Expect to see HIGH on Alchemist DOPE set NB Gankers from the day1. yeah,you guessed it right...it's coming....and it's bad....
I know, i made that screenshot and it's my inventory out there on picture. Since I'm not a member of Sigma Draconis and don't think i ever saw you in game, i have to ask you - how did you got that screenshot? I just want to understand how something that i posted in What's Up chat for internal use of my guildies, made his way up to official forum, and who is that person who made it happen.
I know, i made that screenshot and it's my inventory out there on picture. Since I'm not a member of Sigma Draconis and don't think i ever saw you in game, i have to ask you - how did you got that screenshot? I just want to understand how something that i posted in What's Up chat for internal use of my guildies, made his way up to official forum, and who is that person who made it happen.
NerfPlease wrote: »
@BEZDNA who cares?
and what if you figure out who posted your screenshot - what you will do with that person - kill him?
I do and plenty other ppl who don't want their private talks to become public. That screenshot is not harmful, but the fact that information from private chat made it's way up to official forum, is vary frightening, i hope you can understand such simple thing. Nothing criminal, but we'll find a way to deal wit that person.
OMG they just created a huge lag problem again . . . I can see it now . . 20 EP all geared with vicious death sets steamrolling into a group of noobs making everyone explode around them and dropping 20 meteors at once . . . our screens will look like this
If a group geared like you said does what you said, then the fight will be over in 3 seconds. I don't think this will create any huge lag problems. Shorter fights = less strain on the server.
ITT OP thinks his RNG luck is relevant to everyone and it's set in stone.
News flash OP, Sypher was doing a random video about sets while he was just showcasing the vendors in PvP vicious death jewellery was on sale ( purp ).
Your argument is really invalid because RNG!
You want proper stats let 10 people do this and get an average, one person is not good enough for stats.
1 person can do damage or healing stats, stuff like that but not drops come on!
NerfPlease wrote: »ok i get it, i think my mistak is in this
all sets has the same chances, but i calculated only one set
i think i need to sum all 6 % or purple rings and divide them to get average value
NerfPlease wrote: »ok i get it, i think my mistak is in this
all sets has the same chances, but i calculated only one set
i think i need to sum all 6 % or purple rings and divide them to get average value
joshisanonymous wrote: »
Maybe I should put it this way:
Imagine an 80 year old man has been playing the lottery every day since he was 20 and has never won. Does that mean that tomorrow he'll win the lottery? No, because the chance that he will win remains the same every single time. He'll probably convince himself that he's gonna win tomorrow, that's probably why he's been playing every day for 60 years, but he is no more likely to win than when he was 20.
WitchyWarrior wrote: »
joshisanonymous wrote: »
Don't play the lottery then.(It's mostly a tool the state uses to rob poor people of their money.)
willymchilybily wrote: »@joshisanonymous
if probability follows a bell distribution there will be outliers sure. but the more tests op does. even if he began as an outlier the more likely it is he will approach the actual drop chance.
As you say yourself every times he opens the chance is the same so whether he opens 700 mails or 7 people open 100 mails the accuracy of the results will be the same.
whether your 80 year old played the lottery everyday for 60 years or 60 twenty year olds played the lotto every day for one year. the odds of winning in that time would be the same. Though statistics would also claim he would be better buying 2 sets of numbers/tickets every other day for the same investment per annum.
Boy do I hate statistics its all nonsense
I don't really care all that much. If it drops, great, if it doesn't, i'll just keep using my old set. At least cyro won't be flooded with everyone using the new sets from day one.
NerfPlease wrote: »MY TESTS
10659 mails was opened
307 jewerly was looted - its 2.88% chance
37 purple jewerly was looted - its 0.34% chance
156 rings was looted - its 1.46% chance
137 blue rings was looted - its 1.28% chance
19 purple rings was looted - its 0.17% chance
2 purple Vicious Death rings was looted - its 0.018% chance
4 purple Marksman rings was looted - its 0.037% chance
4 purple Fury rings was looted - its 0.037% chance
4 purple Leki's rings was looted - its 0.037% chance
5 purple Fasalla's Guile rings was looted - its 0.046% chance
0 purple Transmutation rings was looted - its unknown chance
my speculation is - all sets has the same chances, lets calculate the average
19/6=3.16 purple rings of any set - its 0.029% chance
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »
How do these rates have anything to do with upcoming changes to live server? Everything will be much, much more rare. They gave us these mails with 100% set item drops so we could test the gear. On live server you will probably be lucky if you get even one blue set item out of hundreds of rewards for the worthy, and it will likely be something useless like Marksman ice staff.