If a group geared like you said does what you said, then the fight will be over in 3 seconds. I don't think this will create any huge lag problems. Shorter fights = less strain on the server.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just to confirm, below are the only sets that will be available from Rewards for the Worthy when the Thieves Guild update goes live:For the item sets listed above, we will be increasing the drop rate so you are guaranteed to receive a piece from one of these item sets each time, rather than only having a small chance to receive a piece from a large pool of possibilities. You will still be able to obtain the previously-available item sets from the Alliance vendors, and we are currently evaluating plans to alter their wares in the future (both to change the exact sets they offer, and to bring their wares up to VR16).
- Vicious Death
- Transmutation
- Marksman’s Crest
- Leki’s Focus
- Fasalla’s Guile
- Warrior’s Fury
Moving forward, we will regularly cycle out older item sets from Rewards of the Worthy so you are given a greater opportunity to acquire the newest item sets, and older item sets will be purchasable from the Alliance vendors.
Spoken like someone without enough pvp experience to know that whenever multiple meteors are cast at the same time the game lags to ***.
PVP will still be unplayable with loads of bugs/exploits and performance/lag issues.
RNG will be all over the place.
The DLC pve content and map is lacking and tiny. Lacking group content also, one trial is not enough.
They have failed to fix balance issues and broken skills issues...
Most of the issues on PTS will be pushed to live because they already have a published marketing release date....
Stop buying crap in the crown store maybe just maybe ZOS will start changing their ways....unlikely though. They will still do nothing and milk the crap out of this train until it's dead.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOCD_Jzre3c
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Just wanted to point out, jokes on us: drop rate doesn't matter when no one gets Rewards mails.
@NerfPlease the rate of reward mails is one every 20k AP. They changed it for this patch too. You should update your math..
I opened over 300 mails today.. 96% useless things.
you only need jewelry in the following cases:
1) you want two complete 5-item set while using staves (or bow) whereas one of them is crafted / not not have jewelry, i.e. not an issue with winterborn, etc
2) you want to safe money on willpower jewelry (not really)
3) your build, for some reason, is magicka and needs zero magicka regen (keep in mind glyphs, mundus and food vs drink can be adjusted)
4) your build is not optimal
let me elaborate on 3+4. willpower is 3 items and offers 2 stats with 1.5 fold strength. this means you actually get 1 stat per item. this is not possible with any other 2-4 peice combination. 5 piece stes gives you 4/5 stats per item, but the unique final 5ers make up for that. this is why 1) is somewhat legit (though really very niche, imho)
2) should make somewhat tie the price to that of willpower jewelry. i pointed out why you don't want to miss out on willpower. so what you could do with vicious is replace a weapon. but if you use dropped weapons, that should be msa staves and if you use crafted you prefer nirnhoned.
In summary, I'd instantly sell any vicious death jewelry (that comes in relatively few traits) and buy chest/leg/gloves/belt/shoes with perfect traits.
if anything, golden campaign rewards are worth considering. but on my current chars, i'd certainly prefer
3 willpower, 1 kena, 1 bloodspawn, msa staff over anything involving VD jewelry
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Exactly this ^
There's no need to replace Willpower in most cases, especially if you use Clever Alchemist because you can simply buff up with a potion on your resto bar.