What do you guys think of an Elder Scrolls TV or movie series?

  • lagrue
    I like the cinematic trailers for this game and how they string together.

    That said I'm not too sure I'd feel about an actual narrative point A to point B tv show or movie.

    One of the biggest worries is of course how bad Argonians and Khajit would end up looking unless it was explicitly an animated series.
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

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  • huntgod_ESO
    It's likely a non starter as a live action film or TV series, but it could be very successful as an anime style project, either going full out hyper realism, similar to the cinematics and trailers, though that is pricey, or going with a more traditional animation style, like Star Wars Resistance or the DC and Marvel animation styles.

    It has so many elements that would work and transition well to an animated series.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • max_only
    Recalls the World of Warcraft movie.


    I thought it was good enough. There isn’t a coherent story in WoW, which is why the movie wasn’t compelling. Nothing happens in Azeroth in a way that ends. That’s why

    I think the story of the Tribunal would make for a great miniseries. People love trilogies, and it has a beginning, middle, and finite end. I think they could go full GoT with the tribunal’s story.

    Even though I’m not a fan of Dunmer, the story of the Three false gods, the betrayal of one friend, the abandonment of another, their contrived means of staying in power, etc is actually a good one.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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  • theyancey
    They will be eyeing The Witcher on Netflix. If it succeeds, and it does look great, then we could end up seeing an Elder Scrolls series.
  • Dave
    It's a bit of a risk for a popular series like Elder Scrolls imo. If it sucks the series will take a hit in popularity and that may be a risk Bethesda is unwilling to take.

    Witcher is doing really well though so who knows.
    The Original, The First, The Only, Dave.
  • colossalvoids
    Not in this netflix age for sure, I'd better have a book or even theatrical play now with some insane ayleid flesh gardens or clockwork machinery.
    In the future maybe, but it will hardly depend on what their target audience will be, so even less hope left.
  • WiseSky
    We already have an Eso movie and animation.

    Its about a lovely Khajit who becomes king.

    I think its called The Lion King
    Edited by WiseSky on December 23, 2019 5:19AM
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  • FierceSam
    Not for me Jeff.

    That said, it would totally depend on the story being told and the way it was done.

    I didn’t think you could make a genuinely funny film, let alone a series of them, from Lego bricks. So I guess anything is possible, although the track record of games becoming films is almost 100% godawful.

    Most game films start from the premise that they need to ‘honour the game’ and replicate the key elements of the game experience, rather than seeking out what makes a genuinely good narrative and telling that in a way that is effective for cinema or TV.

    ESO has a truly spectacular amount of lore and background from which stories could be told. So it could work. What I definitely don’t want is an extension of ZOS’s current adverts, a cinematic version of the part of the game I’m playing.
  • JPS

    Oh yeah! I can totally picture myself sitting at the cinema watching endless title screens and 'some actors' experiencing some difficulty getting onto the set....
  • idk
    Probably a bad idea.

    Think about it in reverse. Most games based on moves or TV shows have been pretty bad. Star Wars is a rare exception but being such a huge exception as it has had some good games. However, there have also been a great many Star Wars game so one would expect to have some decent games out of those masses.

    In comparison to the IP that is Star Wars TES is just a blip. So success would probably not be that great. Those that know about TES are mostly limited to the gaming world.
  • Tigerseye
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Hmm... an Elder Scrolls TV series. I wonder what that would look like. I'd imagine they would want to do a Game of Thrones kind of thing. The different "houses" could be the different racial factions of Tamriel... they can set it during the first Akaviri invasion so there's an external threat to battle.

    Yeah, that is how you would do it.

    Flipping from one racial area to another, to see what they were all doing at any one time and how it all interwove.

    A TV series approach, like GoT, would be better than trying to squeeze it all in to one movie (or even several movies) and losing most of the detail, in the process.
  • Tigerseye
    akdave0 wrote: »
    It would be difficult. Who would be the main characters? Anytime you get into a story with lore/cannon so deep as ESO, it becomes hard to choose. Fanbase gets mad that their favorite protagonist wasn't chosen, take to the internet and bash the thing until their fingers bleed. Shoot, ask 343 how the halo series is coming along.

    If you do a TV series you don't have to choose.

    You cover them all fairly equally - flipping from one to the other, along a timeline, like GoT.
  • rumple9
    Somehow I can't imagine Netflix commissioning a show that will be a 1 hour loadscreen
  • TheFM
    Would need to be a series in order to do it justice.
  • Hallothiel
    The problem with TES lore is that there is no real ‘hero’ to hang a story on - yes, there is in the game, as it’s you, the player - but how to turn that into a gripping saga? Tbh, love the games but think the lore is too complex & diffuse to be able to forge a decent story for the screen - which has different demands than there is for a game.

    And if it was done, however it was done, you can be damn sure that hordes would take to the internet to complain vociferously that it wasn’t true to ‘canon’.

    The Witcher is good as both the games and the tv show are based on books with decent coherent stories & interesting characters - this gives it a firm foundation that the Elder Scrolls just doesn’t have, sadly.
  • ku5h
    As long as Disney have nothing to do with it.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    it will probably revolve around filthy shaveskins! so id say no...for various reasons the way adaptations are made these days make me wanna puke :( so instead of having them ruining stuff...id say no.
    besides last thing I want is to see... "Skyrim - Rise of the Dragonborn"...JUST NO.
  • Raudgrani
    The backlash of extreme multiculturalism in the western world, is the interest in eurocentric themes like Skyrim, Vikings, Game of Thrones and so forth - so any Skyrim/Nord themed (or maybe even Breton) would at the very least not be an economic loss.

    I would be pretty careful about such a movie/series. I mean, the WOW movie was like, really, really bad. Never played the game, but the movie was awful. Same thing with that Ultramarines (Warhammer) movie. I think they demanded nothing less than Peter Jackson for making an Elder Scrolls movie, and I think that's a pretty good idea. BUT... What had Peter Jackson done before LOTR? Like, Braindead etc? Not exactly some sort of mega multi billion career before LOTR....
  • Cously
    Maybe in 10 years when the current crop of "woke" film makers are obsolete or have Peter Jackson do it and we should be ok.

    Between movie and TV series, the latter is better because we have endless lore and they can milk it so good done right.
  • Neoealth
    Nice necro.

    I'd love to see a movie or TV series. But only if it was really well done and canon.
  • Salix_alba
    Defiance the game and tv show I liked the show never thought about playing the game

    It might be great but then again it might go horribly wrong always remember
    the "Star Wars Christmas Special"
  • Donny_Vito
    I'm sure someone already mentioned this...but with so many posts I didn't read them all.

    But the new 'The Witcher' series on Netflix was very good. I can totally see a TES show/series being just as successful. This might be a hot topic (drop the word Skyrim and watch the fallout), but I think it'd have to be something along the lines of a Dragonborn and his/her story arc. I wouldn't want it to just be a GoT knockoff, but mountains...dragons....magic....battles..... that kind of SciFi is very popular now. I'd be interested in watching it.
    Edited by Donny_Vito on December 23, 2019 4:30PM
  • Anotherone773
    Arkadius wrote: »
    Noone dares to say it, but I will: I summon you, @UweBoll <3

    Not even the Transporter could transport one of his movies into the black.
    lelink88 wrote: »
    The Witcher proof a bright future for Elder Scroll TV series. Hope Zos and HBO or Netflix will think about it seriously

    The Witcher is based on books not the video game. Video games do not have enough plot and character development to make a decent script....normally. However Elder Scrolls is unusual in its attention to lore,, storyline, and character development.

    They thought WoW would be a success but people had little interest in it as a movie outside of its fan base. The fact is at the end of the day WoW only managed to mostly capture the attention of fans of the game.

    For Elder Scrolls to succeed where others fail it would have to be based on the Lore and it would have to capture the attention of people who never even heard of the game. It would need to tell its story without using the game series as a crutch. It would need a great director and a great cast that has a background in theatre as opposed to no name c list actors or hollywood elites.

    Why theatre? Because those that act on stage have a far better imagination that leads to them being able to develop and portray a character that is nothing like them convincingly. Hollywood actors know how to follow instructions and if those instructions are not good there are very few actors who can make the characters not boring and wooden.

    I dont see it happening. It would be cool if it was done right, but i just dont see it happening especially not with the bad record of games to movies.
  • JamieAubrey
    I saw the trailers for Cats, so the Khajiit are fine xD

    I'd love a movie but it would have to be done right and from a studio that actually knows a bit about the ES Lore and BG ( see Sonic )
  • TheFM
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    The problem with TES lore is that there is no real ‘hero’ to hang a story on - yes, there is in the game, as it’s you, the player - but how to turn that into a gripping saga? Tbh, love the games but think the lore is too complex & diffuse to be able to forge a decent story for the screen - which has different demands than there is for a game.

    And if it was done, however it was done, you can be damn sure that hordes would take to the internet to complain vociferously that it wasn’t true to ‘canon’.

    The Witcher is good as both the games and the tv show are based on books with decent coherent stories & interesting characters - this gives it a firm foundation that the Elder Scrolls just doesn’t have, sadly.

    All they would need to do is use the typical archetype. For Daggerfall a breton, for morrowind a dunmer, oblivion an imperial, skyrim a nord, and then just use the most common type of warrior or mage in the lore for that area.
  • phuein
    I'm in, but it has to be fecking hardcore. Just like the lore and games. HARD CORE.
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  • max_only
    phuein wrote: »
    I'm in, but it has to be fecking hardcore. Just like the lore and games. HARD CORE.

    Studios with enough money to do it justice know that pg13 is where you get the most money. Yeah I’d like for it to have more blood but the ROI won’t be good enough to take the risk for most money-bags.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • lelink88
    I hope Amazon will do it. They rich and they want to jump into film industry
  • Sylvermynx
    Well.... personally.... I won't watch it. I don't do movies/tv and I'm so not interested in stuff like that - WoW movie.... UGH.

    If there's a market though, why not? I will ignore it like I do everything else movie/tv - but those who would enjoy it.... go for it.
  • bmnoble
    Would rather they focus on making more games/improving/fixing the ones that currently exist.

    Would you rather have a 2 hr movie/8 hr TV series or a 20 - 100+ hr game, with the money that would be used to make said movie or TV show?
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