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Chuck Norris ESO PVP -- All footage from 11.22.16

  • Etaniel
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Isbilen wrote: »
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Olen_Mikko wrote: »
    Like spamming AoE and running with zerg requires any kind of skill. Hah.

    You guys are funny to think that you're skilled in any way :)

    You think it's so easy go and try it yourself...if you haven't played in a large group recently don't comment on the skill requirement to play in them...there is skill just not the same type of skill you 1vX'ers might possess but there's skill nonetheless

    If I give my dogs treats at the right time, I could probably teach them how to play in one of the groups in OP's video.

    Man you solo/Small group players are so funny...i really hope they give you arenas so you'll get the hell out of cyrodiil and stop demeaning about the skill (or lack thereof according to people who have no experience running in these groups) of these large group players...not all of us like running around solo or with 4 people getting killed by a larger group, so we run in groups to combat those groups...if you have a problem with people wanting to play how they want to then go troll another game

    You act as if small scale players have never played in bigger groups.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • BRogueNZ
    I'll retract my verbal diarrhea. I'm go back to caring less.

    Each to their own and we're all as bad as each other.

    you scallywags you

    Edited by BRogueNZ on November 25, 2015 7:48AM
  • tonemd
    So many people hung up on "Why you show zerg video?No skillz". Wasn't this video a response to a specific thread, and a specific charge that if VE goes up against CN they would wipe the floor with them? This is a personal beef
    BRogueNZ wrote: »

    I starting to doubt you play Azura's at all

    The thing with Circus Master Daniel and his clowns is that you can kick his groups backside and he will just keep increasing his number's and then he has the nerve come onto the forums and suggest its AD/EP fault for having such large numbers themselves.


    If you have ever been at such encounters you'll know that not even a rampant EP/AD storming Sejanus compares with the crushing lag and fps drops that his herd brings along, which funnily enough in doing so induces most favorable conditions for spamming that one skill that seems to work perfectly in extreme lag.. steel tornado.

    I don't rate him at all. All I can see is that he wants to sing handedly ruin everyone else's day and then proclaim that DC is somehow superior when people grow tired of is crap and log .

    Win by any means I guess but CN is no VE or Haxus and its a bit of a giggle they think themselves 'up there'

    So wait, when these AD and EP groups mows our groups down with prox det and steel tornado all day it's cool, they are the most skilled, DC should learn to play, DC sucks. But when CN runs 40 Steel Tornado's and prox dets up your backside suddenly its all "spin2win", "easy button", etc, omg the zerg. Do you EP and AD groups not understand that CN is just the inevitable reaction to what you've done for the last 11 months? And now that the"greatest" guilds have left the game and your CP has been nerfed, all we see are threads about zergs and laggers and steeal tornado's. You people are F...O...S
  • Blaqueflame
    frozywozy wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Ugh. While you all have fun lagging the server out, none of the rest of the players in Cyrodiil much appreciate it.

    Not sure who the "you all" references - but I think we are all, every one of us, who log into Cyrodiil daily, plenty tired of the lag/endless loading screens, disconnections yadda yadda. Pretty tired of the no win situation that is created when the zone concept is set up for group play, but the server is not. Pretty tired of the endless tug of war between unskilled, irresponsible "group players" and the expert, responsible smaller group/solo players. Pretty tired of the expectation that players try to find ways of fixing ZOS' problem, the problem that has become all of our problem.

    I'm not sure what is more tedious ... the Cyrodiil server shizz or the never ending bickering, finger pointing and posturing that goes on between players (which lets face it, is a pretty grand distraction from the real issue, ZOS needs to fix their shizz).

    I never said you were all unskilled or any of that, nor do I sit here and bicker with any of you. Let me rephrase what I said, you-all-who-run-huge-groups have a blast in your giant groups, which would be fine if the servers could handle it, but they cannot, and we all know that, so, the rest of us, who stay away from such huge groups because of this exact issue don't appreciate the immense lag. I'm not blaming your guild or the next, but we have all known for the longest time that this is what causes the most lag, and we all have the option to choose to avoid it or not.

    I guess it doesn't really matter much, the blob groups won't go away until ZoS does something about them and the servers. At this point in time in ESO PvP, the more numbers generally win, which was not always the case at all.

    My comments weren't directed at you but the problems in general. I think we all know there's a "THING" where criticizing people who play in coordinated groups of over 8 people is the order of the day.

    It's a conundrum ... guilds are meant to be communicating with their faction, coordinating their efforts, picking up solo players who need and want a group. When guilds do this, they are criticized for contributing to the zerg, and being a part of the problem. When guilds don't do this, they are criticized for being elitist jerks who don't play nicely with others.

    There's an assumption that because you play in a group of more than 8 that you love the lag, use the lag to win, want the lag. All I can say is this is not true for me or my team. There's assumptions made that we (and other groups) don't divide our forces to take multiple objectives, or just vacate the playing field because the lag is atrocious. Again, I say things are grossly over simplified, and its really easy to point fingers (not your fingers - just fingers). People don't want to know what other groups are doing to deal with the lag - because hey, its easier to point fingers and blame them for that. I guess that's my point.

    I think @DisgracefulMind 's point is that those groups don't like lag, don't use the lag to win, complain about lag, yet keep playing in a way that generates lag, and then complain that fingers are being pointed at them.

    Hmm ...well I don't know Disgraceful mind, or her guild/team or anyone else's. What I do know is many who seem to protest they don't contribute to the lag, play in groups of more than 12/16 or whatever the magic number is, are found, over and again playing in coordinated groups, with considerably more than those magic numbers ... aka hypocrisy.

    Edited to clarify: I am not gonna get into pointing fingers at any group who is playing the way the game is set up to be played, ie. in groups. I will however, comment on hypocrisy cuz that's nasty and I will reiterate over and again, that correcting the server issues is ZOS' issue. In the meantime, I think we'd get a lot further in discussions if we were to ask each other how our groups are managing coordinated play and reducing the lag, rather than assuming that we aren't all concerned with the problem.

    There is a difference between a large group (12+) who don't give a damn about performances and get their fun from stacking as many raids as possible (typical mindset one DC and one AD guild atm) and another large group (12+) who try to communicate with other group leaders his plans in advance to make sure that two large groups of the same faction don't hit the same place.

    As long as people will blame ZOS for the performance problems and keep doing their thing with their 24men group while not communicating with other group leaders of their faction, we will have the same issues. Some people just take longer to understand I guess. Hopefuly they will act in time before their behaviour totally destroy this game.

    I absolutely do blame ZOS for the performance issues in Cyrodiil. They've created a product which encourages group game play, on a server/system that is not coping with the numbers, and hasn't been for some time now. I blame them for not taking player feedback on board in a meaningful way and I blame them for their failure to communicate with their player base or make any of the many player proposed changes that actually might make a difference. I blame them for the lack of PVP diversity which could promote and allow for smaller group/1v1 play in battle grounds or arenas - IC districts anyone? What I don't do is blame other guilds and groups who bought the game hoping for large scale pvp - for trying to have it/play it. What I also don't do is blame and shame anyone for actively seeking to do well or win while attempting coordinated group play under less than ideal circumstances ie. lag - nor do I attempt to hold any one guild or person responsible for server performance issues.

    I'm not a raid leader and don't sit in command channel or attempt to coordinate (herd cats) with other groups/leaders - all I can speak for is what I see happening on the ground day after day - many large battles are either three faction battles or yes, battles in which any one faction may have more than 15 people present at a given location. Assuming each grp comes to the table with 15 (which is moderate) that's already 45 people - and lots happening on the screen. When you factor in any one faction entering a fight with two other factions present of say conservatively 30 people ... it's unrealistic take 15 people into that mess and hope to win against 30 -- so yes, it becomes a numbers and coordination game. People will do it when they are playing for the map and trying to hold territory - and they'll do it for a grand fight and for the AP -- because that's how the game is structured. A grp leader says in zone - "we're headed to X, and someone else says there's AD and EP there, or there are 2 groups of AD/DC/EP there - and other independent players/groups coordinate and show up. This is part of playing with and for the faction.

    CN routinely takes heat for this, even tho - again what I see on the ground, is we consistently attempt to coordinate our numbers and pugs, firstly by grouping with them so we can communicate effectively and secondly so we can separate them from our core group by encouraging multiple objectives play. I don't think we are special in this regard. I am aware other guilds are doing the same thing and in so far as it is possible, we're all conscious of lag and performance issues and none of us want to play in it. There are many times CN will approach a keep or resource as a grp and elect to steer clear of it as 'molasses movement' sets in. We're no different, no better, no worse than any other guild/group that we bump into every day.

    As for effective communication between leaders, I think you only have to read the forums to see why communication has broken down between some - I have never read so much cross guild, same faction s**t talking in my life and its very disheartening for the people who are on the ground. You cannot blame, shame, finger point, trash talk in zone/on the forums etc etc and then rock up to play Cyrodiil the next day and expect friendly tea parties. What I can say, again, from my on the ground perspective, is CN coordinates very well and happily with some groups/leaders ... and less well with others, which makes us, again - the same as any other guild/grp/leader.
    “Coffee first. Schemes later.”
    ― Leanna Renee
  • Blaqueflame
    BRogueNZ wrote: »

    I starting to doubt you play Azura's at all

    The thing with Circus Master Daniel and his clowns is that you can kick his groups backside and he will just keep increasing his number's and then he has the nerve come onto the forums and suggest its AD/EP fault for having such large numbers themselves.


    If you have ever been at such encounters you'll know that not even a rampant EP/AD storming Sejanus compares with the crushing lag and fps drops that his herd brings along, which funnily enough in doing so induces most favorable conditions for spamming that one skill that seems to work perfectly in extreme lag.. steel tornado.

    I don't rate him at all. All I can see is that he wants to sing handedly ruin everyone else's day and then proclaim that DC is somehow superior when people grow tired of is crap and log .

    Win by any means I guess but CN is no VE or Haxus and its a bit of a giggle they think themselves 'up there'

    I play Azura every day, so wonder no more on that score.

    "Circus Master Daniel" ... this can go under the : "Daniel this, Daniel that... bad Daniel, boo Daniel, Daniel sucks
    CN ... scrubs, bad zerg... bad... bad ...zerg... bad CN... zerg, zerg CN" category"
    . Again I say Daniel is given a remarkable amount of power for single handedly destroying pvp as we know it. I'm sick of reading it.

    I'll tell you what, "rampant EP/AD storming" (thanks for admitting y'all do that btw) ... is just as performance debilitating as a any large DC group) -- it's not like one faction/guild/person has a lag switch - tho I know some want desperately to believe it. Nor is it possible to just lag out the enemy/other side -- if you are experiencing lag, anyone close to you, regardless of their faction/guild or leadership is experiencing it too. NO ONE likes lag.
    “Coffee first. Schemes later.”
    ― Leanna Renee
  • Blaqueflame
    tonemd wrote: »
    So many people hung up on "Why you show zerg video?No skillz". Wasn't this video a response to a specific thread, and a specific charge that if VE goes up against CN they would wipe the floor with them? This is a personal beef
    BRogueNZ wrote: »

    I starting to doubt you play Azura's at all

    The thing with Circus Master Daniel and his clowns is that you can kick his groups backside and he will just keep increasing his number's and then he has the nerve come onto the forums and suggest its AD/EP fault for having such large numbers themselves.


    If you have ever been at such encounters you'll know that not even a rampant EP/AD storming Sejanus compares with the crushing lag and fps drops that his herd brings along, which funnily enough in doing so induces most favorable conditions for spamming that one skill that seems to work perfectly in extreme lag.. steel tornado.

    I don't rate him at all. All I can see is that he wants to sing handedly ruin everyone else's day and then proclaim that DC is somehow superior when people grow tired of is crap and log .

    Win by any means I guess but CN is no VE or Haxus and its a bit of a giggle they think themselves 'up there'

    So wait, when these AD and EP groups mows our groups down with prox det and steel tornado all day it's cool, they are the most skilled, DC should learn to play, DC sucks. But when CN runs 40 Steel Tornado's and prox dets up your backside suddenly its all "spin2win", "easy button", etc, omg the zerg. Do you EP and AD groups not understand that CN is just the inevitable reaction to what you've done for the last 11 months? And now that the"greatest" guilds have left the game and your CP has been nerfed, all we see are threads about zergs and laggers and steeal tornado's. You people are F...O...S

    “Coffee first. Schemes later.”
    ― Leanna Renee
  • Blaqueflame
    Etaniel wrote: »
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Isbilen wrote: »
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Olen_Mikko wrote: »
    Like spamming AoE and running with zerg requires any kind of skill. Hah.

    You guys are funny to think that you're skilled in any way :)

    You think it's so easy go and try it yourself...if you haven't played in a large group recently don't comment on the skill requirement to play in them...there is skill just not the same type of skill you 1vX'ers might possess but there's skill nonetheless

    If I give my dogs treats at the right time, I could probably teach them how to play in one of the groups in OP's video.

    Man you solo/Small group players are so funny...i really hope they give you arenas so you'll get the hell out of cyrodiil and stop demeaning about the skill (or lack thereof according to people who have no experience running in these groups) of these large group players...not all of us like running around solo or with 4 people getting killed by a larger group, so we run in groups to combat those groups...if you have a problem with people wanting to play how they want to then go troll another game

    You act as if small scale players have never played in bigger groups.

    And small scale players act like bigger group players never 1v1 or play in smaller groups. Really the "whole small group vs bigger group trash talking is so stale.
    “Coffee first. Schemes later.”
    ― Leanna Renee
  • BRogueNZ
    I play Azura every day, so wonder no more on that score.

    I'll tell you what, "rampant EP/AD storming" (thanks for admitting y'all do that btw) ... is just as performance debilitating as a any large DC group) -- .

    You must've skipped the part where I mentioned it's not

    and again, reversing the blame.. that's pretty tiresome as well, you are obviously a fan so meh ..

    Edited by BRogueNZ on November 23, 2015 9:06PM
  • CN_Daniel
    I said I wouldn't respond again but I'm reading so many crazy assumptions I feel I have no choice. Let me explain in very clear terms what we do and don't do.

    I run pickup groups when I see NO OTHER DC GROUPS going. I'm not going to just run around with my merry little band when there's no one else on or willing to help those looking for a group. This is typically during off times.

    We have a core team of 31 people, capped @ 35, that I personally lead every single day for at least a few hours. No one else from our guild is allowed in these groups (Had only 12 core on when fighting VE). We start each day @ 7pm EST and end a few hours later, these groups typically range in size from 12 - 20, with 20 being weekend size.

    When I'm running core, another core member (through rotation) is required to lead our Main group. They are in a separate Ts channel and we coordinate with them as though they are a separate guild through command channel, just like we do with every other old school DC guild. Typically this is a guild only group most nights until I see there's no pickup group running. At which time I ask them to start doing pickups if willing to 'herd'. If we see a separate pickup group running, we will literally ADVERTISE for them to help most nights.

    On say a TKO night, if they zerg all of DC down for a few hours and I start seeing the "This sucks, I'm leaving, we can't beat this zerg, blah blah talk in zone" then by god I will form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG. That is in most situations the entire reason I form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG, because if I do not act the map will be completely lost and 99% of DC will log.

    And VE: If you think you would have won any fights with me LEADING 3 full raids you are absolutely insane. You will know when I'm leading multiple groups as you will see the WEDDING DRESS of glory. I accepted your challenge and ran one group of just my people, I don't think you did that, did you? And who cares about the map, my whole goal of the night was to wipe your raid more than you wiped mine, which I accomplished. Do you deny that? All you cats had to do was keep your mouth shut, like gentlemen do after a competition, instead you attempt to save face and come on these forums to boast. So....We showed you from our side... Get rekt & scream "CHUCK NORRIS BEST VIDEO EDITORS NA". I think you mad.

  • Blaqueflame
    BRogueNZ wrote: »
    I play Azura every day, so wonder no more on that score.

    I'll tell you what, "rampant EP/AD storming" (thanks for admitting y'all do that btw) ... is just as performance debilitating as a any large DC group) -- .

    You must've skipped the part where I mentioned it's not

    and again, reversing the blame.. that's pretty tiresome as well, you are obviously a fan so meh ..

    I'm not "reversing the blame" I am locating the blame equally and removing it from being soley Daniel and CN's fault. Yes, I'm a fan. They're my team.
    “Coffee first. Schemes later.”
    ― Leanna Renee
  • frozywozy
    frozywozy wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Ugh. While you all have fun lagging the server out, none of the rest of the players in Cyrodiil much appreciate it.

    Not sure who the "you all" references - but I think we are all, every one of us, who log into Cyrodiil daily, plenty tired of the lag/endless loading screens, disconnections yadda yadda. Pretty tired of the no win situation that is created when the zone concept is set up for group play, but the server is not. Pretty tired of the endless tug of war between unskilled, irresponsible "group players" and the expert, responsible smaller group/solo players. Pretty tired of the expectation that players try to find ways of fixing ZOS' problem, the problem that has become all of our problem.

    I'm not sure what is more tedious ... the Cyrodiil server shizz or the never ending bickering, finger pointing and posturing that goes on between players (which lets face it, is a pretty grand distraction from the real issue, ZOS needs to fix their shizz).

    I never said you were all unskilled or any of that, nor do I sit here and bicker with any of you. Let me rephrase what I said, you-all-who-run-huge-groups have a blast in your giant groups, which would be fine if the servers could handle it, but they cannot, and we all know that, so, the rest of us, who stay away from such huge groups because of this exact issue don't appreciate the immense lag. I'm not blaming your guild or the next, but we have all known for the longest time that this is what causes the most lag, and we all have the option to choose to avoid it or not.

    I guess it doesn't really matter much, the blob groups won't go away until ZoS does something about them and the servers. At this point in time in ESO PvP, the more numbers generally win, which was not always the case at all.

    My comments weren't directed at you but the problems in general. I think we all know there's a "THING" where criticizing people who play in coordinated groups of over 8 people is the order of the day.

    It's a conundrum ... guilds are meant to be communicating with their faction, coordinating their efforts, picking up solo players who need and want a group. When guilds do this, they are criticized for contributing to the zerg, and being a part of the problem. When guilds don't do this, they are criticized for being elitist jerks who don't play nicely with others.

    There's an assumption that because you play in a group of more than 8 that you love the lag, use the lag to win, want the lag. All I can say is this is not true for me or my team. There's assumptions made that we (and other groups) don't divide our forces to take multiple objectives, or just vacate the playing field because the lag is atrocious. Again, I say things are grossly over simplified, and its really easy to point fingers (not your fingers - just fingers). People don't want to know what other groups are doing to deal with the lag - because hey, its easier to point fingers and blame them for that. I guess that's my point.

    I think @DisgracefulMind 's point is that those groups don't like lag, don't use the lag to win, complain about lag, yet keep playing in a way that generates lag, and then complain that fingers are being pointed at them.

    Hmm ...well I don't know Disgraceful mind, or her guild/team or anyone else's. What I do know is many who seem to protest they don't contribute to the lag, play in groups of more than 12/16 or whatever the magic number is, are found, over and again playing in coordinated groups, with considerably more than those magic numbers ... aka hypocrisy.

    Edited to clarify: I am not gonna get into pointing fingers at any group who is playing the way the game is set up to be played, ie. in groups. I will however, comment on hypocrisy cuz that's nasty and I will reiterate over and again, that correcting the server issues is ZOS' issue. In the meantime, I think we'd get a lot further in discussions if we were to ask each other how our groups are managing coordinated play and reducing the lag, rather than assuming that we aren't all concerned with the problem.

    There is a difference between a large group (12+) who don't give a damn about performances and get their fun from stacking as many raids as possible (typical mindset one DC and one AD guild atm) and another large group (12+) who try to communicate with other group leaders his plans in advance to make sure that two large groups of the same faction don't hit the same place.

    As long as people will blame ZOS for the performance problems and keep doing their thing with their 24men group while not communicating with other group leaders of their faction, we will have the same issues. Some people just take longer to understand I guess. Hopefuly they will act in time before their behaviour totally destroy this game.

    I absolutely do blame ZOS for the performance issues in Cyrodiil. They've created a product which encourages group game play, on a server/system that is not coping with the numbers, and hasn't been for some time now. I blame them for not taking player feedback on board in a meaningful way and I blame them for their failure to communicate with their player base or make any of the many player proposed changes that actually might make a difference. I blame them for the lack of PVP diversity which could promote and allow for smaller group/1v1 play in battle grounds or arenas - IC districts anyone? What I don't do is blame other guilds and groups who bought the game hoping for large scale pvp - for trying to have it/play it. What I also don't do is blame and shame anyone for actively seeking to do well or win while attempting coordinated group play under less than ideal circumstances ie. lag - nor do I attempt to hold any one guild or person responsible for server performance issues.

    I'm not a raid leader and don't sit in command channel or attempt to coordinate (herd cats) with other groups/leaders - all I can speak for is what I see happening on the ground day after day - many large battles are either three faction battles or yes, battles in which any one faction may have more than 15 people present at a given location. Assuming each grp comes to the table with 15 (which is moderate) that's already 45 people - and lots happening on the screen. When you factor in any one faction entering a fight with two other factions present of say conservatively 30 people ... it's unrealistic take 15 people into that mess and hope to win against 30 -- so yes, it becomes a numbers and coordination game. People will do it when they are playing for the map and trying to hold territory - and they'll do it for a grand fight and for the AP -- because that's how the game is structured. A grp leader says in zone - "we're headed to X, and someone else says there's AD and EP there, or there are 2 groups of AD/DC/EP there - and other independent players/groups coordinate and show up. This is part of playing with and for the faction.

    CN routinely takes heat for this, even tho - again what I see on the ground, is we consistently attempt to coordinate our numbers and pugs, firstly by grouping with them so we can communicate effectively and secondly so we can separate them from our core group by encouraging multiple objectives play. I don't think we are special in this regard. I am aware other guilds are doing the same thing and in so far as it is possible, we're all conscious of lag and performance issues and none of us want to play in it. There are many times CN will approach a keep or resource as a grp and elect to steer clear of it as 'molasses movement' sets in. We're no different, no better, no worse than any other guild/group that we bump into every day.

    As for effective communication between leaders, I think you only have to read the forums to see why communication has broken down between some - I have never read so much cross guild, same faction s**t talking in my life and its very disheartening for the people who are on the ground. You cannot blame, shame, finger point, trash talk in zone/on the forums etc etc and then rock up to play Cyrodiil the next day and expect friendly tea parties. What I can say, again, from my on the ground perspective, is CN coordinates very well and happily with some groups/leaders ... and less well with others, which makes us, again - the same as any other guild/grp/leader.

    So let put your says straight and simple.

    Your first two paragraphs : ZOS failed to achieve what they promised so I'm gonna play the way I want to play because they promised it to me in the first time. I blame ZOS for failing and no matter how many raids I'm gonna stack, it's their own fault in the beginning and if the server spikes up to 2k ms because of me AND other groups out there like to trash on each other, so be it. I paid for this product and I'm gonna get it no matter if in the end the only remaining players are gonna be my guild and that other AD guild who support the same mentality.

    The rest of your text : Hey I'm not going to let them insult me and expect me to coordinate with them.

    Said DC guild : It's your fault

    Said EP guild : No it's your fault


    Do you realize that the future of this game is in your hands guys ? The biggest problem that caused most of my friends to leave the game is because of poor server performances. Zenimax somewhat fixed the FPS issues for alot of people (me included) even though there is alot of work to be made to optimize it, but regarding the latency (ms), you and other guilds out there could easily help the load on the server by hitting different locations.

    It's more than the time to drop down your egos and to cooperate between each other before it's too late, seriously.
    Edited by frozywozy on November 23, 2015 9:19PM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  •  Jules
    NPK Daniel wrote: »
    I said I wouldn't respond again but I'm reading so many crazy assumptions I feel I have no choice. Let me explain in very clear terms what we do and don't do.

    I run pickup groups when I see NO OTHER DC GROUPS going. I'm not going to just run around with my merry little band when there's no one else on or willing to help those looking for a group. This is typically during off times.

    We have a core team of 31 people, capped @ 35, that I personally lead every single day for at least a few hours. No one else from our guild is allowed in these groups (Had only 12 core on when fighting VE). We start each day @ 7pm EST and end a few hours later, these groups typically range in size from 12 - 20, with 20 being weekend size.

    When I'm running core, another core member (through rotation) is required to lead our Main group. They are in a separate Ts channel and we coordinate with them as though they are a separate guild through command channel, just like we do with every other old school DC guild. Typically this is a guild only group most nights until I see there's no pickup group running. At which time I ask them to start doing pickups if willing to 'herd'. If we see a separate pickup group running, we will literally ADVERTISE for them to help most nights.

    On say a TKO night, if they zerg all of DC down for a few hours and I start seeing the "This sucks, I'm leaving, we can't beat this zerg, blah blah talk in zone" then by god I will form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG. That is in most situations the entire reason I form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG, because if I do not act the map will be completely lost and 99% of DC will log.

    And VE: If you think you would have won any fights with me LEADING 3 full raids you are absolutely insane. You will know when I'm leading multiple groups as you will see the WEDDING DRESS of glory. I accepted your challenge and ran one group of just my people, I don't think you did that, did you? And who cares about the map, my whole goal of the night was to wipe your raid more than you wiped mine, which I accomplished. Do you deny that? All you cats had to do was keep your mouth shut, like gentlemen do after a competition, instead you attempt to save face and come on these forums to boast. So....We showed you from our side... Get rekt & scream "CHUCK NORRIS BEST VIDEO EDITORS NA". I think you mad.

    LOL. I can't even.

    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • Blaqueflame
    frozywozy wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Ugh. While you all have fun lagging the server out, none of the rest of the players in Cyrodiil much appreciate it.

    Not sure who the "you all" references - but I think we are all, every one of us, who log into Cyrodiil daily, plenty tired of the lag/endless loading screens, disconnections yadda yadda. Pretty tired of the no win situation that is created when the zone concept is set up for group play, but the server is not. Pretty tired of the endless tug of war between unskilled, irresponsible "group players" and the expert, responsible smaller group/solo players. Pretty tired of the expectation that players try to find ways of fixing ZOS' problem, the problem that has become all of our problem.

    I'm not sure what is more tedious ... the Cyrodiil server shizz or the never ending bickering, finger pointing and posturing that goes on between players (which lets face it, is a pretty grand distraction from the real issue, ZOS needs to fix their shizz).

    I never said you were all unskilled or any of that, nor do I sit here and bicker with any of you. Let me rephrase what I said, you-all-who-run-huge-groups have a blast in your giant groups, which would be fine if the servers could handle it, but they cannot, and we all know that, so, the rest of us, who stay away from such huge groups because of this exact issue don't appreciate the immense lag. I'm not blaming your guild or the next, but we have all known for the longest time that this is what causes the most lag, and we all have the option to choose to avoid it or not.

    I guess it doesn't really matter much, the blob groups won't go away until ZoS does something about them and the servers. At this point in time in ESO PvP, the more numbers generally win, which was not always the case at all.

    My comments weren't directed at you but the problems in general. I think we all know there's a "THING" where criticizing people who play in coordinated groups of over 8 people is the order of the day.

    It's a conundrum ... guilds are meant to be communicating with their faction, coordinating their efforts, picking up solo players who need and want a group. When guilds do this, they are criticized for contributing to the zerg, and being a part of the problem. When guilds don't do this, they are criticized for being elitist jerks who don't play nicely with others.

    There's an assumption that because you play in a group of more than 8 that you love the lag, use the lag to win, want the lag. All I can say is this is not true for me or my team. There's assumptions made that we (and other groups) don't divide our forces to take multiple objectives, or just vacate the playing field because the lag is atrocious. Again, I say things are grossly over simplified, and its really easy to point fingers (not your fingers - just fingers). People don't want to know what other groups are doing to deal with the lag - because hey, its easier to point fingers and blame them for that. I guess that's my point.

    I think @DisgracefulMind 's point is that those groups don't like lag, don't use the lag to win, complain about lag, yet keep playing in a way that generates lag, and then complain that fingers are being pointed at them.

    Hmm ...well I don't know Disgraceful mind, or her guild/team or anyone else's. What I do know is many who seem to protest they don't contribute to the lag, play in groups of more than 12/16 or whatever the magic number is, are found, over and again playing in coordinated groups, with considerably more than those magic numbers ... aka hypocrisy.

    Edited to clarify: I am not gonna get into pointing fingers at any group who is playing the way the game is set up to be played, ie. in groups. I will however, comment on hypocrisy cuz that's nasty and I will reiterate over and again, that correcting the server issues is ZOS' issue. In the meantime, I think we'd get a lot further in discussions if we were to ask each other how our groups are managing coordinated play and reducing the lag, rather than assuming that we aren't all concerned with the problem.

    There is a difference between a large group (12+) who don't give a damn about performances and get their fun from stacking as many raids as possible (typical mindset one DC and one AD guild atm) and another large group (12+) who try to communicate with other group leaders his plans in advance to make sure that two large groups of the same faction don't hit the same place.

    As long as people will blame ZOS for the performance problems and keep doing their thing with their 24men group while not communicating with other group leaders of their faction, we will have the same issues. Some people just take longer to understand I guess. Hopefuly they will act in time before their behaviour totally destroy this game.

    I absolutely do blame ZOS for the performance issues in Cyrodiil. They've created a product which encourages group game play, on a server/system that is not coping with the numbers, and hasn't been for some time now. I blame them for not taking player feedback on board in a meaningful way and I blame them for their failure to communicate with their player base or make any of the many player proposed changes that actually might make a difference. I blame them for the lack of PVP diversity which could promote and allow for smaller group/1v1 play in battle grounds or arenas - IC districts anyone? What I don't do is blame other guilds and groups who bought the game hoping for large scale pvp - for trying to have it/play it. What I also don't do is blame and shame anyone for actively seeking to do well or win while attempting coordinated group play under less than ideal circumstances ie. lag - nor do I attempt to hold any one guild or person responsible for server performance issues.

    I'm not a raid leader and don't sit in command channel or attempt to coordinate (herd cats) with other groups/leaders - all I can speak for is what I see happening on the ground day after day - many large battles are either three faction battles or yes, battles in which any one faction may have more than 15 people present at a given location. Assuming each grp comes to the table with 15 (which is moderate) that's already 45 people - and lots happening on the screen. When you factor in any one faction entering a fight with two other factions present of say conservatively 30 people ... it's unrealistic take 15 people into that mess and hope to win against 30 -- so yes, it becomes a numbers and coordination game. People will do it when they are playing for the map and trying to hold territory - and they'll do it for a grand fight and for the AP -- because that's how the game is structured. A grp leader says in zone - "we're headed to X, and someone else says there's AD and EP there, or there are 2 groups of AD/DC/EP there - and other independent players/groups coordinate and show up. This is part of playing with and for the faction.

    CN routinely takes heat for this, even tho - again what I see on the ground, is we consistently attempt to coordinate our numbers and pugs, firstly by grouping with them so we can communicate effectively and secondly so we can separate them from our core group by encouraging multiple objectives play. I don't think we are special in this regard. I am aware other guilds are doing the same thing and in so far as it is possible, we're all conscious of lag and performance issues and none of us want to play in it. There are many times CN will approach a keep or resource as a grp and elect to steer clear of it as 'molasses movement' sets in. We're no different, no better, no worse than any other guild/group that we bump into every day.

    As for effective communication between leaders, I think you only have to read the forums to see why communication has broken down between some - I have never read so much cross guild, same faction s**t talking in my life and its very disheartening for the people who are on the ground. You cannot blame, shame, finger point, trash talk in zone/on the forums etc etc and then rock up to play Cyrodiil the next day and expect friendly tea parties. What I can say, again, from my on the ground perspective, is CN coordinates very well and happily with some groups/leaders ... and less well with others, which makes us, again - the same as any other guild/grp/leader.

    So let put your says straight and simple.

    Your first two paragraphs : ZOS failed to achieve what they promised so I'm gonna play the way I want to play because they promised it to me in the first time. I blame ZOS for failing and no matter how many raids I'm gonna stack, it's their own fault in the beginning and if the server spikes up to 2k ms because of me AND other groups out there like to trash on each other, so be it. I paid for this product and I'm gonna get it no matter if in the end the only remaining players are gonna be my guild and that other AD guild who support the same mentality.

    The rest of your text : Hey I'm not going to let them insult me and expect me to coordinate with them.

    Said DC guild : It's your fault

    Said EP guild : No it's your fault


    Do you realize that the future of this game is in your hands guys ? The biggest problem that caused most of my friends to leave the game is because of poor server performances. Zenimax somewhat fixed the FPS issues for alot of people (me included) even though there is alot of work to be made to optimize it, but regarding the latency (ms), you and other guilds out there could easily help the load on the server by hitting different locations.

    It's more than the time to drop down your egos and to cooperate between each other before it's too late, seriously.

    I think, what I have said ad nauseam is Daniel and CN do what some other guild/grps do which is try to coordinate play and back away from the lag. We do encourage and engage in multiple objective play and we/Daniel are not responsible for all the PVP/interpersonal problems that exist in Azura. If people spent more time placing responsibility for server performance where it belongs ie. with ZOS and less time finger pointing and trash talking each other - the climate might be better all the way around.

    What makes me laugh is when other guilds/factions persist in promoting the "We is good, we is better, we is important, we is skilled, we is special ..." party line, like they are the only people who are aware of the issues and attempting to be responsive to them. It generates hostility and defensiveness.

    The video Mountain posted was in response to another video, so some context there - with the point being numbers are relative and generally equal - however the numbers are arrived at. Sometimes DC has more numbers, lots of times less. We win some, we lose some. Despite all the BS, as a group, we show up every day - looking for good fights and we play hard and have fun. It's a shame that is a problem for some.
    “Coffee first. Schemes later.”
    ― Leanna Renee
  • Joy_Division
    NPK Daniel wrote: »

    And VE: If you think you would have won any fights with me LEADING 3 full raids you are absolutely insane. You will know when I'm leading multiple groups as you will see the WEDDING DRESS of glory. I accepted your challenge and ran one group of just my people, I don't think you did that, did you? And who cares about the map, my whole goal of the night was to wipe your raid more than you wiped mine, which I accomplished. Do you deny that? All you cats had to do was keep your mouth shut, like gentlemen do after a competition, instead you attempt to save face and come on these forums to boast. So....We showed you from our side... Get rekt & scream "CHUCK NORRIS BEST VIDEO EDITORS NA". I think you mad.

    Yes. Deny. You had three groups @ Glade. You may not have been personally leading them, but a neutral AD already confirmed the existence of said three groups. You lost. Anyone with half a brain most certainly knows you were on the receiving end of more wipes, and that is precisely the reason you logged off after losing Glade - because you knew you would never retake it until VE logged off for the night.

    You talk about being a gentleman and the spirit of competition, but that's a bunch of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do nonsense. There was nothing gentlemanly about saying in zone chat that we aren't "real" DC (like what the hell does that even mean ... you understand the Daggerfall Covenant is not a real entity, right?) and how that you would not coordinate with us and the whole "better dead than Red" idea. And there was nothing gentlemanly or sportsmanlike exhibited after you lost Glade, just you logging off with just some pathetic excuse that convinced nobody it wasn't a rage quit.

    As far as boasting on these forums, what the heck did you expect? Who here has ever posted a video with the title, "Look how much I suck!" Every guild has pride and I would expect all of them - even the ones that aren't in the elite level - to post videos of their successes and insist that they would win in a stand-up fight against any other guild. Don't even pretend you would have taken the high road and kept your mouth shut had you been sitting @Arrius Keep at the end of the night as your ego, your post history (which has numerous videos of your group winning), and your habit of explaining your side say otherwise. And you know what, that would have been totally fine because a challenge was issued and when said challenge is met, that's perfectly acceptable for public broadcast. That being said, I am also of the belief that when someone gets beat, they should hone up to it.

    Lastly, when it comes to playing my Red, I don't care what you think or how you feel about it, I am playing her. Too bad. Deal with it. Where's all that talk about being gentlemanly and good sports when it comes to that? I, and none of the other members who occasionally still log their EP, am never on my red in any VE related reason whatsoever because VE is a DC guild. Period.
    Edited by Joy_Division on November 23, 2015 10:23PM
  • Darnathian
    Takllin wrote: »
    I believe the ones you listed realize Daniel is trolling, just you do not.

    You clearly don't know what trolling is.

    Ps, when will you make a new video with some exploits? Can't wait to see it!

    I do. You're being trolled right now son.

    Do you not realize you lost credibility forever on these forums when you posted that video of your guild exploiting? Your own guild members tell me they were embarrassed and want you gone. Lol

  • Satiar
    NPK Daniel wrote: »
    I said I wouldn't respond again but I'm reading so many crazy assumptions I feel I have no choice. Let me explain in very clear terms what we do and don't do.

    I run pickup groups when I see NO OTHER DC GROUPS going. I'm not going to just run around with my merry little band when there's no one else on or willing to help those looking for a group. This is typically during off times.

    We have a core team of 31 people, capped @ 35, that I personally lead every single day for at least a few hours. No one else from our guild is allowed in these groups (Had only 12 core on when fighting VE). We start each day @ 7pm EST and end a few hours later, these groups typically range in size from 12 - 20, with 20 being weekend size.

    When I'm running core, another core member (through rotation) is required to lead our Main group. They are in a separate Ts channel and we coordinate with them as though they are a separate guild through command channel, just like we do with every other old school DC guild. Typically this is a guild only group most nights until I see there's no pickup group running. At which time I ask them to start doing pickups if willing to 'herd'. If we see a separate pickup group running, we will literally ADVERTISE for them to help most nights.

    On say a TKO night, if they zerg all of DC down for a few hours and I start seeing the "This sucks, I'm leaving, we can't beat this zerg, blah blah talk in zone" then by god I will form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG. That is in most situations the entire reason I form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG, because if I do not act the map will be completely lost and 99% of DC will log.

    And VE: If you think you would have won any fights with me LEADING 3 full raids you are absolutely insane. You will know when I'm leading multiple groups as you will see the WEDDING DRESS of glory. I accepted your challenge and ran one group of just my people, I don't think you did that, did you? And who cares about the map, my whole goal of the night was to wipe your raid more than you wiped mine, which I accomplished. Do you deny that? All you cats had to do was keep your mouth shut, like gentlemen do after a competition, instead you attempt to save face and come on these forums to boast. So....We showed you from our side... Get rekt & scream "CHUCK NORRIS BEST VIDEO EDITORS NA". I think you mad.

    Daniel, your post kind of highlights the ridiculousness of the whole thing and your attempts at saving face. Beyond the hilarious and obvious lie of "even numbers" (seriously man just stop trying there, there are videos, screenshots from people on DC who were in that keep, tags from our combat logs--you had an INSANE number of DC there), VE went out there not with the intent of never wiping: the intent was winning. If I wanted to never wipe, I wouldn't push into a keep like Glademist held with over 3 times my numbers. I wouldn't stack on a flag, waiting to get bombed while people above dumped oil and meteors and novas on me from 3 floors up if I cared about that.

    If your goal was to get some kills on us, I mean, hey, you're not the first or last. That's what happens when you push heavily defended objectives. You're purposely putting yourself in a place where you HAVE to do something (like take a flag) giving your enemies a clear and obvious place to pile all of their siege and superior numbers on your head. Every good guild in the game knows this. The fun of the game is going into a situation like that, against someone like you who has no qualms stacking an entire faction in that one area, and winning anyways. So it took us a few tries. We've spent longer, harder nights taking freaking Aleswell from GoS than it did to root you and your entire stacked faction from not just the keep but the entire map.

    This all speaks to a lack of confidence on your part. You by your own admission didn't even have the goal of winning, you just wanted to try to get some kills in on us while you had numerical and territorial advantage. Good guilds don't care. You rez, ride back, and you do it different, which is exactly what we did. We posted full footage of our wins and losses while you put up a lolworthy highlight reel that cuts off the end of fights that don't go your way and whole fights entirely (like your two raids getting ruined north of Glademist, or in that funny excuse for a tower farm). Suffice it to say, if you're satisfied with what that night looked like, I am both amused at your evasiveness and morbidly curious what you consider a bad night to look like.

    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • frozywozy
    Ok so could we drop already the video and guild challenges and start working toward a goal that we should have in common at this point : playing in a lag free or at least, acceptable server?

    Who cares about who won the most fights that night? I don't care and I suppose I'm not the only one. All I care for is to see two adults, Bulb and Daniel get a chat going on Teamspeak and come to an arrangement that from now on, they will try to communicate to each other before hitting a target on the map. End of story. No more videos of ego boasting? kk thx.
    Edited by frozywozy on November 23, 2015 10:40PM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • Satiar

    Darnathian wrote: »
    Takllin wrote: »
    I believe the ones you listed realize Daniel is trolling, just you do not.

    You clearly don't know what trolling is.

    Ps, when will you make a new video with some exploits? Can't wait to see it!

    I do. You're being trolled right now son.

    Do you not realize you lost credibility forever on these forums when you posted that video of your guild exploiting? Your own guild members tell me they were embarrassed and want you gone. Lol


    Yeah, that was just... damn.
    Edited by Satiar on November 23, 2015 10:39PM
    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • Huckdabuck
    frozywozy wrote: »
    Ok so could we drop already the video and guild challenges and start working toward a goal that we should have in common at this point : playing in a lag free or at least, acceptable server?

    Who cares about who won the most fights that night? I don't care and I suppose I'm not the only one. All I care for is to see two adults, Bulb and Daniel get a chat going on Teamspeak and come to an arrangement that from now on, they will try to communicate to each other before hitting a target on the map. End of story. No more videos of ego boasting? kk thx.

    Frozn.........we aren't potato whisperers. All we can do it totally avoid an area and go another direction to start something up and BAM there they are once they see the swords.
    Texashighelf - VR16 Sorcerer EP NA - FILTHY BARBARIAN
    Texasimperial - VR16 Dragonknight EP NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas'Imperial - VR16 Dragonknight DC NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas-Imperial - VR16 Templar DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Highelf - VR16 Sorcerer DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Imperial - VR16 Nightblade DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    It's a very grey area.
  • ataggs
    frozywozy wrote: »
    All I care for is to see two adults, Bulb and Daniel get a chat going on Teamspeak and come to an arrangement that from now on, they will try to communicate to each other before hitting a target on the map.

    Only if we can record and post it :)

      Confirmed Casual
    • Templar DC- Zee Taggs
    • Templar EP- Zoola
    • Templar AD- Old Zoola
  • Suru
    Man this thread makes me kinda sad at the pvp community on the forums. This is a game we play to enjoy.Everyone plays it differently. Zerg or Small man. Zerg Epeens clashing with eachother with the small mans aswell. Sure people have different attitudes and come off as *** or whatever be it the OP or his opponents.Try and save some face and talk about it was a good fight from both ends. Better to gain some respect than to lose it from your opponents and your own faction. Might be too forgone already but I'd hate to have people feel bad due to playstyle and seperate the community more because of some ethnocentric forum warriors.
    Edited by Suru on November 24, 2015 9:33AM

  • Zheg
    Satiar wrote: »

    We've spent longer, harder nights taking freaking Aleswell from GoS than it did to root you and your entire stacked faction from not just the keep but the entire map.


    Technically, we would have very little difficulty taking aleswell as that was typically when our presence was made known, and then chalamo (followed by brk) is where we would beat our heads against a wall over and over against gos (+sometimes swp), pugs, emp, scrolls, until we won. Even though the tension was super high in ts at the time, I remember those fights vividly because they were tough as **** and there was a real sense of accomplishment when the walls went back up.

    But yes, besides the minor technical correction, QFT.
  • Isbilen
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Isbilen wrote: »
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Olen_Mikko wrote: »
    Like spamming AoE and running with zerg requires any kind of skill. Hah.

    You guys are funny to think that you're skilled in any way :)

    You think it's so easy go and try it yourself...if you haven't played in a large group recently don't comment on the skill requirement to play in them...there is skill just not the same type of skill you 1vX'ers might possess but there's skill nonetheless

    If I give my dogs treats at the right time, I could probably teach them how to play in one of the groups in OP's video.

    Man you solo/Small group players are so funny...i really hope they give you arenas so you'll get the hell out of cyrodiil and stop demeaning about the skill (or lack thereof according to people who have no experience running in these groups) of these large group players...not all of us like running around solo or with 4 people getting killed by a larger group, so we run in groups to combat those groups...if you have a problem with people wanting to play how they want to then go troll another game

    I hope they give us arenas too so we don't have to suffer from these Steel Tornado/Impulse drones. And by the way, I was a member of one of these lagblob guilds on the European server for a very long time, and I rarely ever chose to play with them because the drone-like behavior of "stack on me stack on me barrier 1 plz" is mind numbingly dull, and no, other than basic motor skills and control over your own body, running in a group like that requires close to no skill.
  • Makkir
    You guys need to quit acting like a bunch of 15 yr old girls in the locker room.

    Chill out, and stay off the forums.

    I have taken the month off from Cyrodiil as I continue to load my bank with well fitted pledge shoulders. Seems like I haven't been missing much.
    Edited by Makkir on November 24, 2015 5:35AM
  • GRxKnight
    Isbilen wrote: »
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Isbilen wrote: »
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    Olen_Mikko wrote: »
    Like spamming AoE and running with zerg requires any kind of skill. Hah.

    You guys are funny to think that you're skilled in any way :)

    You think it's so easy go and try it yourself...if you haven't played in a large group recently don't comment on the skill requirement to play in them...there is skill just not the same type of skill you 1vX'ers might possess but there's skill nonetheless

    If I give my dogs treats at the right time, I could probably teach them how to play in one of the groups in OP's video.

    Man you solo/Small group players are so funny...i really hope they give you arenas so you'll get the hell out of cyrodiil and stop demeaning about the skill (or lack thereof according to people who have no experience running in these groups) of these large group players...not all of us like running around solo or with 4 people getting killed by a larger group, so we run in groups to combat those groups...if you have a problem with people wanting to play how they want to then go troll another game

    I hope they give us arenas too so we don't have to suffer from these Steel Tornado/Impulse drones. And by the way, I was a member of one of these lagblob guilds on the European server for a very long time, and I rarely ever chose to play with them because the drone-like behavior of "stack on me stack on me barrier 1 plz" is mind numbingly dull, and no, other than basic motor skills and control over your own body, running in a group like that requires close to no skill.

    Most elite guilds don't need to call out ultimates, just cardinal directions on which side to hit....those guilds that do have great skill because they know when to ult drop and when to prox etc etc
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • MountainHound
    May I just add:

    - Posts in this thread suggest the que to get into EP was ~100 (prob an over estimate but still, I am guessing it was alot)
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Takllin wrote: »
    I believe the ones you listed realize Daniel is trolling, just you do not.

    You clearly don't know what trolling is.

    Ps, when will you make a new video with some exploits? Can't wait to see it!

    I do. You're being trolled right now son.

    Do you not realize you lost credibility forever on these forums when you posted that video of your guild exploiting? Your own guild members tell me they were embarrassed and want you gone. Lol


    I highly doubt that lol. We laugh in TS about the amount of hate it received. You think I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't want a reaction? Christ I even told pain to go and watch it for the lols hence the allah akbah etc ***. I am just cringing about the fact 90% of forum posters were using the same prbable glitches and were pretending o be actually decent looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.

    Edited by MountainHound on November 24, 2015 11:51AM
  • Poxheart
    NPK Daniel wrote: »
    I said I wouldn't respond again but I'm reading so many crazy assumptions I feel I have no choice. Let me explain in very clear terms what we do and don't do.

    I run pickup groups when I see NO OTHER DC GROUPS going. I'm not going to just run around with my merry little band when there's no one else on or willing to help those looking for a group. This is typically during off times.

    We have a core team of 31 people, capped @ 35, that I personally lead every single day for at least a few hours. No one else from our guild is allowed in these groups (Had only 12 core on when fighting VE). We start each day @ 7pm EST and end a few hours later, these groups typically range in size from 12 - 20, with 20 being weekend size.

    When I'm running core, another core member (through rotation) is required to lead our Main group. They are in a separate Ts channel and we coordinate with them as though they are a separate guild through command channel, just like we do with every other old school DC guild. Typically this is a guild only group most nights until I see there's no pickup group running. At which time I ask them to start doing pickups if willing to 'herd'. If we see a separate pickup group running, we will literally ADVERTISE for them to help most nights.

    On say a TKO night, if they zerg all of DC down for a few hours and I start seeing the "This sucks, I'm leaving, we can't beat this zerg, blah blah talk in zone" then by god I will form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG. That is in most situations the entire reason I form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG, because if I do not act the map will be completely lost and 99% of DC will log.

    And VE: If you think you would have won any fights with me LEADING 3 full raids you are absolutely insane. You will know when I'm leading multiple groups as you will see the WEDDING DRESS of glory. I accepted your challenge and ran one group of just my people, I don't think you did that, did you? And who cares about the map, my whole goal of the night was to wipe your raid more than you wiped mine, which I accomplished. Do you deny that? All you cats had to do was keep your mouth shut, like gentlemen do after a competition, instead you attempt to save face and come on these forums to boast. So....We showed you from our side... Get rekt & scream "CHUCK NORRIS BEST VIDEO EDITORS NA". I think you mad.

    You are delusional.
    Unsubbed and no longer playing, but still checking the Alliance War forum for the lulz.

    Pox Dragon Knight
    Poxheart Nightblade
    The Murder Hobo Dragon Knight - Blackwater Blade
    Knights of the WhiteWolf
  • Darnathian
    May I just add:

    - Posts in this thread suggest the que to get into EP was ~100 (prob an over estimate but still, I am guessing it was alot)
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Takllin wrote: »
    I believe the ones you listed realize Daniel is trolling, just you do not.

    You clearly don't know what trolling is.

    Ps, when will you make a new video with some exploits? Can't wait to see it!

    I do. You're being trolled right now son.

    Do you not realize you lost credibility forever on these forums when you posted that video of your guild exploiting? Your own guild members tell me they were embarrassed and want you gone. Lol


    I highly doubt that lol. We laugh in TS about the amount of hate it received. You think I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't want a reaction? Christ I even told pain to go and watch it for the lols hence the allah akbah etc ***. I am just cringing about the fact 90% of forum posters were using the same prbable glitches and were pretending o be actually decent looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.


    Wow. You had no clue when you posted it. Nice try. You were caught and defended your actions as an exploited. Credibility for you, and any "guild mates" that think cheating is funny, is gone.
  • Dkill
    I have to say after reading all this pile of crap in here i really need to go to the Head as we cal it in the Navy. But before i approach the Head let me recap who is VE guild

    1- Terrible Guild
    2- Due to low population or lack of winning battles VE decide to role DC grrrrrrrrrr big mistake

    VE go back to EP so we can keep farming you, because that is all you good for. There are many good EP guild but you VE as a guild are not one of them. I really dont understand what is the hate against us (CN), we provide content that you VE fail to take advantage because you cant win against us (CN). Btw that video the only thing i don't like about is i was not there shame on me, congrats to you all my compadres in CN . Now i leave you with this Quote:

    He who control the AP control cyrodill
    DKill CN core member
    Illiana VR16 Red Guard Night Blade DC
    Kinkanon VR16 Breton Sorc DC
    Buquenke VR16 Imperial Templar DC
  • Minno
    Jules wrote: »
    NPK Daniel wrote: »
    I said I wouldn't respond again but I'm reading so many crazy assumptions I feel I have no choice. Let me explain in very clear terms what we do and don't do.

    I run pickup groups when I see NO OTHER DC GROUPS going. I'm not going to just run around with my merry little band when there's no one else on or willing to help those looking for a group. This is typically during off times.

    We have a core team of 31 people, capped @ 35, that I personally lead every single day for at least a few hours. No one else from our guild is allowed in these groups (Had only 12 core on when fighting VE). We start each day @ 7pm EST and end a few hours later, these groups typically range in size from 12 - 20, with 20 being weekend size.

    When I'm running core, another core member (through rotation) is required to lead our Main group. They are in a separate Ts channel and we coordinate with them as though they are a separate guild through command channel, just like we do with every other old school DC guild. Typically this is a guild only group most nights until I see there's no pickup group running. At which time I ask them to start doing pickups if willing to 'herd'. If we see a separate pickup group running, we will literally ADVERTISE for them to help most nights.

    On say a TKO night, if they zerg all of DC down for a few hours and I start seeing the "This sucks, I'm leaving, we can't beat this zerg, blah blah talk in zone" then by god I will form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG. That is in most situations the entire reason I form the MIGHTY GLORY ZERG, because if I do not act the map will be completely lost and 99% of DC will log.

    And VE: If you think you would have won any fights with me LEADING 3 full raids you are absolutely insane. You will know when I'm leading multiple groups as you will see the WEDDING DRESS of glory. I accepted your challenge and ran one group of just my people, I don't think you did that, did you? And who cares about the map, my whole goal of the night was to wipe your raid more than you wiped mine, which I accomplished. Do you deny that? All you cats had to do was keep your mouth shut, like gentlemen do after a competition, instead you attempt to save face and come on these forums to boast. So....We showed you from our side... Get rekt & scream "CHUCK NORRIS BEST VIDEO EDITORS NA". I think you mad.

    LOL. I can't even.

    He means his core team pool is capped at 35.
    He picks from from that lineup and the on field group is capped at 24. Pending time and day, its sometimes 12 total. Strict dps/gear/availability requirements though.

    He then has another group of core team hopefuls lead by a core team member which he rotates. Scrub members of CN and pugglets. No gear requirements.

    Can't say for the rest, no longer an honary member of CN. Also left Azura star to help JumpStart Haderus for DC.

    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
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