As early players probably know, Animation Cancelling was never an intended combat mechanic. Back in the day you had skills such as the Nightblade's Haste (now Grim Focus) to buff the player with some extra Attackspeed to get some more Light/Heavyattacks going (it reduced the animationtime).
Zenimax just kind of "rolled" with it when people started (ab)using this, yet they kept focussing their combat around an animation-time mechanic.
Why did they think leaving Animation Cancelling in and then balancing attacks around animation times would work out? If you wanted it like that, might as well remove all DoT's and make all attacks instant cast. Why do the strongest attacks have cc and empowers which do nothing but promote spamming them. Add in animation canceling and you have the mess we have where it's more like rockem sockem robots with button mashing and macros. No setup. No real combinations.
Here's why I think Animation Cancelling should be removed from the game entirely:
• Slower combat pace, making PvP dmg/healing reductions unnecessairy: they implemented this to fight the 'insta-burst/unkilleable' problem.
• More visible combat cues, because that's what they were there for in the first place. Currently you're able to miss one or two ability cues by just blinking your eyes.
• The possibility to make combo's aswell as creating a more unique setup
• In PvP, Animation cancelling gives the target no feedback whatsoever. You stack your attacks and leave targets in the dark about what happened, removing any chance for counter - and in some situations - not providing any clue it got hit. There are skills that work properly - at least from the game mechanics and skill use and effect implementation point of view. One example is Snipe. Now, no matter what you think about the skill itself, the implementation is something that should be considered for any skill and would remove the animation canceling / attack weaving and block casting once and for all.
- Why?
1. It's cast breaks when you interrupt it with blocking, light or heavy attacks.
2. It's cast breaks when your target get's out of sight or range.
3. It has a cast time, which can be set to the appropriate value for each skill.
Given that at least someone at ZOS knows how to properly program a skill like snipe (and the code is already there and readily available), use it for all skills and adapt it accordingly to the length of the animations (taking into account weighted traits and skills like haste, which might speed it up, but also snares and such, which might slow it down) and scale the damage, healing or other effects accordingly to be in line with the typical cast time (based on animation length). This naturally means that all "instant" abilities would have to have a (rather short but non-zero) cast time as well.
This way you - but also your targets - get a proper feedback, which skill is currently used (against them) and when and how long it was used and a clear indication when the next skill can be used.
What you see is what you get,
should be the golden rule of combat animations.
If my shield is not in front of my face actively blocking, then I'm not blocking.
If my sword does not hit my target, I should not be doing dmg.
If I cancel an action, then that should skip the animation and abort the action.
If I cancel an action, then that should not skip the animation and still give me full effect of the action.
If your animation system does dmg with invisible or half spasm or half finished fidgeting attacks, then your animation system is screwed, looks poor, feels weightless, and needs a fix.
Animation skipping in ESO, especially light or heavy attack weaving, does not require any extra skill or player ability to execute.
Its about knowing that it is possible, and about pressing button A at point B instead of at point C.
You just need to identify B, and then look for B instead of C. It is very easy.
Pressing button A at point B, does not require more player skill, then pressing button A at point C.
Pressing button A at point B, does not add more depth to the game, then pressing button A at point C.
At this point you may argue 'but what about block cancelling and bash weaving?'
The answer to that is, within how the current system works, even while you weave a block or bash into a ability like 2H Executioner, the internal cool down for queuing a weapon ability after a weapon ability, or a class ability after a class ability, still remains.
As the game is now, your next Executioner starts casting no earlier then regardless if you weaved bash or block into the first Executioner animation or not. The added benefit is the extra dmg from the bash, while your rate of cast with Executioner remains the same regardless.
Bash cancelling, besides adding the extra hit, does not in itself speed up your attack cycle, if you look at when the next (non - light/heavy attack) ability starts cast.
While animation skipping, especially light and heavy attack weaving, in itself as a mechanic does not add more player skill or depth to the game, it does however increase your rate and number of executed actions. In other words, it makes the combat faster.
Faster combat with more actions does arguably add more skill to the game.
Essentially you could speed up the animations, and still achieve the same thing as animation skipping allows today. The benefit would be that you would also get full complete good looking animations, instead of the invisible/spasm/half-finished fidgeting hits we have today.
You could possibly also add some sort of bonus to executing light attacks, still encouraging their use. That bonus could even vary, depending on what ability is following the light attack.
The code to remove animation skipping while retaining the fluidity of the combat system already exist to some degree in the game. Just look at abilities like Dawnbreaker. Dawnbreaker can be cancelled at any time, but if you do it early in the animation, you also abort the action. This also without having to introduce any form of global cooldown, since it is tied to the individual internal animation timer/cycle of specific abilities.
Another kick in the teeth for players, due to ESO allowing animations to be skipped very early in the animation cycle, while retaining full effect from the attack, is how this ties into latency and attack weaving.
As a rather poor general rule of thumb, you can say that your ability to weave attacks sits at, very roughly/simplified and inaccurately said, about 2x your latency.
For a 65ms connection player, her attack weave cycle sits at 130 ms.
For a 120ms connection player, her attack weave cycle sits at 240 ms.
For a 160ms connection player, her attack weave cycle sits at 320 ms.
If you do not somewhat curb latency advantages either through a global cool down system, or through individual animation cycles/timers for individual abilities, then that will hit the balance in your game.
Since a flat global cool down leads to very static combat, it would be preferable that individual animation cycles cap out your attack rate, in regards to somewhat alleviating and addressing the latency issue.
In regards to Block Casting.
Block casting adds nothing to the game but laziness and comfort. It is a crutch, nothing more and nothing less.
Since you can just blindly hold your block button and keep casting/attacking, and don't have to time your blocks or pay attention to what type of attack is incoming , it removes player skill, thought and depth from the game.
In summary
Give us fast combat
Give us many actions to execute rapidly in combat
Give skill, depth and challenge in combat
Give us visceral and aesthetically pleasing combat
Please don't slap a general generic global cooldown on abilities.
Do all of the above, and discard the fidgeting spasm arm flailing goop slush that is animation skipping today.
I simply don't buy the argument that we need bad and half finished animations in this game in order to have fun and fast paced challenging combat.
I never will.
At minimum todays attack rate and number of buttons pushed + what you see is what you get + better animations + less latency dependency = win.
@Wroebel I hope you see this...and yes, it's a ton of work to fix this, but i'm pretty sure this would
make the game's combat.