MormondPayne_EP wrote: »I think that NB's need to stop crying so much...
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Do you agree with the new Shadow Cloak nerf in terms of not being able to cast the ability if marked, or revealed by Mage Light?
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Mark Target has a 60m range and last for 30 seconds Mark should be able to bypass shields if it can stop cloak from being casted all together.
Mark target is a nb skill, both can run it and fight on even grounds. Your complaing about your class skill defeating your class skill.
Run it or don't, if you don't then don't complain when people do.
kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »Mark Target has a 60m range and last for 30 seconds Mark should be able to bypass shields if it can stop cloak from being casted all together.
leepalmer95 wrote: »kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »leepalmer95 wrote: »Sure, the range isn't that large so as long as you get out of range just before the effect stops you can cloak again.
It effectively stops nb's from cloaking next to someone which when i'm literally about to hit you, you shouldn't hit a button and force me to miss.
Mark Target has a 60m range and last for 30 seconds Mark should be able to bypass shields if it can stop cloak from being casted all together.
Mark target is a nb skill, both can run it and fight on even grounds. Your complaing about your class skill defeating your class skill.
Run it or don't, if you don't then don't complain when people do.
kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »Mark Target has a 60m range and last for 30 seconds Mark should be able to bypass shields if it can stop cloak from being casted all together.
awesome! so because NB's are assasins! so they must doing most sucessful gangs etc, for this moment this poiercing mark without cast it on other nb to see him and dont let him run out in hide...without this work against nb this skill is useless for me, armor/speel resist reduction doesint stack with other its useless in 1vs1, in zer vs zerg itso only to try selfheal...just cast it on random and then waith idk how much time for dead this targed to selfheal if needed or for purge on him lol, odl mark target was been perrfect! 75% armor reductuin to targeg so very good start to gang but also for you is this armor reduction, so like to normal assasination! kill him or die!!like for now it may be to bypass dmg shield or minim 50% of these shield to good work this skill if may be not ovepowered.
you can use this skill only for 1 target so its will not be owerpowered, just use it on this sorc, you have still debuffing his armor using SA so armor reduction is useless from this skill for now, but if you can dealing 50% dmg to health bypassing shield it will be so good if then you can crit on health with nonstrit 50% dmg on shield
so normally 8k hit with crit, going to noncritabble 15k shield hitting be 4k normally but with piercing mark 2k and next 2k or 4k with crit to health, so low dmg so its not overpowered, and now you can dealing this not high dmg into health and slowly killing him and he now need to use normal heal, not only this 6k+ shield from resto and wait these few secs to heal..without shieldbreaker I think you finally chave chance to win agains shieldstactking sorc
because normally he just butting this 15k sorc shild for what you nheed to hit minimum 3 times to deastroy it and they 6k+ shield from sorc just stacking sorc shield to wait when resto shield heal him after few secs
now thanks this piercing mark sorc will need insta heal ability to selfheal without nonstop shieldstacking + crystal frag proc
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Mark Target has a 60m range and last for 30 seconds Mark should be able to bypass shields if it can stop cloak from being casted all together.
Mark target is a nb skill, both can run it and fight on even grounds. Your complaing about your class skill defeating your class skill.
Run it or don't, if you don't then don't complain when people do.
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Mark Target has a 60m range and last for 30 seconds Mark should be able to bypass shields if it can stop cloak from being casted all together.
Mark target is a nb skill, both can run it and fight on even grounds. Your complaing about your class skill defeating your class skill.
Run it or don't, if you don't then don't complain when people do.
You're talking about in a 1v1 aspect, which in a way is okay. But in an open world setting this is insanely unbalanced and unfair. You get marked by one person, suddenly 100 can see you and theres nothing you can do about it for ATLEAST 30 seconds because you can't cast the ability.
itscompton wrote: »EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Mark Target has a 60m range and last for 30 seconds Mark should be able to bypass shields if it can stop cloak from being casted all together.
Mark target is a nb skill, both can run it and fight on even grounds. Your complaing about your class skill defeating your class skill.
Run it or don't, if you don't then don't complain when people do.
You're talking about in a 1v1 aspect, which in a way is okay. But in an open world setting this is insanely unbalanced and unfair. You get marked by one person, suddenly 100 can see you and theres nothing you can do about it for ATLEAST 30 seconds because you can't cast the ability.
Umm..there is something you can do about it
Its called Purge..its what every NB does about it.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »They've effectively made Shadow Cloak useless and Mage Light OP all at the same time.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »They've effectively made Shadow Cloak useless and Mage Light OP all at the same time.
Waffennacht wrote: »Check out my OP innerlight brah, it like takes up two slots and I get 5% more magicka! Can you feel the burn???
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »I'm seeing a lot of people so set that cloak is OP, and that they shouldn't be allowed to cloak and that Nightblades should "l2p". And from what I've seen as in the signatures, most of them are Sorcerers. LOL
I'm playing nb since beta....nom I'm stamina
so for this moment I getting most deaths by nb, why? because is here 50% players playing as nb.
I dont have with this problem, about 25% these kills are from just gang from morre than only 1 ganger lol, I dont have any problems to defend gang by NBand more of these deaths by NB are from zergs...because in zergs are more NB hahaha but nvm ;p
now lest see on kills....also most of kills are on NB...
do you see?
NB...has good burst to kill...and he himself is very easy to kill if he cant use cloak...yeees more of these NB kills are because i have marked himand they dont have any chance to win fight and thats is it.
when I fighting with nb I deprive him cloak aaaand? and he is just on way to fast death if istn on magica build with resto to heal more, for shield(uncritable)
this fight agains nb who cant use cloak will be like fight agains sorc WHO CANT USE SHIELDS, he is then nothing specially hard to kill
but on normal pvp however sorc shield wins against nb cloak..why? because shield is so huga, can be staced more, uncritabble and this is sure defense in open fight and you can attacks with this when cloak ist...if you arent vampire to spam this ulti or using magica deto...cloak isnt that great as shield, with shield you have the best possible defense without blocking when with cloak...need just lag to bad work with it, spme aoe etc, det potion and then closk is pretty useless, you can only some wait with regens, buff in cloak if you can be cloaked when with shielkd you can nonstop fight with buffing, healing.
I saw some moments... few peoples trying to kill 1 nb(no vampire, no deto, he is just running out) they has problem to kill him, I just used piercing mark and then what? just 1-2 second of nuke and NB died
when I saw when sorc is trying to run out they he you using teleport with shields aand? still problem to kill him in 10 people when he is nonsatop visible, when some players got him....he can without problems kill them, just agains stack shields, curse on someone and then crystal frag proc, sorc when running can in same time attacks the chasing peoples and just kill them with good combo and keeping shields and run again.
when nb need for this very high burst to kills someone because he cant cast shields for 20k and be hitting then for 4-5k..its easily to tank 2, 3, 4 people and slowlny killing someone when nb need from hide ffast burst someone to kill..because no shield and he also can be very very fast bursted by these 2-4 people, he can take 3-5max hits without shields when sorc can with shield take 4-5 hits and then again use shield and live when nb just die in this moment if dont run into hide
so for end...nb have hight burst..but if he have this hight burst he can be also very easily killed
on this new patch if we see its now more for sorc to be new FOTM
just se on him, in cp he getting better burst in dmg, elemental with magic dmg in 1 skill tree, + psyhical resist + useles kills in cp agains damage shield (useless for today cp cap)
so sorc as sorc new FOTM...he will have burst like nb...ahh better than nb because all getting psyhical resist agains stamina build(so more NB's) and no any nerfs to dmg shields
Sorc will hit very hard and will be VERY HARD TO KILL with these shieldspam
EDIT: so with this patch...stamina NB can kill someone only with gang! ooh sorry, it was joke, nobody than some stam build can be now ganged thanks this new inner light, asasination class going to trash...because now it will be impossible to gank someone with this inner light, psyhical resist, buff to dmg for magica builds when stamina builds still has f*****g magic dmg dealing stamina skills
and now NB can fight only in open fight when they cant do any assasination from hide era for magic build and pvp an only heavy armored stamina builds to more survivability because medium armor for max dps for gang will be now useless.