mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
I really can't gauge how much I should pick on you based on your comment, so I'll start off politely. If you don't understand what the thread is about then maybe just don't post in it? Your problems, however legitimate or not, have nothing to do with the thread.
You don't walk into a chemistry convention and say "I don't understand any of that, but I like turtles!" do you?
On that note... Brian said that siege CC wouldn't be purgeable, but did he ever say that you won't be able to break free from it yourself? Or can you not do that now anyway?
Edit: OK, maybe I should clarify that; this is with reference to having no control over the character (root/snare), not all the different types of debuffs.
myrrrorb14_ESO wrote: »Thought about this overnight and still can't comprehend having something unpurgible. Especially since there is a war skill called purge...
There needs to be a better solution. Unpurgible defile + heal nerf = very dead.
Have purge reduce duration or change from major to minor and minor to none. Limit the number of people affected. Something.
Just don't make purge useless. Or my Templar
WillhelmBlack wrote: »
20 man, small Zerg vs 6 man group, 2 tanky characters at front to apply CC's, 3 DD's and a healer. Out in the open field, which group do you think has someone spare to put up siege?
Joy_Division wrote: »My quick thoughts:
- Right now, ball-groups literally do not move when hit by siege. Something had to be done and that something was increase it's effectiveness
- Everything favors larger groups. This siege, however, may prompt them to spread out. It also will help defend keeps against large groups which is the point of these weapons.
- I think the secondary effects go too far. 6 seconds is a *long* time to be hit with an unpurgable effect. A magicka build that gets hit with an oil catapult is screwed: snare and half it's stamina gone? The solution to purgespam abuse is to reform purge, not make negative effects unpurgable.
- Somewhere between the ineffectiveness of siege at present and the OP siege in this proposal is where siege effectiveness should be.
- Don't forget flaming oil. It currently is bad and I didn;t see any mention about them. Now that I think about flaming oils not getting the job done, I have noticed that if I try to use them against rams at castle keep gatehouse through the grate, I never see any damage ... is this grate less than 6 meters above the ground?
- I still think you should bring back ground oils.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Anything that removes a "negative" effect is considered a purge, so not just the "Purge" abliity as you noted.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Anything that removes a "negative" effect is considered a purge, so not just the "Purge" abliity as you noted.
Joy_Division wrote: »My quick thoughts:
- Right now, ball-groups literally do not move when hit by siege. Something had to be done and that something was increase it's effectiveness
- Everything favors larger groups. This siege, however, may prompt them to spread out. It also will help defend keeps against large groups which is the point of these weapons.
- I think the secondary effects go too far. 6 seconds is a *long* time to be hit with an unpurgable effect. A magicka build that gets hit with an oil catapult is screwed: snare and half it's stamina gone? The solution to purgespam abuse is to reform purge, not make negative effects unpurgable.
- Somewhere between the ineffectiveness of siege at present and the OP siege in this proposal is where siege effectiveness should be.
- Don't forget flaming oil. It currently is bad and I didn;t see any mention about them. Now that I think about flaming oils not getting the job done, I have noticed that if I try to use them against rams at castle keep gatehouse through the grate, I never see any damage ... is this grate less than 6 meters above the ground?
- I still think you should bring back ground oils.
johan.danielsson1994b16_ESO wrote: »
It was also advertised to handle hundreds of players on the screen at once, it dosent.
You're not playing any objectives then. I don't know how much you should comment on siege if it barely affects you. You won't be able to take a keep without significantly outnumbering the enemy. That's adding to lag (as it did when the buff happened and we predicted it would). Maybe it happened differently on EU, idk. The way to make you useful in a small group is to equalize player combat instead of forcing people to sit on siege and press left click.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »
20 man, small Zerg vs 6 man group, 2 tanky characters at front to apply CC's, 3 DD's and a healer. Out in the open field, which group do you think has someone spare to put up siege?
bowmanz607 wrote: »
ya see that is the issue. You are talking open field. For one thing, it is easier for a small group to avoid siege together rather than a large group. Additionally, 20 people should be able to wipe 6 ppl in open field with or without siege. Not to mention siege is much harder to use in open field cause it is much easier to avoid. Regardless, the bottom line is if a 20 man group goes head to head with a 6 man group in open field then the 6 man group should die quickly. No ifs ands or buts. the only time a 6man group should wipe a 20 man group is when that 20 man group is just chilling in the field and the 6 man group drops in out of know where with ults and aoe. However, even then you should just be iven a chance to wipe them. In reality a good group of 20 should still prevail. Where 6 man groups should have higher odds of beating a 20 man group is when they are holding a defensive position. IN that sort of position you should be dropping at least oine siege, especially with the changes. It is not our fault if you do not want to use the tools given to you.
I think the secondary effect of 6 seconds *sucks*...but it is designed to suck because the intent is to force people to spread out to avoid it. Avoiding Siege is going to be priority #1 for organized groups and that is a good thing.
Maybe instead of rolling around in a ball everywhere mopping up 1-2 players at a time they instead will be forced to attack multiple targets at once? This will break down a lot of the strategic advantages being given to ball groups and allow the sort of stroke/counterstroke style of combat that the majority of players enjoy (instead of being run over by a ball of AoE spam)
Let's be honest here. No PvPer fears siege right now. I sieged a keep last night while being attacked by a meatbag and 2 fire ballistas on me without my health every dropping below 90%. I think spending a good part of your time avoiding siege is going to take precedence to staying on crown. And when 3 different people lay down siege you're going to have to target all 3 at once which is going to actually give way to some *Real* group strategy and tactics which have been stale and unchanged for the past year +
PvP is stale and dying right now. This is a change that will mix things up which is exactly the sort of thing we need.
There fixed it and also - way to *** the game more by promoting larger grps some more.
I wonder, have u ever played your game?
Once again update that breaks more then fixes - ZoS hold up to its name! Yes!
@Turelus I think the issue stated by smaller groups here is that with these changes (unpurgeable stuff), enemy randoms will be able to put some sieges and the players won't be able to counter it by their skills meaning that in any case, skills won't matter anymore but instead you will simply need numbers to win. (when attacking a keep)
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
There's no hard CC secondary effect to siege. What we're saying is that having a 50% unpurgable snare is to some extent loss of control. Because it's irresistible, you can't remove it at any cost (stamina or magicka) and you have to just ride it out for the duration.
What makes me very skeptical about that is the duration (6") is equalised across all sieges (catas/trebs/ballistas). That makes ballistas and catapults very lethal because by the time the 6" have run out the same ballista will be firing at you again, meaning you can basically be pinned to the spot with no recourse.
As I've said, I'm not 100% behind this idea (unpurgable secondary effects). It needs testing first. The rest of the changes (resource drain, increased damage, cap on barrier/purge) are all very welcome.
In my two years of playing this game this has to be one of the worst proposed updates I have ever seen. ARE YOU ACTUALLY KIDDING ME ZOS? THIS IS YOUR ANSWER.
Firstly this promotes more zerging because people are gonna wanna be in a bigger safer group with more healers than ever.
Apparently maneuver won't work and I guess this is also the case for shuffle. The immunity will or will not (?) be applied but it won't cleanse snare for sure. It's what wheeler said.
This is why "unpurgeable" is no good. Keep defense remains the same, still a numbers game. Walls, siege, etc are no benefit to the defense.
If anything, they should buff defense siege even higher.
At some point we are literally sieged by everywhere. Meatbags and ballista/trebuchets from outside the breach, oils on every postern and oil over the main gate flag. Actually most of the time we wipe is because people keep ressing in our back and put sieges everywhere (though 1 siege doesnt do much true). We usually have one group mate going upfloor to clear oils etc (me or some other nb mostly) but when there are 4+ ppl up one of us cant clear it fast enough (and if the whole group goes up, they will get ressed as soon as we go back on the flags).
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »First of all, since when have pugs ever brought siege to the fight? Just today, I was sieging a keep by myself while 6 pugs stood around and did nothing to help. Of course, after I brought down the walls, they were quick to rush the flags and claim the keep. Usually, they don't bother with sieging or if you are running multiple siege, they will steal one. *facepalm*
Overall, I like the changes but one. As a healer, I have to disagree with completely unpurgable damage. I can see placing a cap on the number of people who are purged but to make all the damage unpurgable is a bit extreme. I would like to hear the answer to the question of if siege shield would work against the unpurgable damage. Right now, I rarely use the skill because it is more effective to use purge than to put up the siege shield.
It is still early and it has not hit the PTS yet so I am going to take the wait and see approach. ZOS has said that it is subject to change.
It would make sense to have a new skill line for siege weapons.
@Turelus I think the issue stated by smaller groups here is that with these changes (unpurgeable stuff), enemy randoms will be able to put some sieges and the players won't be able to counter it by their skills meaning that in any case, skills won't matter anymore but instead you will simply need numbers to win. (when attacking a keep)
I already know they will not listen to ppl anyway although they say so haha. But dont worry, you will ge your new vanity pet in crownstore soon!!!