough magicka at all times, but the fight was doable.

    Just keep trying. Test out different strategies. It's a tough fight, but not impossible.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    I dont know if this will help or not, but on pc i would encourage anyone having problems with break free to remap it to a single button. I spent a long time fighting trying to get break free to work consistently, finally tried remapping it to '6' and no further problems.

    Like i said might not be your issue, i havent even done this fight. But good luck!
  • Haenk
    Tried again with 32bit instead of 64bit client; this time, the freeze debuff displayed correctly and I have been able to break free easily. A bit of fighting here & there plus a few overloads, not too challenging after all.
    So either the 64bit client bugged out on me or something else went on.
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Try putting up a shield + have a Heal-over-Time spell active ....I don't know wether this quest is bugged or not, but when I encounter any problems in solo content, a shield & HoT usually fixes it for me.
  • prnoprno
    501+cp magicka templar, I don't even remember getting snared the fight was so brief
  • notimetocare
    Fight was so easy...v15 gear on a stamblade (sneak speed gear lol)
  • majulook
    Magicka DK - took him out quick
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • Telel
    Telel just kept weaving in heavy attacks with a surprise stabbing to add flavor. Sprinkle caltrops and volley to properly season the minion side dish until proper temporal wackiness ensues. At that point this one pressed the number 9 on their gaming mouse which is linked to the interrupt action.

    This one then pressed R, and added a dash of AHM A WEREWOLF MOTHER $%$#@$# until lunch was served.

    He tasted delicious.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • danno8
    I recall him saying something about being the "master of time" or some such. Everyone else froze but not me.

    I just kept fighting and killing everything. Seemed about as hard as the first round of normal Maelstrom. So pretty easy.
  • Troneon
    Troneon wrote: »
    Play a magicka templar and laugh at him...I joke I joke....

    I will be doing this quest today so will tell you all how I owned him first try :D

    Sorry to say but I just killed him first time in less than 30 seconds on my magicka templar without going less than 90% health....
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • Serenityx
    Acrolas wrote: »
    You put him in a zoo and then shoot him.


    What, too soon?

    Oh my god. LOL
    Edited by Serenityx on June 11, 2016 11:18PM
  • magnusthorek
    Who the h*ck is Primate Artorius? Is he the last guy of DB DLC? If so I didn't even swet
    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
  • starkerealm
    Who the h*ck is Primate Artorius? Is he the last guy of DB DLC? If so I didn't even swet

    I'm honestly not sure. I think it was someone I ripped limb from limb as a werewolf, and never looked back at.
This discussion has been closed.