nordsavage wrote: »The costume, even on my built for it nord, is missing the essence of what was in the super-cut video. It really does need the banner off the pauldrons, the color is off, the battle scarring is absent and the armor proportions are off. I really would love to have had the hair and beard of the hero. Sadly, I have been hoping for it from day one and was disappointed. Overpriced or not if it was any where near what it should/could have been I would not have thought twice about buying it. I might pick it up if it is discounted down the line or re-offered with improved visuals for full price.
Funny people complain about an ICONIC costume costing 2000 Crown when mounts- which are just reskins- cost 2500 Crown and there were fewer complaints about that; especially considering a mount isn't used/seen nearly as often as a costume. I had no problems spending 2000 Crown on the costume, even though I most likely won't use it very often, but I have also spent the 2500 Crown before on limited availability mounts.
I think ZOS wanted to make the costume appeal to fewer people because it is an iconic costume, which is meant to be more appealing to collectors and die-hard ESO fans than every single player- which is also why they had such a limited time for availability. If ZOS made the costume in order to make money, they would have made it a permanent addition to the store, but instead, made it extremely limited in availability. So it seems, ZOS values these iconic costumes more than they care about making money off of them.
LiquidSchwartz wrote: »Elfdominion4 wrote: »Waiting for the Altmer one.
you know this is a bosmer (wood elf) right?
It's a reference to the cinematic trailers. Skyrim didn't have this armor.Out of sheer principle, I would not buy it, even if I like it.
That much for a COSTUME? Just because its a Skyrim reference??
Beyond pathetic.
ContraTempo wrote: »It's got to be frustrating for the DLC teams to see some guy with an art program pump out a new costume set in a week and price it the same as their DLC. And GET that much for it. As a programmer I would be SO frustrated at that.
i don't understand why people complain about the nord hero costume when there's motifs for sale in the crown store that cost 5000 crows.. and you can find those in-game, or even buy them for in-game gold. not to mention that the limited senche's and the bear cost more than 2000 crowns, and they're purely cosmetic too. what's the fuss?
because the motif are optainable in the game by effort. sure people can pay for them but we WANT them to pay top dollar. if they don't the P2W road is near. we don't wan't to go that road.
and the only way to get the armor is paying for it forgot to add ;P