How can you say that with a straight face Kris, you know very well that the groups in the video and the way we play is not comparable.
We usually don't kill soloers whom we respect, ie those who we always see small scaling, or that we haven't seen try hard chasing us with a full raid.
And never EVER have we chased down some poor guy for miles on end, because that is just sad, cancerous, and it encourages more zerging which is precisely what we hate.
I´d love to see proxy (detonation in general) and VD removed from the game along with shieldbreaker, stackable shields, aoe caps and static ult gain.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Because Kris has a consistent posting history of being able to comprehend perspective (s)he does not adhere to. OK, so you do kill soloers you respect. What about the vast majority you don't make such special allowances for? You're a good player and I'l gather many of the players who zerg you down and t-bag have wound up on your kill counter one too many times so they are going to go out of their way to do the same to you. It doesn't matter if it's a false "accomplishment." You constantly deride these people, claim they suck and ruin the game, and have no respect, so you honestly expect them to leave you be?
Also what Ghost and Rylana says makes 100% sense and happens every night. Maybe your group doesn't care that much about objectives, map control, and campaign score, but there are those that do. Or maybe they are simply motivated to win by just saving the keep. When there is 20 enemy siege on Alessia, every second matters and if a skilled 4 man is ganking the backline, the raid just cant send a rez templar to deal with the situation while the rest continue to Alessia. It is most efficient not to underestimate the gankers, completely end the threat/situation quickly, and then proceed to the objective. The irony is that if the raid leader is objective focused, she is most likely yelling in Teamspeak to ignore gankers and small groups.
God_flakes wrote: »OP, what campaign was this in and what were some of the names of the Ad scum?
WillhelmBlack wrote: »They could make IC into something incredible for 4 player groups, something like capture a precinct or segment of sewer. Have 16 per alliance, 4 groups of 4. Choose your 3 pals to join you, queue up, get in. You logout, then your team leaves and another team replaces you. They could put in awesome sets like Spell Power Cure etc. I'd continue my sub for that but it won't happen.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Because Kris has a consistent posting history of being able to comprehend perspective (s)he does not adhere to. OK, so you do kill soloers you respect. What about the vast majority you don't make such special allowances for? You're a good player and I'l gather many of the players who zerg you down and t-bag have wound up on your kill counter one too many times so they are going to go out of their way to do the same to you. It doesn't matter if it's a false "accomplishment." You constantly deride these people, claim they suck and ruin the game, and have no respect, so you honestly expect them to leave you be?
Also what Ghost and Rylana says makes 100% sense and happens every night. Maybe your group doesn't care that much about objectives, map control, and campaign score, but there are those that do. Or maybe they are simply motivated to win by just saving the keep. When there is 20 enemy siege on Alessia, every second matters and if a skilled 4 man is ganking the backline, the raid just cant send a rez templar to deal with the situation while the rest continue to Alessia. It is most efficient not to underestimate the gankers, completely end the threat/situation quickly, and then proceed to the objective. The irony is that if the raid leader is objective focused, she is most likely yelling in Teamspeak to ignore gankers and small groups.
This video isn't about poking raids and complaining, it's about minding your own business and getting chased far into the wild because reasons.
But the fact that people in here are justifying 24 men raids chasing down 2 people far from any objectives tells me there is absolutely zero hope that this community will get better any time soon.
Joy_Division wrote: »
You are doing more than minding your own business. You are insulting other players. In public. Deriding them. Calling their behavior cancerous. Others have done worse, called them (as opposed to their behavior) scum. You may dismiss those as "reasons" for getting chased into the wild a t-bagged, but it's hardly surprising.
And how exactly are those people not a member of this gentleman's club that is not afforded the respect and get ambushed and insta-killed by small man group while they are alone? We are all people with egos and emotions that govern our decisions, often made on the basis of passion in an instant, rather than on sense with reflection.
To understand is not the same as to justify.
Joy_Division wrote: »
You are doing more than minding your own business. You are insulting other players. In public. Deriding them. Calling their behavior cancerous. Others have done worse, called them (as opposed to their behavior) scum. You may dismiss those as "reasons" for getting chased into the wild a t-bagged, but it's hardly surprising.
And how exactly are those people not a member of this gentleman's club that is not afforded the respect and get ambushed and insta-killed by small man group while they are alone? We are all people with egos and emotions that govern our decisions, often made on the basis of passion in an instant, rather than on sense with reflection.
To understand is not the same as to justify.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »
Really guys? With Prox+VD you're still complaining about Dynamic Ult? Did you forget to put points into Combat Frenzy?
Joy_Division wrote: »
You are doing more than minding your own business. You are insulting other players. In public. Deriding them. Calling their behavior cancerous. Others have done worse, called them (as opposed to their behavior) scum. You may dismiss those as "reasons" for getting chased into the wild a t-bagged, but it's hardly surprising.
And how exactly are those people not a member of this gentleman's club that is not afforded the respect and get ambushed and insta-killed by small man group while they are alone? We are all people with egos and emotions that govern our decisions, often made on the basis of passion in an instant, rather than on sense with reflection.
To understand is not the same as to justify.
I don't have Sypher levels of fame, the vast majority of people in the game have never heard of me, and that's even more true when I'm running on my alt. The vast majority of players don't check the eso forums either so there is no way this is the result of me "insulting" them.
"Ambushed and insta-killed". So you're one of those player that thinks the game is either played in a 24 man raid or from the shadows as a oneshot ganker. Well you're wrong, and I invite you to watch some of my vids to see how our group handles things. It definitely doesn't count as ganking (95% of the time).
So how does someone earn my respect? When I'm fighing an outnumbered situation, and I see one enemy on the side watching, I remember his name, because that guy chose not to be a d*ck and it tells me he appreciates PvP and doesn't see me as another bag of AP, and I'll make sure to return the favor when we cross paths again.
That doesn't mean the people who were fighting me were d*cks, it just means that this particular guy earned my respect.
On the other hand, I will have no pity for people who throw all their ultimates in my face when I'm already in a 1v10 that I already have no chance of winning.
I'm sorry, where did we zerg down someone? That guy and his 25 buddies were chasing us for the past 2 mins over a large distance in the middle of nowhere
I'm getting eclipsed the very first second of the clip, there's no way you could believe he ever was alone
WillhelmBlack wrote: »
Joy, EP do this to me when I'm riding on my own in Cyrodiil or with a small group farming in IC. I doubt they know me or even Etaniel and crew tbh. I'll bump into them, I'll stay mounted or still, then every single one of them will either Spambush or overload light attack me till eventually I die. They are cancer, in every sense of the word and they aren't ashamed of it either, they seem genuinely really ****ing proud of themselves whilst doing all their emotes and teabagging over my characters dead body.
I don't have Sypher levels of fame, the vast majority of people in the game have never heard of me, and that's even more true when I'm running on my alt. The vast majority of players don't check the eso forums either so there is no way this is the result of me "insulting" them.
"Ambushed and insta-killed". So you're one of those player that thinks the game is either played in a 24 man raid or from the shadows as a oneshot ganker. Well you're wrong, and I invite you to watch some of my vids to see how our group handles things. It definitely doesn't count as ganking (95% of the time).
So how does someone earn my respect? When I'm fighing an outnumbered situation, and I see one enemy on the side watching, I remember his name, because that guy chose not to be a d*ck and it tells me he appreciates PvP and doesn't see me as another bag of AP, and I'll make sure to return the favor when we cross paths again.
That doesn't mean the people who were fighting me were d*cks, it just means that this particular guy earned my respect.
On the other hand, I will have no pity for people who throw all their ultimates in my face when I'm already in a 1v10 that I already have no chance of winning.
Joy_Division wrote: »
I don't know what to tell you. I have the feeling that nothing I say will satisfactory give you or Derra or the OP or the person who mocked me as an amateur psychologist insight into why this happens.
I think in general people have way to high expectations of what to expect from others in a videogame.
Sounds like you are bitching because you got killed. Guess what, it's pvp, it happens.
I've been on both sides of this.
As a small man we were known to the point that DiE used to chase us down and kill us on sight. That's not cancer, that's a sign of respect. If you're smart you come to an understanding like we used to have with Sypher: if you hit our back line we will chase you down until you're dead, otherwise we won't attack you.
Ok, you asked for it, I'm gonna pull out my DAoC card, a game in which (in my experience, and I'm sure it's the same for most people who played it) people running in 8 man groups didn't add on existing 8v8 fights, and only picked on groups their size. But that was a long time ago, when people valued each other and worked together for a healthy PvP environment. I guess I have too high expectations for today's generation where the vast majority wants instant gratification and is extremely selfish.
Joy_Division wrote: »
I don't know what to tell you. I have the feeling that nothing I say will satisfactory give you or Derra or the OP or the person who mocked me as an amateur psychologist insight into why this happens.
I think in general people have way to high expectations of what to expect from others in a videogame. The level of social responsibility in the sense of a community...
I want to say that a good chunk of the NA PvP guilds like VE for example, do not go out of their way to kill small groups or solo players unless the small group / solo player attacks them first.
These EU PVP raids seem ruthless xD
I want to say that a good chunk of the NA PvP guilds like VE for example, do not go out of their way to kill small groups or solo players unless the small group / solo player attacks them first.
These EU PVP raids seem ruthless xD
I think that´s wrong. Open world and large scale pvp lives of their community. If all you can expect from enemies is to be viewed as a walking ap piniata that has to be belittled after you slaughtered him without a fighting chance the community has a problem.
I've been on both sides of this.
As a small man we were known to the point that DiE used to chase us down and kill us on sight. That's not cancer, that's a sign of respect. If you're smart you come to an understanding like we used to have with Sypher: if you hit our back line we will chase you down until you're dead, otherwise we won't attack you.
As a raid lead, I can say that a large part of chasing down 1s and 2s is teaching them to avoid us and to keep my raid moving in one direction. If I'm constantly getting AD or EP players hovering around my line, pulling off players and such, eventually I'll just call a hunt and exterminate every living thing so I can move on in peace.
This patch hasn't helped at all tho. Now every random player wants to try to dive bomb your group
Lava_Croft wrote: »This is basically the gist of it. They have no trouble ganking down loners 4 to 1, but when its 16 vs their 4, the crying ensues.