Maybe if leaderboards only affected less than 1% of the player base more people would care. As it stands, I see the same people on the top positions and the same guild I run with does about exactly the same +- (5-10) spots and getting the same worthless rewards. So the harsh truth is, 99% of the player base dosent really care about us cos these problems dont affect them....
Maybe if leaderboards only affected less than 1% of the player base more people would care. As it stands, I see the same people on the top positions and the same guild I run with does about exactly the same +- (5-10) spots and getting the same worthless rewards. So the harsh truth is, 99% of the player base dosent really care about us cos these problems dont affect them....
There are lots of people running the weekly and not getting a place in the leaderboard. i think they care about it and i'd be happy for them if they get weekly rewards as i do. On PC/EU you need some really good score to get a reward (atleast for AA/HelRa/ SO it's not so hard, but you have to do hardmode). Maybe the possibility to get a reward even with a lower score will encourage some more people to do raids again. Would be great, isn't it?
Also a great point: if some item set is clearly ment to be for stamina builds, why the heck would that set have a staff?!
Shadesofkin wrote: »As one of the people who happens to be on the leaderboard most weeks with a score that sticks, I have to say I'd pitch a fit if leaderboards was account bound. I level my characters they earn the right to get on the leaderboard.
No, they clearly don't want us to farm MoL for gear. Otherwise you would get something better than white no set loot if you do MoL more than once a week. So even when you prefer doing MoL over the old trials, you're basicly forced to do weekly on as many characters as you can, if you need a certain piece of the new sets.Dagoth_Rac wrote: »Also a great point: if some item set is clearly ment to be for stamina builds, why the heck would that set have a staff?!
I think this is because they want you to clear and farm Vet Maw of Lorkhaj to have best shot at good gear. If the weekly trial leaderboard rewards were always items that were appropriate for set and had good traits, you have 2 problems:
1). You could get a full set of best-in-slot gear by just speed running old trials where you stack and burn bosses who are woefully equipped to deal with 12 VR16 with 501 CP. That is not exactly the challenge you expect to earn the latest and greatest gear.
2). Players with 8 max level characters sharing a few gear sets would not just get 8 items per week, they would get 8 really good items per week and have full legendary sets of all the latest and greatest gear in a few weeks, just from facerolling AA or something silly like that.
So I think the random set + random item + random trait is designed on purpose, to stack RNG and make it possible to get the latest and greatest sets from the weekly, but much worse odds compared to actually running the latest and greatest content.
I think these problems would be solved by having the leaderboards be account bound, not character bound, and increasing quality of items. So no more Restoration Staff of Alkosh, but also no more 8 items per week from doing easy content. Just 1 item, but it should be a pretty good one. It would still take you a long time to get a full set of what you want. Even with a good item, you are going to be a healer who gets a tank set. Or a magicka DPS who gets the same piece of Moondancer two weeks in a row.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »...If someone think they earn this much space of the megaserver leaderboard, thats kind of selfish if you ask me...
ZOS will just nerf the leaderboard so casuals can get top 10.
You're american i suppose? On EU PC there are 912 characters listed currently with lowest AA score of 128815. That's a ~9 min no death run in order to maybe have a chance. A bit too "lead" imo.Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »ZOS will just nerf the leaderboard so casuals can get top 10.
They just made it so may more can make the leaderboard already. Now it is possible for more than 1000 players to make the weekly for 12 man trial weeks.
Of course I know I will get quoted and someone will say but it's the same 12 people and guild talking up all the spots. They are the leaders.
You're american i suppose? On EU PC there are 912 characters listed currently with lowest AA score of 128815. That's a ~9 min no death run in order to maybe have a chance. A bit too "lead" imo.Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »ZOS will just nerf the leaderboard so casuals can get top 10.
They just made it so may more can make the leaderboard already. Now it is possible for more than 1000 players to make the weekly for 12 man trial weeks.
Of course I know I will get quoted and someone will say but it's the same 12 people and guild talking up all the spots. They are the leaders.
Yeah those "filthy casuals" shouldn't get anything for free, but as soon as character slots are available we won't read a non-"Hodor"/YDKM/Beyond Infinity name on the weekly boards ever...
They need to fix their rewards-system in general. I usually get only useless items and aslong as i (and others) don't have our equipment we won't stop farming it. Atm there are only two ways to do so: weeklys and vMoL.
You're american i suppose? On EU PC there are 912 characters listed currently with lowest AA score of 128815. That's a ~9 min no death run in order to maybe have a chance. A bit too "lead" imo.Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »ZOS will just nerf the leaderboard so casuals can get top 10.
They just made it so may more can make the leaderboard already. Now it is possible for more than 1000 players to make the weekly for 12 man trial weeks.
Of course I know I will get quoted and someone will say but it's the same 12 people and guild talking up all the spots. They are the leaders.
Yeah those "filthy casuals" shouldn't get anything for free, but as soon as character slots are available we won't read a non-"Hodor"/YDKM/Beyond Infinity name on the weekly boards ever...
You're american i suppose? On EU PC there are 912 characters listed currently with lowest AA score of 128815. That's a ~9 min no death run in order to maybe have a chance. A bit too "lead" imo.Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »ZOS will just nerf the leaderboard so casuals can get top 10.
They just made it so may more can make the leaderboard already. Now it is possible for more than 1000 players to make the weekly for 12 man trial weeks.
Of course I know I will get quoted and someone will say but it's the same 12 people and guild talking up all the spots. They are the leaders.
Yeah those "filthy casuals" shouldn't get anything for free, but as soon as character slots are available we won't read a non-"Hodor"/YDKM/Beyond Infinity name on the weekly boards ever...
But that's the all-time, not the weekly.
But that's the all-time, not the weekly.
You're american i suppose? On EU PC there are 912 characters listed currently with lowest AA score of 128815. That's a ~9 min no death run in order to maybe have a chance. A bit too "lead" imo.Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »ZOS will just nerf the leaderboard so casuals can get top 10.
They just made it so may more can make the leaderboard already. Now it is possible for more than 1000 players to make the weekly for 12 man trial weeks.
Of course I know I will get quoted and someone will say but it's the same 12 people and guild talking up all the spots. They are the leaders.
Yeah those "filthy casuals" shouldn't get anything for free, but as soon as character slots are available we won't read a non-"Hodor"/YDKM/Beyond Infinity name on the weekly boards ever...