I'll wait and see.
I'm hopeful that Wrobel remains true to his word and has no intentions of nerfing tanking, and that this most recent blow was unintended.
I haven't really given much thought to what I'll change if these changes stick, though, in part because that feels defeatist. I want to see things reverted and put back the way it should be, and I'll think about Plan B only if that that advocacy fails. Both of my tanks do have full DPS specs, so worst-case scenario, I'll just tank less often if it's no longer fun.
Personofsecrets wrote: »A stam DPS build
lonewolf26 wrote: »My night blade, probably going back to a pure DPS spec. This past release I've tanked sanctum, normal maw, Hel Ra, a few deathless VICP and WGT runs. With the siphon nerf resource issues were a huge problem but still workable in TG. I expect the recent nerf to completely break this build. I'm not confident he'll be able to maintain a build I won't have to dump thousands of guild into each time I want to swap roles. I anticipate it would cost me tens of thousands of gold to retune his armor sets to something workable with the updated traits. So why bother. My group can already nuke Vet CoA tankless. Next patch it'll be a facreoll. The only reason I see is for trials, but then why not sink gold into one of my lowbies that'll get max leveled with the VR removal.
My mothballed dk tank... I'm really hoping to revive him when he gets upgraded to max level. Now with the noninsightful changes to tanking, I'm unsure where to go but double down on the meta. As with the last handful of patches that broke something valuable to tanks there is the risk my build gets screwed again 3 months later when the devs reshuffle things. That's just the way it goes. The whiplash is real though. As an avid raider, my pockets aren't that deep since I can only sell a small fraction of what I pickup anymore. So I'll likely be farming up mats and praying for gold tempers to fall into my lap. Maybe by the time I scrounge up enough to outfit my new tank, I'll have dodged one meta-breaking release and be setup for the next. Or maybe I'll get tired of the grind and move on. Time will tell.
If anyone starts with Sturdy again , I don't even want to answer . Infused and Divines are irreplacable . Sturdy is not enough at all to cover the lost sustain .
Shadesofkin wrote: »
If anyone starts with Sturdy again , I don't even want to answer . Infused and Divines are irreplacable . Sturdy is not enough at all to cover the lost sustain .
This above everything else.
As for my Theorycraft, I'm not quite there yet, but close. I haven't decided if I like Decisive or not over Defending yet.
I'll wait and see.
I'm hopeful that Wrobel remains true to his word and has no intentions of nerfing tanking, and that this most recent blow was unintended.
I haven't really given much thought to what I'll change if these changes stick, though, in part because that feels defeatist. I want to see things reverted and put back the way it should be, and I'll think about Plan B only if that that advocacy fails. Both of my tanks do have full DPS specs, so worst-case scenario, I'll just tank less often if it's no longer fun.
Thanks for the responses.
My tank is build totally around regen on live. I'm not really a hybrid tank that swaps out to DPS as it is by changing armor, but I'm functional.
Looking at Wrobel's explanatory post, he seems to think every tank is built around block cost reduction. If I follow his scheme, it would be a 100% different build, and I suspect I would not even be semi-functional to DPS regular dungeons.
Silver_Strider wrote: »Even on Live, trials can be an outright nightmare for some tanks to maintain their resources without the constant need for shards/potions whenever they're available (mainly non-DK tanks) because they just can't hold on to those resource to do so. Making it so that the reduction cost of blocking is in the Shadow will outright murder any tank that isn't a DK because they've just lost their 1 method to alleviate the high demand on their resources in order to become "more tanky" but in truth it doesn't make them more tanky because regardless of now much mitigation you stack, there is a threshold that is impossible to pass.