Checking who paid the trade dues and promoting and demoting on Mondays with no ability to see who put in 50k last week to cover them this week kills my soul. O.o
If that isn't visible on console through the bank interface then it ought to be - but 50k in dues, good grief, my jaw dropped at that.
No! It's only 5k a week but a few guys overpay to cover them so they pay once every 4 or 5 weeks.
ComboBreaker88 wrote: »On my phone so I will be quick...
It was confirmed "last online" time for members will come to console with DB.
And I'd guess that whenever console gets text chat, there will be a guild chat channel.
That's good. But those things alone are simply not enough. Those should have been basic features. I'm glad they are adding them.
Oh for sure. PC already had this ability but it was attached to "hovering" over an icon so glad to see it will be coming to console as well.
My guild list also tells me when someone joined... but I'm not sure if that is base game or an add-on.
I really do believe guilds need a lot more tools than we currently have. A long MOTD is absolutely needed! An events calendar would be amazing as well. To be honest, if an event calendar was added a longer MOTD maybe would not be needed. Those would be my top wants for guilds. Black listing players would also be brilliant.
Oh man I have requested this so many times. It would be really nice to be able to designate guild withdrawal permissions by item type or value or both. Give your guild's dedicated crafters full access to the materials tab but allow new members to only take refined materials, trait stones, and green improvement mats from the materials tab as an example. The all or nothing approach is flawed. Most guilds keep the bank completely closed save to a handful of trusted officers due to this. The few who try to leave things more open get robbed.*snip*
Something I WOULD like to see - more control over which guild ranks can take what level items, and how many, out of the bank. My guild currently doesn't have an open to all bank due to past abuse of the feature, but I would like to be able to allow (as an example) all people of a specific rank be able to take out consumables, trait stones, up to x amount of certain white crafting mats etc.
Agreed with your take on the OP @Epona222 and especially your last suggestion.Oh man I have requested this so many times. It would be really nice to be able to designate guild withdrawal permissions by item type or value or both. Give your guild's dedicated crafters full access to the materials tab but allow new members to only take refined materials, trait stones, and green improvement mats from the materials tab as an example. The all or nothing approach is flawed. Most guilds keep the bank completely closed save to a handful of trusted officers due to this. The few who try to leave things more open get robbed.*snip*
Something I WOULD like to see - more control over which guild ranks can take what level items, and how many, out of the bank. My guild currently doesn't have an open to all bank due to past abuse of the feature, but I would like to be able to allow (as an example) all people of a specific rank be able to take out consumables, trait stones, up to x amount of certain white crafting mats etc.
ComboBreaker88 wrote: »Agreed with your take on the OP @Epona222 and especially your last suggestion.Oh man I have requested this so many times. It would be really nice to be able to designate guild withdrawal permissions by item type or value or both. Give your guild's dedicated crafters full access to the materials tab but allow new members to only take refined materials, trait stones, and green improvement mats from the materials tab as an example. The all or nothing approach is flawed. Most guilds keep the bank completely closed save to a handful of trusted officers due to this. The few who try to leave things more open get robbed.*snip*
Something I WOULD like to see - more control over which guild ranks can take what level items, and how many, out of the bank. My guild currently doesn't have an open to all bank due to past abuse of the feature, but I would like to be able to allow (as an example) all people of a specific rank be able to take out consumables, trait stones, up to x amount of certain white crafting mats etc.
I love the idea of tabbed banking. But I'm not quite sure it falls under guild management.. Either way, that would be nice to see too.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »I shall ping the lovely @ashlee17 since she has a similar thread buried deep in the archives.
I'll add some too.
*Limit and set the amount of withdrawals from guild bank for each specific rank .
Example -
Recruits - 1 a day
second lvl - 3 a day
highest rank - 10 a day
Guild XP*
Many MMOs have this and I have no idea why ZOS hasn't done any thing specfic in rewarding guilds for their accomplishments.
Some of these bonus' /rewards could be:
*XP Bonus to guildies(Tamriel wide) after claiming a keep or resource in Cyrodiil.
*Bonus XP/Gold Earned for guildies.
*A free additional resurrection every two hours.
*Additional enlightenment granted.
*2 or 3% damage increase to all NPCS.
* a Guild House for everyone to meet up- includes private craft stations, private guild banker, barber and a merchant.
*5% additional chance to acquire more mats when looting.
*Item List fee reduced.
*Free hair cut every month(when barber comes)
*5% reduced tamriel wide vendor fee
*5% bonus to crafting xp
Of course, some of these aren't that big of a deal, but they can help motivate guilds to work even more so together. Some MMOs do a weekly reset to their guild reward tiers, others stay permanent but require a lot of work from everyone to get highest reward tier.
GoodFella146 wrote: »I love how number one on the list is a longer MOTD. It's like I get punished for being able to write complete sentences.
ComboBreaker88 wrote: »GoodFella146 wrote: »I love how number one on the list is a longer MOTD. It's like I get punished for being able to write complete sentences.
Yeah. While I didn't list them in any particular order, that one ALWAYS comes up.
Thanks for pointing me to the correct thread for this discussion ComboBreaker88.
A couple ideas I've through my guild memberships and managing my own guild...Also, I am an XB1 user, so please don't respond with "there is a mod for that"...I cannot use mods.
Guild management: 1. It would be nice to have a stack button in the bank and guild bank. I understand that their was an item dupe glitch that people were exploiting when the banks stacked, and that needs to be fixed before the banks will autostack again, but maybe including a press-to-stack feature would be nice. 2. It would be great to have more control over the view of deposits and withdraws from the guild bank. A searchable drop down box similar to the guild store (ie. all | crafting | weapons | apparel | trophies | misc)... SPECIFICALLY "Gold" for managing guild dues. 3. It would be nice if the "[Name] joined [Guild]" string was reconfigured as "[Name] accepted [Recruit]'s invite to [Guild]". I try to reward my member recruits with more privileges in the guild, but have no idea who is doing the inviting unless they send me a message (never happens...people are too humble, hahah). Adding this feature would give me that ability to reward the players for their effort.4. Please add a "Invite to Guild" feature to the social ring that comes up when you activate another player. 5. Last one (I promise). Could you include a searchable text box in the guild store? So that we don't have to go through pages and pages of items when we are looking for one thing...
Also while I'm on here please set up some kind of warning system for guildies that cross the line . Like the guild master can place a mark against our name in the guild members list with a note of your offence be it disruptive and rude in chat to taking items without permission .. Small things that would matter over time and you may forget that this guy had a warning last week and so it would be helpful to track rather than having to memorise use spreadsheets.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Set Guild Fee/Tax - Create separate tabs for lists of players that have and have not paid the fee.
Hi! I'm Tax and I run some Trading Guilds
I read most of these posts but there was a bit of TL;DR in terms of reading every single one. That being said we are in dire need of some guild functions. Mostly all the ones mentioned in the OP... One I personally would very much like to see added is a gold tracking function. One that would auto track total deposits by a guild member and also list the amount and date of last deposit. That specifically would be very dear to my heart. These additions would not be overly hard to implement.. I bet whatever dev team you have could prolly knock out the whole list from the OP in a weekend. (I'm no expert but seems like it would be possibleAlso if you make it easier to run a successful guild then you have more successful guilds which means you have more happy communities which means your players play longer which means eso plus subscribers stay subscribed .... do it .. you make money... we have free time.
WHY? well after a while this game gets kind of boring as do all games and a big part of what keeps people playing is the community they are apart of. Those communities are guilds and in order to run these guilds successfully at a high level (most people honestly have no concept of this) an unbelievable, unmanageable amount of time needs to be put in. It burned me out and our guilds no longer run at such a high lvl because of all the work required. Don't get me wrong the guilds are still very active and well maintained but who can sit there and track deposits and work through that awful roster by hand one name at a time, one member note at a time? The MOTD barely allows you to get basic thoughts about one aspect of the game across let alone pvp pve and trading... How are we meant to transfer information to our members? By the way it may seem like a small thing but that new roster system literally destroyed our motivation to continue working as hard as we were. It is absolutely infuriating what was done to the guild roster. Why would you create such a difficult system for keeping guild traders and then give us absolutely no functions to keep that going. I should not have to use facebook and groupme and spreadsheets and notebooks and have a full time staff to keep my guild organized its absolutely ridiculous. I'll be honest i started off wanting to write a constructive message with clear points but now honestly after starting i realized I'm just too pissed off to do it. So instead ill post this because I'm pissed. I mean seriously instead of adding functionality you give us a completely unmanageable roster?? Just why?
ComboBreaker88 wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Set Guild Fee/Tax - Create separate tabs for lists of players that have and have not paid the fee.
How exactly do you see that function working? I'm curious. I think being able to sell certain ranks for timed periods would nicely solve that issue. Along with tracking total gold donated.