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What do you guys think of an Elder Scrolls TV or movie series?

  • AngryNord
    No thanks. Computer games turned into movies rarely turn out well.
  • stewart.leslie76b16_ESO
    Only if Dead Gentlemen Productions make it (Zenimax providing the budget of course(and looking at their track record, it be big)). Big movie studios have a habit of ruining game cross overs. This needs to be a film/tv series made by gamers.
    I, as a loyal member of the Foamy Cult, do solemnly swear to live a logical life free of stupidity, ignorance and all round jack assery. I shall do my best to enlighten those in need of Squirrelly Wisdom in hope of one day ridding the world of human idiocy. This I swear.
  • PBpsy
    It would be such a bad C movie I would be compelled to see it.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • Arkadius
    Noone dares to say it, but I will: I summon you, @UweBoll <3
  • AmakarGranaen
    By the eight!


    This ISN'T the amulet of kings.

    Who are you? Who are you!? Why did you ask this?

    Only the strange mind of Uriel Septim could have brought up this idea that ISN'T the amulet of kings.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Spamming]
    Edited by ZOS_Alex on January 6, 2016 5:31PM
    Cthulhu is coming, look busy
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    They should make TES movies like these. ^^ A couple of my favorite animated Skyrim shorts.
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • Richard_Ralh
    tennant94 wrote: »
    If it would be as epic as eso trailers then yessssss
  • lelink88
    The Witcher proof a bright future for Elder Scroll TV series. Hope Zos and HBO or Netflix will think about it seriously
  • linoge63
    Commercial breaks would replace disconnections but what about the In combat bug and lag?
    Edited by linoge63 on December 22, 2019 3:07PM
  • TheImperfect
    A TV series would be great, made by the same people who made The Expanse or Battlestar Galactica. They have too much lore to really fit a film unless only one aspect of the lore and story was focused on. I'd still love to see either though as long as it was well done. The Witcher series seems to be going pretty well so it can be done. I love the in game cinematic so even a film done like that would be great.
  • TheImperfect
    Evergnar wrote: »
    After what I've seen w/ ESO, no thanks. I prefer videos/content done by TES fans & community members over corporations. I'm not knocking the content of ESO but rather the driving, corporate force behind it.

    You would need someone passionate about the story of Eso and the lore as a consultant with the final say on story and the creation.
  • akdave0
    It would be difficult. Who would be the main characters? Anytime you get into a story with lore/cannon so deep as ESO, it becomes hard to choose. Fanbase gets mad that their favorite protagonist wasn't chosen, take to the internet and bash the thing until their fingers bleed. Shoot, ask 343 how the halo series is coming along.
  • Unseelie
    I would like a series if it was on Amazon/Netflix because it would be too expensive for HBO/Starz. I would also only go for it if it was for mature audiences and did not tone down the adult parts of the game and world. If it happened naturally and they had a good showrunner I would be all for it but would not want them to force it to take advantage of a trend.
  • ArchMikem
    Unless its on par if not better than Lord of the Rings, then NO live action. Have Blur make it, feature length cgi cause their cinematics are fantastic.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • redgreensunset
    Recalls the World of Warcraft movie.

  • MLGProPlayer
    It could work as an anthology series using various lore books for inspiration.

    I'd watch a Dunmer origin story, for example.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on December 22, 2019 6:07PM
  • Deathlord92
    If made well it could be amazing and as an elder scrolls fan I’d be very excited about it 🙂
  • Gythral
    Why would I want to watch
    BSOD, Loading Screens, and "Waiting for previous request"!!!

    does not seem like good TV/Movie to me :wink:
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Acrolas
    lelink88 wrote: »
    The Witcher proof a bright future for Elder Scroll TV series. Hope Zos and HBO or Netflix will think about it seriously

    Necro aside, there's very little comparison. The Witcher television series is based on the books, not the video games.

    And to cite a 2016 article that never got cited in 2016...

    Hines told that Bethesda gets approached "all the time" with movie offers but has turned them down over fears that producers might not do the franchise justice.

    Are we going to let some other person do their own interpretation of what Fallout is, or Elder Scrolls is, or Dishonored is? Or are we going to hold onto it and let the developers be the only ones that are able to say, 'This is what Fallout is, or Elder Scrolls, or Wolfenstein, or whatever?' So we want our developers to decide what our franchises are about and not a movie director, or producer, or studio," he explained.


    That said, Hines said Bethesda is well-positioned to make a movie, if it ever wants to. Pirates of the Caribbean producer Jerry Bruckheimer sits on Bethesda parent company ZeniMax's board of directors, as does former MGM CEO Harry Sloan and Hollywood legal expert Ernest Dell. Leslie Moonves, the CEO of GameSpot parent company CBS, is also on ZeniMax's board of directors.

    "So it's not like we don't know where to go if we want to get a film or TV show made," Hines said. "It's more about, 'Is this something we really want to do? What are we getting out of it? What kind of distraction is it going to create?'"
    signing off
  • Nemesis7884
    animated show ala vinland saga or clone wars could be cool...problem with eso is that it lacks a gripping character for a show
  • max_only
    The only story that really has the right rhythm for that is the story of the Tribunal.
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