Smileybones wrote: »No, DPS meters are aids when they allow one to see what others DPS are, it brings a lot of toxicity into the community and make relationship between players very bad.
For this reasons some MMO's decided not to include a DPS meter and I believe it's a wise thing.
The problem people have with this is that it quantifies inadequacy, but skilled players already think that the vast majority of pugs are inadequate to run anything other then some pledges anyway. As it stands you can already get addons that tell you your dps in relation to the teams dps, that alone (since there are only two dps in practice) should give you enough of a read to judge.
What New/Casual/IplayHowILike types of players need to understand is even without these types of addons its the easiest thing in the world for me to look at a team. How much dps did I do against a bosses full health / is the healer returning resources / is the tank using warhorn etc. This addon is very much geared toward casuals to point out to them in a nonjudgmental manner that they aren't utilizing there full potential.
So really when you put it in the right perspective its just people being too stubborn to accept the reality of there situation.
Knightpanther wrote: »MaxwellCrystal wrote: »On PC with add-ons you can have a DPS counter that tells you the amount of DPS you pull. As of now on console and PC without the use of add-ons (which is exclusive to PC only) you can now see the numbers of damage you do on enemies so my thing is why not make it so you can add those numbers up for a DPS counter. This will help you improve on builds and give accurate build information even on theory-crafting.
Many people want to know how much DPS another pulls for dungeons and trials so alongside making it available without add-ons how about we allow all players to see it too (those who are in the group). This will also help players improve their DPS as some may think they're doing good DPS when it's their team-mates pulling the deeps. Maybe if possible we can have a weekly top DPS saved to your character alongside with top damage absorb/heals done which could save a lot of "If you're not this level or have enough CP you're booted".
DPS meters are for idiots who spend their time trying to look good without a care for the group they are in or learning the mechanics of a fight.
Be safe
Knightpanther wrote: »MaxwellCrystal wrote: »On PC with add-ons you can have a DPS counter that tells you the amount of DPS you pull. As of now on console and PC without the use of add-ons (which is exclusive to PC only) you can now see the numbers of damage you do on enemies so my thing is why not make it so you can add those numbers up for a DPS counter. This will help you improve on builds and give accurate build information even on theory-crafting.
Many people want to know how much DPS another pulls for dungeons and trials so alongside making it available without add-ons how about we allow all players to see it too (those who are in the group). This will also help players improve their DPS as some may think they're doing good DPS when it's their team-mates pulling the deeps. Maybe if possible we can have a weekly top DPS saved to your character alongside with top damage absorb/heals done which could save a lot of "If you're not this level or have enough CP you're booted".
DPS meters are for idiots who spend their time trying to look good without a care for the group they are in or learning the mechanics of a fight.
Be safe
Best mechanic is to skip mechanic using high DPS.
Players, who care about killing stuff quickly are idiots? is this some kind of stupid joke?
many good games die when toxity level is at certain level and the balance between bads and elites too high. .
The problem people have with this is that it quantifies inadequacy, but skilled players already think that the vast majority of pugs are inadequate to run anything other then some pledges anyway. As it stands you can already get addons that tell you your dps in relation to the teams dps, that alone (since there are only two dps in practice) should give you enough of a read to judge.
What New/Casual/IplayHowILike types of players need to understand is even without these types of addons its the easiest thing in the world for me to look at a team. How much dps did I do against a bosses full health / is the healer returning resources / is the tank using warhorn etc. This addon is very much geared toward casuals to point out to them in a nonjudgmental manner that they aren't utilizing there full potential.
So really when you put it in the right perspective its just people being too stubborn to accept the reality of there situation.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Do you mind if I ask how does Hodor recruit new players?I doubt you usually use the group finder or have members run in Pug groups when they have a amazing guild of raiders around.So how do you as a Guild recruit new players and members to your guild.KoshkaMurka wrote: »many good games die when toxity level is at certain level and the balance between bads and elites too high. .
In this game, its a result of having content that is either too easy or too hard for average players.
Also, just in case... dont assume that people who kick everyone and act rude are automatically "elite". Copying someone's build doesnt make then "elite", and most likely they're not even good at playing said build. Most of players from top raiding guilds are actually quite friendly (but ofc its unlikely to meet them in pugs).
BALANCE was the word i used. So the balance between means that there is something like this between bad and elite>>
scrub, semi-okay, knows what he is doing, good, very good, damng good, elite and so on. So if you are average, you are way better, more op than bad, when you are elite, you are...? catch what i mean. i used word between, so there is anything between bad and elite.
BALANCE means that average folks have reasonable chance to become / be as good as elite, while the lower end folks are mostly doomed.
So if game with elite endgame stuff the scrubs obviously will cry that mommy!!!! i cant beat this, then the elites go and tell them to l2p, guess what? thats pretty toxic. For some reason folks have no patience to teach properly to ppl, they have no intrest improving them and at same time those scrubs/noobs/baddies too lazy to learn. again very toxic on everyones side.
I bet majority of the so called elites have had someone to tutor them in previous games and in this game and so on, which is awesome, but at some point, the teaching practice dies off and nobody does anything to improve relationships between bads and good. so bads stay BAD and goods just become more and more out of control then they end up crying more elite stuff and more this and that. Baddies beg for nerfs which they mostly get since game makers totally useless to improve healthiness of gaming community and yet again players themself at great fault that relationships are so poor.
I been always wondering, why the hell above average guys have so huge need to be so much far above the normal ppl? I mean we are talking about entertainment here! this isnt bloody olympics, this is supposed to be here to entertain us and give us nice way to spend time into. Instead we have these forums filled with scrubs this, scrubs that, and elites this, elites that.
Obviously, everyone doesnt need to wear exact same gear, exact same stats, exact same dps, but come on, the difference is atm way too huge. Your scrub dd:s when they perform at their best do maybe 8-10k dps? and elites do these days....??? 30-40k? the difference of... 4-5x is not acceptable.
Reality check, in real life, being semi fat, i lost to usain bolt in 100m run by 2-3sec out 10 sec of mine and his 8 sec whatever i remember it was the difference was not 4-5x but something acceptable. BTW! we have same day birthday + same year so cant blame age difference or anything.
Back to this Between Bads and goods>>>
This game. no matter what ppl say is screwing up community as an community big time by allowing animation cancelling + and giving us Champion points as in= The dmg and the quality difference between bad builds vs elite builds is just ridiculous.
With next dlc if they let ppl see your total cp there is more than before ppl left out of dungeon runs unless something miraculous happens.
I run Semi well organized guild, of best 100 pvp/pve folks online, maybe 5-10% is the kind of quality who would be counted as an elite, they rarely help our scrubs with anything anymore, only if i am myself asking, very nice!
Anyway our scrubs, i keep teaching them all dungeons and trials except veteran maw of Lorkhaj or sanctum. I tell them of specific skills, what will improve their survivality, dps wise i give ideas but not forcing them to change their builds unless something too impossible. Doing for example White gold tower with them oh the joys watching them unable to burst dps.
Most important thing what elites could do is openly stop beign so closed coffeeclub in this game and help more of the scrubs and teach mechanics. I do myself mechanics teaching as much as i can, but what the hell one man alone can do?
I know there is plenty of ppl teaching but even that is not anywhere near enough.
OBVIOUSLY round 2 the baddies are quite awful in their language aswell, but it doesnt really help if you yourself as an better than average player who want to give them advices go and tell it in terms like l2p or check youtube or slot this and that skill and stop this and that. Those folks need time to learn.
To summary my wall of text to 4 points>
Situation in eso> difference/balance between bads and goods too HUGE
Task> Cut off the huge dmg difference, rebalance dungeons, never again allow ppl to pull 4-5x more dmg than others unless they just seriously dont do anything else but light attacking and oh yes! SOFTCAPS jesus why the hell zeni removed softcaps is beyond madness.
Action > Rebalance and instruct softcaps. Baddies and goodies stop being ***/egowarriors. Give baddies reasonable way to become better than average and for elites, learn to understand, this is game not real life, you dont need to be so much superior than the scrubs and just enjoy the bloody game. RNG jesus is obviously harsh and makes you feel negative when you farm all the high end dungeons/trials and cant get your desired set pieces to make you even stronger than you are already and the content we talk about is the kind which 90% of playerbase cant complete? Just relearn to enjoy and get rid of the toxity. OH yes! Tone down Animation cancelling, you cancel skill, you cancel effect, very simple, whoever crying that it makes battle feel clumsy and slow without is full of that stuff that comes out of my cute wee thingy i sit top on.
Result> When dmg contest is no more thing, and tanking is again reasonable in dungeons/trials due to them becoming reasonable challenge to the rest of the team to handle and make tank life easier we have more playerbase who can actually complete game content. No more just elites bragging and scrubs being jealous and begging for nerfs. No more horrible Griefers who make it so damn toxic. and scrubs have more reason to motivate to become better than average joe.
PVP wise this all is even more obvious, since i do lot more pvp than pve i know that there is handful of monster players who make it utterly miserable for baddies to learn and handle. How someone can learn something from it when this 2h hero comes and whack you once and you dead but oho! i got hit by 3-5 skills but saw nothing but that sword swing? The excuses of lagg and the bad being drunk affected by drugs and thinking it all happened in 10 sec instead of 1-3 sec are again bile of... that stuff that comes second time out of my wee thingy. This was just one example>
How about these griefers with their unlimited resources able to handle loads of ppl, teleport and cloak away for all eternity?
very frustrating and toxic to baddies and obviously these folks doing this are feeling miserable in real life, but eh this is again entertainment for us, not way to harash ppl mentally, since physicly we cant unless the person is doing to themself something to ease the pain in the head.
Tank builds able to handle 20 ppl without any sort of issues? Yeah i know. these wonderful things called poisons are coming to ruin each of these griefer/toxic type folks, but jesus how i fear that its yet another backfiring attempt to improve the game, which i hope will get major tone down, but until then, it will be there to make gaming miserable for many many ppl.
Those who think griefing and humilating ppl makes you happy, rethink that idea!
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »Yesterday was a prime example why this DPS meter is needed because I knew they were doing horrible DPS but I couldn't out-right call them out.
Yesterday for consoles the pledge was VCOA now to me this dungeon is easy and I can tank or DPS this dungeon at levels that I get praise from others for it. I joined a group and a healer did via activity finder and we were at the ash titan because the two DDs had completed up to that far with their previous group (which was fine but a bit concerning to me). We wiped 4 times on ash titan and they continually blamed me even though I maintained and took all agro available and blamed the healer even though their DPS was pro-longing the fight to the point I needed to activate 3 ultimates (I don't activate my ultimate 'corrosive armor' until it's actually needed). DD would die and tell me to res the healer while tanking ash and his to air titans lol pretty difficult if you don't have corrosive armor.
We get to skoria and this is where I'm like man for a veteran 6 this healer is on POINT as a mf. All DDs keep getting wrecked since they couldn't kill him before he blew up the final platform and when I showed them a spot to stay at so they wouldn't take any flame damage but could DPS the boss they still died. They started blaming the healer but agreed that I was a "Monster like tank" since I showed them after everyone died while I was the last remaining I was able to take on 10+ Ads while receiving skorias damage for over 2 minutes. Then DDs wipe again and healer + me the tank is alive yet they blame the healer and for me I'm sitting their not blocking getting hit by all adds as this healer is keeping me alive through-out it all like a BOSS.
Sad part is the veteran 6 was convinced it was his fault but I told him over and over "Mate you've got it on point trust me you heal like a boss they just suck". This was obviously done through a message as moments after they booted him and I decide tell them "Jeez that healer was good but you guys need to work out your build, seeya mate."
These instances shouldn't be the norm.
This addon is very much geared toward casuals to point out to them in a nonjudgmental manner that they aren't utilizing there full potential.
Knightpanther wrote: »MaxwellCrystal wrote: »On PC with add-ons you can have a DPS counter that tells you the amount of DPS you pull. As of now on console and PC without the use of add-ons (which is exclusive to PC only) you can now see the numbers of damage you do on enemies so my thing is why not make it so you can add those numbers up for a DPS counter. This will help you improve on builds and give accurate build information even on theory-crafting.
Many people want to know how much DPS another pulls for dungeons and trials so alongside making it available without add-ons how about we allow all players to see it too (those who are in the group). This will also help players improve their DPS as some may think they're doing good DPS when it's their team-mates pulling the deeps. Maybe if possible we can have a weekly top DPS saved to your character alongside with top damage absorb/heals done which could save a lot of "If you're not this level or have enough CP you're booted".
DPS meters are for idiots who spend their time trying to look good without a care for the group they are in or learning the mechanics of a fight.
Be safe
Best mechanic is to skip mechanic using high DPS.
Players, who care about killing stuff quickly are idiots? is this some kind of stupid joke?
quoting myself with tiny twist by removing word> "whatever i remember the difference was not 4-5x but something acceptable"
I am confident you could have corrected my sentence in your own head aswell and rethink of the meaning, but you could not bother.
quote of mine implies that those numbers i gave out werent exact, and if i had to make such an big deal about the numbers i coulda have googled and rechecked and think of the time what i had, since it was damn good time i had when i was in high school.
i said nothing about world record either? never implied anywhere near his top time or something along those words? See, here we have lord toxic yet again.
yet another update to the time difference in 100m run. if i run 15 sec run and he does 10 sec, i am 50% slower or he 50% faster than me right? so. that difference is not compatible to the dmg difference of 4-5x am i right again? 50% is HUGE difference for bad and elite of same age and near same physical build, but n00b dps of lets say... 13k vs elite dps of 20k. which is very humble since i lowered elite dps while boosted n00b dps and the difference here is... 65% its just barely anywhere near normal. This what i am trying to detail to you is that the dmg rate in this game is out of control. utterly and completely.
This addon is very much geared toward casuals to point out to them in a nonjudgmental manner that they aren't utilizing there full potential.
I just love that you think that such an addition to the game (DPS counters) would be used in a non-judgemental way...
... I've got nothing to say that could rebut that level of personal fantasy.
BALANCE was the word i used. So the balance between means that there is something like this between bad and elite>>
scrub, semi-okay, knows what he is doing, good, very good, damng good, elite and so on. So if you are average, you are way better, more op than bad, when you are elite, you are...? catch what i mean. i used word between, so there is anything between bad and elite.
BALANCE means that average folks have reasonable chance to become / be as good as elite, while the lower end folks are mostly doomed.
So if game with elite endgame stuff the scrubs obviously will cry that mommy!!!! i cant beat this, then the elites go and tell them to l2p, guess what? thats pretty toxic. For some reason folks have no patience to teach properly to ppl, they have no intrest improving them and at same time those scrubs/noobs/baddies too lazy to learn. again very toxic on everyones side.
I bet majority of the so called elites have had someone to tutor them in previous games and in this game and so on, which is awesome, but at some point, the teaching practice dies off and nobody does anything to improve relationships between bads and good. so bads stay BAD and goods just become more and more out of control then they end up crying more elite stuff and more this and that. Baddies beg for nerfs which they mostly get since game makers totally useless to improve healthiness of gaming community and yet again players themself at great fault that relationships are so poor.
I been always wondering, why the hell above average guys have so huge need to be so much far above the normal ppl? I mean we are talking about entertainment here! this isnt bloody olympics, this is supposed to be here to entertain us and give us nice way to spend time into. Instead we have these forums filled with scrubs this, scrubs that, and elites this, elites that.
Obviously, everyone doesnt need to wear exact same gear, exact same stats, exact same dps, but come on, the difference is atm way too huge. Your scrub dd:s when they perform at their best do maybe 8-10k dps? and elites do these days....??? 30-40k? the difference of... 4-5x is not acceptable.
Reality check, in real life, being semi fat, i lost to usain bolt in 100m run by 2-3sec out 10 sec of mine and his 8 sec whatever i remember it was the difference was not 4-5x but something acceptable. BTW! we have same day birthday + same year so cant blame age difference or anything.
Back to this Between Bads and goods>>>
This game. no matter what ppl say is screwing up community as an community big time by allowing animation cancelling + and giving us Champion points as in= The dmg and the quality difference between bad builds vs elite builds is just ridiculous.
With next dlc if they let ppl see your total cp there is more than before ppl left out of dungeon runs unless something miraculous happens.
I run Semi well organized guild, of best 100 pvp/pve folks online, maybe 5-10% is the kind of quality who would be counted as an elite, they rarely help our scrubs with anything anymore, only if i am myself asking, very nice!
Anyway our scrubs, i keep teaching them all dungeons and trials except veteran maw of Lorkhaj or sanctum. I tell them of specific skills, what will improve their survivality, dps wise i give ideas but not forcing them to change their builds unless something too impossible. Doing for example White gold tower with them oh the joys watching them unable to burst dps.
Most important thing what elites could do is openly stop beign so closed coffeeclub in this game and help more of the scrubs and teach mechanics. I do myself mechanics teaching as much as i can, but what the hell one man alone can do?
I know there is plenty of ppl teaching but even that is not anywhere near enough.
OBVIOUSLY round 2 the baddies are quite awful in their language aswell, but it doesnt really help if you yourself as an better than average player who want to give them advices go and tell it in terms like l2p or check youtube or slot this and that skill and stop this and that. Those folks need time to learn.
To summary my wall of text to 4 points>
Situation in eso> difference/balance between bads and goods too HUGE
Task> Cut off the huge dmg difference, rebalance dungeons, never again allow ppl to pull 4-5x more dmg than others unless they just seriously dont do anything else but light attacking and oh yes! SOFTCAPS jesus why the hell zeni removed softcaps is beyond madness.
Action > Rebalance and instruct softcaps. Baddies and goodies stop being ***/egowarriors. Give baddies reasonable way to become better than average and for elites, learn to understand, this is game not real life, you dont need to be so much superior than the scrubs and just enjoy the bloody game. RNG jesus is obviously harsh and makes you feel negative when you farm all the high end dungeons/trials and cant get your desired set pieces to make you even stronger than you are already and the content we talk about is the kind which 90% of playerbase cant complete? Just relearn to enjoy and get rid of the toxity. OH yes! Tone down Animation cancelling, you cancel skill, you cancel effect, very simple, whoever crying that it makes battle feel clumsy and slow without is full of that stuff that comes out of my cute wee thingy i sit top on.
Result> When dmg contest is no more thing, and tanking is again reasonable in dungeons/trials due to them becoming reasonable challenge to the rest of the team to handle and make tank life easier we have more playerbase who can actually complete game content. No more just elites bragging and scrubs being jealous and begging for nerfs. No more horrible Griefers who make it so damn toxic. and scrubs have more reason to motivate to become better than average joe.
PVP wise this all is even more obvious, since i do lot more pvp than pve i know that there is handful of monster players who make it utterly miserable for baddies to learn and handle. How someone can learn something from it when this 2h hero comes and whack you once and you dead but oho! i got hit by 3-5 skills but saw nothing but that sword swing? The excuses of lagg and the bad being drunk affected by drugs and thinking it all happened in 10 sec instead of 1-3 sec are again bile of... that stuff that comes second time out of my wee thingy. This was just one example>
How about these griefers with their unlimited resources able to handle loads of ppl, teleport and cloak away for all eternity?
very frustrating and toxic to baddies and obviously these folks doing this are feeling miserable in real life, but eh this is again entertainment for us, not way to harash ppl mentally, since physicly we cant unless the person is doing to themself something to ease the pain in the head.
Tank builds able to handle 20 ppl without any sort of issues? Yeah i know. these wonderful things called poisons are coming to ruin each of these griefer/toxic type folks, but jesus how i fear that its yet another backfiring attempt to improve the game, which i hope will get major tone down, but until then, it will be there to make gaming miserable for many many ppl.
Those who think griefing and humilating ppl makes you happy, rethink that idea!
Do you mind if I ask how does Hodor recruit new players?I doubt you usually use the group finder or have members run in Pug groups when they have a amazing guild of raiders around.So how do you as a Guild recruit new players and members to your guild.KoshkaMurka wrote: »many good games die when toxity level is at certain level and the balance between bads and elites too high. .
In this game, its a result of having content that is either too easy or too hard for average players.
Also, just in case... dont assume that people who kick everyone and act rude are automatically "elite". Copying someone's build doesnt make then "elite", and most likely they're not even good at playing said build. Most of players from top raiding guilds are actually quite friendly (but ofc its unlikely to meet them in pugs).
This addon is very much geared toward casuals to point out to them in a nonjudgmental manner that they aren't utilizing there full potential.
I just love that you think that such an addition to the game (DPS counters) would be used in a non-judgemental way...
... I've got nothing to say that could rebut that level of personal fantasy.
I love that you think critiquing a character equates to critiquing them as a person. That level of immersion is one that I am not familiar with but I imagine its quite unhealthy, furthermore it must be an excessively stressful way to play.
Knightpanther wrote: »Knightpanther wrote: »MaxwellCrystal wrote: »On PC with add-ons you can have a DPS counter that tells you the amount of DPS you pull. As of now on console and PC without the use of add-ons (which is exclusive to PC only) you can now see the numbers of damage you do on enemies so my thing is why not make it so you can add those numbers up for a DPS counter. This will help you improve on builds and give accurate build information even on theory-crafting.
Many people want to know how much DPS another pulls for dungeons and trials so alongside making it available without add-ons how about we allow all players to see it too (those who are in the group). This will also help players improve their DPS as some may think they're doing good DPS when it's their team-mates pulling the deeps. Maybe if possible we can have a weekly top DPS saved to your character alongside with top damage absorb/heals done which could save a lot of "If you're not this level or have enough CP you're booted".
DPS meters are for idiots who spend their time trying to look good without a care for the group they are in or learning the mechanics of a fight.
Be safe
Best mechanic is to skip mechanic using high DPS.
Players, who care about killing stuff quickly are idiots? is this some kind of stupid joke?
No Joke mate, been a raid leader in every game ive played (except this), banned dps meters from the set off.
The less people try to top dps meters and concentrate on the mechanics of the fight the more progress you make as a group/guild.
I have nearly 20 years experience to prove it.
clocksstoppe wrote: »Been asked before. Didnt they disable that ability in one addon already?
No thanks
No, they didn't because they can't. As long as you know the damage you do it's very easy for an addon to calculate dps. In addition, because you can assume the tank and healer do little damage, you can still get an accurate estimate of the other DD's average dps with some simple math.
Lenikus wrote:There was one Addon, called group damage, i believe.
It tracked info on the mob's health and informed with some precision how much damage (%) was done by each player, and in how long (dps).
They removed the data from the game which rendered any addon that tries to track any damage information that is not your own could no longer work.
The feature to track damage that you yourself doesn't interfere with is non-existent. And they stated the decision was made to prevent 'elitism' and/or generic toxic behaviour towards more casual players.
trying to make sense to you is hard. How about this, my high school mate, wee bit younger than, me, captain of football team.
Exact same time. again i am wee bit fat, but none less damn good runner. been always proud of my feet even tho my belly side been balloonish.
The point of usain bolt and my difference it to point out that difference between baddie and elite should not / cant be
the kind of difference eso atm has between bad and elite.
You are cabable of talk about usain polt before he become jesus super star right? he was not olympic runner in high school. stop being toxic moron, and no, i am not slacking here usain bolt.
When i was in high school same time as he, i was my school top 1 shared position as being fast and usain possibly equally fast in his school. after that it took few years when i finished school and entered working ppls world that he went for full sport mode so the cap between us as an runners got huge.
So back into eso land>>
Baddies and elites there should not be 20-30k difference or 4-5x difference in dmg, try to understand this from the point of entertainment not SPORT.