Julianos is a solid set.
What I currently have on my NB as a magicka DPS/Healer: 5 Julianos, 1 Kena, 3 Willpower, 2 Torug's Pact.
My templar's off-heal spec is currently wearing hand-me-downs from her big sisters. She has 5 Martial Knowledge, 3 soulshine and I think the rest is Eyes of Mara, but I haven't played her for healing in a month because I was away and unable to do dungeons, so I'd have to double check.
Kragenac's Hope is a good set too, I hear. I'm going to use that for my Magicka NB in PvP to replace the Julianos part of her set.
I only use one piece of Kena, as that gives spell power. I don't have a helm, but I don't really care for the bonus, particularly for healing.
The Engine Guardian is a good one to have if you are trouble maintaining resources. I don't have a helm for that, so I never tried it myself.
Spell Power Cure is amazing for pretty much everything, however you'll be living in vWGT for the next few months.
freespirit wrote: »Do you routinely run Inner Light?
If so the setup I listed above gives me 48.3% crit.
I'm using the Apprentice Mundus atm for the extra spell damage.
freespirit wrote: »Mages Guild first skill
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »Well I currently run with Spell Power Cure, but it's hard to get without having decent gear to begin with. My recomendation is:
3 willpower jewelry
5 Julianos (best for pve, good for pvp) or Kagrenacs Hope (best for pvp, good for pve)
2 torugs pact
1 molag kena
5 light, 1 heavy, 1 medium armor pieces
Resto + Destro staff for pve healing and buffing (magicka sorcerers and dk's often rely on healer casting Elemental Drain on bosses).
Resto + Dual Wield for pvp, and pve healing and buffing (if you play with DD's that don't use elemental damage).
Resto + 1hand&shield for pve if you wish to off tank, or pvp for better survival.
I use 5 Julianos / 4 Trinimac / 1 Kena / 2 Torug's swords / resto staff (will be Maelstrom if I ever get one).
I'm really enjoying it, lots of spell damage and solid sustain.
@Lightninvash yes it is worth 5 pieces, just cast 1-2 heals before you engage in combat. I prefer to use Rapid Regeneration but anything goes.Lightninvash wrote: »wow this does look nice but is it worth having all 5 pieces or is it better to use 4?
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »@Lightninvash yes it is worth 5 pieces, just cast 1-2 heals before you engage in combat. I prefer to use Rapid Regeneration but anything goes.
Lightninvash wrote: »So I just decided to finish and grind out 2 more levels and get my main to vet 16 instead of being an altoholic. Now I am looking into Solid gear for him. What would be a good set for a healer build that can still do some damage so I am not just a healbot. Just curious so when I finish my armor grind I have an idea on what I want. I do rather like the julianos set( currently wear and another that I cant remember). I run DW and resto staff 5 light 1 med 1 heavy. I would like more crit I recently re rolled my attributes giving me less hp (but healer so...) and like 20% more crit. I am at 40.7% crit and that has seemed to work much better than having the higher hp because I deal more damage and heal harder.
With this what would be a good armor set for PVE mostly I do pvp and I will need another set for that specifically(I know that much). Any suggestions would be helpful.
Lightninvash wrote: »
as far as recovery goes is it better to have high recovery or high max magicka or try and utilize a mixture of both?
freespirit wrote: »@Lightninvash, I would say level Inner Light straight away extra magicka and 10% extra spell crit is too good to miss out on....
I always have it on both bars and always toggled on, it's got to be worth looking in to........
Another one that can be helpful for extra spell damage is Structured Entropy, morph of Entropy also Mages Guild, this one also increases health when slotted........
In a group situation not really best use of a slot but I love it whilst doing solo PVE.
Hi , for heal and dps ? hum . i like:
-5 spell power cur
-2 sword torug
-maesltrom restoration staff
-2 kena
some heal , heal and do 20 K dps simultaneously . for the second boss of the imperial city prison . it's Amazing
The 5-pce of SPC is what you're after (oh, and they've changed it now so the buff lasts 10 secs, but only has a 50% chance of proccing, meaning you should keep that Mutagen up!). But it's an amazing set that not only biffs your own heals but increases the Magicka DD chars DPS by a fair bit.
Well I don't know the specifics WRT the math, but recovery is a big help when you're learning to heal the tougher fights in endgame dungeons. Previously I was running without Trinimac and using 3 Willpower / 1 more Torug's instead. I was having trouble keeping my magicka up even while standing in rune focus and weaving heavy attacks. Switching to use more sustain has been helping a lot when it comes time to heal through certain boss mechanics.
It's only 1 piece of Molag Kena that provides spell damage + weapon damage, so if you are stamina based you benefit from the weapon damage, and if you are magicka based then you benefit from the spell damage.Lightninvash wrote: »so a mixture of that and which set would be a good end game combination? I see the kena set adds weapon damage that helps even magic users?(this is a tad confusing to me lol)
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »It's only 1 piece of Molag Kena that provides spell damage + weapon damage, so if you are stamina based you benefit from the weapon damage, and if you are magicka based then you benefit from the spell damage.
If you wear 5 julianos or kagrenacs hope, then you have 2 slots left for armor. One for Molag Kena head or shoulder, other for Torugs Pact which you can combine with your weapons to gain the set bonuses.
Some websites show screenshots from PTS, from before DLC's where released, so the information they show is sometimes outdated. I just googled Molag Kena, first image I found was one, where it only shows weapon dmg :P it's outdated information, and the set provides spell power too.
If you scroll down on this site, you will see the actual Molag Kena 1-piece buff: tamrielfoundry.com/topic/2-17-kitty-zap-endgame-sorcerer-dps-build/
nimander99 wrote: »Grats on VR16! Now say bye to it
Folks above already gave sound advice on sets.
Flameheart wrote: »I use Kagrenac for heals and Julianos as magicka DD.
Heals: 5 x Kagrenac, Torug helm, Torug weapons, willpower jewelry (arcane, cost reduction or magicka reg depends on your personal playstyle), until you get a Molag Kena shoulder use any undaunted shoulder piece which grants 1k life.
Julianos: same as above just 5 x Julianos, willpower with spell power enchantments.
Always: 5 light, 1 heavy, 1 medium. Still using "divine" for small armor pieces and "infused" for large ones. Maybe I change all to divine for the DD set.
As mundus I use the Thief always.
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »@Lightninvash yesIt's viable for templar magicka DD's and healers. Spell power cure is not a requirement for healers, but it boosts the overall damage of the team enough, to be extremely wanted in most teams, specially for trial teams.
Also how did you spend your champion points? Your crit seems a bit low, considering that you run with thief mundus...
Btw. I also have thief ...I miss my regen from The Atronach, but I give better heals and more damage with thief Q_Q