Wreuntzylla wrote: »OP, I think you meant to argue that ZoS should make it so that content never requires a tank or healer.
ztyhurstub17_ESO wrote: »
I'm not sure that was the conclusion that I was reaching for...
My intention of this post is to start a conversation about making tanking more fun so more people will want to do it so I can get groups in a reasonable amount of time on a DPS or Healer as well.
I like tanking as it is, but there are a lot of people that find it "not fun", so my thought was to appeal to those and see if we can discuss ways to make it more fun.
There are those that think that standing there with a taunt and a block is not true tanking and is boring (and I would agree), but I would rather have the player that is ok with that kind of tanking and get a successful run of a dungeon than wait 45 minutes for a "proper" tank when I want to run something other than my tank.
the state of DPS vs Tanks is well demonstrated in this video.
You can watch the whole thing or skip to 2:20https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqb0EdLP9Uc
AFrostWolf wrote: »
This pretty much. When I'm full on 100% tanky and get shredded by dps you know something is wrong. I'm sacrificing all damage for survival, so I'm doing my thing by not being able to kill you via lack of damage, it's only fair that you can't kill me because of my defense. It SHOULD take more than 1 DPS to kill a tank. That is our job. Our job is to soak up tons of damage but not be able to deal any. DPS might as well be using assault rifles against us in the current state of tanking. Tanks need to be buffed.
Wreuntzylla wrote: »OP, I think you meant to argue that ZoS should make it so that content never requires a tank or healer.
There is a gaming theory that goes something like this. Most players that spend a significant amount of money in a cash shop are solo DPS with limited game time, and strongly prefer to run out and pew pew with at least someone dying before they die, at least some of the time. To prevent disorganized players from being greatly disadvantaged by organized players, a high DPS and low survivability environment is required. Under this model, the population will drop, but it will hit a comfortable level and because most of the remaining players are affluent, the revenue stream will not change.
As applied to this game, the continuous nerfs to healing and tanking over time (HNoT and TNoT) make it clear that ZoS adheres to this theory. This is the way the game has been heading for quite some time as demonstrated by the HNoT and TNoT. Even nightblade tanking, although not talked about much, took a big hit this patch.
This is why I dislike any non-subscription, cash shop model no matter if it is P2W or not. I also dislike non-subscription models without a cash shop, because under that model, issues are rarely or slowly fixed. I don't think this will change much for future games as subscription models don't have the ability to milk the big spenders.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »It is normal from dps to have to wait and wait and wait some more for a group. It is also normal ok MMOs to have fewer tanks available than other roles.
The stamina regen changes did not hurt tanking. In reality it helped tanking. Tanks are required to be more engaged with the combat and alert to the action. This was a good change vs the boring and overly simplistic taunt and block tanking that was done before. Granted, some tanks may have found it challenging to adjust.
To the discussion concerning aoe taunts, absolutely not. It's not needed and would be horrible for the game. Main reason is we do not need to tank everything. We should focus on the biggest and baddest, though to many mob groups in the older content had mob groups that were a little to equal.
Tanking is also minddumbingly boring imho. Essentially all a tank has to do is taunt -> hold block until taunt is about to run out -> taunt. That is the essence of tanking in ESO, anything else you do is extra but generally not needed.
The latest nerf was the no-stamina regeneration when blocking change. This forces tanks to not block everything, and preferably use heavy attacks. However this does not help tanking be more fun, on the contrary, tanks will still hold block for most of the time in boss fights for fear of a damage spike killing them, and the lack of stamina/magicka regeneration means due to the change will now struggle to do anything 'extra' even if they want to. Atm it feels like I'm fighting my stamina bar more than the boss I'm tanking.
If that's what your tank is doing, then your tank is terribad and making the dungeon way harder for the rest of the group.Tanking is also minddumbingly boring imho. Essentially all a tank has to do is taunt -> hold block until taunt is about to run out -> taunt. That is the essence of tanking in ESO, anything else you do is extra but generally not needed.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Yes, this would be really boring... fortunately, there's a little more to tanking than permablocking and crying about stamina regen nerfs.
I rarely hold block "most of the time". Very rarely. I'm too busy keeping up DOTs, throwing heals (obsidian shards), locking down trash, pulling mobs away from ranged players, stunning, snaring, buffing etc.
Somewhere in there, I'll have time for a couple of heavy attacks to help out my resource pool, but I certainly don't just stand around with my shield up my arse.
That said, it is the fear of being hit by a damage spike that keeps me feeling alive. Sure, I know I can block (or survive) most heavy hits, but I can't think of anything more lame than just hiding behind my shield. That's not tanking - that's getting carried.
If you're not putting the work in, then yes, I can see it being really boring. But only because you're doing it wrong.
You couldn't be more wrong. The tank's job is to control the battlefield. That includes making sure the boss is where you want him to be, pointed where you want him to point, and attacking the tank. That also means you're controlling adds appropriately (via taunts, snares, roots, etc). That also means you're keeping yourself alive so you can keep doing that (which means heals, blocking when appropriate, applying damage debuffs, applying shields, applying resistance buffs), and helping your teammates accomplish their jobs (this means applying buffs to them - usually the same ones you're buffing yourself with, and contributing to the group DPS). If you're not doing all of that you're a bad tank.
As a tank you have 2 primary responsibilities. The first one is to keep your teammates alive by having the boss attack you. The second one is to survive so you can do the first one. Any action you take that does not help those 2 primary responsibilities is a luxury. You say a tank that does everything to be as difficult to kill as possible is being carried by his team, I say a tank that focusses on doing damage rather than those 2 primary responsibilities is being carried by his team.
Now, most MMO's have the agro/threat mechanic to keep tanking interesting. A tank needs to use his attacks to keep agro, usually tanks do less damage (which is a bad mechanic btw) but this is compensated by their damage counting as being higher (ay double) for the purpose of threat. Taunts are only emergency tools when you lose aggro. In addition there are usually team support tools where you have the ability to actually help teammembers in need by intercepting damage, changing position with them etc...etc..
ESO lacks the tanking dynamic the agro/threat system brings, but doesn't give an interesting alternative. All in my humble opinion of course.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
damtotb16_ESO wrote: »Few weeks ago i tanked last boss in VDSA as a dps nb maybe 5 min just using dodge roll and vigor, what a joke!
damtotb16_ESO wrote: »5 min
And this, ladies and gents, shows that this mythical "high dps" that "everyone" presumably has is not a problem, since with 5 minutes on that boss dps clearly wasnt very high (especially for 3 dds). Its just nerfs to mob's damage and skippable mechanics that make the game too easy.damtotb16_ESO wrote: »last boss in VDSA
Whatzituyah wrote: »
Why not Battlemechs/Omnimechs from battletech?
Tanking is also minddumbingly boring imho. Essentially all a tank has to do is taunt -> hold block until taunt is about to run out -> taunt. That is the essence of tanking in ESO, anything else you do is extra but generally not needed.
@Wreuntzylla ,
Do you also apply game theory when you PVP ? swapping different build set ups on the same character behind a costume at a 70/20/10 rate ?
Posts like your one above are rare... and thinking about it, you produce the next (kind of similar angle) in the "So many are furious ...." thread.
Yes, ZOS is applying min-max to her scope of customer profiles.... assessing the total customer value of each customer profile.... and transforming the game towards the highest company value.
How articulated intentional this happens ? No clue.... Many companies do the same from gut feeling alone.
And because ZOS has to grow (grow or wither !), bigger volumes of customers MUST be attracted as well.
The ideal customer profile has players that are loyal (a high retention rate), spend generous crowns, spread a good reputation of the game (low whining/ranting rate).
If all players would be like that AND there would be enough of them, ZOS would make heaps of profit and would from pure risk avoidance behaviour, spend heaps of money as well to get issues fixed fast.
Any customer that fits above customer profile description, whether it is pew-pew in PVP for 1-2 hours, doing a trial with your comrades, some role playing, just some questing to get the daily dust washed away.... should be cherished by ZOS.
100% to the topic:
Tanks are most of the time very responsible and loyal customers !!! (group Healers as well).
So increasing the chance that a DPS pew-pew can have his several moments of glory against stronger/better organised players is certainly very important.
But the way this good purpose is now implemented at the expense of Tanks (healers) is not ok for me. That can be done better !!!
the state of DPS vs Tanks is well demonstrated in this video.
You can watch the whole thing or skip to 2:20https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqb0EdLP9Uc
ztyhurstub17_ESO wrote: »My make tanking more fun list:
1. Make better ways to retrieve stamina in PVE while blocking. If you want to be lazy then just make the no stamina regen while blocking feature a PVP battle spirit thing and let PVE tanks spend time and resources doing something other than getting stamina back.