Elfdominion4 wrote: »Elfdominion4 wrote: »Waiting for the Altmer one.
hm, the artistic version of it, which I use as my current wallpaper on the gaming-PC, that artwork with the real actress in it, looks far better, has no hood but a cloak instead and is dark-leather-brown, not black. I am not excited about what I see in that picture of yours, but I would want that nice looking art version which I see every day on my PC-desktop - with a cloak, not hooded. What is the point of having hairstyles, when most costumes come with a hood or helmet?-
Elfdominion4 wrote: »Elfdominion4 wrote: »Waiting for the Altmer one.
hm, the artistic version of it, which I use as my current wallpaper on the gaming-PC, that artwork with the real actress in it, looks far better, has no hood but a cloak instead and is dark-leather-brown, not black. I am not excited about what I see in that picture of yours, but I would want that nice looking art version which I see every day on my PC-desktop - with a cloak, not hooded. What is the point of having hairstyles, when most costumes come with a hood or helmet?-
"this document is available only to it's owner" - so I cannot look at it, sorry.
Doncellius wrote: »Imperial City - - - - - 2,500 crowns
Orsinium - - - - - - - - 3,000 crowns
Thieve's Guild - - - - - 2,000 crowns
...... Nord Hero costume --> 2,000 crowns
Wanna play a DLC with a new awesome zone, storyline, stealing-quest stystem, passive skill line, delves, world bosses, 12-MAN TRIAL, many new sets, and more... or get this costume that only looks vaguely okay on tall, buff, bearded Nords?
Elfdominion4 wrote: »
Elfdominion4 wrote: »
Elfdominion4 wrote: »
Nope I'm not a sheep. I don't follow everyone else and try and be like everyone else. FOTM is so boring. It's rather annoying seeing everyone trying to be like each other.
It's actually quite the opposite. From most anecdotal evidence the majority of people didn't purchase the Nord costume, which makes you the sheep.
i don't understand why people complain about the nord hero costume when there's motifs for sale in the crown store that cost 5000 crows.. and you can find those in-game, or even buy them for in-game gold. not to mention that the limited senche's and the bear cost more than 2000 crowns, and they're purely cosmetic too. what's the fuss?
Nope I'm not a sheep. I don't follow everyone else and try and be like everyone else. FOTM is so boring. It's rather annoying seeing everyone trying to be like each other.
It's actually quite the opposite. From most anecdotal evidence the majority of people didn't purchase the Nord costume, which makes you the sheep.
So @vyrusb23 ... to NOT be "sheep"... and to go against the herd... to be different... we need to buy a costume that makes us look like all the other people that bought the costume?
Sounds to me like there is a wild and wonderful plethora of animals out there all playing to their own beat and expressing their own individuality.Then just some of them go off to be the same... and follow a pattern and do as the others do. These do as they are expected without question and go where they are told.
Just because there are MORE animals that choose NOT to follow the expectations and be the same as others doesn't mean that those are the sheep. Sheep status isn't earned by numbers... sheep status is earned by behavior.
Follow the expectation of buying whatever twaddle ZOS puts in the crownstore for whatever price they ask for it. Flow through the gate of consumerism when they're opened every month and you get the notice when you log into ESO. Put on your new shiny costume that will make you look like all those that have done the same as you and be content that you, and all those who are doing the same as you... are NOT the sheep. You're the rebel... You're unique... You are your own person who can't be lead or coerced into following the pattern of expectations that has been laid before you
I'll just Bahh and not buy the $20 same-as-you costume.
Nope I'm not a sheep. I don't follow everyone else and try and be like everyone else. FOTM is so boring. It's rather annoying seeing everyone trying to be like each other.
It's actually quite the opposite. From most anecdotal evidence the majority of people didn't purchase the Nord costume, which makes you the sheep.
So @vyrusb23 ... to NOT be "sheep"... and to go against the herd... to be different... we need to buy a costume that makes us look like all the other people that bought the costume?
Sounds to me like there is a wild and wonderful plethora of animals out there all playing to their own beat and expressing their own individuality.Then just some of them go off to be the same... and follow a pattern and do as the others do. These do as they are expected without question and go where they are told.
Just because there are MORE animals that choose NOT to follow the expectations and be the same as others doesn't mean that those are the sheep. Sheep status isn't earned by numbers... sheep status is earned by behavior.
Follow the expectation of buying whatever twaddle ZOS puts in the crownstore for whatever price they ask for it. Flow through the gate of consumerism when they're opened every month and you get the notice when you log into ESO. Put on your new shiny costume that will make you look like all those that have done the same as you and be content that you, and all those who are doing the same as you... are NOT the sheep. You're the rebel... You're unique... You are your own person who can't be lead or coerced into following the pattern of expectations that has been laid before you
I'll just Bahh and not buy the $20 same-as-you costume.
I don't think anyone is a "sheep" for buying or not buying the Nord costume. I'm merely pointing out the glaring hypocrisy evident in his post. He wants to be different. Like all the other different people. He wants to assert his individualtiy along with others, who are different like him. So, just like all of the different people, he chose not to purchase the Nord costume. He behaved just like all of the different people.
Seriously, if you want to get into semantics, people who wear the Nord costume are not the same. They have different names. They have different classes. They have different power tray setups. They have different gear.
Nobody is a "sheep." Including you.
Nope I'm not a sheep. I don't follow everyone else and try and be like everyone else. FOTM is so boring. It's rather annoying seeing everyone trying to be like each other.
It's actually quite the opposite. From most anecdotal evidence the majority of people didn't purchase the Nord costume, which makes you the sheep.
So @vyrusb23 ... to NOT be "sheep"... and to go against the herd... to be different... we need to buy a costume that makes us look like all the other people that bought the costume?
Sounds to me like there is a wild and wonderful plethora of animals out there all playing to their own beat and expressing their own individuality.Then just some of them go off to be the same... and follow a pattern and do as the others do. These do as they are expected without question and go where they are told.
Just because there are MORE animals that choose NOT to follow the expectations and be the same as others doesn't mean that those are the sheep. Sheep status isn't earned by numbers... sheep status is earned by behavior.
Follow the expectation of buying whatever twaddle ZOS puts in the crownstore for whatever price they ask for it. Flow through the gate of consumerism when they're opened every month and you get the notice when you log into ESO. Put on your new shiny costume that will make you look like all those that have done the same as you and be content that you, and all those who are doing the same as you... are NOT the sheep. You're the rebel... You're unique... You are your own person who can't be lead or coerced into following the pattern of expectations that has been laid before you
I'll just Bahh and not buy the $20 same-as-you costume.
I don't think anyone is a "sheep" for buying or not buying the Nord costume. I'm merely pointing out the glaring hypocrisy evident in his post. He wants to be different. Like all the other different people. He wants to assert his individualtiy along with others, who are different like him. So, just like all of the different people, he chose not to purchase the Nord costume. He behaved just like all of the different people.
Seriously, if you want to get into semantics, people who wear the Nord costume are not the same. They have different names. They have different classes. They have different power tray setups. They have different gear.
Nobody is a "sheep." Including you.
And I take the exact opposite opinion. EVERYONE is a sheep. Including me.It's one of those situations where knowing you are a thing doesn't mean you can not be that thing.
Oh... and I'll probably end up buying the Daggerfall costume when that comes out. That looks kinda awesome. Hypocrite much? You know it baby!