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Nos's "Infinite Sustain" MagSorc DPS (Dragon Bones DLC Ready)

  • hedna123b14_ESO
    dagonbeer wrote: »
    Very interesting build. Well done!

    One thing I keep meaning to test out -- does each tick from lightning staff proc crushing wall as well? Does it proc crushing wall on adjacent enemies?

    Maelstrom staff enchantment adds damage to each tick of the lightning staff heavy attacks.
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Updated with a skills/rotation/gear revamp
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Updated with a different setup
  • iam117
    this build works awesome now that im getting used to it, got a VmoL completion with it, it was fluent, well rounded for each situation, and was easy to manage resources at all times. its fun to do something a little different with a sorc. i have used it in every trial now with good success and will main it till you come up with something better.
    <PC/NA - Legion Of The Bloodworks>
    Snowflake Patrol
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    liv3mind wrote: »
    this build works awesome now that im getting used to it, got a VmoL completion with it, it was fluent, well rounded for each situation, and was easy to manage resources at all times. its fun to do something a little different with a sorc. i have used it in every trial now with good success and will main it till you come up with something better.

    Sweet! Thanks!
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Have you tried trap over guard on this build? It would free up a spot so you could run surge for a super easy and potion free rotation, or you could slot another DPS skill. Just a thought.

    For the skeptics out there, the Infallible Aether/lightening staff build is very viable to the point that it could become meta in certain things. I run the DK version in his signature all the way through VMOL. It changed my life on the first two bosses. I am pulling almost 10k better than the traditional setup. I am starting to mess with this build as well. Not sure it is best on pure single target, but other than manti, there is no pure single target in this game.

    On my DK at least, keeping up elemental blockade and molten armaments does 20k DPS on single target just by holding down the left mouse button, which more than doubles if you have even 1 add. Sorcs dont have Molten, but they do get a big boost to lightening damage. Also, there is nothing like turning all the adds purple. Not sure why it is so satisfying, but it is.

    @liv3mind Grats on the clear. Fingers crossed that I get mine tonight. :smile:
  • iam117
    Have you tried trap over guard on this build? It would free up a spot so you could run surge for a super easy and potion free rotation, or you could slot another DPS skill. Just a thought.

    @Oreyn_Bearclaw so not to steal nos's thunder or anything but i actually run it a tad different because i do not have guard, i run this setup:

    bar1: bound aegis, wall of elements, shock clench, liquid lightning, inner light
    bar2: bound aegis, surge, boundless, trap, inner light

    i believe that running guard is better mathematically, and i hope to unlock it soonish so i can give it a go.
    @liv3mind Grats on the clear. Fingers crossed that I get mine tonight. :smile:

    it was awesome, our guild put in alot of effort, and i am proud of what we accomplished together, now we start improving. i wish you luck! get it done! the skin is rad. but completing it is better :)
    Edited by iam117 on July 18, 2016 8:41PM
    <PC/NA - Legion Of The Bloodworks>
    Snowflake Patrol
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Have you tried trap over guard on this build? It would free up a spot so you could run surge for a super easy and potion free rotation, or you could slot another DPS skill. Just a thought.

    For the skeptics out there, the Infallible Aether/lightening staff build is very viable to the point that it could become meta in certain things. I run the DK version in his signature all the way through VMOL. It changed my life on the first two bosses. I am pulling almost 10k better than the traditional setup. I am starting to mess with this build as well. Not sure it is best on pure single target, but other than manti, there is no pure single target in this game.

    On my DK at least, keeping up elemental blockade and molten armaments does 20k DPS on single target just by holding down the left mouse button, which more than doubles if you have even 1 add. Sorcs dont have Molten, but they do get a big boost to lightening damage. Also, there is nothing like turning all the adds purple. Not sure why it is so satisfying, but it is.

    @liv3mind Grats on the clear. Fingers crossed that I get mine tonight. :smile:

    Hey I have to resort to that, but only on fights where I use a shield. The guard is very good for fights where shield is unnecessary. By the way did you catch the new part about soul assault?
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Have you tried trap over guard on this build? It would free up a spot so you could run surge for a super easy and potion free rotation, or you could slot another DPS skill. Just a thought.

    For the skeptics out there, the Infallible Aether/lightening staff build is very viable to the point that it could become meta in certain things. I run the DK version in his signature all the way through VMOL. It changed my life on the first two bosses. I am pulling almost 10k better than the traditional setup. I am starting to mess with this build as well. Not sure it is best on pure single target, but other than manti, there is no pure single target in this game.

    On my DK at least, keeping up elemental blockade and molten armaments does 20k DPS on single target just by holding down the left mouse button, which more than doubles if you have even 1 add. Sorcs dont have Molten, but they do get a big boost to lightening damage. Also, there is nothing like turning all the adds purple. Not sure why it is so satisfying, but it is.

    @liv3mind Grats on the clear. Fingers crossed that I get mine tonight. :smile:

    Hey I have to resort to that, but only on fights where I use a shield. The guard is very good for fights where shield is unnecessary. By the way did you catch the new part about soul assault?

    I did, and it took me a second to even realize what that skill was. Haha. Very cool if it works because it is really cheap to cast. I will give that a try as well. Sorc is frankly my 3rd or 4th toon that I usually play, but this hopefully will breath some life into her. I just dont like the pew pew style builds, so this is a great alternative.
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Have you tried trap over guard on this build? It would free up a spot so you could run surge for a super easy and potion free rotation, or you could slot another DPS skill. Just a thought.

    For the skeptics out there, the Infallible Aether/lightening staff build is very viable to the point that it could become meta in certain things. I run the DK version in his signature all the way through VMOL. It changed my life on the first two bosses. I am pulling almost 10k better than the traditional setup. I am starting to mess with this build as well. Not sure it is best on pure single target, but other than manti, there is no pure single target in this game.

    On my DK at least, keeping up elemental blockade and molten armaments does 20k DPS on single target just by holding down the left mouse button, which more than doubles if you have even 1 add. Sorcs dont have Molten, but they do get a big boost to lightening damage. Also, there is nothing like turning all the adds purple. Not sure why it is so satisfying, but it is.

    @liv3mind Grats on the clear. Fingers crossed that I get mine tonight. :smile:

    Hey I have to resort to that, but only on fights where I use a shield. The guard is very good for fights where shield is unnecessary. By the way did you catch the new part about soul assault?

    I did, and it took me a second to even realize what that skill was. Haha. Very cool if it works because it is really cheap to cast. I will give that a try as well. Sorc is frankly my 3rd or 4th toon that I usually play, but this hopefully will breath some life into her. I just dont like the pew pew style builds, so this is a great alternative.

    Channeling two skills at one time is amazing
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    So I jumped into VMA last night for the first time in a while. Will probably farm it a bit now that they are buffing the drop rate. I am testing out a mixed staff sorc build, basically replacing my DW with a sharpened VMA lightening staff and ditching kena an willpower for Infallible Aether, but really not altering my bars from a traditional Sorc VMA build.

    I am trying to figure out the most pain free way to clear this place in under an hour, not necessarily push scores to the max. I tell you what, there is potential here. I was running Infallable/TBS with mixed staffs. I briefly tried Elegant/Infallable, but 16K health was just to low for this purpose. I like my undaunted passives, and I like the stats from TBS.


    Inferno: Crushing Shock, Frags, Blockade, Bound Aegis, Inner Light, Overload.
    Lightening: Power Surge, Liquid Lightening, Hardened Ward, Bound Aegis, Inner Light, Overload.
    Overload: Same as Lightning.

    If sorcs struggle with anything in here, it is AoE and perhaps resources. This solves both of those problems. No denying that you lose a bit of DPS on your overload, but I was still able to burn the two real DPS checks Round 1 and round 4 boss, without any issues or sigils. You lose kena, but you can tag them with minor vulnerability, so you can still pull 30k+ which is more than enough. You also dont burn through your ultimate as fast, which means you can use it a little more freely during the regular rounds. I need to test (forgot to last night) whether you can use your overload heavy channel to quickly proc the aether as well. I would assume you can.

    I also tested the same gear setup, but with DW torugs swords on the back bar. The difference in my overload attacks on mammoths (Infall/TBS) between 2 sharpened swords and a sharpened VMA lightening staff was about 500 damage per cast, in other words, almost nothing.

    I only took at through the first five stages. I really wanted to test on the ice stage. My preliminary conclusions are as follows:

    - I might drop frags on my front bar to double slot shield. It gets a touch confusing with double staffs, especially when DPSing from both of them. Blockade is a better skill than frags for this build, and since they changed how surge works.

    -The difference on my overload DPS is negligible, but probably a touch less. First boss only ported once, and the dwemer Spider boss was about at 20% when he hit the first add phase. This is pretty consistent with what I normally do, but I used less ultimate to do it. So maybe its actually better?

    -The resource management is AWESOME. I usually slot Dark Conversion to cast once or twice in between rounds and chug cheap pots to keep resources up. I didnt need either.

    -The AoE is a game changer. I typically do not advocate going for an AOE heavy build in here, but this worked really well. I have never taken down the ice stage faster that, and that includes Sap/Sweep Builds and DK standards. I put down LL and Blockade, and heavy attacked the frost atro. Everything around him just melted. I actually got confused in stage 4 when the boss spawned because I didnt realize the add heavy round even happened.

    - The only downside is really about practice. It is a little easy to get lightening staff happy and forget to keep up your buffs and defenses. I died once or twice with my finger firmly on the LMB, but didnt realize I was missing surge and my shield. Haha.

    I am going to run it a few times next week, and I will report back. :smiley:
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    So I jumped into VMA last night for the first time in a while. Will probably farm it a bit now that they are buffing the drop rate. I am testing out a mixed staff sorc build, basically replacing my DW with a sharpened VMA lightening staff and ditching kena an willpower for Infallible Aether, but really not altering my bars from a traditional Sorc VMA build.

    I am trying to figure out the most pain free way to clear this place in under an hour, not necessarily push scores to the max. I tell you what, there is potential here. I was running Infallable/TBS with mixed staffs. I briefly tried Elegant/Infallable, but 16K health was just to low for this purpose. I like my undaunted passives, and I like the stats from TBS.


    Inferno: Crushing Shock, Frags, Blockade, Bound Aegis, Inner Light, Overload.
    Lightening: Power Surge, Liquid Lightening, Hardened Ward, Bound Aegis, Inner Light, Overload.
    Overload: Same as Lightning.

    If sorcs struggle with anything in here, it is AoE and perhaps resources. This solves both of those problems. No denying that you lose a bit of DPS on your overload, but I was still able to burn the two real DPS checks Round 1 and round 4 boss, without any issues or sigils. You lose kena, but you can tag them with minor vulnerability, so you can still pull 30k+ which is more than enough. You also dont burn through your ultimate as fast, which means you can use it a little more freely during the regular rounds. I need to test (forgot to last night) whether you can use your overload heavy channel to quickly proc the aether as well. I would assume you can.

    I also tested the same gear setup, but with DW torugs swords on the back bar. The difference in my overload attacks on mammoths (Infall/TBS) between 2 sharpened swords and a sharpened VMA lightening staff was about 500 damage per cast, in other words, almost nothing.

    I only took at through the first five stages. I really wanted to test on the ice stage. My preliminary conclusions are as follows:

    - I might drop frags on my front bar to double slot shield. It gets a touch confusing with double staffs, especially when DPSing from both of them. Blockade is a better skill than frags for this build, and since they changed how surge works.

    -The difference on my overload DPS is negligible, but probably a touch less. First boss only ported once, and the dwemer Spider boss was about at 20% when he hit the first add phase. This is pretty consistent with what I normally do, but I used less ultimate to do it. So maybe its actually better?

    -The resource management is AWESOME. I usually slot Dark Conversion to cast once or twice in between rounds and chug cheap pots to keep resources up. I didnt need either.

    -The AoE is a game changer. I typically do not advocate going for an AOE heavy build in here, but this worked really well. I have never taken down the ice stage faster that, and that includes Sap/Sweep Builds and DK standards. I put down LL and Blockade, and heavy attacked the frost atro. Everything around him just melted. I actually got confused in stage 4 when the boss spawned because I didnt realize the add heavy round even happened.

    - The only downside is really about practice. It is a little easy to get lightening staff happy and forget to keep up your buffs and defenses. I died once or twice with my finger firmly on the LMB, but didnt realize I was missing surge and my shield. Haha.

    I am going to run it a few times next week, and I will report back. :smiley:

    Would love for you to make a vMA build with this setup I'd feature it in my post:)
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Updated for Shadows of the Hist DLC with an unbuffed bloodpsawn rotation video:
  • iam117
    this is a parse from last night on the first boss in vmol, with rng, and no curses this could def be higher, my best twins so far is 43k. this is a very effective build and has great group utility.

    <PC/NA - Legion Of The Bloodworks>
    Snowflake Patrol
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    iam117 wrote: »
    this is a parse from last night on the first boss in vmol, with rng, and no curses this could def be higher, my best twins so far is 43k. this is a very effective build and has great group utility.


    Nice deeps
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Updated for Updated 12.
  • boom782

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)
  • boom782

    I understand your reasoning behind the lightning staff and scathing rune, because I guess the llambris can proc from fire and lightning at the same time doing insane AoE dmg. BUT, what if you swapped the lightning staff for inferno to get the same benefit(liquid lightning + elemental blockade) of the double proc while being able to use a much better skill on your bar than scathing rune. Say crystal frags.

    I only ask because if not for the potential to proc llambris, the scathing rune is a very underwhelming.
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    boom782 wrote: »

    I understand your reasoning behind the lightning staff and scathing rune, because I guess the llambris can proc from fire and lightning at the same time doing insane AoE dmg. BUT, what if you swapped the lightning staff for inferno to get the same benefit(liquid lightning + elemental blockade) of the double proc while being able to use a much better skill on your bar than scathing rune. Say crystal frags.

    I only ask because if not for the potential to proc llambris, the scathing rune is a very underwhelming.

    This build is specifically made for Fully Charged Lightning staff attacks, so it isnt meant to accommodate Frags. I do want to keep dual wield on the back bar for a buff to my execute damage and implosion procs. Adding a staff on a back bar would increase the ilambrris procs, but the loss of dual wield and increase to time on back bar would detrimentally effect the outgoing damage.
  • iam117
    got this tonight (1k difference in ftc vs CM)


    <PC/NA - Legion Of The Bloodworks>
    Snowflake Patrol
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    iam117 wrote: »
    got this tonight (1k difference in ftc vs CM)



  • Toast_STS
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)

    AoE damage is being reduced from 140% too 100%. There is a small nerf this patch.
    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)

    AoE damage is being reduced from 140% too 100%. There is a small nerf this patch.

    I looked through patch notes and didnt see any changes can you provide a link?
  • Toast_STS
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)

    AoE damage is being reduced from 140% too 100%. There is a small nerf this patch.

    I looked through patch notes and didnt see any changes can you provide a link?

    Sorry I was wrong. I was testing with a template on the PTS. With no CP in elemental expert the AoE damage in the tri-focus passive tooltip is 110% but when I put points into elemental expert the tooltip increased up to 137% at 100 points invested.

    I didn't know that champion points would change the % tooltip for lightning staff splash damage.
    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)

    AoE damage is being reduced from 140% too 100%. There is a small nerf this patch.

    I looked through patch notes and didnt see any changes can you provide a link?

    Sorry I was wrong. I was testing with a template on the PTS. With no CP in elemental expert the AoE damage in the tri-focus passive tooltip is 110% but when I put points into elemental expert the tooltip increased up to 137% at 100 points invested.

    I didn't know that champion points would change the % tooltip for lightning staff splash damage.

    The tri passive has always been 100% and anything over 100% is the combination of Elemental expert and thaumaturge. So if you have 20% coming from CP in thaum and 17% from ele expert you get 137% in the tooltip. The maximum Tri passive ampunt is thus 25 + 25 or 50%
  • Toast_STS
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)

    AoE damage is being reduced from 140% too 100%. There is a small nerf this patch.

    I looked through patch notes and didnt see any changes can you provide a link?

    Sorry I was wrong. I was testing with a template on the PTS. With no CP in elemental expert the AoE damage in the tri-focus passive tooltip is 110% but when I put points into elemental expert the tooltip increased up to 137% at 100 points invested.

    I didn't know that champion points would change the % tooltip for lightning staff splash damage.

    The tri passive has always been 100% and anything over 100% is the combination of Elemental expert and thaumaturge. So if you have 20% coming from CP in thaum and 17% from ele expert you get 137% in the tooltip. The maximum Tri passive ampunt is thus 25 + 25 or 50%

    I'm testing on the PTS right now. Base damage is 110% and points into thaumaturge do not change the tooltip. Staff expert also has no effect. Seems to be just elemental expert that increases damage.
    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)

    AoE damage is being reduced from 140% too 100%. There is a small nerf this patch.

    I looked through patch notes and didnt see any changes can you provide a link?

    Sorry I was wrong. I was testing with a template on the PTS. With no CP in elemental expert the AoE damage in the tri-focus passive tooltip is 110% but when I put points into elemental expert the tooltip increased up to 137% at 100 points invested.

    I didn't know that champion points would change the % tooltip for lightning staff splash damage.

    The tri passive has always been 100% and anything over 100% is the combination of Elemental expert and thaumaturge. So if you have 20% coming from CP in thaum and 17% from ele expert you get 137% in the tooltip. The maximum Tri passive ampunt is thus 25 + 25 or 50%

    I'm testing on the PTS right now. Base damage is 110% and points into thaumaturge do not change the tooltip. Staff expert also has no effect. Seems to be just elemental expert that increases damage.

    Now that IS interesting, since thats not the way it worked in live last time I tested.
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    Toast_STS wrote: »
    boom782 wrote: »

    07/13/2016 - Updated gear and rotation to fully maximize potential.

    09/27/2016 - Updated for Update 12.

    Have you been having a lackluster time on your sorc? Are you struggling with sustain even without using Kena? Do you feel useless in group content? Well all of this is about to change. This build focuses on a specific and unique gear setup, which will permit high DPS, while maintaining full resources and the Kena Proc.


    Altmer – best racial choice for this specific build because of the lightning damage bonus.

    Attribute Distribution:

    All in Magicka. As of this expansion there is no need to points into health.


    Health and Magicka

    Mundus Stone:


    Champion Point Distribution:

    100 in elemental expert

    52 in Thaumaturge

    33 in Elfborn

    2 Staff Expert

    In the green tree you will max out reduce cost first and then regen later, thus I have 100 points in reduce cost and the rest in regen. Additionally you do not have any regen on gear, which further devaluates the CP tree.

    In the red tree I distribute points evenly across Hardy, Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. (Or Bastion for certain cases)

    The Setup:


    5 Divines Infallible Aether armor

    3 Moondancer Jewelry

    2 Sharpened Moondancer Swords - No Enchant

    1 Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning staff

    2 Divines Ilambris Armor

    Bar Setup:

    Main Bar (Staff): Inner Light, Bound Aegis, Liquid Lightning, Velocious Curse, Elemental Blockade. Ultimate: Shooting Star

    Dual Wield bar: Inner Light, Scalding Rune, Boundless Aegis, Boundless Storm, Mages Wrath. Ultimate: Shooting Star


    Step 1: Potion>Velocious Curse>Bar Swap>Shooting Star

    Step 2: Scalding Rune>Boundless Storm>Bar Swap

    Step 3: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>Fully Charged heavy attack till Velocious Curse runs out>Velocious Curse> Fully charged HEAVY attack till Elemental Blockade runs out.

    Restart at Step 2, but reapply Boundless Storm every other bar swap.

    At 20%, start spamming Mage's Wrath, while keeping your DoT's up. You should use the following rotation:

    Step 4: Liquid Lightning>Velocious Curse>Elemental Blockade>First tick of fully charged heavy>Bar Swap

    Step 5: Mage's Wrath x 7

    Restart at step 4

    If it is a high AoE fight do not bother with Mage's Wrath, just keep doing your pre-execute rotation. Note, in trash AoE fights swap the sharpened lightning staff for a precise one. Also in AoE you can use mines.


    1. Why Infallible Aether?

    - Infallible is getting buffed in the Dark Brotherhood update. It is an amazing set for 2 reasons. #1 It provides the Vulnerability debuff to the target that is being heavy attacked. #2 It adds damage to each fully charged heavy attack. At first glance, it seems like a lackluster buff, but at closer examination I found that it buffs every tick of a channeled heavy attack thus adding quite a bit of damage to each tick. Oh and don't forget the 5% Minor Slayer and Increased Crit Chance on top of all these goodies!

    2. Whats with the lightning staff?

    - A few reasons:

    A) As I mentioned above, Infallible Aether buffs each tick of a fully charged heavy attack.

    B) Each channeled tick is buffed by the vMA lightning staff.

    C) Sorcs have a 5% lightning damage passive buff

    D) Each channeled lightning staff heavy attack spreads to nearby targets and hits them for a ton of damage, which scales with Thaumaturge and Elemental expert. The radius is around the same as from elemental ring, except unlike elemental ring, you can do it from range AND it costs 0 magicka. Have you ever run out of magicka while spamming elemental ring in trash pulls or second boss of vMoL? Leave those negative moments in the past. The AoE damage is insane.

    E) Fully Charged Heavy Attacks Inflict Vulnerability debuff and since the attack is channeled by moving the cursor from add to add we can actually give the debuff to all the adds surrounding the boss (if there are adds) without stopping our rotation. Keep in mind that because the lightning staff attacks are channeled, you only need the first tick of the heavy attack to proc vulnerability debuff.

    F) The Lightning staff concussion debuff synergizes well with the exploiter CP passive that grants stam builds increased DPS.

    G) Lightning Staff is lightning damage, staff damage and DoT damage. This means that it takes advantage of 3 CP stars and thus draws on more sources of DPS buffs. This makes its full DPS potential to be off the charts. The automatic AoE is nice because each additional add automatically doubles your DPS.

    H) Chance to proc disintegrate (implosion)

    3. Why Scalding Rune?

    It's an AoE DoT that will help us proc Ilambris fire proc in high AoE situations.

    4. Why Moondancer?

    Willpower is a good 2nd choice but for min maxing Moondancer is Best in Slot. Here is my rationale:

    A). Willpower adds around 2k magicka and 232 spell damage with full raid buffs. Backbar torugs swords add another 161 spell damage, but only on that back bar. 2k magicka for all non staff attack skills is equivalent to 191 spell damage, but for staff attacks (scales at 40 to 1 VS 10.5 to 1) it is equivalent to 50 spell damage.

    B). Moondancer 5 piece bonus remains in effect regardless of which bar you remain on. This means that on the front bar you gain 560 spell damage with full raid buffs, which is more than willpower and is better overall for the build because of how spell damage scales with staff attacks.

    C). Moondancer has a 30 second proc duration and no cooldown, meaning if you get the regen proc you can quickly reproc it as many times as needed.

    5. How is the DPS?

    Screenshot of a sorc in our guild using this:


    Special thanks to @rokrdt05 (fire0) for spending hours and hours tanking for me in Spindleclutch and of course a special thanks to @Asayre for optimizing my CP setup.

    Excited to try this out once it drops on XB1. I definitely have some work to do as I only have 2 divine aether pieces and no moon dancer jewelry.

    Oh yeah, or a maelstrom staff yet! The maelstrom weapons aren't being nerfed are they? Thought I heard some people talking about how they were because of all the cry babies that can't beat maelstrom.

    No nerfs:)

    AoE damage is being reduced from 140% too 100%. There is a small nerf this patch.

    I looked through patch notes and didnt see any changes can you provide a link?

    Sorry I was wrong. I was testing with a template on the PTS. With no CP in elemental expert the AoE damage in the tri-focus passive tooltip is 110% but when I put points into elemental expert the tooltip increased up to 137% at 100 points invested.

    I didn't know that champion points would change the % tooltip for lightning staff splash damage.

    The tri passive has always been 100% and anything over 100% is the combination of Elemental expert and thaumaturge. So if you have 20% coming from CP in thaum and 17% from ele expert you get 137% in the tooltip. The maximum Tri passive ampunt is thus 25 + 25 or 50%

    I'm testing on the PTS right now. Base damage is 110% and points into thaumaturge do not change the tooltip. Staff expert also has no effect. Seems to be just elemental expert that increases damage.

    Ok so just went to the PTS. Here are my findings:
    1. The base is DEFINITELY 100% not 110.
    2. Elemental Talent altmer racial passive is additive.
    3. Minor Berserk is also additive
    4. Im assuming (dont have access to Infal) Slayer is also additive.

    Keeping this in mind the maximum Tri-Passive damage will be
    25% - Ele expert
    8% Minor Berserk
    4% Altmer Elemental passive
    5% Sorc Racial passive
    5% Slayer
    Total = 47%
  • Tremors
    Would love for you to make a vMA build with this setup I'd feature it in my post:)

    Hey man, working on a different rotation and setup for the heavy attack sorc which I'll still msg through to you and see what you think. Also have a pretty good idea for One Tam when it drops on Xbox. Here is a video of me using the build in maelstrom, score isn't great because I don't run it much, but regardless, here is the final boss;
    Edited by Tremors on October 10, 2016 11:20PM
    Passionfruit GM - PC NA
    Godslayer | Dawnbringer
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