spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »Damn those people grouping up past eight in an MMO! How dare they! Who do they think they are!
That point was valid a year ago, not anymore
I mean, I get you from a practicality standpoint but do this for me: look at all the MMOs and PvP games on the market right now. Out of all of them, there are...what, 3-4 with combat/setting like this? Why on earth would anyone pick ESO to play a small group in?
At this point I'm considering going to play overwatch or something to get my small man kicks in, because a small man game this ain't.
The core problem is that people have weird opinions about what "zerging" is. People that claim to "solo" while they run together with 60 people of their own faction complain about us "zerging" when we go to Bleakers with a 10 man group while the rest of AD is trying to take Alessia. People that kill you when you are outnumbered 3:1 think they are good because "pugs don't count".